The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1520 Demon Food Blood Mist

Chapter 1520 Demon Food Blood Mist

At this moment, Qiao Tianxing, a middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, even though his body is as steel as iron, felt relieved at the same time that he almost collapsed from exhaustion. Just now, he was directly facing the top ten gangs in order to block the gap in the guardian formation. Fortunately, the siege of thousands of people finally survived.

The Gu array was spread out by Qin Lang, spread out for several tens of feet, and turned into a field of illusion impact, and within this field, Qin Lang is the absolute master.

"What is this? What's going on? I can't see anything now..." Inside the Gu formation, the members of the ten trapped gangs were all surprised, and they all groped around.

And Qin Lang sneered, manipulating the Gu formation to launch a killing move, the three vitality Gu frantically absorbed the aura of heaven and earth to benefit the Gu formation, and the drumming spider in the formation's eyes finally let out a whistling sound.


The sound wave and the soul attack spread simultaneously, and the top ten gangs in the Gu formation screamed out in pain, and many guys rolled on the ground with their heads in their hands and their chests in their hands.

"Death is just the beginning!" Qin Lang snapped his fingers, because the ultimate move was activated, the weaker ones in the Gu formation were killed by the shock wave just now, and the rest fell into a state of insanity situation.

And the S-level mutant clone entered the Gu formation and began to clean up the remaining group of monks. Under the current situation, this wave of monks trapped in the Gu formation has completely lost their ability to resist, so the S-level mutant It is much easier to kill them with human clones.

"What is seems to be an illusion, oh my god, this is a method of formation cultivation..." Inside and outside the formation, many monks who know the goods exclaimed at this time. Although there are no monks in the world, they are relatively rare.

After all, the techniques of organs and formations require inheritance and talents, which are not accessible to ordinary casual cultivators, and generally only some big sects and well-established families have knowledge in this area to pass on.

In addition, casual cultivators can only rely on chance if they want to obtain mechanisms and formation techniques. Perhaps exploring a certain relic will obtain some relevant knowledge inheritance.

The Gu formation refined by Qin Lang is an intermediate formation, and some special spirit insects and Gu insects are added to form a Gu formation killing move that can operate automatically.

The ultimate move of the Gu formation is actually an upgraded version of the Gu formation, and one needs to be extremely familiar with the structure of the entire Gu formation before adding and modifying it to form a killing move.

Among the top ten gangs in front of them, there are guys who think they know some mechanisms and formation techniques, and now they are trying to break the formation, but without exception, when they fall into the Gu formation, they can no longer get out.

After all, ultimate moves are not so easy to break. Even if one or two of these enemies have the level of a formation master, they can't stop the ear-piercing sound waves and the impact of the soul in the Gu formation. The monks below the term are almost incomprehensible.

The chaotic whistling sound from the drum spider was too lethal, so loud that they couldn't resist at all, and their lives were hard to save under the magic sound, so how could they calm down to analyze and understand the structure of the entire Gu array.

At this moment, due to being blocked by the Gu formation, the top ten underground gangs besieging the Qiao family compound were in a dilemma, and the battle situation suddenly entered a stalemate.


And at this moment outside the Green Willow City, a guy in black robe faced the sky in the city with a bloody aura, and he couldn't help showing a sinister smile. At this moment, this guy took off his hood, and the face he revealed was like that of the top ten gangs in the city. The leader must be very familiar when he sees it. This black-robed man is Zhi Duoxing, the number two figure of the Youth League Gang.

This was originally a middle-aged Confucian student, but now his aura has changed drastically, becoming ghostly.

Moreover, judging from the aura leaked from Zhi Duoxing's body, it definitely doesn't look like what a monk in the middle stage of alchemy can have, even a monk in the early stage of Yuanying can't compare.

The ghost aura on his body is extremely solid, and the condensed aura is restrained from the outside to the inside. It can be seen that the ghost way cultivation base of this body is simply peak, extremely pure.

"These 20 years of forbearance are really not easy. I have gradually been promoted from an ordinary member of the gang to the number two figure of the Youth Federation, and I have never revealed my true colors."

"Let's kill! Fight! The more casualties in the city, the better. I have no contact with a gust of wind and horse thief, the lonely wolf of the desert, the six major families, the ten major gangs, the casual cultivator alliance... Jie Jie, as long as the entire Luliuzhou All become empty cities, and all the people are dead, so that the master's plan can be fully implemented."

"I have been lurking in this Green Willow City for more than 20 years in order to revive that Yin Demon. Today, the two forces of light and darkness in Green Willow City finally waged a war under my constant instigation all these years. The two sides seem to be in a quagmire. I can't pull it out anymore. Hahaha... It's really fun!"

