The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1518 Red Flame Cannon

Chapter 1518 Red Flame Cannon

The Red Flame Cannon is not a magic weapon, but it possesses a power far exceeding that of ordinary magic weapons. Every shelling attack is similar to the attack of a cultivator in the transformation stage. If an ordinary monk in the Nascent Soul stage is hit by a single shot, it will definitely be wiped out.

However, this kind of cannon has too many flaws, one of which is that it is extremely heavy and heavy. The total weight of each red flame cannon has reached more than 30 tons, and it can only be transported by manpower and cannot be put into storage tools.

Moreover, it is very difficult to load the cannon before firing, and the procedures are very complicated. If it is not for the technicians who have been professionally trained for a long time, they will not be able to load it at all. This is why they returned the Red Flame Cannon to the Green Willow City official One of the biggest reasons is that it is useless for Thunder God to help these underground gangs to take away the red flame cannon. People from these underground forces can't handle this kind of cannon at all.

For the ten red flame cannons, the Sanxiu Alliance sent people to carry out loading training. A total of [-] technicians were trained, but [-] of them had been lost in the conflict with the gang just now.

And now the ten red flame cannons have been more than half loaded, seeing the dark muzzles starting to point at themselves, at this time the three gang members who besieged the west gate couldn't help but panic for a while, the power of the red flame guns, these gang members Everyone has heard about it for a long time. Now that the red flame cannon at the gate of the city has been filled more than half, if they fire a cannon at will, it may be unlucky for them, the underground forces.

The situation in the west city was finally reversed. Although the Loose Cultivator Alliance lost more than half of its manpower, it finally defended the gate of the city relying on the ten red flame cannons.

Seeing the signs of firing from the Loan Cultivation Alliance, the three gangs who besieged the West Gate began to panic at this time, and the leaders of the three gangs shouted in unison: "Quickly evacuate the West Gate!" These underground forces have besieged the West Gate for so long , has achieved huge results, and now it is not a loss even if it retreats.

"It's not that easy to escape!" The ancestor of the Qiao family made a move at this time. He had rushed over to support his allies, and directly attacked the master of the Tongdao Sect who had just spoken.

Among the three gangs at the scene, the head of Tongdaomen was the most powerful, and he was a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage, so the ancestor of the Qiao family naturally approached him.

However, when the ancestor of the Qiao family attacked, a row of hidden weapons swept over, and it turned out that Su Huangbian, the leader of the Dirty Clothes Gang, and Hu Bugui, the leader of the Desert Gang, were supporting him.

Of course, the ancestors of the Qiao family didn't pay attention to the two monks who were in the late stage of alchemy, but he felt something was wrong when these hidden weapons touched his body. These hidden weapons could actually break through his body's defense layer and ignore his own defensive force field.

Moreover, these hidden weapons were obviously poisonous, and the ancestors of the Qiao family didn't want to fight with their bodies, so they had to back off for a while.

The leader of the Tongdao Gate laughed loudly, and then prepared to retreat gracefully, but at this moment, Qin Lang let the S-rank mutant clone take action, blocking the guy's retreat.

Seeing a barbarian blocking him, the master of the Tongdaomen was also stunned for a while, and directly manipulated a copper knife magic weapon to fly towards him, and the pale yellow knife aura that was brushed out was four or five feet long.

But the S-rank mutant quickly passed by. At this time, he quickly started to approach this guy, and after being surprised, he yelled: "Old, Hu, Lao Su, use all your strength! Stop this barbarian for me!" He felt that this S-rank mutant clone was very extraordinary, so he also had some scruples.

Swipe!Swipe!A large number of hidden weapons hit the S-rank mutant clone, but the S-rank mutant clone didn't dodge or dodge, and still shot towards the side.

This situation also surprised the leaders of the three gangs. Could it be that this guy has cultivated an indestructible body like a diamond, so he is not afraid of hidden weapons breaking into his body?You must know that these hidden weapons can have the double effect of ignoring the true energy defense and being highly poisonous.

However, how did they know the weirdness of the S-rank mutant avatar, this kind of powerful high-ranking mutant genetic fighter has been out of the human category, and is basically immune to severe poison.

Therefore, when a large number of hidden weapons hit the S-rank mutant clone, it could only slow down the actions of the S-rank mutant clone, and then continued to attack, using its metal ability.

"Metal cage!" Countless metalized tentacles entwined towards the main gate of the Tongdao Gate, and also spread to the nearby Su Huangbian and Hu Bugui.

Because he was not familiar with this special metal ability, Bian Ling was really trapped by the metal cage. This time, Qin Lang in the distance also made a sneer, and the fish would die if he took the bait!

And then, the S-rank mutant clone manipulated the metal cage and began to shrink, and the side bearer in the cage was also surprised. The metal wires that trapped him were extremely tough, and their regenerative ability was amazing. After breaking a few of them, , re-attached again.

At this moment, Bian Neng panicked and slashed out the copper knife with all his strength, trying to split the entire metal cage, but after the old metal wire broke, the new metal wire wound up again, and all his struggles were useless .

