The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1514 Changes in the Situation

Chapter 1514 Changes in the Situation
After the ancestor of the Qiao family left the customs, he immediately convened a meeting with the senior management of the Qiao family to study how the entire family would deal with the possible crisis.

If the ancestor of the Qiao family is in charge of the family headquarters, the Qiao family probably has nothing to worry about in the city for the time being, but what needs to be considered is that the Qiao family caravan needs to prepare again for its bimonthly business trip.

The last time the Qiao family caravan encountered a gust of horse thieves, and in recent days the ten red flame cannons transported by the Loose Cultivation Alliance were robbed, all of which showed that the surroundings of Green Willow City were not peaceful.

Therefore, this time running the business must be different from the previous ones, and all aspects must be strengthened. In the end, the Qiao family directly transferred [-] monks in the late stage of alchemy from the headquarters, led by another clan member in the Nascent Soul stage, to join the caravan's original guards in the system.

This level of guarding force joined the running business, it can be said that it is no different from an iron bucket, not to mention ordinary horse thieves, even a gust of wind may not be able to chew it.

Of course, the strength of each leader in Gust of Wind Horse Thieves is different, and there are also strong people above the late Yuanying stage. If they meet in the process of running a business, even if the Qiao family sends out the current guarding force, they will still be on the street.

But the probability of this is too small, and the territory of Gust of Wind is not on the commercial road of Green Willow City at all, and it is actually far away from this area, so there is no need to worry about such a thing happening.

Speaking of which, the last time the caravan encountered Guafeng's horse thieves, it was indeed a surprise. Guefeng's base is at least ten thousand miles away from Green Willow City, and I don't know how that group of horse thieves came here.

Next, the Qiao family started preparations for running a business. Every time the Qiao family runs a business, there are at least several hundred carts for material exchange, and preparations need to be made about a week in advance.

The recovery of Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness has also slowly entered the final stage, and his spiritual consciousness has almost returned to its original level in the middle stage of Yuanying.

And Qin Lang's true energy cultivation base has entered the middle stage of alchemy after almost a month and a half of cultivation, and began to slowly approach the late stage of alchemy.

During this period of time, the resources at hand were consumed a lot. If Qin Lang hadn't gained more than 500 million resources from the five idiots of the Youth Federation, he would definitely not be able to survive.

In the spare time of practicing, Qin Lang also began to ask Qiao Tianxing, the ancestor of the Qiao family, a veteran monk in the mid-Yuanying period, about some problems in practice. Qin Lang's background is actually not deep. to this point today.

Therefore, asking experienced seniors for some problems encountered in the process of cultivation, even if they can't fully answer them, can also give Qin Lang some references, and the two of them can always collide with some beautiful sparks.

And in the process of communicating with Qin Lang, Qiao Tianxing also knew that Qin Lang, a young monk, was once an existence of the same level as himself, and he was also very surprised.

This young man doesn't look very simple. He can cultivate to the mid-Yuanying stage in his 20s without looking at his face. This kind of cultivation talent is too perverted!
Although Qin Lang's cultivation base has fallen to the middle stage of alchemy, Qiao Tianxing still dare not neglect, and officially treats Qin Lang as an existence of the same level as himself, and the tone of the conversation between the two parties gradually tends to be equal.

Two months later, the Qiao family's business caravan had left Green Willow City and entered another business journey.

And Qin Lang's cultivation of spiritual consciousness has also entered a critical moment, and he can be promoted to the middle stage of Yuanying one step at a time, so he started another retreat in the past few days.

In the rest room, Qin Lang entered deep meditation, and started to work on the third floor of the Nine Layers of Jade Tower.

The bright moon rose in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the moonlight shone on the Jade Pavilion. The breeze pushed open the door of the pavilion, and Qin Lang's Nascent Soul fluttered in, sitting cross-legged on the ground.

Nascent Soul breathes and breathes inside the pavilion, just like a living little life.After more than two months of accumulation, the size of the Nascent Soul is now much larger than before, like a fat little man the size of a thumb.

Breaking through the consciousness to the middle stage of the Nascent Soul is actually a process of micro-sculpture, manifesting the facial features on the surface of the Nascent Soul, changing the limbs, and outlining the fine hairs around the body, so that the entire Nascent Soul becomes a reduced version of a real person.

This process is not easy, and it is a test of Qin Lang's ability to control his consciousness, and if his consciousness has not accumulated to a certain level, he will not be able to complete this task at all.

Qin Lang has the foundation of alchemy and weapon refining, and his ability to finely manipulate the spiritual consciousness is definitely the top level in the cultivation world, so if the level of spiritual consciousness wants to return to the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, what is lacking is only a process.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, at this moment, Qin Lang is manipulating the divine consciousness to outline the surface of the Nascent Soul, first changing the facial features and limbs, and then using the divine consciousness to perform more subtle operations on the facial features and limbs one by one, causing the skin to wrinkle. Let the whole body appear fine pores and hairs.

The entire retreat process took three days and three nights, which shows how complicated the process is. After completing this step, Qin Lang finally let out a sigh of relief. Now he has finally restored his consciousness to the level of the middle stage of Yuanying, although it has not yet reached the level it used to be. The peak state, but not far away.

