The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1517 The Ultimate Gold Belt

Chapter 1517 The Ultimate Gold Belt
The saying about the number of forbidden layers of magic weapons is this. Magic weapons are generally divided into upper, middle and lower grades, corresponding to the number of forbidden layers from one to twelve layers, while one to three layers are low-grade, three to six layers are middle-grade, and six layers and above It is a top-grade magic weapon.

The Thunder God Ruler has twelve levels of restraint, which is basically the top of the top-grade magic weapon, and the next step is the level of the top-grade magic weapon.The ultimate magic weapon is generally a magic treasure house made up of a variety of magic weapons. There is no single best magic weapon, but it is very rare. The materials needed to refine this single best magic weapon are too special, just like the Longyang jade on the earth. Like a bed, the whole earth is unique.

The Thunder God Ruler and the Lie Shen Yuan Yang Ruler that Qin Lang used to have are both at the same level of prohibition, that is, the peak of the [-]th floor, but compared to the Lie Yan Yuan Yang Ruler, this Thunder God Ruler has both offensive and defensive functions, so it is better.

At the scene, Qin Lang began to sacrifice this high-grade magic weapon. After coming back to Qinghe Continent from the earth, Qin Lang didn't have many good things on him now, especially the magic weapon of the defense category was urgently needed, so this Thunder God Ruler came at the right time.

For the sacrificial refining of the magic weapon, Qin Lang is naturally familiar with it, and easily completed all the steps. This process also consumed a certain amount of true energy, but it was within his tolerance.

Of course, if the consumption of true energy exceeds Qin Lang's current body tolerance, then Qin Lang has to be cautious, otherwise, the hard work on the body during this period will be in vain.

It took about half an hour for Qin Lang to finally sacrifice this piece of Thunder God Ruler, and his body consumed about two layers of true energy. Fortunately, the consumption of this true energy is relatively gentle, so it does not have a great impact on the body.

After the Thunder God Ruler was sacrificially refined, the surface reappeared with a white jade-like luster. This ruler is three feet and three feet long, and looks like a white ruler, but if it is injected with true energy, the surface will appear A trace of thunder.

After all, this high-grade magic weapon is a magic weapon of the thunder attribute, and the lightning ability can be blessed on the practitioner, making the practitioner's combat effectiveness even stronger.

After the sacrifice, Qin Lang took away the Thunder God Ruler, and looked around at this time, he found that Qiao Zhimo, the head of the Qiao family, was transferring the elite members of the family.

"Green Willow City is now in crisis, and the clansmen can no longer stay here, so we have to leave the city quickly!" Qiao Zhimo also quickly organized the clansmen to evacuate at the request of the ancestor.

It is worth mentioning that there is a secret tunnel inside the Qiao family compound leading directly to the outside of the city, and now Qiao Zhimo is using this secret tunnel to transfer the clansmen.

This time, about 1000 members of the Qiao family were sent away for the transfer of the clan members, while the remaining 500 people were still stationed at the clan headquarters.

At the same time as the transfer, there were also a large amount of supplies following. Basically, two-thirds of the property of the Qiao family was withdrawn.

And the rest of the Qiao family compound are some relatively powerful members of the Qiao family, basically monks from the late stage of foundation establishment, among which there are more than 100 monks from the alchemy stage.

The reason for doing this is also because the Qiao family compound in Green Willow City is also difficult for the Qiao family to part with. Although it is known that the leader of the horse thief, Guafeng, "Lone Wolf in the Desert" has come to seek revenge, the entire Qiao family is not without the power to fight. .

Therefore, the remaining clansmen will not leave here until the last moment, and this is also a break for those clansmen who left first.

Qiao Zhimo, the Patriarch of the Qiao family, made reasonable arrangements. Qin Lang nodded after seeing it. Although the crisis is approaching, the entire Qiao family is busy and not chaotic. Obviously, the entire Qiao family has a strong cohesion.

While Qiao Zhimo was arranging the evacuation of the clansmen, he also ran over to Qin Lang and asked, "Fellow Daoist Qin Lang, I don't know if you plan to evacuate with my clansmen, or if you plan to stay in Green Willow City."

"I, it's better to be with you." Qin Lang said, he understood what Qiao Zhimo meant. Now that Green Willow City is in crisis, the Qiao family is also in danger now, so it is estimated that Qin Lang will not be able to take care of Qin Lang's guest. Qin Lang now Whether to go or stay, Qiao Zhimo is not easy to arrange, he can only listen to the guest's own wishes.

However, in private, Qiao Zhimo still wanted Qin Lang to stay, because Qin Lang had shown strong combat effectiveness before, whether it was the current Qin Lang himself or the two barbarian guards, the combat effectiveness was very good.

In this case, if Qin Lang is willing to stay, the possibility of the Qiao family wanting to keep their own foundation will be greatly increased.

And now after hearing Qin Lang's answer, Qiao Zhimo showed a satisfied smile, bowed and said: "Thank you, fellow daoist, as long as the Qiao family survives the crisis in front of us, if you are sent by fellow daoist in the future, you will definitely go through fire and water. No hesitation."

"Hehe, that's a serious word." Qin Lang chuckled, in fact, he was willing to stay not only for the sake of the Qiao family, but also for his own sake.

Now that I have the magic weapon, the ultimate move of the Gu formation, and two mutant clones, my own safety can still be guaranteed, so it shouldn't be a big problem to stay.

