The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1507 Psychedelic Fog Demon

Chapter 1507 Psychedelic Fog Demon
At this moment, Qin Lang is not worried about the injured super-level mutant clone. The recovery ability of the mutant genetic warrior is extremely powerful. As long as he is not dead, even the most severe damage can be automatically recovered.

However, now that Zhong Er was seriously injured, he was indeed unfit to fight again, so Qin Lang called him back and took this mutant avatar.

"Zang Yi, you go, get rid of them!"

At this time, Qin Lang gave orders to the S-level mutant clone, and at the same time summoned the six-fire bronze mirror, a defensive magic weapon, to protect himself.

"Excuting an order."

The sound of electronic synthesis sounded, and the S-level mutant avatar had a certain automatic ability. At this time, it directly entered the haunted house compound and faithfully carried out Qin Lang's orders.

Seeing that another barbarian came in, the Four King Kongs thought that this barbarian was no different from the previous one, so they didn't pay much attention. A new round of collision started.

"Change!" The S-rank mutant avatar jumped into the air, and at the same time controlled the metal ability in his hand to turn into a water thorn. This water thorn was five meters long and stabbed directly towards the killing array below.


When the water thorn pierced into the cyan aura formed by the killing array, it was like piercing into butter, and did not encounter many obstacles. Of course, this is also the reason why the S-rank mutants are so powerful.

For the Four King Kongs in front of him, the S-rank mutant clone is completely crushing. Although the Four King Kongs have the cyan body of the killing array, this thorn directly disintegrates the entire killing array, and the killing move bursts immediately.

The four King Kongs suddenly turned into ground gourds one by one, scattered and rolled away in all directions, like four ridiculous balls.

And when they got up again, all of them had extremely ugly faces. They all suffered a lot from the failure of the ultimate move just now, and suffered some internal injuries. Although this internal injury was not serious, it still made them They realized that the barbarian in front of them spoke different Japanese than the previous one.

Therefore, the four King Kongs hurriedly regrouped and prepared to take the barbarian in front of them seriously.

However, with an S-level mutant clone equivalent to the strength of the Nascent Soul stage, even if the four King Kongs work together, they can barely reach the level comparable to the Nascent Soul stage by relying on killing arrays, and they cannot afford the S-level mutant at all. Doppelganger.

The S-rank mutant clone was still flying in the air. At this time, it held its head up and crossed its hands together, and used a powerful move in the metal ability. A powerful electric current seeped out of its body, shaking the whole body. Wrapped into an electric cluster.

"Metal cage!"

With the stimulation of the current, the hair on its body began to metallize, and it grew crazily and surrounded the direction of the Four King Kongs. The thousands of metal hairs turned into dense filaments, which looked extraordinarily terrifying.

Under the tremendous pressure, the Four King Kongs, including the thin monkey, let out a scream, and the gangs of the five Qinglian cities retreated in unison, trying to escape from the encirclement and suppression of thousands of wires in the air.

"I can't escape!" An electronically synthesized voice sounded over the haunted house compound. Now Zhong Yi has manipulated the metal ability to cover the entire haunted house compound with metal wires, and all the enemies inside have no way to escape.

"Tiger's Roar!" When there was no way to retreat, the Four King Kongs used the second ultimate move of "Nine Bulls and Two Tigers" at this time, "Tiger's Roar", all roaring.

The tiger's roar is extremely powerful, once it is used, the phantom of the entire killing array has turned from blue to fiery red, and the powerful aura is surging from the killing array to the array.

At this moment, a white airflow formed an oval sphere like a cannonball, quickly escaped from the ultimate move, and attacked the source of thousands of wire meshes in the air. This is the roaring bomb formed by Tiger's Roar.

"Positioning attack..." The S-rank mutant clone in the air was unhurried, and responded at this time, with a casual move, a few metal wires were instantly extended, and they met in the direction of the roaring weak.

After a while, the metal wire quickly came into contact with the roaring bomb, entangled the roaring bomb, and then the roaring bomb exploded with a loud bang.

The effect of the ultimate move disappeared, and the metal wires transformed from the S-level mutant clone were extremely tough, and they were not blown up by the roaring bomb, but were directly pumped by the S-level mutant, and they were swallowed again. go back.

Shuashuashuashua, a few metal wires shot out again, facing the five guys from the Youth League Gang, and all of a sudden, the weakest skinny monkey had already been penetrated.

"How... how is it possible!"

Shouhou couldn't believe that he just died like this, but the strength gap between the two sides was too great, and he didn't have time to finish his last words, so he just rolled his eyes and died completely.

Indistinctly, a trace of electric light can be seen winding around his body. When the S-rank mutant avatar used the metal ability, the electric current was still attached to the metal wire. Judging from the situation, the current volts are not low. After death, the body lost the defense of the energy force field, so it was directly scorched.


