The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1524 Lurker Appears Again

Chapter 1524 Lurker Appears Again

After settling down in the Yellow Sand Secret Realm, Qiao Tianxing, Qiao Zhimo and other high-level members of the Qiao family wanted to suspend some comrades who were trapped in the Green Willow City. This kind of people are trapped in the city, but they are like a thorn in everyone's heart, making everyone feel a little uncomfortable.

After all, it was only with Hong Jin's help that everyone was able to get out of trouble and leave that damn ghost domain.

Now I don’t know if the whole Green Willow City has really turned into a ghost town. So many people in the city are trapped and unable to get out. It is estimated that even if the underground Yin Demon is not born, the people in the city will not eat or drink after a few days. Many died of starvation and thirst.

It would be great if Hong Jin and others could be rescued, and everyone would not feel the thorn in their hearts all the time.After discussing for a while, the senior management of the Qiao family decided to send some people back to the vicinity of Luliu City to check the situation.

Next, the Qiao family sent a team of ten people to the Green Willow City to investigate, all of them were above the alchemy stage, but after half a day, only one person came back.

"Old Ancestor! That's not good... that ghost cultivator in the mid-Yuanying period has been ambushing outside the Green Willow City, and all the clansmen who went with him were killed by that guy's sneak attack."

The one who came back was a late alchemy cultivator. After a big battle, he was seriously injured and his face was extremely pale.

"What's going on? Your ten-member team is the elite of the family, and now you are the only one left."

Qiao Tianxing frowned.

"The ghost cultivator in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul is too strong, and he even ambushed several ghost babies under the sand. Most of our people were killed by the opponent and the ghost babies in a surprise attack."

The injured late-stage alchemy monk wanted to cry but said without tears.

Miserable, too miserable!The entire battle process was very useless. Their ten-man team couldn't hold on for half a minute before they were exhausted. If they hadn't seen the opportunity early, they might have fallen in along the way.

"Ghost baby..."

Qin Lang was thinking about this, he once owned a book of Yin Talisman of Ghost Dao Kungfu in the Nascent Soul Stage, which mentioned the sacrifice method of ghost infants.

This is a very heinous technique. Although the refining of ghost infants is the soul of the monks in the Nascent Soul stage... that is, the Nascent Soul is the main body, and it needs the blood essence of [-] virgin men and [-] virgins to make it. Only with assistance can the sacrificial training be carried out.

The entire environment for sacrificing ghost infants needs to be carried out in the underground veins where the evil spirit is extremely strong, and it will take a full three months to continuously use the evil fire of ghost cultivation as the main material for the Nascent Soul to be plundered. The Nascent Soul of the other monks branded their own souls through continuous sacrifices and turned into ghost babies.

Ghost babies are actually slaves, or worse than slaves, they are like marionettes.

Although ghost babies have half the mind of the original cultivator, they have to obey the orders of the ghost cultivator master. Although the ghost cultivator master is likely to kill their own enemies, they cannot resist, and their actions are completely controlled by the ghost cultivator master for the rest of their lives. Unless the master ghost cultivator dies, there is no possibility of liberation.

It can be said that if a monk in the Nascent Soul stage is turned into a ghost baby, he really cannot survive or die. This feeling is probably worse than a thousand cuts.

And the combat effectiveness of ghost infants should not be underestimated. Each ghost infant has [-]% of the combat effectiveness of a monk of the same level, and the ghost infant's soul imprint is entrusted in the ghost banner, so it can almost be said to be immortal, very difficult to deal with.

I heard that the mid-Yuanying ghost cultivator has three ghost babies. After the superposition of these three ghost babies, they almost form a ghost way killer move, which is more powerful than ordinary ghost way magic weapons.

And Qin Lang was also surprised. He didn't expect that the other party had such means. Fortunately, he didn't use it when he attacked him before, otherwise, he might have been really injured at that time.

This may also be the result of the ghost cultivator Zhi Duoxing's carelessness. After all, Zhi Duoxing is a ghost cultivator in the mid-Yuanying stage, and it is a bit overkill to attack Qin Lang, a casual cultivator who seems to be only in the middle stage of alchemy, so Zhi Duoxing did not use all of himself at the time. means.

And when Zhi Duoxing's sneak attack was exposed, he was entangled by the ancestor of the Qiao family who was also in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, so he had no intention of continuing to entangle, so this powerful killing method was not used again.

After all, Ghost Cultivator's strengths are hidden ability and sneak attack ability, and the long-distance is more powerful, but if he is entangled by a powerful physical Cultivator, he is still quite afraid.

You must know that in terms of physical strength, the ghost cultivator Zhi Duoxing in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul is not as good as the ancestor of the Qiao family, who is of the same level of physical cultivation.

Directly losing nine family members, the patriarch of the Qiao family uttered a swear word at this time, his eyes were blood red with anger, and decided to go all out to get rid of this ghost cultivator in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul and avenge the clansmen.

Next, the Qiao family made good preparations, and the ancestor of the Qiao family took Qiao Zhimo and Qin Lang out of the secret realm of the Yellow River, and went straight to the place where the ten-member team of Green Willow City encountered ghosts and cultivators in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul.

