Chapter 1523
Swipe, swipe, swipe... At this time, the ghost monk swayed the Yinsha bottle in the air again, and the mouth of the bottle fell down, and a large amount of Yinsha ice needles spewed out like rain, and Qiao Tianxing yelled: "And Come to this move... to punch me! Xuanji Break!"

The ancestor of the Qiao family, a monk in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, used a very powerful boxing technique at this time. The punches made a sound of breaking sound. With the superposition of punching power, a small tornado sent out a small tornado to the Yin evil ice needle rolled by the ghost cultivator. Passed over, blowing away all the evil spirit ice needles.

"What a powerful set of punches!" Qin Lang also showed a strange expression.

He felt that the Xuan Ji Po performed by the ancestor of the Qiao family was stronger than his own Dacheng's Dragon Elephant Fist. As for why it was so fierce, the main reasons should be that the attributes of this boxing method are rigid, and the second is that it was born in the middle stage of Yuanying. Physical training combat power is indeed the strongest among monks of the same level.

After blowing away the Yin Sha Ice Needle, the ancestor of the Qiao family teleported to Ghost Xiu, stretched out his hand to grab him, and when he was about to capture Ghost Xiu, Ghost Xiu directly dodged skillfully.

However, the ancestor of the Qiao family was a little faster. Although he didn't hurt Ghost Xiu, he tore off the black-robed Ghost Xiu's headgear.

Kachi, at this moment this ghost cultivator finally revealed his true face, the face of a middle-aged Confucian scholar, Zhi Duoxing, the number two member of the Youth League Gang.

" could it be him?"

"It's actually a wise man!"

Some of the third batch of people who went out of the city at the scene were gang members, about 200 people. When they saw Zhi Duoxing appearing here, everyone was puzzled.

What's going on... How did Zhi Duoxing, the number two member of the Youth Federation Gang, appear here?The ten gangs fighting Zhi Duoxing in the city before suddenly disappeared, and this guy has been missing since then, but now he appears outside the city!It's incredible.

Weird, weird, and the number two figure of the Youth Federation, isn't he a mid-stage alchemy cultivator? Why has he crossed several major stages and become a ghost cultivator in the mid-stage Nascent Soul?

These gang members wanted to say hello to Zhi Duoxing at this time, but Zhi Duoxing simply ignored these gang members.

The ghost cultivator still looked at Qin Lang in the Qiao family's team with a vicious look on his face, and said in a cold voice: "Hand over that thing, and spare you! Otherwise, the Qiao family cannot protect you forever, and I will hunt down and kill you." You go to the ends of the earth."

"What?" Qin Lang wondered, he seemed to have nothing to do with this ghost cultivator, why did this guy want to assassinate him just now?

"Stop pretending, you got that thing in the haunted house in Green Willow City." Zhi Duoxing stared at Qin Lang with piercing eyes.

"Oh, you are talking about... the psychedelic fog heart?" Qin Lang suddenly realized that the psychedelic fog heart is indeed a treasure for ghost monks, but Qin Lang didn't know that Zhi Duoxing, a ghost cultivator in the middle of the Nascent Soul The real purpose of getting the psychedelic fog heart, I thought this ghost cultivator was just greedy for this treasure.

Naturally, Zhi Duoxing will not reveal the true purpose of the psychedelic fog heart in the public. This fog and fog heart is actually a tool that must be used in the resurrection process of the Yin demon, and it is also equivalent to a key. Although most monks in Green Willow City Trapped, but without this thing, the sacrificial ceremony cannot be started, and the Yin Demon cannot really wake up from the ground.

In that case, Zhi Duoxing and his master's arrangement for more than 20 years will be in vain, so this treasure ghost Xiu Zhi Duoxing is determined to get it.

After the ghost Xiu Zhi multi-star sneak attack failed, he had already lost the opportunity, and now he was blocked by the ancestors of the Qiao family. He also knew that it was almost impossible to capture Qin Lang's psychedelic fog heart under the protection of the Qiao family. , could only retreat helplessly.

Before leaving, he gave Qin Lang a resentful look, as if saying: "Wait, I will look for you again!"

"Want to escape? It's not that easy!" The ancestor of the Qiao family was unwilling to just let this ghost cultivator go, and once again bullied him.

But after Zhi Duoxing laughed, a thick black mist spread around his body, and after the black mist disappeared, the whole person disappeared.

This guy escaped, and the ancestor of the Qiao family was not able to take down this ghost cultivator of the same level.

And Qin Lang just now used part of his true energy in resisting the sneak attack of Guixiu Zhiduoxing, and now he feels his whole body is a little numb, which is a bad sign.

His body was temporarily unable to use his true energy, especially in combat situations, but just now he didn't care too much in order to save his life, so he turned on the defense of the two defensive magic weapons to the maximum.

Fortunately, it wasn't long before he used his true energy, and after working hard for a while, Qin Lang stabilized the true energy in his body, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

It still takes more than two months for the body to fully recover. Be steady, and you must be steady. As long as you get through the difficult period of more than two months, the future will be brighter.

