The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1508 Prohibition out of control

Chapter 1508 Prohibition out of control
To kill this psychedelic fog demon, the key is to rely on your own mutant clone. If the main body appears in the haunted house courtyard, it is still very likely to be affected by this psychedelic fog demon, which is not beautiful.

Besides, the main body is only at the early stage of alchemy, and cannot use the true energy in the body to fight. Entering the haunted house compound will instead drag down the S-level mutant and distract himself from taking care of himself.

To deal with the psychedelic fog demon, the S-rank mutant clone alone is more than enough.

The way to deal with the psychedelic fog monster is not to rely on hand-to-hand combat. The psychedelic fog monster is composed of fog clusters as a whole, and only one core inside is the fatal weakness, but this core is also the psychedelic fog heart of the psychedelic fog monster. Qin Lang needs the refining material, so it cannot be broken.

If one wanted to deal with the psychedelic fog demon, one could only use the attributes of the five elements to restrain it. To deal with this kind of ghost, it would be most appropriate to use strong masculine spells such as lightning and flame.

In addition to metal abilities, the S-level mutant clone is actually best at manipulating electric current, which is also a type of lightning attribute. Although it is not as powerful as pure lightning spells, the electric current manipulated by the S-level mutant The maximum arc can be increased to [-] volts, which is not too weak.

Next, the S-level mutants used metal abilities to continue to encircle and suppress this psychedelic fog demon. Thousands of body hair metal alienated and extended infinitely to surround this psychedelic fog demon.

And the psychedelic mist demon seemed to feel the crisis, and uttered a shrill "ji" sound like a chick. Now it wanted to escape from the compound and return to the haunted house, but it was found that it could not escape.

The supernatural metal cage of the S-level mutant has perfectly surrounded the entire compound, and then the current starts to pass through thousands of metal wires. As long as it touches the psychedelic fog monster's body, I believe it will be enough for this ghost to drink a pot.

But when he found that he couldn't get away, the spiritual ghost started to fight back crazily, but he never dared to get close to the surrounding metal wires. The electric current attached to those metal wires made him feel a little jealous. The real reason for its dread.

Whoosh whoosh!whoosh whoosh...

Thousands of metal filaments surrounded the psychedelic mist monster layer by layer into a metal cluster. At first, the metal cluster was as tall as half a person, and it contracted and expanded a few times, with currents constantly shuttling in and out.

And within the metal cluster, there was a faint howling of ghosts, which was very strong at first, and then became weaker and weaker.

As the howling sound disappeared, the metal cluster continued to shrink, shrinking, and finally turned into a small metal ball, the size of a ping pong ball.

Now that there is no movement in the entire metal sphere, the psychedelic fog monster should be completely killed at this time, and the S-rank mutant clone in the air stretched out and swept, and all the metal wires began to shrink back.

And the ping-pong ball-sized metal ball that wrapped the psychedelic fog monster's body began to disintegrate. When it was completely dispersed, a pink crystal inside fell down. This pink crystal was the size of a fingernail, which was what Qin Lang needed for the fan. Phantom is heartbroken.

The S-level mutant avatar picked up the psychedelic mist heart, and then under Qin Lang's control, he began to search all the corpses in the compound and clean the battlefield.

Qin Lang obtained a total of five storage bags from the four King Kongs and the skinny monkey of the Youth League Gang, which contained about 200 million spirit stones, 300 million worth of resource sundries, and some scattered sundries.

Qin Lang was overjoyed to get these properties worth more than 500 million. This was the biggest gain in this battle. The golden belt of murder and arson. Now that he is really short of money, this windfall is really comforting.

Afterwards, after cleaning up the scene briefly, Qin Lang paid attention to the child Ji Xing who came to the haunted house this time and wanted to save him. have no idea.

"This kid is lucky... If he hadn't been in a coma, maybe the psychedelic mist demon's screams in the haunted house just now would have been enough to make him drink a pot. By then, it is possible for him to become a fool if he becomes insane, psychedelic The voice of the mist demon can't even be resisted by a powerful practitioner, let alone a kid like Ji Xing who has only reached the first level of Qi Refining."

"However, this time I killed so many people from the Youth League Gang, which is tantamount to directly offending the Youth League Gang to death. I don't have to be afraid of the Youth League Gang, but the kid Jixing will also be involved. This kid is not strong enough. The one in Teakwood Lane But the log cabin can no longer be stayed.”

"After waking up this kid, explain everything to him clearly, let this kid leave Green Willow City first."

Qin Lang left the haunted house with Ji Xing, woke up the child on the way, and told Ji Xing carefully about what happened.

And after learning that Qin Lang killed the thin monkey and the four King Kongs of the Youth League Gang, Ji Xing also understood the seriousness of the matter. It is said that the gods fight with mortals and suffer. For Qin Lang and the Youth League Gang, Ji Xing really has nothing to do with mortals different.

"Brother! Thank you for saving me. I am going to take my sister to leave Green Willow City immediately and go to another oasis in the West Desert, Seabuckthorn City."

