The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1522 Breaking the Barrier!

Chapter 1522 Breaking the Barrier!
As soon as Qin Lang said this, the expressions of the people around him were also different. Not far away, Su Huangbian, the leader of the Stained Clothes Gang, and Hu Bugui, the leader of the Desert Gang, said in surprise: "Really? So fast... this kid Shouldn't you be fooling everyone?"

"Whether you're fooling around or not..."

Qin Lang glanced at the two guys with disdain, then turned around and whispered in Hong Jin's ear for a while.

Then, Hong Jin showed a strange look in his eyes, nodded, and began to direct his subordinates to operate the red flame cannon.

After all, even the weak point of the blood mist barrier cannot be broken by ordinary monks with brute force. Even the ancestors of the Qiao family said that the defense of the blood mist barrier is amazing, and even monks in the transformation stage may not be able to break it. Now it is only possible to try it by relying on such a big killer as the Red Flame Cannon.

Soon, the Red Flame Cannon in the West Tower was dismantled and transported to the opposite side of the city gate, and the surrounding crowd were evacuated by members of the Loose Cultivation Alliance as much as possible.

The red flame cannon was loaded quickly, and the cannon was set up. According to Qin Lang's previous prompt, Hong Jin commanded his gunners to start firing at the blood mist barrier.

Boom boom boom!Boom boom boom!
Six huge cannonballs flew out of the barrel and hit six different points on the blood fog barrier around the city gate. This is also the weak point of the barrier that Qin Lang reminded.

The shells of the Red Flame Cannon hit the blood mist barrier, and the two blood mist barriers circulated layers of bloody waves, which seemed to be dissipating the impact of the shells.

The shells are fired, but now they have no effect...

This is also a concern of everyone in the rear.

If even the red flame cannon can't blast the blood mist enchantment of the city gate, I'm afraid everyone will be trapped to death in this city, and eventually they will all be turned into food when the Yin Demon recovers. feel terrible.

Clap clap!Clap clap!The shell hit the blood mist barrier, and at this moment the blood mist barrier finally heard the sound of shattering, just like the sound of glass breaking. Qin Lang's judgment was right, six red flame bombs hit the blood mist The six weak points of the enchantment.

And with the sound of shattering, the west gate of the blood mist barrier that had perfectly enveloped the entire Green Willow City finally broke open a large hole that could accommodate hundreds of people in and out at the same time.

And with the appearance of this super big hole that was broken open, the blood cloud over the entire city fluctuated violently, and waves of blood energy began to converge towards the crack in the blood mist barrier at the west gate.

"Oh my God! After the blood mist barrier was broken, it can still be repaired automatically. Everyone hurry out of the city... This big hole won't last long!" Many monks reminded.

Indeed, in the short dozen or so seconds since the bloody energy began to converge towards the crack of the blood mist barrier at the west city gate, the entire crack had shrunk by one-sixth. It is estimated that the crack that was forcibly broken by the shells could only last for one hour at most. After a few minutes, it will be closed again.

Crashing, a large wave of monks began to run towards the crack, and now it was time to flee for their lives. The selfishness of human nature in the crowd was undoubtedly reflected, and everyone wanted to squeeze in the front.

However, there were not many people who escaped under this kind of crowding, only about one or two thousand, and the rest were crowded at the gate of the city, and a serious stampede occurred.

"My lord, there are still twelve shells from the Red Flame Cannon... that is to say, we can break through the blood mist barrier twice at most, after which we really can't break out." Xiang Hong, a cultivator in charge of domestic needs of the Loose Cultivation Alliance Jinhui reports.

"Is there only a second chance? It is estimated that at most 6000 people can escape this time, and the rest will really have no way to leave this ghost domain..." Hong Jin frowned, staring at the recovering The blood mist barrier screen, murmured.

Isn't it?There are at least 10,000+ monks trapped in the city, and less than one-tenth of them can escape now.

It seems that after this incident, the entire Green Willow City will completely become a ghost town.

More than a minute has passed, and the crack that was forcibly broken by the shell of the Chiyan Cannon just now has disappeared, and now there is no trace of it.

"Don't leak this news, organize it now, and let the members of the Loose Cultivation Alliance and the six major families leave the city first!" Hong Jin issued an order at this time, anyway, the ten red flame cannons are in his hands, and the order on the scene is also the same. He has the final say.

Afterwards, the cultivators of the Loose Cultivation Alliance began to execute orders and began to maintain the order of the scene. They could no longer rush out of the city and had to queue up.

As for the temporary order issued by the Loose Cultivator Alliance, many monks at the scene expressed dissatisfaction, but even if they were dissatisfied, there was nothing they could do. After all, the Red Flame Cannon was in the hands of the Loose Cultivator Alliance, and now it was the Loose Cultivator Alliance who had the final say , The Loose Cultivator Alliance will let whoever wants to leave the city first, and these monks have nothing to do.

Fortunately, most of the monks at the scene didn't know that the Red Flame Cannon was short of ammunition. If they knew the truth of this matter, there would have been a swarm of bees. After all, no one wanted to be trapped in the city.

Of course, in addition to members of the Sanxiu Alliance and the six major families, Su Huangbian and Hu Bugui among the top ten gangs are also very shrewd. They wanted to follow the second batch out of the city, but they were ignored by Hong Jin .

