The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1511 Buying Spirit Insects

Chapter 1511 Buying Spirit Insects
Having recovered to the level of consciousness in the Nascent Soul stage, when Qin Lang opened his eyes at this time, the light in his eyes became even brighter.

He laughed, stood up and stretched his hands and feet.

During this period of time, due to the suppression of strength, it takes a rest to recover. When encountering some troubles that can be solved with a few gestures, it took a lot of effort and energy before. The troubles are no longer troubles.

"Now that the Nascent Soul has been restored, I can use some of my corresponding Nascent Soul attack methods! The wizards on earth are relatively good at this, and I have stayed in Miaojiang for many months. , so I learned some tricks."

"The attack method of the Gu witch is mainly Gu insects, supplemented by spiritual power. Now I actually have a Gu insect that sounds like a bell Gu. This Gu insect is connected to the bloodline after I sacrificed it, and it has not been chaotic in space. Burst in the stream."

After laughing, Qin Lang summoned this silkworm-sized sound like a bell Gu. This wild sound path Gu became white and fat after being sacrificed by Qin Lang, and it didn't become weak because of the decline in Qin Lang's cultivation. .

After all, Gu worms feed on the blood essence in the wizard's body. As long as the wizard is alive, the Gu worms will not really die, but will continue to live and become stronger because of the nourishment of the blood essence.

However, this Sound Dao Gu worm is quite partial, and it can only enter the sound wave attack when it is cast, which is equivalent to a Gu worm with auxiliary effects.

The sound wave attack requires the use of true energy, which is not good for the recovery of Qin Lang's body, so Qin Lang still can't use it for the time being. Now he just checked it and took it back into his body.

In the world of self-cultivation, insect cultivation and cultivation methods are similar to Huaxia's Gu witches. There is even a Yin Ghost Sect in the southern region that specializes in refining Gu and raising Gu. Many disciples of the sect specialize in this aspect.

The Yin Ghost Sect is also one of the four major sects in the Southern Region. The Vigorous Gu that Qin Lang once photographed at the Fengcheng auction was actually refined by the disciples of the Yin Gui Sect. However, the Vigorous Gu is a one-time consumption Gu, not for monks. On the body, but the special Gu worm used on the ghost, its function is to enhance the comprehensive strength of the ghost by 50.00%, and it can last for about half an hour after use.

The fire ants that Qin Lang used to have used to fight were insect repair methods. However, Qin Lang was not proficient in insect repair methods, so the bunch of fire ants, including the queen, were usually stored in pet bags. As a result, they were all destroyed in the turbulent flow of space.

If a monk who is proficient in the way of worm cultivation knows, it will be a great pity. The ant queen is really rare. If some secret methods are used to refine the blood and receive the ant queen into the blood of the body, it will not happen. Such a thing.

However, Qin Lang has always been just a half-toned insect cultivator, and he didn't pay attention to this aspect of cultivation at the beginning, so he made a very precious ant queen disappear.

When it comes to the method of blood refining, Qin Lang has actually obtained a complete inheritance in Miaojiang, and the cultivation of Gu witches includes these secret methods.

Even powerful voodoo witches can combine some voodoo insects to form special killer moves for combat, and the battle process only consumes mental power, which is of great help to Qin Lang at present.

So he was going to walk around the market to see if he could buy some related spirit insects, and then figured out a way to combine them into killer moves to form an effective means of attack.

After all, the spirit worms and strange worms in the cultivation world are similar to the Gu worms on the earth. They are all insects with spirituality, and most of the spirit worms and strange worms in the cultivation world are stronger than ordinary Gu worms, and their individuals are also more powerful. With spirituality, it is more helpful to practitioners.

The workshops and markets in Luliuzhou basically belong to the industries of the six major families, and only a few are run by casual repairmen.

Qin Lang took his own S-level mutant avatar to shuttle around the city, and saw a lot of sneaky people following him along the way, and knew that these were probably members of the Youth Federation.

But now he doesn't have the energy to take care of these things. These trackers are just some young people, and their strength is not even considered in the foundation building period.

It is estimated that it is useless even if they are taught a lesson. The status of this level of youngsters in the Youth Federation is definitely not high. If there is no one thousand, there are eight hundred. If you do it yourself, you will completely dirty your hands.

Therefore, next Qin Lang just does his own thing and doesn't get upset because he is being followed. His only regret now is that the "Thousand Machine Mask" he once used has also exploded. If there is this strange thing If you were here, it would be easy to disguise your identity in the crowd, and there would be no such embarrassing things like today.

The proportion of insect cultivators in the entire Qinghe Continental War is not high. Only one out of a hundred casual cultivators can also practice this skill. Some spirit insects and strange insects were found in the square market of Zhouzhou.

Qin Lang traveled almost all over the market in Luliuzhou that day, and visited more than 100 shops, large and small, and finally bought more than a dozen kinds of spirit insects and strange insects tonight.

Among them, there were three Yuan Qi ladles, five fire ants, one golden ribbon worm, two silver ribbon worms, and one drum spider. These were all spirit insects, and the rest were miscellaneous and strange insects.

