Chapter 1525
At this time, Qin Lang unfolded the Gu formation to protect himself, and continued to manipulate the mutant clone to meet the ghost cultivator Zhi Duoxing in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul.

At this time, the ancestor of the Qiao family next to him once again bullied him, copying from another direction and attacking Zhi Duoxing together.Shuashuashuashua, the attacks from three directions concentrated on one point, but Guixiu Zhiduoxing suddenly disappeared in the center.

Qin Lang suddenly felt the sound of wind coming from behind him, and without thinking about it, he immediately manipulated the Gu array to block it, and at the same time shifted his body away from the original direction, and at the same time, there was a clanging sound coming from where Qin Lang was standing, but it turned out to be the Zhi Duoxing flashed behind Qin Lang.

This guy's goal has always been Qin Lang, so now he is trying his best to kill Qin Lang in order to get the psychedelic fog heart in Qin Lang's hand.

The sound of jingling just now was the sound of Yinsha ice needle hitting the sand after being shot. If Qin Lang was still staying in place at this moment, he might have already been shot through by this insidious ghostly magic weapon.

After all, Yinsha Ice Needle has the ability to break defenses. It can ignore Qin Lang's body's true energy defense layer, and it is extremely corrosive, more terrible than concentrated sulfuric acid.

Zizizi, Zizizi, Qin Lang's Gu formation was pierced by the evil ice needle, and was constantly corroded. Some basic Gu insects that made up the large formation were forced to fall off, and the entire Gu formation had become incomplete in just a moment.

However, Qin Lang didn't feel bad about it. The most important thing in this Gu formation was the core Gu worms. The other Gu worms were not worth much.

"The thief is really cunning!"

There was a loud roar from behind, at this time the ancestor of the Qiao family forced him over again, and stepped forward to fight Zhi Duoxing.The Nascent Soul's mid-term physical training is even a large meat shield, and it has received all the attacks of the three ghost babies.

And Qin Lang manipulated the S-level mutant avatar to perform metal abilities again, changing into a metal cage to seal off the space. With the joint efforts of the two parties, Zhi Duoxing let out a scream: "Ah!"
The attack strength of the three people on Qin Lang's side was too high, and the ghost cultivator was finally injured.After being injured, Guixiu Zhiduoxing repeated the old plan, still using the ghost baby to explode himself, trying to break through the blocked space.

"Do you still want to escape?"

But Qiao Tianxing quit. The mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator directly used the secret technique to burst out blood essence, and punched him fiercely, interrupting the other party's technique. In this state, the strength of this punch has increased by at least [-]%.

And Qiao Zhimo, the Nascent Soul Formation cultivator next to him, also displayed a set of five-element formation flags at this time, which were arranged on the outside to trap the enemy and prevent ghost cultivators from escaping.

"Haha, go to hell." The three attacked together and suppressed each other.

Now the ghost cultivator Zhi Duoxing was finally trapped. In the face of the two powerful combat powers of Qiao Tianxing, a middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, and the S-level mutant avatar, Zhi Duoxing couldn't even resist, let alone resist.

"Yin Fiend Ice Needle!"

Zhi Duoxing began to cast the magic weapon Yinsha Ice Needle. However, the Yinsha Ice Needle stored in the Yinsha Bottle had not been consumed much before, and now the scale was obviously much smaller when it was released, just like drizzle.

Not to mention the two Qiao family monks above the Nascent Soul stage, even Qin Lang, who is now in the middle stage of alchemy, can easily avoid the evil spirit ice needles emitted by this intensity.

Now it was Zhi Duoxing's turn to be depressed. The Yin Sha ice needles in the Yin Sha bottle had been used up and could not be used for the time being. Qiao Tianxing interrupted the ghost baby's self-explosion just now, and now he was at his wit's end.

The enemy is strong and we are weak, now what Zhi Duoxing has considered is not how to deal with Qin Lang, but how to escape from the encirclement now.

Are you going to use your life-saving trump card...

As a ghost cultivator in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, Zhi Duoxing actually has a life-saving hole card that is useless. If he uses this life-saving hole card, he still has hope to escape.

However, the cost of using the hole card to protect the card is too high. He would not use it unless he had to. However, the current situation is almost the same.

"Damn! If the master is here, how can I be so embarrassed..."

Seeing that he was surrounded by enemies, Zhi Duoxing bit the tip of his tongue and used his essence and blood to recite the secret mantra.

"Brown rye pyrimidine..."

With the activation of the secret spell, Zhi Duoxing's body was full of blood and evil spirits. At this time, Qiao Tianxing, a mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, and the S-level mutant clone attacked at the same time, hitting Zhi Duoxing's body.

"Yin Demon Splitting Body Dafa!"

Zhi Duoxing shouted loudly, the secret mantra was activated, the whole body was divided into two, and then divided into four, a total of four identical clones were separated.

The ghost cultivator in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul uses the Yin Demon Splitting Body Dafa, which is similar to the effect of Qin Lang's previous transformation using the shadow division method chain, but the difference is that the clones transformed by Qin Lang's use of the shadow division method chain are all fake and do not have offensive power. force.

However, the splits produced by the fission method of Yin Demon Splitting Body are all entities, and they all have 80.00% of the fighting power of the main body.

With three powerful clones all of a sudden, this ghost cultivator in the middle stage of Nascent Soul regained his disadvantages in human beings, and finally escaped from the encirclement.