Seeing that this barbarian was surprisingly powerful, the Cyan Ox of the Four King Kongs gritted their teeth and retreated into the haunted house with a few companions. Seeing a few guys entering the haunted house, the S-rank mutant clone also appeared from the sky at this time. Landed down, ready to follow into the haunted house to chase these guys.

"Ah..." There was a terrified cry from inside the haunted house at this time. The four kings had just entered the haunted house for a few seconds, and then fled out in a panic. Seeing their distressed appearance, one knew it must be this Encounter something even scarier inside the haunted house.

Swipe!The oncoming S-rank mutant clone refused to let go of the opportunity in front of him, and directly used the metal ability to manipulate the metal wire to penetrate the chests of the four King Kongs.

Flutter, flutter, the Four King Kong fell directly to the ground, and a large amount of blood was splashed on their chests without exception. When they faced the attack of the S-rank mutant clone just now, they seemed to be unaware, so they It was so easily killed by the S-rank mutant clone.

Qin Lang was also surprised that he could kill four mid-stage alchemy cultivators so easily by manipulating the S-level mutant avatar. Although the S-level mutant avatar is very powerful, if the opponent resists, he will clean up all of them. Losing two rounds is not enough.

And at this moment, the gate of the haunted house automatically made a loud noise without wind, and something floated out from inside.

The reason for using the word "Gone with the Wind" is also to point out that this thing is not a person, but a ghost.

And Qin Lang, who used the S-level mutant clone to "see" this ghost, was blurred for a while, and a strange hallucination appeared in his heart, and just when he was about to be hallucinated, Qin Lang's powerful spiritual sense played a role, preventing A mirage is created in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"This is... the psychedelic fog demon..." Qin Lang was surprised. He didn't expect that there was such a thing in the haunted house inside the Green Liuzhou, and it was no wonder that the small cultivator family who lived in the haunted house 20 years ago would completely perish.

Psychedelic fog demon, this is a powerful ghost that can cause hallucinations. The newborn psychedelic fog demon is at least a ghost in the early stage of alchemy.

In fact, the strength of the psychedelic fog monster does not lie in its combat effectiveness. In fact, this thing is not strong, nor is it weak.

Within 50 meters of the psychedelic fog monster, it can basically be said to be the opponent's domain. All creatures within this domain will be affected by the opponent's strong psychedelic effect. This effect is even more terrifying than anesthesia. All creatures below the Nascent Soul stage.

Even a cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage may be caught if he is unprepared. After all, the hallucinogenic ability of this psychedelic fog monster is well-known in the entire cultivation world.

It is said that in the history of Qinghe Continent, there was once a powerful psychedelic mist demon, which caused all five adventurers of Nascent Soul stage practitioners to be psychedelic, causing all members of the team to commit suicide and kill themselves.

The horror of the psychedelic fog demon can be seen from this. However, it seems that Qinghe Continent has never heard of this special ghost in the past thousand years. Now there is one in Green Willow City. The five fellows of the United Gang are unlucky to go home.

The psychedelic fog monster in front of me should be just a newborn psychedelic fog monster, not the kind of psychedelic fog monster that has been precipitated for too long, otherwise, even if Qin Lang stays outside the haunted house continent, it is possible Through the hallucination transmission of the S-level mutant clone, he was indirectly hallucinated.

The method to deal with the psychedelic fog monster is actually very simple. As long as the practitioner does not face the psychedelic fog monster directly, he can find a way to get rid of this guy. Even cultivators can deal with it.

However, the psychedelic fog monster is a very good battle pet for some powerful ghost cultivators. With the help of the psychedelic fog monster's innate ability and its own strength, the ghost cultivator can often play three to four hundred percent. With high combat effectiveness, it is not a problem for a high-level ghost cultivator to deal with a group of opponents of the same realm alone.

After all, if a group of people are affected by a ghost during the battle, their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced. In this case, it also gives a single ghost cultivator an opportunity to deal with their opponents one by one.

However, Qin Lang is not going to take this psychedelic fog demon. He once obtained the Yin Talisman Sutra, a technique of ghost cultivation in the Nascent Soul Stage, which is a special way to collect ghosts.

One of the reasons why he didn't plan to take this psychedelic fog monster was that his current strength was not enough to subdue this psychedelic fog monster, but he might be backlashed by it.

Another reason is that this psychedelic mist demon was obviously sacrificed by ghost monks, and the whole was stamped with a layer of prohibition brand unique to ghost monks. Only wild ghosts are much more difficult to deal with. If Qin Lang does this, it is likely to cost a huge amount of energy, and in the end it will be nothing.

Therefore, now Qin Lang is going to get rid of the psychedelic fog monster that jumped out first. He doesn't want to let this thing go, because there is a psychedelic fog heart in the psychedelic fog monster, which is also a rare refining material. will come in handy.

(End of this chapter)

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