The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1516 Thunder God Ruler

Chapter 1516 Thunder God Ruler

After paying attention to this middle-aged Confucian scholar, Qin Lang ordered the S-level mutant clone: ​​"Go, kill this guy!"

As soon as Zhong got the order, he turned his gun, and Zhi Duoxing rushed over.

But Zhi Duoxing, the No. [-] member of the Youth League Gang who seemed to be only in the middle stage of alchemy, responded with strange and unpredictable methods. When Zhong rushed over, this guy suddenly disappeared.

"Escape technique?"

Qin Lang was also slightly taken aback. This is not an ordinary spell. Unexpectedly, Zhi Duoxing had mastered the escape technique.However, the evasion technique that Zhi Duoxing used just now is not like the five-element spell. After the body disappears, a cloud of black mist appears on the spot, which is a bit like a ghost spell.

The S-rank mutant clone flew into the air, and the middle-aged Confucian scholar had lost the figure of the middle-aged Confucian scholar in the melee crowd at this moment, so he had no choice but to retreat.

But at this moment, the ancestor of the Qiao family began to show his power. After Qiao Tianxing maimed Zhao Laozhou, the leader of the ax gang, he directly used the fiercest offensive to press Song Leishen. Suddenly, the pressure on Song Leishen suddenly increased.

After all, Qiao Tianxing used his secret technique at the expense of energy just now, and now his combat power has increased a lot, almost reaching the level of the late Nascent Soul, which is no longer something a monk in the early Nascent Soul can compete with.

boom!Song Leishen was also sent flying, but fortunately the white jade ruler lightning shield in his hand protected him from injury.

This white jade ruler is actually called "Thunder God Ruler". It is a treasure that is more suitable for Song Leishen's physical attributes, and it belongs to the grade of high-grade magic weapon.

And relying on this piece of Thunder God Ruler, Song Leishen was able to display [-]% of his combat power in the battle, and only then was he able to fight Qiao Tianxing, a middle-stage Nascent Soul, for so long with his early-stage Nascent Soul strength.

After the ancestor of the Qiao family showed his power, he knocked both opponents into the air with one blow. At this time, he was even more unreasonable and continued to pursue the victory. "Haha, die to me!"

At this time, Qiao Tianxing kicked Zhao Dazhou who was the lowest. Judging from the impact force of that foot, it was probably stronger than the force of his fist. If the kick was solid, Zhao Dazhou would definitely be blown away.

After all, Qiao Tianxing is a mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, and now he is in an explosive state, which is simply unstoppable.

In the blink of an eye, seeing Qiao Tianxing was about to kick Zhao Dazhou, the leader of the ax gang suddenly cast a treasure, a puff of green smoke passed, leaving a mutilated puppet on the ground and clanging down.

"Stand-in puppet?" The ancestor of the Qiao family was also stunned. Unexpectedly, Zhao Dazhou activated the substitute puppet in advance, and fled before his fists came.

Once the stand-in doll is used, the main body will be teleported out of a range of dozens of miles in a few seconds, so now Qiao Tianxing can't catch up even if he wants to.

It has to be said that high-ranking monks are more cautious about protecting their own lives, and there are endless ways to save their lives. It is really not easy to kill a cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage when the other party is prepared.

After running away from Zhao Dazhou, the patriarch of the Qiao family vented all his anger on the leader of the Thunder God Clan, and began to press on Song Lei Shen step by step.

And Song Leishen also complained secretly after his ally Zhao Dazhou fled. He couldn't handle Qiao Tianxing's explosive mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivation by himself now, and he also had the idea of ​​retreating at this time.

When he secretly used the secret method to escape, he found that he could no longer use the escape method. A faint black mist enveloped the field, but it turned out that it was Qin Lang who used the Gu formation, pulling everyone on the scene away. Entered the Gu formation.

In the Gu formation, the whole scene is equivalent to being in Qin Lang's domain, and everything is under his control.

At this moment, Qin Lang did not use the ultimate move of the Gu formation, but relied on the basic functions of the Gu formation to trap the enemy in the formation, unable to escape.After being transferred to the Gu formation, the ancestor of the Qiao family was also taken aback, and after seeing Song Leishen's failure to perform the evasion technique, he was also ecstatic.

"Hahaha, you won't be able to escape this time, just accept death..." Qiao Tianxing laughed loudly and launched a mad attack on Song Leishen. This time, Song Leishen was inevitable, even with the Thunder God Ruler protecting his body , was blown away by Qiao Tianxing.

Qiao Tianxing punched Song Leishen in the chest, and he vomited blood from the opponent, and his chest collapsed with a loud bang. It is estimated that his ribs were all broken and his internal organs were seriously injured.

After Qiao Tianxing hit the opponent with one punch, he bullied Song Leishen who was approaching the air, and then threw out the second punch, the third punch, and the fourth punch... The dense fists and feet were like afterimages, making the opponent unable to move at all. dodge.

Song Leishen, who had taken countless punches from Qiao Tianxing, an old physical monster, fell to the ground, his body was smashed to pieces, and he couldn't die anymore.

He was also unlucky. He was originally the strongest of the three gangs, but now he was the first to lose his life. This strength is infinitely close to that of the Thunder Cultivator in the mid-Yuanying period. He probably didn't believe that he would be such a person in the end. How to die.