The reason why Qin Lang is willing to stay is because he is ready to fight the enemy. After coming to Qinghe Continent again, the current Qin Lang lacks a lot of resources, and there is no big way to make money, so he is going to send a It's hard to make money in pen wars.

Youdao is a golden belt for murder and arson, so how can there be too much gain if you don't fight the enemy!

Qin Lang needs too many resources to continue practicing, so he will not let go of any opportunity to get resources, and the chaos in Green Willow City in front of him is a rare opportunity for him. If he successfully defeats the enemy, It is definitely possible to make a small fortune.

Of course, there are risks in this, and Qin Lang is also prepared for both hands. If the situation is not right, it is not too late to retreat.

In this way, Qin Lang stayed and garrisoned the Qiao family compound with Qiao Zhimo and others. Of course, the strongest person in this Qiao family compound is not Qin Lang, but the ancestor of the Qiao family. Although Qin Lang has the strength equivalent to Yuanying The later S-level mutant clones, but the clones have too many restrictions in combat, and they are far less powerful than the various methods of a high-level monk.

That is to say, the ancestor of the Qiao family, a middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, can use some secret techniques to temporarily break through and improve his combat effectiveness, but the S-level mutant clone can't.

The S-level mutant clone can only fight against high-level monks, and has no ultimate skills. It is estimated that if it confronts the monks of the late Nascent Soul, it can only be stalemate, but without strong explosive power, it is impossible to defeat the opponent.

In this case, after fighting for a long time, the one who suffers in the end is the S-rank mutant clone. After all, Qin Lang's cultivation base has not been fully recovered, and he can only rely on his spiritual knowledge to fight against the enemy, and he cannot use many ultimate moves.

Qiao Tianxing, the patriarch of the Qiao family, swallowed the elixir to recover for a while, and slowly replenished the lost blood. At this time, seeing that the enemy hadn't attacked, he planned to go around the city to have a look.

After all, the six major families of Green Willow City and the Loose Cultivation Alliance are all one. Now that the enemy has not attacked the Qiao family, maybe other families have already encountered a crisis. The original idea of ​​helping each other, of course, the Qiao family will also support their allies.

Qiao Tianxing asked Qiao Zhimo to stay in the family compound, prepare for defense with the clansmen around him, and then left the Qiao family compound alone.

After Qin Lang thought about it, he also left the gate of Qiao's compound. He also wanted to see what the current situation in the city was like.

For the sake of safety, Qin Lang and the ancestor of the Qiao family are heading in the same direction. In this way, if they encounter the horse thief leader "Lone Wolf in the Desert" in the late Yuanying period, they will not be in a hurry.

Even though the current Qin Lang has recovered a lot, he has no chance of winning against the monks in the late Yuanying period, even if he has the ultimate move of the Gu formation.

In fact, the biggest purpose of Qin Lang refining the ultimate move of the Gu formation is also for defense. Now that he does not have a magic house on his body, and cannot use his true energy to fight, so when facing a strong enemy, he can only use the ultimate move of the Gu formation to protect himself .

Of course, if you encounter an enemy who is not very strong, it is time for Qin Lang to show his power. After the Gu formation is cast, it is estimated that all enemies below the middle stage of the Nascent Soul will have nowhere to escape, and they will definitely die.

Qin Lang followed the ancestor of the Qiao family to the west of the city. The atmosphere of those battles was more intense, and there should be a large-scale battle.

The location to the west of the city is actually the headquarters of the Loose Cultivation Alliance, and the ten newly arrived red flame cannons are also placed at the west gate, so this is also a relatively important defensive position in Green Willow City.

The ancestor of the Qiao family and Qin Lang ran all the way. When they came to the west of the city, they found that the battle had almost come to an end. There were more than 1000 people in the Loose Cultivation Alliance in Luliu City, but there were only Luliu City's cultivators above the Nascent Soul stage. Hong Jin was the only one talking about it, so it was more difficult to deal with the dense gang forces in front of him.

There were also three gangs besieging the west of the city. Among the underground forces, Tongdaomen ranked second, the Stained Clothes Gang ranked third, and the Desert Gang ranked sixth.

Among this group of underground forces, apart from Bian Ling, the leader of the Tongdaomen, who is in the early Yuanying period, Su Huangbian, the leader of the Dirty Clothes Gang, and Hu Bugui, the leader of the Desert Gang, are all Dzogchen cultivation bases in the late stage of alchemy.

The number of people on both sides is one thousand to four thousand, and the ordinary monks of the Loose Cultivation Alliance basically have to pick four opponents by themselves, and these four opponents are almost similar to themselves.

Under such a situation, the Loose Cultivation Alliance is naturally at a disadvantage. After fighting for less than half an hour, it has already lost half of its troops, while the underground forces only lost dozens of staff.

However, Hong Jin, the leader of the Loose Cultivation Alliance, was also a smart man, and he led his people to guard the fort tightly. Relying on the deterrent power of the ten red flame cannons at the gate of the city gate, the underground forces did not dare to concentrate too much.

At this moment, the ten Red Flame Cannons had been transferred to the inner city by Hong Jin's order, and they had already started charging. The Loose Cultivation Alliance had suffered too much damage after resisting the shock just now, and Hong Jin's face was now ashen.

(End of this chapter)

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