At this time, Zhi Duoxing's body finally breathed a sigh of relief, activated the ghost baby and leaned towards Qin Lang, and gave an order to the ghost baby: "Kill that kid, and take back the psychedelic fog heart!"

After giving the order, Zhi Duoxing and the three splits counterattacked the ancestor of the Qiao family, the Patriarch of the Qiao family, and the clone of the S-level mutant. He was fed up with the uselessness before and now he is ready to fight back.

"Damn it! Forcing me to use the Yin Demon Splitting Body Technique. The Yin Demon Splitting Body Technique has too many disadvantages. After this battle, I will have a period of weakness for more than half a year. At that time, I will not even be as good as a monk in the Nascent Soul stage. These are you Caused it! Die now!"

With three clones participating in the battle, Zhi Duoxing suddenly became more powerful, and began to suppress the ancestor of the Qiao family, the Patriarch of the Qiao family, and the clones of the S-level mutants.

At this time, the S-level mutant clone has also launched its full combat power. It actually has the strength of a monk in the late stage of Nascent Soul, but there are not many cards in the cards, so when facing the enemy, it can only fight, and the effective means of controlling the enemy are only so One or two kinds, for the time being, there is no way to deal with Zhi Duoxing who is in an explosive state.

"Zhimo, back off!" Qiao Tianxing, the patriarch of the Qiao family, asked Xu Zhimo to back off. At this time, he also used the secret technique to burst blood essence, and also raised his cultivation base to the late Nascent Soul stage.

Bang bang bang!Bang bang bang!
After the improvement of cultivation base, the three clones of Ghost Xiuzhi Duoxing were no longer the opponents of the ancestor of the Qiao family, and the ancestor of the Qiao family was extremely brave with one against three, and actually defeated the three clones of Ghost Xiuzhi Duoxing.

At this time, the S-level mutant clone was entangled with Zhi Duoxing's body. Although his strength was stronger than Zhi Duoxing's, he couldn't take down this ghost cultivator for a while.

And Qin Lang, who was surrounded by three ghost infants, was also trying to fight against the enemy with the damaged Gu formation. Qin Lang once obtained a book of Yin Talisman, a ghost way technique, so he still has a lot of experience in how to overcome ghost infants. On the contrary, his battles are the easiest.

After using the Gu array to trap the three ghost babies, Qin Lang cast the Nether Ghost Curse from the Yin Talisman Sutra, and began to refine the three ghost babies using the characteristics of the Nether Ghost Curse.

This is a special snatching battle. The competition is the strength of the spiritual consciousness of Qin Lang and Zhi Duoxing. Now Qin Lang is not the same as him two months ago. It's not that there is no chance of winning against Ghost Xiuzhi Duoxing.

After all, Guixiu Zhiduoxing is now fighting against Qiao Tianxing, Qiao Zhimo and Qin Lang with one against three.

Among them, Qin Lang's combat power is the strongest. In addition to the two mutant clones, his own spiritual cultivation can also be counted as a boost.

After the green ghost curse was cast by Qin Lang, it floated in the air like a will-o'-the-wisp, like three green fireflies.

"Go!" Qin Lang planted the Nether Ghost Curse into the bodies of the three ghost babies, and then heard the three ghost babies howling in unison, even if they were insane, they turned into headless flies rushing around in the Gu formation Rampage.

This is a battle of spiritual consciousness, and one of the two sides in the battle is the ghost cultivator Zhiduoxing in the middle stage of Yuanying, and the other is Qin Lang, whose spiritual strength has now been raised to the middle stage of Yuanying.

Zizizi!Zizizi!The Nether Ghost Curse corroded the imprint of the spiritual consciousness left by Zhi Duoxing in Guiyingxiu, and soon polluted the three ghost babies, and the imprint of Zhi Duoxing's spiritual consciousness was excreted from the body.

"Ah... how is it possible! How could the ghost baby's connection be interrupted!"

The imprint of the ghost's consciousness had just been squeezed out, but Zhi Duoxing, who was in the middle of the battle, sensed it. The ghost cultivator in the middle of the Nascent Soul screamed, and looked back at Qin Lang full of surprise.

He couldn't figure it out at all, how could Qin Lang decipher the imprint of his consciousness on the ghost infants. You must know that these three ghost infants have been sacrificed for many years. It is impossible for monks of the same level to do this.

Could it be that this casual cultivator in the mid-stage of alchemy has mastered a special method of restraining anti-infant?
Or, the opponent's cultivation is not just as simple as the middle stage of alchemy.

In fact, Zhi Duoxing's guess is almost the same. Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness is actually about the same as him. In addition, the ghost curse in the Yin Talisman Sutra of the Ghost Dao Kungfu is really magical, so that it can completely solve Zhi Duoxing. The prohibition, all the imprints of Zhi Duoxing's spiritual consciousness were expelled from the ghost baby's body.

And after the imprint of the ghost baby's consciousness was discharged, Qin Lang finally completely mastered the three ghost babies. The technique is truly extraordinary.

Qin Lang's mastery of the three ghost infants is equivalent to doubling his combat power, while the opponent's mid-stage ghost cultivator is completely bitter. Qin Lang's combat strength has improved, but he has lost it now. The three ghost babies are equivalent to cutting off most of their combat power in disguise.

Under the current situation, even though the effect of Yin Demon Splitting Body Dafa is still there, Zhi Duoxing, a treacherous and cunning ghost cultivator in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, has no idea of ​​fighting again, and he is ready to run away.

(End of this chapter)

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