After a crisis was resolved, Qin Lang bowed his hands to Qiao Tianxing, the patriarch of the Qiao family: "Thank you, patriarch, for your help just now!"

"Little friend, you are out of touch. The entire Qiao family has received your great kindness before. What I did just now is justified." Qiao Tianxing waved his hand, not thinking that what he did was nothing at all.

After beating the ghost Xiuzhi Duoxing away, Qiao Tianxing glared at the small group of gangsters nearby, and scared the small group of gangsters into a panic, thinking that the ancestor of the Qiao family was going to turn around and kill him immediately after he left the city them.

But they were obviously overthinking. The ancestor of the Qiao family didn't have the heart to waste time with them at all at the moment, so after glaring at him, he led his clansmen and left Green Willow City.

"Little friend, go to a place with the old man. It's actually not far from Green Willow City. It's also the second residence of Qiao's family." That's what Qiao Tianxing said when he left.

"The second residence of the Qiao family? And it's not far from Green Willow City..."

Qin Lang thought about it, he felt very strange, during this period of time living in Qiao's compound, he had never heard of Qiao's family mentioning that Qiao's family actually had property outside Luliu City.

Then he followed Qiao's family members all the way to the east, and after walking about forty or fifty miles, Qin Lang finally saw the mysterious residence of Qiao's family.

Strictly speaking, this is an abandoned ruin in the desert, like a small secret place, which was discovered by the Qiao family and transformed into a secret residence.

This small secret realm is not big, with an area of ​​more than 300 mu, but the stored materials are very rich, and there are underground water sources. It seems that the Qiao family has been operating this small secret realm for many years. The whole small secret realm is like a desert in the desert. underground fortress.

Qin Lang wandered around in the small secret realm. The concentration of aura in the small secret realm is slightly higher than outside. The resources of this relic have not been completely exhausted. Qin Lang even saw that there is an elixir nursery in the secret realm. It should be the Qiao family. The elixirs that were planted were all young seedlings.

"What a hidden blessed place!"

Qin Lang sighed, this small secret realm in the West Desert seems to be exhausted in resources, although it is inconspicuous in the entire Qinghe Continent, but if it is placed on the earth, it will definitely exist at the level of a paradise, even compared to the three major secret realms on the earth. up.

Speaking of which, the cultivators of the Qinghe Continent are really blessed. Even the resource-depleted Western Desert is many times stronger than the earth. It is indeed a paradise for cultivators.

And now Qin Lang is getting more and more difficult with the continuous improvement of his cultivation base, and the amount of resources needed in the cultivation process is also becoming more and more terrifying. Only in the cultivation world can he hope to obtain a large amount of resources and seek longevity possible.

After entering the small secret realm, the entire Qiao family who left the city in the first wave were all here.

When the two parties met, the senior management of the Qiao family found that the population of the entire Qiao family had shrunk to about 500 people. After all the calculations, the caravan was robbed and a big war directly lost about 500 people, and among them there were still [-] people. A high-level person in the Nascent Soul stage died.

After counting the number of people, the principals of the Qiao family felt very distressed. These clansmen cannot be lost in vain, and their revenge must be avenged in the future.

However, the battle between the light and dark forces in Green Willow City was strange, and the subsequent changes in the city made the two warring parties unexpected. It always feels that this war was deliberately led to happen.

Now when I think about it afterwards, Qin Lang, including Qiao Tianxing, the ancestor of the Qiao family, Qiao Zhimo, the head of the Qiao family, felt more and more wrong. , but now it is discovered that it is a lurker. After everyone deduces, the production of the demon-eating blood mist should have a lot to do with this ghost cultivator.

As for why this ghost cultivator has been lurking among the underground gangs of Green Willow City for many years, and deliberately trying to resurrect the underground Yin Demon, the reason is beyond the guesswork of people like Qin Lang.

Perhaps, I'm afraid even the top ten underground gangs in Green Willow City can't guess it, the water is too deep!

However, what is certain is that there are more powerful helpers, or organizations, behind this ghost cultivator in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, otherwise it would be impossible to promote this huge evil plan of massacring the city.

After all, such an earth-shattering event as the resurrection of the ancient Yin Demon can even change the history of the mainland. .

"This secret realm was originally called the Yellow Sand Secret Realm. It has been in operation for almost 37 years since it was accidentally discovered by the Qiao family..."

Qiao Zhimo, the Patriarch of the Qiao family, took Qin Lang for a walk in the secret realm, and at the same time told Qin Lang about the history of this small secret realm.

"Although the resources in the Yellow Sand Secret Realm are exhausted, the underground spiritual veins are still alive. This is a small spiritual vein, which has a long-term effect on medicinal materials, so the family has always used this place as a cultivation base for spiritual medicines."

"It can be said that the second residence of our Qiao family is of high value in the eyes of the tribe, not much worse than the Qiao family compound in Green Willow City. This is actually the second home of the Qiao family."

After listening to Qiao Zhimo's narration, Qin Lang also nodded. He could see that the Qiao family had put in a lot of effort in the Yellow Sand Secret Realm. The cost of manpower and material resources was not measurable by money at all. It exists like a paradise.

(End of this chapter)

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