Among them, the vitality ladybug is a ladybug the size of a cicada. This kind of ladybug of the spirit insect level unique to the cultivation world can rise up and gather the effect of dispersing the spirit energy in the air. The ladle replaces the effect of the spirit stone for cultivation.

It is also one of the reasons why the vitality ladle is so popular in the market to practice with the effect of the spirit stone instead of the vitality ladle. However, the value of this spirit stone is actually not cheap, and each one needs about [-] spirit stones.

Calculated in this way, if you have [-] spirit stones to buy a spirit worm that assists in cultivation, it is better to just use the spirit stone to practice, and it is completely unnecessary to buy the vitality scoop.

Therefore, the Vitality Ladybug is not a very popular spirit insect in the market. If it is not difficult to catch, the price may drop a little.

And the fire ant Qin Lang once owned it, so I won't say much about it.

Gold ribbon worms and silver ribbon worms are special. These two kinds of spiritual worms are like silk threads, with a long hollow inside. The two suckers can absorb the spiritual energy and nutrients of the host. They are a kind of Gu refining material in the cultivation world.

The purpose of Qin Lang's purchase of these two gold and silver ribbon worms is also to combine the Gu worms to form a Gu worm killing move.After all, the property of the ribbon worm to transmit aura is very good.

And the drum spider is the strangest spirit Gu among them. The whistling sound of this kind of spider has the effect of seductiveness, which belongs to the double effect of sonic attack and spiritual attack. May be on the way.

However, Drum Spiders are generally effective against cultivators at the Foundation Establishment stage. As long as practitioners above the Core Formation Stage are careful, the whistle of the Drum Spider will not be able to hurt those above the Core Formation stage at all.

However, Qin Lang is not worried about the lack of combat effectiveness of the Drum Spider. What he is now going to form is the ultimate move of Gu insects to form a Gu array. Sometimes after matching many spirit insects and Gu insects, the combat effectiveness displayed is still amazing.

The Drum Spider is a very special kind of sonic and soul-attacking spirit insect. This kind of spirit insect is also a rare item among cultivators, so the price is naturally much higher than other spirit insects. Qin Lang spent almost 40 spirit stones to get it. .

After Qin Lang walked around the entire Lvliuzhoufang City, he bought more than a dozen kinds of spirit insects and strange insects and spent a total of almost 100 million spirit stones. The cost of insect repair is still quite high. For Qin Lang who is short of money It is also a big burden.

However, fortunately, Qin Lang had harvested almost 500 million spirit stones and resources in the haunted house before, so it didn't feel bad to spend 100 million at this time.

After getting these spirit insects and strange insects, Qin Lang returned to Qiao's compound again, and now he needs to carry out the next step of sacrificial training, and then combine these spirit insects into the ultimate move of the Gu array.

In the Qiao family compound, in the rest room, Qin Lang began to use his divine sense to sacrifice spirit insects.

The method of spiritual sacrificing spiritual insects is simple and simple, but also complicated. The key is to see the fineness and proficiency of a cultivator's mastery of spiritual consciousness.

Newborn spirit insects, regardless of being insects, also have spiritual consciousness and sea of ​​consciousness. Some powerful spirit insects can even be compared with ordinary three or four-year-old children.

Therefore, the first thing Qin Lang needs to do to sacrifice spirit insects and strange insects is to separate his own consciousness, enter the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness of spirit insects and strange insects, subdue and suppress the spiritual consciousness of spirit insects and strange insects, and stamp the brand of prohibition Only then can it be used.

In fact, the prohibition brand of sacrificing spirit insects is also the skill of every insect cultivator in the comprehension world. Basically, every insect cultivator is different, and the techniques Qin Lang learned, one is from the inheritance of Tianyimen, and the other is from Miao Jiang's voodoo technique is a combination of two methods.

It can be said that the current Qin Lang has formed his own line in the control of spiritual insects by insect repair methods, which is different from other insect repairs in the entire Qinghe Continent.

A strand of silk thread floated out of the sea of ​​consciousness through the transformation of consciousness, and extended out of the body. At this time, Qin Lang held a spirit insect in his hand, and had already controlled the thread-like consciousness to enter the sea of ​​consciousness of the spirit insect.

During this process, the weak spiritual consciousness of the spirit worm felt the crisis, and the body also struggled, but Qin Lang was obviously prepared, and continued to apply a series of restraining techniques to the spirit worm, making it more and more tired of resisting.

In the process of double suppression of the body and the spiritual consciousness, the struggle of the spirit insect became weaker and weaker, and Qin Lang used the spiritual consciousness to wrap layer by layer like a silkworm chrysalis, completely sealing it up.

Then, Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness enters the refinement of the forbidden spiritual consciousness, adding the forbidden imprint to it, even if it is the key sacrifice to complete the last step, and with the end of this step, a new spirit insect will be completely affected Qin Lang's grasp.

Relying on this method of refining spirit insects, Qin Lang sacrificed the dozens of spirit insects and strange insects he had bought before, and began to merge with his own blood.

And after more than a dozen kinds of spirit insects and strange insects have been sacrificed, the next highlight comes out, and it is time for Qin Lang to build his own Gu array ultimate move.

(End of this chapter)

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