And Qin Lang is also fully armed at the moment. In addition to activating his own defensive magic weapon, the Qiao family also provided a high-grade magic weapon-level armor, which he wore directly on his body.

And the two mutant clones, species [-], species [-], one left and one right, are guarding Qin Lang's body like the two guardian king kong. That ghost cultivator could only do so.

After all, Guixiu Zhiduoxing has already placed Qin Lang as the primary target of the sneak attack for the sake of the psychedelic fog heart. Once Qin Lang is found, it will definitely be a thunderbolt.

Qin Lang seems to be taking a risky trip this time, but he is not completely passive. His only weapon is his recovered spiritual consciousness. Now that he has the spiritual cultivation of the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, he made preparations halfway in advance. Seconds found out that Ghost Xiu's sneak attack was still very possible.

The three of them ran all the way for more than 40 miles, and finally came to the place where the ten-member Qiao family team was attacked before. The traces of the battle on the ground were still there, but the bodies of the nine Qiao family members had disappeared. No matter where they are taken away, even the corpses after death are not spared. In fact, ghost monks are not much better than demon cultivators.

After studying the traces on the spot, the three did not find any results. Qin Lang's spiritual sense is very useful on the earth, and he can often easily find the enemy's hiding place in advance, but in this cultivation world, he met a higher-level monk, and When I was still a ghost cultivator, I felt more strenuous.

However, Qin Lang's sixth sense is still as strong as ever, probably several times stronger than monks of the same level. This is actually a special talent, and has saved Qin Lang's life many times at critical moments.

This time was no exception, Qin Lang's heart palpitations suddenly reappeared for no reason, and he knew something was wrong. The ghost cultivator had appeared and launched a sneak attack on himself.

"Here we come!" Qin Lang yelled, and at the same time opened up his body's defenses to the maximum, and completely mobilized both the first and second species.

In the air, the Yin Sha Bottle suddenly appeared, and the Yin Sha Ice Needle sprinkled wildly like rain.

While Qin Lang flew back, he had already summoned the Gu array to resist the enemy and also to hide himself.

After all, being in the Gu formation, one's own safety will be more guaranteed, although this Gu formation will not be able to withstand the erosion of the Yin Sha Ice Needle for a long time.

The ghost Xiuzhi Duoxing has appeared at this moment, manipulating the three-headed ghost baby to fight with Qiao Tianxing, the patriarch of the Qiao family, and Qiao Zhimo, the patriarch of the Qiao family. When he attacked Qin Lang just now, he was also discovered and surrounded by the two of the Qiao family .

It is also the first time for Qin Lang to see a puppet ghost like a ghost baby. It is as tall as half a person, and it is simply a Nascent Soul magnified dozens of times. However, the whole body is full of green phosphorous fire, which should be the result of being polluted.

Relying on the three-headed ghost infants, Zhi Duoxing unexpectedly ended in a tie with the two of the Qiao family, and the outcome was unclear for the time being.

As for the two of the Qiao family, apart from the ancestor of the Qiao family, who was a mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, Qiao Zhimo was a rare formation cultivator, and his attainments in organs and formations were even deeper than Qin Lang.

Qiao Zhimo's talisman is a seemingly ordinary fishing net, but this fishing net is actually a magic formation. Once cast, it can form a huge trap. go.

And Qiao Zhimo was also trying to pinch the formation, constantly adjusting the operation of the formation, preventing the cunning ghost baby in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul from finding a breakthrough in the formation.

At the scene, Qiao Zhimo used the trapped formation as an assistant, while Qiao Tianxing was the main attacker. The two worked together to deal with the mid-stage Nascent Soul ghost cultivator who fell into the fishing net, and the three ghost babies manipulated by him.

After fighting for a while, Guixiu Zhiduoxing saw that he couldn't break through the defense of the formation. At this time, he turned his heart and used the ultimate ghost move: "Ghost baby explosion!"

The three ghost infants merged into one and exploded directly in the formation. The huge impact force actually broke through the fishing net, and the ghost Xiuzhi Duoxing rushed out of the formation with a smile.

The ghost cultivator in the mid-Yuanying period was really extraordinary. Although Zhi Duoxing hadn't done much research on the formation, he used the power of the ghost's ultimate move to forcibly break through Qiao Zhimo's fishing net formation, and at the same time damaged Qiao Zhimo's strange object.

At the next moment, Zhi Duoxing shook a soul-calling banner in his hand, and the three-headed ghost baby was condensed from the air again. Although the figure was a little lighter, it was as fierce as before. It can be seen that the self-destruction just now was nothing to them It's nothing, as long as the summoning banner is there, they can't die.

"Jie Jie Jie, Jie Jie Jie..."

Amidst the sinister laughter, Zhi Duoxing rushed to Qin Lang again at this time, and his primary target was still Qin Lang.

At this time, the two mutant clones of Qin Lang's left and right guardians also greeted him, sharing the fighting pressure for Qin Lang.

Among them, the S-level mutant avatar casted a metal ability, and the metal cage pierced towards the ghost cultivator and the ghost baby. However, the ghost baby, as a condensate of evil energy, is not afraid of the metal ability at all, but the ghost cultivator itself is more scruples about this. to the side.

(End of this chapter)

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