The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1521 Blood Mist Barrier

Chapter 1521 Blood Mist Barrier

The battle between the light and dark forces in Oasis City has temporarily ended, and now the biggest thing that everyone in the city is busy with is finding a way to leave.

The entire Green Willow City has been shrouded in the magic blood fog. It is not easy for the people in the city to get out, but if they don't find a way to leave here soon, when the Yin Demon is really resurrected, all humans in the city, no matter they are monks Whether it's an ordinary person or not, they all have to die.

At that time, the entire Green Willow City will be a veritable ghost town.

In the Qiao family compound, there are only 300 people left among the 300 Qiao family members who had stayed in the Qiao family compound, and almost all of the remaining [-] people were injured.

At this moment, most people are swallowing pills, busy healing their injuries, and have no time to take care of too many situations.

And the ancestor of the Qiao family spent a lot of money in the battle just now, but at the moment he didn't have the energy to take care of his own situation at all, but frowned at the bloody face on the zenith.

"It's not's not easy..." The ancestor of the Qiao family has lived for almost 2000 years, so he has heard about the magic food blood mist for a long time. Except for the fierceness of the blood mist, he felt worried.

He muttered almost unconsciously, in fact, he was helpless, and he felt the difficulty of the matter.

As soon as the magic food blood mist came out, the entire Green Willow City almost became like a forbidden place. Inside and outside the city were completely two worlds, separated by a layer of blood mist barrier, like an enchantment.

Don't underestimate this kind of blood mist enchantment. The formation principle of the blood mist enchantment is formed by the influence of the Yin demon, so it has the energy nature of the Yin demon. Even Qiao Tianxing, who is in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, can't break it. That layer of blood mist diaphragm.

Now the entire city seems to be separated by a thin layer of blood mist, but it is really no different from two worlds.Even the secretly opened underground passages in Green Willow City were blocked by a layer of invisible energy.

"The previous group of clansmen really moved in time, otherwise they would all be trapped in the city, and the Qiao family would be truly destroyed!" The ancestor of the Qiao family sighed, feeling a little regretful in his heart, if all the clansmen of the entire family were allowed to join together It's fine to transfer, and it doesn't have to be like this now.

This kind of situation is probably beyond the imagination of the top ten gangs. It can be said that after this fight, no matter whether it is the official forces in Green Willow City or the underground gang forces, they are all losers. ...Everything will become the blood food in the belly of the Yin Demon.

"Haha, hahaha..." Thinking of this, the ancestor of the Qiao family couldn't help laughing out nervously, almost to the point of tears. It's hard to explain the emotions represented in it.

After living for almost 2000 years, he has actually lived enough. However, if he really wants to die so uselessly, he is really unwilling to think about it, but what can he do?


"Magic food blood mist? Is there really no way to break the enchantment barrier formed by magic food blood mist..." Qin Lang was extremely surprised, and asked at this time, there was no effective way to deal with the immediate crisis in his memory.

"Breaking the blood mist barrier? Haha, is it that easy to forcibly break the blood mist barrier... If you are a cultivator at the transformation stage, you may try it, but we... let's forget it!" The ancestor of the Qiao family said discouragedly.

"What if we don't try? After all, we only have one life. Wouldn't it be a pity to lose it like this?" Qin Lang said lightly.

"That's right, then... little friend, what can you do?" Qiao Tianxing glanced at Qin Lang and asked.

"Well, let's go to the border of the city gate to have a look!" Qin Lang said at this time.

"Okay, let's go and have a look." The ancestor of the Qiao family also began to gather the remnants of the family, preparing to continue activities.

The more people are in trouble, the more tenacious they become. This is actually a kind of survival instinct at work. After all, no one wants to die.

Just like a person who fell into the water, whether you accidentally fell into the water or jumped off to die automatically, you will still struggle in the water after entering the water. If you encounter someone to rescue you before you are unconscious, you will probably be entangled involuntarily as a straw .

When Qin Lang and the ancestors of the Qiao family brought the remaining clansmen to the west city gate, the city gate was already overcrowded. There were many people trying to get out of the city, including monks and ordinary mortals, but it was obvious that there was no one there yet. success.

At this time, Qiao Tianxing saw in the crowd Su Huangbian, the leader of the Dirty Clothes Gang, Hu Bugui, the leader of the Desert Gang, and several leaders of the top ten underground gangs in Luliu City. When he saw them, Qiao Tianxing burst into anger. Come up, go over and kill these guys.

However, recently he forcibly restrained his anger and stopped such unrealistic thoughts. Now the blood evil spirit in Green Willow City is too strong. If the blood evil spirit increases again, it is estimated that the time for the Yin Demon to revive The shorter it is, the worse it will be for everyone in the end.

At the moment, Su Huangbian, the leader of the Stained Clothes Gang, Hu Bugui, the leader of the Desert Gang, and other top ten gang leaders all seemed to be fleeing. Seeing the arrival of the ancestor of the Qiao family, they were just embarrassed for a while, and then stayed as far away from this big killer as possible.

