The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1512 Gu Formation New Ultimate Move

Chapter 1512 Gu Formation New Ultimate Move

The ultimate move of the Gu formation requires the knowledge of formations, and now Qin Lang's level of formations has been raised to the level of a formation master, and he also has several prototypes of Gu formations in his brain, so it is not difficult to build them.

Matching the ultimate move of the Gu array is very particular about the primary and secondary arrangement of the spirit insects and Gu insects, just like the monarch, minister, assistant, and genus in the elixir, if the combination is not good, it will not be formed.

Generally speaking, one or several Gu worms are the most critical to build the ultimate move of the Gu formation, and there must be some key nodes outside the formation eyes, which require the addition of the second type of Gu worms, and then form the entire formation. The basic Gu worm of the Gu array.

These three types of Gu insects also formed the structure of the entire Gu formation. After the combination is completed, the whole can be regarded as a set of relatively simple killing moves of the Gu formation.

Of course, there are simple ones and complex ones.

A more complex Gu array requires more different types of spirit insects and Gu insects to join. The priority of Gu insects is very strict, and the process of matching each other is more complicated, which is also a great test for the operator's ability.

The set of Gu array that Qin Lang wants to match is inherited from Miaojiang Miao Temple, and then formed after brain analysis and improvement, which is very different from the original one.

The original Gu formation is an intermediate-level Gu formation, and it is considered one of the better inheritances in the Miao Temple.

However, now Qin Lang wants to improve it to be even better.

It is worth mentioning that the S-level mutant avatar contributed a lot in the process of Qin Lang's Gu formation improvement. Qin Lang originally only had some wonderful ideas in his brain, but it is still quite difficult to improve this intermediate Gu formation.

The entire improvement process requires a large number of ideas to be rearranged and rearranged. This is also an extremely complicated process. It will be more difficult to calculate with the brain alone, and the amount of calculation is too large. It is simply not a task that can be completed in a short time.

After all, individual strength is too weak, and it takes time to accumulate, just like those sects in the cultivation world, some powerful exercises require generations of continuous perfection.

However, now that Qin Lang has used the computing power of the S-level mutant brain system to improve the Gu formation and kill formation, all this has become much simpler.

This is equivalent to obtaining a very practical auxiliary calculation tool. The super system in the brain of an S-level mutant can perform billions of calculations per second. With the help of this system, it only took Qin Lang less than half a stick of time. , the entire Gu array ultimate move has been improved, and it has become a new combination and arrangement mode.

Fast, too fast, the computing and processing power of the super system is too powerful, which also reduces the burden on Qin Lang's brain and greatly increases work efficiency.

Under the new combination and arrangement mode, these Gu worms on Qin Lang's body can basically come in handy. At this time, Qin Lang uses the drum spider as the eye of the Gu array, and the sound is like Hong Zhong Gu as an auxiliary, and the drum spider that is incorporated into the array eye forms a combination .

Then, based on the three vitality ladles, they are connected in series through the golden ribbon worm and the silver ribbon Gu to form the inner circle of a Gu array.

Finally, the periphery is the basic Gu insects that make up the entire Gu formation. Among them, Qin Lang added more than a dozen kinds of spirit insects, large and small, into the entire Gu formation.

The coordination angles of each spirit worm and Gu worm in the Gu formation are different, and they are all the result of strict calculations.

However, after the formation of the ultimate move of this Gu formation, the fire ants were excluded, that is to say, except for the fire ants, all spirit insects were basically used.

After the formation of the Gu array ultimate move was completed, a cloud of colorful lights appeared in front of Qin Lang floating in the air. The cloud could be large or small. At this point, Qin Lang laughed, and directly took this piece of cloud into his body and floated over the sea of ​​consciousness.

The ultimate move of the Gu formation has been sacrificed successfully, and Qin Lang only needs to sacrifice the ultimate move directly when facing the enemy.

This is a double ultimate move of sound wave and soul attack, very special.

At present, Qin Lang is in the Qiao family compound, and it is not suitable for the relevant data test of the Gu array ultimate move, so for the time being, he can only collect this set of ultimate move, and then test it in the next step.

"The original set of Gu formations inherited from the Miao Temple before the improvement was roughly equivalent to the intermediate-level Gu formations. Once the original version of the Gu formations were used, they could only trap cultivators at the Nascent Soul level. Now, after super system calculations, the After the Gu formation is improved and optimized, its power should be able to reach a higher level! After all, the entire Gu formation is made up of spirit insects and strange insects from the cultivation world, and it is more spiritual!"

"With this set of Gu formation ultimate moves, I should have no problem using it against practitioners above the Nascent Soul stage. However, the biggest use of Gu formation ultimate moves is not to fight against a single enemy. Doing so would be inferior." , The biggest use of this set of Gu array killing moves is to trap and injure the enemy, and it is no problem to deal with a large group of enemies."

"This set of Gu array ultimate move is also one of my next trump cards. With this ultimate move, I will become more comfortable in advancing and retreating. Even if I face a large group of high-level monks, I don't have to worry about falling into danger. Of course, This is only limited to facing cultivators below the mid-stage Nascent Soul, if you use this set of ultimate moves to deal with enemies above the mid-stage Nascent Soul, you may be unable to withstand the powerful impact of the battle and gradually collapse during the battle."