"Fire!" At this time, Bian Zhao threw out a few intermediate fire talismans, which produced several large fire balls, and the metal wire melted after encountering the fire, and then shrank back.

"It turns out that these metal wires are afraid of fire!" Bian took a breath at this time. He was also terrified just now, and he accidentally took out the intermediate fire talisman but unexpectedly produced a miraculous effect. The intermediate fire talisman actually restrained this strange metal ability.

Qin Lang was also very surprised that the metal cage was cracked, but soon he realized that the flame of the intermediate fire talisman is not an ordinary mortal, but a cultivator refining it with three flavors of real fire, which belongs to the best of human fire , it can naturally restrain the metal abilities of mutant clones.

However, after the metal cage was broken, Qin Lang didn't have any emotional fluctuations. At this time, he used the Gu array's ultimate move, Illusion Impact, and directly enveloped the side bearer.

Boom boom boom!Boom boom boom...

The ultimate moves of the two Gu formations started to work, the vitality scoop inside began to send spiritual energy to the Gu formation, and the drum spider at the core of the formation eyes was activated and began to make a sharp whistling sound.


The hiss of the Drum Spider is boosted by ten times the power of the Sound Ruohong Bell Gu, plus the comprehensive boost of the Gu Array, the power is directly increased by 130 to six times.

Immediately, the entire Gu formation was filled with the double attack of soul energy and sound waves. The side bearer who entered the Gu formation directly felt that his chest was extremely uncomfortable, and his heart was also following the rhythm of the entire Gu formation, beating violently.

" hurts me to death!" , This special energy attack mode directly acts on the deepest level of the side's brain, impacting the depths of the soul.

What's more, Bian Negative's brain, which was attacked by the ultimate move, had already produced strong hallucinations, feeling like he had entered a sea of ​​swords and flames, and was enjoying the torment of a hot oil pan. This process was extremely long and extremely painful.

"Kill..." At this time, the S-rank mutant clone directly entered the voodoo array, using metal abilities to break through the chest of the master of the Copper Saber Sect, piercing Bian Ling's heart.

At this point, the master of the Tongdao Gate, one of the underground forces in Green Willow City, died. He had a very expressive expression when he died. The S-level mutant clone directly killed Bian, but gave him spiritual relief.

But the souls of the three gangs who saw this scene were really brave, and they fled even more fiercely, including Su Huangbian, the leader of the Dirty Clothes Gang, and Hu Bugui, the leader of the Desert Gang, who all wished they could have two more legs.

terrible!Unexpectedly, such two powerful supporters came from the Sanxiu Alliance. Even the strongest of them died so badly.

Qin Lang closed the Gu formation at this time, and the S-level mutant avatar was already picking up the loot, and the master of the copper knife gate had a lot of money. In addition to the copper knife of the top-grade magic weapon, he also had four or five magic weapons. , and there are resources worth 400 million with him.

As the second-ranked gang in Luliuzhou's underground forces, it is normal for Bian to have so many resources and treasures, and now these are all cheaper for Qin Lang.

"It's another harvest, not bad... not bad, if I kill a few more fat sheep like this, I guess my cultivation resources for the next year or two will be available." Killing and setting fire to the gold belt, Qin Lang felt that this way of making money Earn more and faster than before in alchemy and weapon refining.

"Could it be that the cultivators who have taken the wrong path in the cultivation world like to kill people and rob goods, and directly plunder other people's resources with their powerful strength. How can this kind of speed of earning resources not be fast..."

Boom boom boom!Boom boom boom!
Cannons fired at the West City Gate, and Hong Jin, the spokesperson of the Loose Cultivation Alliance, probably wanted to vent his anger and avenge the more than 500 men who died. At this time, he asked his men to follow the retreating backs of the three gangs and fire.

And Qin Lang has also fully seen the power of the red flame cannon in the comprehension world. After firing the cannon, the cannonball weighing half a ton was thrown directly, and fell into the city from mid-air. When each one landed, the earth followed shock.

Basically, when a red flame bomb falls, all objects within a radius of ten feet are destroyed, and the enemy's flesh and blood disappears directly, leaving only a trapezoidal pit with a depth of several feet.

The Red Flame Cannon at the West City Gate only fired six rounds, but directly killed at least nearly a thousand of the three gangs. Compared with the previous fights, this kind of battle situation is truly thrilling.

It is indeed a top-grade magic weapon, the red flame cannon that can wipe out monks at the Nascent Soul level in one blow, and its power is indeed unmatched.

After the six cannons were fired, smoke was extinguished at the entire west city gate, and the smoke almost enveloped everyone on the city gate. The smoke from the red flame cannon was extremely choking, and the scene at the city gate was full of low-ranking monks coughing.

And high-level monks have mastered the technique of holding breath, even if they don't breathe for three to five hours, it's okay. The pores around the body can freely enter and transform with the aura of heaven and earth, and oxygen can naturally penetrate through the pores.

(End of this chapter)

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