Chapter 1515 Fiery Chaos
With a flash of his figure, the Transcendent clone had already stepped up to meet Zhao Qinglian's attack.

After half a month of cultivation, the Transcendent Avatar has already recovered to its original state. Its strength is very close to that of a Nascent Soul cultivator. Therefore, it is natural to completely suppress Zhao Qinglian, who was the last alchemy-forming avatar.

However, as a cultivator, Zhao Qinglian naturally has many means. This guy threw seven or eight magic weapons at once and bombarded them at the same time, and he turned out to be a figure like a boy with many treasures.

It's no wonder that, as the head of one of the top ten gangs in Green Willow City, Zhao Qinglian's wealth background is not much different from that of a small family.

Relying on the attacks of seven or eight magic weapons, Zhao Qinglian and the extraordinary level mutant clone became popular, but the extraordinary level mutant clone couldn't do anything to this guy for a while.

"Kill!" Driven by Zhao Qinglian, the members of the Qinglian Gang and the Three Gangs had already started to kill the Qiao family members, and the two sides immediately fought together.

The overall strength of the Qiao family is actually stronger than any of the three gangs, but the combination of the three gangs in front of them will overwhelm the Qiao family.

And now the battle between the ancestors of the Qiao family and Song Leishen of the Leishen gang has reached a critical moment, and Song Leishen has gradually lost the wind. No matter how strong a monk in the early stage of Yuanying is, it is not easy to challenge a mid-stage Yuanying, and the ancestor of the Qiao family It is even more difficult for the body cultivator with the strongest physical combat effectiveness among the Nascent Soul cultivators.

At this time, Zhao Dazhou, the head of the Ax Gang, also shouted: "Brother Lei Shen, I will help you!" This monk who was also in the early stage of Nascent Soul also joined the battle group and challenged Qiao Tianxing, the ancestor of the Qiao family, with Song Leishen.

"Hahaha! A group of cats and dogs, no matter how many people come, I will not be afraid!" The ancestor of the Qiao family laughed loudly, and shouted while fighting with pride, every move and every style of the body cultivation in the middle stage of Yuanying coincided with the rhyme of Dao , There is a sound of wind and thunder between the hands.

Don't underestimate the physical training in the middle stage of Yuanying. With the strength of his physical fists and feet alone, Qiao Tianxing can hit at least more than 400 tons of impact force with each blow. .

And this kind of fist impact can't resist even ordinary magic weapons, that is to say, Qiao Tianxing's fist strength can directly fight against magic weapons, and even smash and damage the opponent's magic weapons.

This is simply a human-shaped weapon. Based on the physical strength, I am afraid that even Qin Lang's S-level mutant clone is inferior. Still strong.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah……"

There were casualties during the battle, among which the three gangs suffered more casualties. After all, the qualifications of the three gangs vary, and most of them are low-level. Although the Qiao family has only about 2000 people, their overall qualifications are much better.

But the number of the three gangs has the upper hand. There are at least 5000 people in front of them, which is twice as many as the Qiao family.

The on-site battles were basically two or three gangs fighting a member of the Qiao family, and the fighting scene was extremely fierce.

On the ground, there have been thirty or forty corpses, including three gangs and members of the Qiao family, all of whom are monks with relatively low cultivation bases.

At present, monks above the alchemy stage have not suffered large-scale casualties. After all, cultivators always put their own lives first. The higher the cultivator, the more life-saving methods they have, and the less likely they are to die.

"Zongyi, go out and help these Qiao family members..." Seeing that the battle was relatively stalemate, Qin Lang gave the S-level mutant avatar a battle order, and stayed at Qiao's for more than two months. It's time to report back to Qiao's family.

"Execute the order!" The electronically synthesized voice sounded, and the S-level mutant clone No. [-] was ordered to enter the scene and massacred the three gangs.

That's right, massacre!The S-rank mutant clone with the strength equivalent to the late Nascent Soul will basically never encounter a single enemy against the three gangs in front of him. Usually, a single metal power sweep will be a bunch, and at least three or five will be killed.

Those three gangs in the qi refining and foundation building stages were swept away like miscellaneous fish.

Even the three gangs above the alchemy stage, most of them can't survive the second round of metal abilities.

In just ten seconds, the three gangs had already killed or injured 200 people. The scene was bloody, and both sides of the battle were almost stunned.

It's too scary, the fighting power of this metal blue-eyed barbarian is beyond the charts, even the three gang leaders and the ancestors of the Qiao family are not so majestic!
The super performance of the S-level mutant clone also attracted the attention of the high-level cultivators of the three gangs. Next, a dozen or so late-stage cultivators began to encircle the S-level mutant clone.

"Metal cage!" The S-rank mutant saw these monks surrounding him, but he showed no expression at all, and directly used a powerful metal talent.

It stretched out one hand, twisted and stretched its five fingers, and stretched out thousands of metalized tentacles, densely packed with poisonous snakes, entangled with these monks, and these metal tentacles began to tangle with each other to form a huge fence, ready to surround these monks.