"Seabuckthorn City is an oasis bigger than Green Willow Isle. My uncle heard that he lives in Seabuckthorn City. Now I am taking my sister to visit relatives. I believe uncle will not refuse our refuge."

Jixing is also a thoughtful young man, and he immediately expressed his plan.

"Okay, it's not too late. Take your sister and hurry up on the road. You can't stay in Green Willow City anymore." Qin Lang patted Ji Xing on the shoulder, thought for a while, and threw a storage bag to the other party: "There are twenty thousand spirits in it." Shi, if you save some money, it may be enough to make you a little rich before the foundation building period."

"Here, brother, you've helped me so much, now I can't usually accept your spirit stone." Ji Xing hesitated.

"It's okay, this is left by the Four King Kong guys from the Youth Federation. I got enough, so it doesn't matter if you share it with you. By the way, there seem to be a few practice exercises left by the Youth Federation in it." , It’s not difficult to practice well until the foundation stage.”

"Thank you." Ji Xing was very moved while holding the storage bag.

The Qin Lang in front of him is really kind to him. In the past ten years of wandering life, no one else has treated him so well. For a while, he has lived with his sister and lived like this. Now he will undoubtedly This elder brother whom he has not known for a long time truly regards him as his relative.

Qin Lang waved his hand and watched Ji Xing walk into the cabin to pack his luggage in a hurry, and then Banzhu Xiang came out in a short time, taking his sister to say goodbye to Qin Lang.

"Okay, come on and practice! People, you have to work hard on your own to keep improving, and the loach will become a dragon one day! Maybe we will have a chance to meet again when we arrive at Seabuckthorn City. Maybe you are already Zhu You are a master above the base period. Come on!"

The two parted at this point, Jixing took his younger sister to start a new journey, and Qin Lang began to return to Qiao's compound.

For Qin Lang, with the Qiao family compound as a barrier, he is undoubtedly very safe. After those people in the secret of the Youth Federation know the news of the death of Shou Hou and the Four King Kong, it will not be easy to deal with him next. You have to pass the Qiao family first.

And Qin Lang himself is not very afraid of the Youth League Gang. After the death of the Youth League Gang Shouhou and the Four King Kongs, the entire Youth League gang seems to have no figures worthy of my attention except for the leader Zhao Qinglian who is in the late stage of alchemy , the enemy of the entire Youth Federation is already obviously strong from the outside, but it is strange that this situation is not swallowed up by other gangs in the city, so how can they have the energy to deal with themselves.


And at the same time Qin Lang left the haunted house, thousands of miles away, in a secret room, a skinny ghost in a black robe suddenly opened his eyes. He felt that a pet that was connected to him was disconnected. got in touch.

"It's strange, why did a chess piece I laid in Green Willow City suddenly lose contact, it shouldn't be!"

"After more than 20 years of painstaking efforts, this pet has been hiding in the Green Willow City, and it has been developing well. It is not long before the plan is completed, but something happened at this juncture! Who is it, Who killed my psychedelic fog demon? I will never let it go!"

Long green flames suddenly spewed out from the two deep-set eye sockets, and the breath of this powerful and incomparable ghost cultivator burst out. A thick layer of dust.

It can be seen that this powerful ghost cultivator has been in this secret room for a long time, ten years?Or 20 years?All this is unknown...


What Qin Lang didn't know was that he had offended a powerful ghost cultivator because he accidentally killed the psychedelic fog demon. However, even if he knew, he probably wouldn't care. After all, cultivators practice against the sky. There are many difficulties and obstacles encountered along the way, how could he be frightened by unpredictable fears.

After returning to the lounge in Qiao's courtyard, Qin Lang began to swallow the pill and meditate to recover his spiritual consumption.

At the same time, the extraordinary-level mutant was seriously injured, and he put it directly into the storage bag. It is estimated that it will take at least half a month to fully recover automatically.

Therefore, Qin Lang is now accompanied by only an S-level mutant clone.

After fully supplementing the consumption of spiritual consciousness, Qin Lang began to take out the psychedelic fog heart, and checked it carefully. This psychedelic fog heart is used for refining weapons, which can enhance the special abilities of magic weapons and magic weapons, so that magic weapons, magic weapons Bringing a psychedelic effect is indeed a good thing.

However, in the next four or five months, I can't use my true energy to refine the weapon, so this psychedelic fog heart can only be put into the storage ring for the time being. This psychedelic fog heart is a good thing. Take it I'm afraid even a cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage will be tempted to go out, and selling 1000 million spirit stones will not be a problem.

If Qin Lang took it out to sell spirit stones, this psychedelic mist heart alone could be exchanged for several high-grade magic weapons, of course, the premise is that he is willing to do so.

After all, the psychedelic fog heart is hard to come by. There have been no psychedelic fog monsters in the entire continent for thousands of years. The value of this thing must not be estimated by spirit stones. Of course, such a good thing is an out-of-print item. It is the most correct choice to keep it for yourself in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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