"After all, this is just an improvement of an intermediate Gu formation. The ultimate move is still not out of the category of an intermediate Gu formation. If it is an advanced Gu formation, there is no need to worry too much."

After refining this set of Gu array killing moves, Qin Lang then prepared some data tests, and he had already planned the data test objects, so at this time he left the Qiao family compound again.

As soon as he left the Qiao's compound, Qin Lang was immediately followed by others, but he didn't care.

"That's it!"

With a sneer in his heart, Qin Lang started walking towards the remote area of ​​the city, and sure enough, the gang of stalkers followed him.

"I just can't find anyone to test the power of the ultimate move. Now I'm sleepy and give me a pillow. Let you help me test the power of this set of Gu array ultimate moves!" Most of these stalkers are from the Youth Federation gang, Although he is a young man, he came at the right time. Of course he will not be polite to the enemy.

After entering the remote alley, Qin Lang had already launched the ultimate move of the Gu formation, and the colorful cloud in the sea of ​​consciousness jumped out of his body and quickly expanded, filling the entire alley space in an instant.

The entire Gu formation was running quickly, and the backs of the three vitality scoops lit up with seven-star light spots, and they began to send spiritual energy to the Gu formation through the golden ribbon worms.

Floating vitality has the effect of gathering aura in the air, and it is also the basis for the entire Gu formation to operate independently.

And at the eye of the formation, the drum spider that received the support of spiritual energy also moved...

Before the ultimate move of the Gu formation was performed, the chasing minions would not see any signs.

Afterwards, Qin Lang's Gu formation killing move was too fast, and these unsuspecting enemies plunged into the Gu formation. There were five people in total, including four in the Qi refining layer and one in the early stage of foundation establishment.

After plunging headfirst into the Gu formation, the five ant-like guys suddenly lost their sense of direction, and felt like they had entered an isolated space, surrounded by thick fog.

Just when the five ants-like guys were groping in the Gu formation, Qin Lang had already activated the transformation of the ultimate move, and the drum spider in the formation eye made a whistling sound, which was sent out through the power increase of the sound like a bell Gu.


There was a loud hiss, and the sound wave with a strong soul impact arrived instantly, filling the entire range of the Gu formation.

At the same time, the five minions in the Gu formation felt as if they were hit by a truck, their bodies were blown upside down, and their seven orifices spurted blood at the same time under the powerful sound wave pressure.

When they fell to the ground again, they had already turned into five blood men, and they couldn't die any more.

Under the power of the gu formation, they actually killed them with one blow!

Of course, this is also due to the fact that the existence of the five ants is too weak. If it is a stronger opponent, they should be able to hold on for a few more rounds after using the ultimate move of the Gu formation.

And Qin Lang has been watching with cold eyes, testing some relevant data.

After seeing the stats obtained by killing a few morons easily with the ultimate move of Gu Formation, he couldn't help nodding: "Not bad! Not bad! Originally, the howling sound of beating drum spiders wasn't very powerful, but it was blessed ten times by the sound of the bell Gu. , coupled with the increase in the Gu array, the drum spider in the eye of the array, which can only hurt alchemy cultivators, has directly increased its howling power to 150 six times."

"With the 150-six ​​times the power of the drumming and spider whistling, even the enemies in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul will have to deal with this double attack of sound waves and souls with all their strength, and there are many obstacles in the Gu formation, and the enemies want to break through in a short time Formation eyes are also impossible, so this set of Gu formation ultimate moves is indeed perfect, and it is worth using as a trump card for me during this period of time."

"The ultimate move of the Gu formation is a means of attacking with consciousness, and relying on this set of ultimate move of the Gu formation, I have now completely made up for my own shortcomings in being unable to fight, and with the assistance of two mutant clones, I will be able to deal with the next encounter When it comes to danger, its own safety factor will be greatly improved.”

"What's a good name for this set of Gu formation killing moves? Well, let's call it Illusion Impact! However, I feel that this set of Gu formation is still a bit rough, and we can continue to improve it..."

Qin Lang knew that in the next period of time, the entire Green Willow City might be extremely turbulent, something big would happen, and those underground forces didn't know what they were planning, so now he was also making some battle preparations in advance.

In Luliuzhou, although the family power is much stronger than the gang power, and the Qiao family is the second largest family in Luliuzhou, and the ancestors of the mid-Yuanying period are in charge. Logically speaking, Qin Lang who stays in the Qiao family compound actually does not need worried about these things.

However, Qin Lang is not a person who likes to entrust his own safety to others to take care of, so he has a strong sense of crisis, so he is so eager to form a set of Gu array killer moves, as another trump card for his future battles.

After killing these little minions in front of him, Qin Lang once again closed the Gu formation, and the Gu formation once again turned into small cloud clusters and entered Qin Lang's sea of ​​consciousness.

It takes only a few seconds to perform a Gu array ultimate move, so the consumption of consciousness is not very large, almost negligible.

Qin Lang estimated that with his current spiritual cultivation, if he used it with all his strength, he could at least maintain the normal operation of the entire Gu array for half an hour.

Looking at the five gourd-like blood corpses on the ground, Qin Lang sneered and left this remote alley without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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