"Unfortunately, the psychedelic mist demon arranged by the master was accidentally removed. Originally, this psychedelic fog demon was also an important part of the resurrection of the Yin demon. Now it is destroyed. I have to find a way to get rid of it from there." A rogue cultivator named Qin Lang can only get the psychedelic fog heart."

"So, that kid... just accept death obediently! Jie Jie..."


At this moment, the two sides fighting in the Green Willow City might not have imagined that they would fall into the schemes of a ghost cultivator in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

However, Zhi Duoxing, a ghost cultivator, has been able to endure lurking in Luliu City for more than 20 years without revealing his identity, and it is normal to have plots.

After waiting for more than 20 years, until today, the plan of this Nascent Soul mid-term ghost cultivator has finally been exposed. He has successfully provoked the fighting and fighting between the two forces of the green willow city, the light and the dark. Both sides are now suffering heavy casualties. situation.

And this is exactly what Zhi Duoxing wanted. For him, the thicker the bloody aura in the city, the better. All the souls of the dead and the bloody aura are to prepare for the resurrection of the Yin Demon. They are all Yin Demons. Food before resurrection.

Among them, the stronger the strength of the dead or injured monks, the better the effect. The soul and blood evil spirit of a monk in the Nascent Soul stage can at least support ten Dzogchen monks in the late stage of alchemy.

Therefore, the more monks killed or injured in the city, the happier Zhi Duoxing would be. This is the result he needs.

And now Zhi Duoxing is starting to prepare for his second job, which is to find a way to get the psychedelic fog heart from the loose cultivator named Qin Lang. After all, Qin Lang once fought the psychedelic fog demon in the haunted house and killed the psychedelic fog demon. Take away the psychedelic fog heart.

The psychedelic fog heart is a very critical item in the process of resurrecting the Yin Demon. In order to cultivate the newborn psychedelic fog demon, the master of Zhi Duoxing killed the entire cultivator family where the haunted house was at that time.

These are also some secrets about the haunted house, but in the entire Green Willow City, it is estimated that only Zhi Duoxing, a ghost cultivator in the middle of the Nascent Soul, knows the real situation.

With a sound of swiping, Zhi Duoxing disappeared directly in this area, leaving only a faint puff of smoke floating in place.


At this moment, with the escalation of the entire battle, the bloody smell on Luliuzhou became stronger and stronger. Above the city, the bloody smell even condensed to form a big bloody face. These big faces were completely melted by blood mist.

And when this big bloody face appeared, all the high-level cultivators who noticed the changes in the sky above the city were shocked, and felt palpitations for no reason. How did this big bloody face appear in the sky...why did they have nothing? Know.

The originally fierce battle in Green Willow City began to stagnate because of the appearance of this big bloody face, and both sides entered into short-term thinking.

"This... seems to be the blood fog of the magic food..." A small number of knowledgeable monks in the city searched the ancient history of the mainland through memory, and came up with a horrifying answer.

"Magic Blood Mist? What is Demonic Blood Mist?" Most of the monks in the city didn't even know what this magical blood mist was.

"The devil eats blood mist... This is also an ancient legend. It is said that every time the Yin Demon hidden deep in the ground wakes up, it needs a lot of blood food. Prepared a large number of souls and blood evil spirits as sacrifices..."

"Underground Yin Demon...blood eater..." After hearing this result, all the monks in the city were startled: "Doesn't this mean that there is an ancient Yin Demon hidden underground in Green Willow City? Now because of the large number of people in the city The evil spirit of blood has gradually begun to wake up."

"It's basically like this!" The learned monk nodded, somewhat helplessly.

"Then, let's run away quickly! If the Yin Demon is really revived, I am afraid that the entire Green Willow City will not be able to stop the Yin Demon from devouring it..." The frightened monk trembled.

The learned monk sneered: "Escape? How? When the magic food blood mist formed, the entire city was covered by the barrier formed by the blood mist. Even if we want to escape now, we probably won't be able to escape!"

"No way! I don't believe it, let's go first!" The terrified monk had already started packing and packing, preparing to leave Green Willow City quickly.

And in the city, there were not a few guys who thought the same as this frightened monk, and a large number of monks and civilians were starting to pack their bags and prepare to escape from this weird area.

At this moment, even the ten major gangs, the six major families, and the Loose Cultivation Alliance that were originally fighting have stopped. Such a huge change in Green Willow City has prevented them from continuing to fight. , began to find their own way out.

Up to this point, there are estimated to be 200 to [-] casualties in the city, which is also the direct source of the magic food blood mist. After all, most of the casualties are energetic practitioners, and each of them is worth ten. There were more than a hundred mortals, so although only [-] to [-] people died in this fight, the bloody aura contained in it was equivalent to the death of [-] million mortals.

But now, the Yin Demon underground has received a large amount of souls and blood evil energy as sacrifices, and is about to wake up. The entire Green Willow City is trapped by the blood mist. If the Yin Demon wakes up, no one will be able to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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