They also have self-knowledge, knowing that if Qiao Tianxing is angered again, their lives may be over before the Yin Demon is born.

"What? Want to leave the city? How long have you been wandering around here..." Qiao Tianxing snorted at several gang leaders with a half-smile.

"Not long, not long ago, we will come too, or the ancestor of the Qiao family, please invite..." Su Huangbian and Hu Bugui once again stepped aside by a dozen or so people, with an air of humility, but their actions fell on the In Qiao Tianxing's eyes, it felt as if he was provoking himself.

After Qiao Tianxing snorted, he led the clansmen directly to the city gate, turned his back to those gangsters, and pondered the blood mist barrier covering the entire city.

At this time, Hong Jin, the spokesperson of the Loose Cultivation Alliance, also jumped down from the city wall, looked at Qiao Tianxing with a bitter face and said, "Old Ancestor, I have tried everything, but I can't do anything with this blood mist barrier. Now all we have to do is bombard them with cannons!"

"Using a big can really try it!" The eyes of the ancestor of the Qiao family lit up, and said: "The red flame cannon is so powerful, maybe it can really blast away this layer of blood mist barrier."

"Is it really possible?" Hong Jin hesitated, but he was actually not sure.However, thinking of the power of the Red Flame Cannon, each transformation is almost equivalent to the explosion of the God Transformation Stage, and perhaps it is really possible to do this, he nodded: "I'll let someone dismantle the cannon and try it."

"These blood mist enchantments actually have weak points. If the red flame cannons attack the enchantment... you can actually start from those weak points." At this time, Qin Lang has gone back and forth between the two worlds, and there are actually some differences between the formation and the enchantment. Research, suddenly the weapon said.

"Oh? Where is the weak point of the barrier...?" Hong Jin asked suspiciously.

"This kid is talking nonsense! The blood mist enchantment is a whole, where is the weak point, or we have already opened it up! It's not good to talk nonsense at a young age..." Not far away, Su Yi, the leader of the Dirty Clothes Gang, Huang Bian, Hu Bugui, the head of the desert gang, and others all looked at Qin Lang with a sneer.

Although they knew that Qin Lang was good at fighting, they were obviously not optimistic about Qin Lang's ability to break the blood mist barrier and find weak points.

After all, Qin Lang's age is there. Even the old monsters like the ancestor of the Qiao family who have lived for almost 2000 years can't do anything with the blood mist barrier. How can Qin Lang, a junior, be able to crack the weak point of the blood mist barrier?
Ignoring the ridicule of those boring people, Qin Lang began to develop his consciousness and analyze the blood mist enchantment in front of him. At the same time, he also used the mutant system to perform some calculations in his mind, looking for some of the best in the blood mist enchantment. Shell hard.

At this time, the members of the Qiao family were quietly waiting for Qin Lang's analysis. They were not making noise like those guys like Su Huangbian and Hu Bugui.

The reason why the Qiao family members are so calm is that Qin Lang is the benefactor of the Qiao family, so they can’t help but disrespect this great benefactor, and the other is that Qin Lang has been acting miraculously since he came to the Qiao family, even the ancestors of the Qiao family attached great importance to it. This young man was treated as an equal, so the Qiao family also gave some hope to Qin Lang.

"A fifty-degree turn, a thirty-degree side angle, and a further turn..."

While analyzing, Qin Lang touched the blood mist barrier with his hand. He had a ruler in his heart. He was constantly gesturing, measuring data from various angles, trying to analyze and calculate the weak points of the barrier.

When stroking it, Qin Lang felt that the blood mist knot was very smooth, even a little elastic, but the tentacles felt a slight tingling pain, slightly numb like an electric shock.

The composition of the entire blood mist enchantment should be a special kind of yin attribute energy, which is also the essence of the energy attribute of yin demons. As an almost immortal existence that survived from ancient times, this yin demon should be a kind of energy comparable to that of the transformation stage. The existence of monks.

Even the monks in the transformation stage are not as strong as Yinmo in some aspects. After all, Qin Lang once challenged Song Zixing, the zombie body in the transformation stage. At least Song Zixing couldn't use his own ability to trap all the monks in a city. .

Because of the strength of the Yin Demon, all the monks in Green Willow City now have a strong sense of crisis. At this moment, both the official and the underground have put down their previous grievances, and they have some meaning of working together.

Of course, this is only the result of temporary coordination between the two sides. After all, so many people have died this time and have formed a deadly feud with each other. Once this crisis is resolved, the two sides will probably have to continue to make a final decision.

Qin Lang used the super system of his own S-level mutant avatar as an aid, closed his eyes and calculated for a while, and soon he analyzed some weaknesses of the entire enchantment.

At this time, he opened his eyes and smiled, and said, "Okay! I found a few nodes in the blood mist enchantment... Well, they are also weak points that can be used to break through."

(End of this chapter)

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