After leaving the customs, Qin Lang is not only not tired, but more energetic, which is actually the reason why Yuanshen has completely recovered.

When he walked out of the rest room, Qin Lang suddenly found that the atmosphere in the entire Qiao's compound was a bit strange. After asking, he found out that this time, the Qiao's caravan had another problem and was robbed again!
"Have you heard? This time our caravan was robbed by horse thieves, and this time not only the money used by the caravan to buy goods was robbed, but half of the manpower was also lost."

"Isn't it? Even Qiao Zhiming, a master of the Nascent Soul Stage family who was sent to protect him, was seriously injured and escaped. How strong is that gang of horse thieves this time? Revenge on our Qiao family, revenge for the last miss."

The clansmen of the Qiao family talked a lot, and the whole family was full of tension. It turned out that the caravan of the Qiao family had only left Luliuzhou for a few days, and it was very unfortunate that they encountered a gust of horse thief again. The money to buy supplies was gone, and half of the manpower was lost.

Such a blow would definitely hurt the vitality of the Qiao family, and now the entire senior management of the Qiao family has gathered for a meeting to see how to solve the current difficulty.

"In my opinion, we will unite with other families in Green Willow City and the Sanxiu Alliance to pursue a gust of horse thieves. I believe that with the joint efforts of everyone, we will be able to recover that huge sum of money and eliminate this group of horse thieves." A senior family member Said.

"I'm afraid this is not good. I heard that there are cultivators in the stage of transforming gods behind the horse thief. This is already a recognized matter in the horse thief circle in West Mo. We have offended the other party. I am afraid that the other party will come to our door and directly seek revenge from our Qiao family." .” said another senior family member.

"Could it be that the family lost this time in vain? In addition to a large sum of money, there are also dozens of clansmen's lives. What do we have to explain... A gust of horse thief is pure revenge. The two sides have already had an endless hatred. "The previous senior retorted.


Once again, the Qiao family was robbed by horse thieves. The family is now divided into two factions, one is the main combat faction, which insists on fighting to the end, and the other is the main peace faction, which wants to calm things down.

The ancestor of the Qiao family and the head of the Qiao family pondered for a while, and felt that the matter was not simple. When they were about to contact other families in the city to find a solution, a clan member hurried into the hall.

"It's not good! It's not good! The gang forces in the city have turned against each other, and now our entire Qiao family has been surrounded..."

"What?" All the senior executives of the Qiao family who were in the meeting stood up, feeling incredible, and the ancestor of the Qiao family closed his eyes and sensed for a while, then got up directly: "The family caravan over there was just robbed by a gust of wind. The underground forces are against the wind, and it is impossible to believe that there is no connection between the two... It seems that these gang forces really have to be cleaned up! Go, meet these guys!"

Led by the ancestor of the Qiao family, a group of people, including Qin Lang, walked out of the gate of the Qiao family at this time, and saw several gang members surrounding the Qiao family.

There are the Youth League Gang, the Thunder God Gang, and the Axe Gang, a total of three gang forces in Green Liuzhou.

Among them, Song Leishen from the Thunder God Gang and Zhao Dazhou from the Ax Gang are all cultivators in the Nascent Soul Stage, while Zhao Qinglian from the Qinglian Gang is in the late stage of Dzogchen formation.

There are more than 4000 people in the three gangs. Although most of them are not high-level, the combined strength still surpasses the Qiao family.

As for the Qiao family, the ancestor of the Qiao family in the mid-Yuanying period is undoubtedly the most powerful. Seeing this, he snorted and said, "If the tiger doesn't show its power, the monkey will still treat me as a sick cat! You clowns really want the monkey to be the king. , now you have to pass the old man's level!"

After finishing speaking, the ancestor of the Qiao family roared, and went up to meet him with blood!Qiao Tianxing's body swelled with true energy, making his robes rattle. Under the action of powerful qi and blood, Ti Xiu's body became as hard as a gold essence.

"Good time!" Although Song Leishen, the head of the Thunder God Clan, was in the early stage of Yuanying, he had no fear at all when facing the ancestor of the Qiao family. He directly manipulated Lei Guang to attack the ancestor of the Qiao family. It was faintly visible that Song Leishen was holding a white jade ruler , the thunder light around him became thicker through the increase of the white jade ruler.

The two sides fought bang pong bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang, qiao family patriarch has unparalleled physical defense strength, and Lei Shen gang leader has the sharpest magic attack, the two sides fight unexpectedly evenly.

"Brothers of the three gangs, let's go! Success is just one stroke, and our support will arrive soon!" The leader of the Youth League, Zhao Qinglian, roared, and led the team with the brothers of the Youth League to rush towards the Qiao family.

However, when Zhao Qinglian brought people over, he didn't aim at Qiao's family members, but directly killed Qin Lang in the crowd. It seems that the hatred between the two sides has grown, and Zhao Qinglian's idea of ​​killing Qin Lang has not changed. .

"Looking for death!" Facing the evil spirit at this time, Qin Lang snorted coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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