Except for two or three who reacted quickly, the rest of the dozen or so cultivators were all trapped in the metal cage, and the S-level mutant twisted his backhand, and the cage formed by the entire metal fence began to shrink, and all the cultivators inside were put into prison. extrusion.

"Ah!" There were screams, and the squeezed cultivators tried their best to resist, but the light of the magic weapons around them burst, and the metal wires formed by those supernatural powers had penetrated deeply into their bodies.

Recently, these ten late-stage alchemy cultivators were forcibly dismembered by metal cages, and were directly killed by a powerful metal ability of the S-rank mutant clone.

And as soon as the S-level mutant clones joined the battlefield, the advantage of the scene has gradually begun to tilt to the Qiao family. In the cultivation world, individual strength is above everything else. Sometimes, changes in the battlefield are turned by a single person. This is not uncommon.

Seeing how brave the S-rank mutant avatar was, the spirits of the Qiao family members would also be lifted up, and the passion for the battle would also rise. On the contrary, the three gangs were retreating steadily at this time.

The ancestor of the Qiao family laughed loudly at this time. Although he was suppressed by Song Leishen and Zhao Dazhou, the situation is now in his favor. The infant monk continued to fight.

But Song Leishen and Zhao Dazhou were not happy. Although the two of them seem to be suppressing the ancestors of the Qiao family now, the deaths and injuries of the subordinates also shocked them. The fighting power of that western barbarian was too terrifying. They all feel that there is no certainty of victory.

I'm afraid I'm a little disappointed this time, who knows that the Qiao family still hides such a tough bone...

The gang leaders Song Leishen and Zhao Dazhou looked at each other, and gradually came up with the idea of ​​retreating. After all, these gang members are all their own hard work, and they are also the guarantee for the foundation of Luliuzhou. They can't be at the Qiao's side once. Sex is gone.

But at this moment, a voice in the crowd shouted: "Guild Leader Song, Leader Zhao, if you hold on a little longer, our reinforcements are coming soon! Senior Desert Lone Wolf is rushing over!"

"Lone wolf in the desert?" The Qiao family was stunned. The name was somewhat familiar, but most of the Qiao family didn't know who it was.

When the ancestor of the Qiao family who was in the battle heard this sound, he couldn't help but tremble, and was directly hit by a white jade ruler from Song Leishen, and a large amount of thunder light hit his body. Even though Qiao Tianxing's physical defense was amazing, this There was also a muffled snort, and blood appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"How is it possible? The lone wolf in the desert... A gust of wind actually sent a cultivator of the late Nascent Soul to Luliuzhou to avenge the dead horse thief. Is this targeting our Qiao family?" Qiao Tianxing couldn't believe it. Horse thieves would be vengeful to such an extent.

It seems that during the last business run, a gust of wind only lost a dozen or so low-level brothers, and now it will send monks of the late Yuanying stage to seek revenge. It's too poisonous. The caravan is not counted, and now they have chased after Qiao's home base in Green Willow City.

"Blood Explosion Technique!" The ancestor of the Qiao family roared wildly. At this time, he couldn't care less, and cast a secret technique that seriously damaged blood essence, preparing to temporarily improve his cultivation base to resolve the deadlock, and then transfer the tribe as soon as possible.

After all, the monks in the late Yuanying period were not so easy to deal with, and Qiao Tianxing was also afraid that he would not be able to resist, and the entire Qiao family's foundation would be ruined.

And after the Blood Explosion Technique was cast, the face of the ancestor of the Qiao family was covered with blood, and his combat power was greatly improved as if he had been beaten with chicken blood, and he suppressed the two gang leaders on the opposite side at once.

"Die to me!" The ancestor of the Qiao family became violent, shouted, and directly punched the weaker Zhao Dazhou with the tiger and leopard Lei Yin.boom!Zhao Dazhou was hit by a punch, and his body's defense was broken immediately. He flew up and was thrown more than 20 feet away before landing.

After crawling awkwardly on the ground a few times, Zhao Dazhou finally got up. When he raised his head, his face was covered in blood, and his chest collapsed. He was seriously injured by this blow.

As expected of the patriarch of the Qiao family, surrounded by two monks, he went into a rage now, directly killing half of the life of Zhao Dazhou, a monk in the early stage of the Nascent Soul.

"And you! Go with him too..." Qiao Tianxing yelled at Song Leishen in front of him majesticly. After fighting with Song Leishen for a long time, he couldn't win him. The ancestor of the Qiao family was also depressed and bored at this time. Now Self-destructing essence and blood vitality to perform secret techniques, no matter what you say, you must take down both of them in front of you.

And just when the ancestor of the Qiao family showed his power, Qin Lang looked at the person who spoke out among the three gangs just now. That guy is a Confucian scholar, and he should be the leader of the Youth Federation in the team of the Youth Federation.

In fact, this Confucian scholar is Zhi Duoxing, the number two member of the Youth League Gang. During this period of time, it was also his handwriting to contact the horse thief, and it was he who persuaded the Lone Wolf of the Desert to come to Green Liuzhou to seek revenge.

(End of this chapter)

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