Miserable, too miserable... Being tricked by Qin Lang, he was actually trapped in the Gu formation, and he couldn't even use the escape method to save his life.

However, this is also the fate of Song Leishen, who told him not to read the almanac when he went out, so he rushed to bring someone to Qiao's compound.At this time, the battle has almost come to an end, except for most of the three gangs who escaped, the others have been intercepted by Qin Lang's Gu formation, and killed one by one by the Qiao family.

And Zhao Qinglian, the leader of the Qinglian Gang, who Qin Lang asked the mutants of the extraordinary level to deal with, was also taken down by this clone in the chaos.

Zhao Qinglian has a lot of money. From this guy's storage ring and large storage bag, Qin Lang directly harvested about a dozen magic weapons, and also obtained resources worth 2000 million. Qin Lang suddenly became rich.

Killing people and setting fire to the golden belt, killing the boss of a gang really yields a lot. This Zhao Qinglian is only the weakest of the three gangs, and he is already so rich. The Song Leishen who was wiped out is the boss of the Thunder God gang. It is estimated that his net worth Richer.

After all, the Thor Gang is the strongest underground force in the entire Luliuzhou. If Song Leishen is poorer than Zhao Qinglian, no ghost will believe it.

However, Song Leishen was exterminated by the ancestor of the Qiao family. Although Qin Lang was greedy for treasures, he couldn't directly pick up the other party's spoils.

If you want to say that Song Leishen's most worthy of Qin Lang's attention is the treasure, it is definitely the white jade ruler. This treasure is definitely a top-grade magic weapon that combines attack and defense, and it is more in line with Qin Lang's attributes. It is definitely what Qin Lang wants to get. thing.

Seeing that Qin Lang was envious of the "Thunder God Ruler" on Song Leishen's body, Qiao Tianxing laughed at this moment, and handed the white jade ruler directly to Qin Lang: "Little friend just made a lot of effort. Strictly speaking, this guy was killed by the two of us." , so this is your trophy."

"Haha, thank you very much!" Upon hearing this, Qin Lang hurriedly accepted this white jade ruler. After getting it in the palm of his hand, he realized that this white jade ruler was called "Thunder God Ruler", which is very close to this top-grade one magic weapon.

"Thunder God Ruler" has both offensive and defensive capabilities. It can use thunder light for long-range attacks, and it can also use thunder light to protect the body. It is better than the Lie Yan Yuan Yang Ruler that Qin Lang once used, and it is absolutely impossible to buy this level on the market. As for the high-quality treasures, this time Qin Lang has made a profit.

The three gangs came to besiege Qiao's house, but retreated in a big defeat. The two gang leaders Song Leishen and Qinglian Gang Zhao Qinglian were all dead, and only Zhao Dazhou, the leader of the Ax Gang, escaped.

After repelling the enemy, the Qiao family should have been extremely happy, but the ancestors of the Qiao family were downcast at the moment. This time, the three gangs joined forces to attack, and the Qiao family directly lost more than 500 people, almost a quarter of the entire family. one of them.

Moreover, the current situation in Luliuzhou is very unclear. There are not only three underground gangs in the entire Luliuzhou, but ten. At least where the other gangs have gone, and the ancestors of the Qiao family also have certain guesses in their hearts.

What is even more worrying is the horse thief's revenge. I heard that the horse thief's "Lone Wolf of the Desert", a high-level monk in the late Nascent Soul, has been dispatched to the Green Willow City to seek revenge. Now I don't know why he was delayed on the road. Yes, it hasn't appeared at Qiao's house yet.

I just hope that the other party doesn't come to Luliuzhou. If the "Lone Wolf of the Desert" really comes, the Qiao family may usher in an even more tragic battle.

With a gloomy face, Qiao Tianxing waved his hands to let his grandson, Qiao Zhimo, deal with the funeral. He stood quietly on the spot thinking about it, but not long after he stood there, the ancestor of the Qiao family started to cough and even spit out a few mouthfuls of blood , The battle with exhausted blood just now caused his body to suffer a lot of damage.

After spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood, the ancestor of the Qiao family turned pale, the original rosiness on his face disappeared, and he seemed to have aged a lot.

After swallowing a few pills, Qiao Tianxing was about to close his eyes and meditate. Before meditating, he reminded his grandson: "Zhimo, quickly transfer the clansmen. In the next battle, the Qiao family will survive or die, and even the entire Luliuzhou Island will be destroyed." The survival or death of the six major families is already unpredictable, and we have to prepare for the way out..."

"Yes, old ancestor." Qiao Zhimo, the Patriarch of the Qiao Family, got the order and started to get busy.

At this time, Qin Lang tidied up and after he got the loot, he took the Thunder God Ruler and studied it aside. As a top-grade magic weapon, the Thunder God Ruler has twelve layers of restrictions. It will take some corresponding measures to completely sacrifice this magic weapon resources, now he can only sacrifice them to the first three floors.

The reason why it can only be sacrificed to the first three floors is that, in addition to resource constraints, it is also related to Qin Lang's inability to use a lot of real energy at present. If he wants to completely refine this magic weapon, he probably has to wait two or three years. After a month, it will be possible to recover to the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

After all, the more levels of prohibition the magic weapon has, the more real energy it needs to consume during the sacrifice. It is really not suitable for Qin Lang to do this now. It is very reluctant to be able to sacrifice the first three layers of the "Thunder God Ruler" .

(End of this chapter)

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