Boom boom boom!Boom boom boom!The blood mist barrier at the city gate was opened again, and this time, people from the six major families worked with the Loose Cultivation Alliance to maintain order on the scene, letting their own people leave first.

Due to the well-maintained order at the scene, nearly 4000 people went out of the second batch out of the city.

However, Qin Lang and the entire Qiao family did not leave with the second batch, but were included in the third batch.

Boom boom boom!Boom boom boom!When the blood fog barrier was broken for the third time, Qin Lang and the Qiao family members all left the blood fog barrier, accompanied by a large number of members of the Loose Cultivation Alliance, but Hong Jin, the speaker of the Loose Cultivation Alliance, and some All the subordinates stayed in the city and did not follow them out of the city.

Qin Lang looked back and found that the old man Hong Jin looked helpless. He sent most of his subordinates and four disciples out, but he wanted to stabilize the morale of the troops on the scene, so he could only stay in the city and wait for death.

After Qin Lang and his group came out, the entire blood mist barrier remained the same, and after that, there was no sound of the red flame cannon.

The ancestor of the Qiao family sighed: "Fellow Daoist Hong Jin sacrificed himself so that we could get out of the city smoothly. This kind of spirit is worthy of our respect."

"Yes." Qin Lang nodded.

He and the ancestor of the Qiao family were strong enough in spirit, and they were by Hong Jin's side, so when Hong Jin's subordinates reported the news of the shortage of shells, both Qin Lang and the ancestor of the Qiao family knew about it.

After leaving the Green Willow City, the pressure of the crowd suddenly eased, and they just felt refreshed. The outside air was indeed different from the inside of the city. Now, a large amount of blood evil spirit has accumulated in the city, and it has slowly developed towards the direction of the ghost domain. .

And looking at the entire Green Willow City from the outside, it seems that a huge blood-red hood covers the entire city, and the diameter of this blood-red hood is at least 30 miles.

After leaving the city, basically all the monks didn't intend to stay where they were, and they each found a direction to leave, and they didn't know where their final destination was.

The ancestor of the Qiao family greeted at this time: "Go, now go to our Qiao family's residence!" It turned out that the Qiao family had a secret residence dozens of miles away from Luliuzhou, and the previous Qiao family members have now moved to that place. place.

Nodding his head, Qin Lang was about to speak when he suddenly felt heart palpitations. This keen sixth sense had never deceived him, so he immediately activated the maximum defense of the Six Fire Bronze Mirror and the Thunder God Ruler, and the Gu array He was also summoned, and a black cloud guarded the whole body.

when!Dangdang... Amidst the brilliant sparks, the six guardian bronze firebirds transformed by the Six Fire Copper Sword were all knocked down by a strange magic weapon, and the thunder light from the Thunder God Ruler barely blocked the aftermath of the magic weapon.

In the Gu formation, a series of sizzling sounds sounded. This strange magic weapon has strong corrosive properties, and even the Gu formation is constantly being corroded, and it probably won't last long.

At this time, Qin Lang summoned the S-level mutant clone to protect himself, and faced the invading enemy.

On the opposite side is a ghostly cultivator covered in black robes. What he just cast was a black bottle-shaped magic weapon of the ghost way. The mouth sprayed out, like a thousand arrows fired together.

Upon closer inspection, those tiny black ice needles are not real ice needles, but black evil spirits that have condensed into solid ice. It is no wonder that these evil ice needles can knock down one's magic weapon and corrode one's own body. Gu array.

In this world, the evil spirit of the ghost path is a kind of dark and turbid underground evil spirit, which is completely opposite to the spiritual energy. It has the effect of corroding magic weapons and spiritual objects. Qin Lang's gu array materials can't resist the erosion of evil spirit at all. .

Of course, this is because Qin Lang's Gu array structure has not yet reached perfection, so it can't resist the erosion of the evil ice needles. If it is a perfect level Gu array, it will be much more resistant to the evil spirit.

Facing this black-robed Ghost Dao monk, Qin Lang actually had a familiar feeling. He always felt that he had seen him somewhere. In fact, there were many monks around Qin Lang who felt this way.

This ghost cultivator is about the strength of the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and the black bottle in his hand that can continuously erupt black ice needles is a very powerful magic weapon of ghosts. The powerful corrosion characteristics of this magic weapon of ghosts really make people feel headache .

Jie Jie smiled, and the ghost cultivator spoke at this time: "Boy, you are so lucky, you actually avoided my Yin Sha Ice Needle, you must know that the Yin Sha Ice Needle inside my Yin Sha Bottle is made of ten thousand years of Yin Sha ice needles. Qi is condensed, even if a cultivator of the same level gets an injection, he will be corroded to the point of being gutted."

"Who? Sneaky!"

The ancestor of the Qiao family next to him had an attack at this time. Qin Lang is the great benefactor of the Qiao family, and now he was almost attacked by the Qiao family's team, which also made him feel ashamed.

The ancestor of the Qiao family rushed towards this ghost cultivator immediately. As a body cultivator in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, he still has a certain advantage against the ghost cultivator who is slightly less powerful in combat. In fact, Qiao Tianxing only needs to avoid the ghost cultivator's evil The ice needle can remain invincible.

(End of this chapter)

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