The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1526 The powerful forces behind the scenes

Chapter 1526 The powerful forces behind the scenes

Where there is life, there is hope!The ghost cultivator in the mid-Yuanying period is very rational. Now that the enemy is powerful, it would be very dangerous to persevere knowing that the situation is overwhelming, and Zhi Duoxing would not joke about his own life.

"Retreat!" Zhi Duoxing used the escape method at this time, and at the same time used several clones to block the pursuit of the ancestor of the Qiao family, the Patriarch of the Qiao family, and Qin Lang.

A burst of black mist appeared, enveloping his body, and after the black mist disappeared, Zhi Duoxing's figure had completely disappeared, and there was no more Zhi Duoxing's breath in this area.

"Escaped?" Qin Lang, the Patriarch of the Qiao Family, and the Patriarch of the Qiao Family glanced at each other. This ghost Xiu Zhi Duo Xing was really treacherous, and he immediately fled when he saw something was wrong. Just now, the three of them could not do anything to each other.

Qiao Tianxing and Qiao Zhimo were also dumbfounded seeing that Guixiu Zhiduoxing had escaped. It was really helpless for this cunning ghost to escape under their noses.

However, Qin Lang seemed determined, pointed to the three ghost babies he got just now, and said, "It doesn't matter, although that guy escaped, there is still a trace of breath left on the three ghost babies, we can use this to track them down. .”

"That's a good way to catch up!" Qiao Tianxing and Qiao Zhimo were overjoyed. If Qin Lang could track them down, the ghost cultivator would have nowhere to escape.

It's also to blame that ghost Xiu Zhi Duo Xing was almost unlucky, and it's not good to provoke anyone, but he wanted to provoke Qin Lang, because of the psychedelic mist on Qin Lang's body, he made a big deal, it seems that his life is hard to save this time.

But this is also a matter of no choice. Whoever made the psychedelic fog on Qin Lang's body is the key to the resurrection of the underground demons? Guixiu Zhiduoxing had to attack Qin Lang again and again for the big plan of the organization behind him. It was fate that fell into the hands of the three of Qin Lang, and it was no one else's fault.

And then, the three of Qin Lang started chasing the ghost cultivator in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul in the desert. There was a trace of breath left by the bodies of the three ghost babies. No matter where the ghost cultivator was hiding, the three of them could find The orientation is locked.

Now the three of them are sitting on a flying boat and galloping across the desert. This flying boat is a magic weapon for flying. It is much better than the flying Luo Yunsuo that Qin Lang once owned. Not only is it faster, but it can also carry at least 36 people at a time. people.

This flying boat is called Yunzhou. It is a middle-grade flying magic weapon, worth 200 million spirit stones. It is also the main means of transportation for the Qiao family to enter and leave Green Willow City. It has always been in the hands of Qiao Zhimo.

Because of the lingering breath of the three ghost babies, the three of Qin Lang on the flying boat are like hunting dogs, it is very convenient to lock each other, and they have been chasing closely along the traces of ghost Xiu Zhiduoxing's escape.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer. After Guixiu Zhiduoxing performed Yin Demon Splitting Body Dafa, the effect of the technique has disappeared, and it has actually dropped to a level that is not as good as that of a monk in the Nascent Soul stage. Now Qin Lang and the three can sense these... Target The breath is getting weaker and weaker.

This is of course a good thing. The enemy became weaker and weaker in the process of escaping. This should be the aftereffect of forcibly performing Yin Demon Splitting Body Dafa before. Then the three of them can judge that they will catch each other next and kill this ghost cultivator The possibility is greater.

Zhi Duoxing, a ghost cultivator, is indeed skilled in the direction of escape. He may have sensed that there is an enemy chasing behind him, and he has been circling in a large area. If this is the case, the breath will be mixed in this large area, which will also affect the judgment of the pursuers behind him.

However, the three of Qin Lang sneered at this. They have no shortage of time now, and if they chase slowly and patiently, the other party will not be able to escape at all. After all, no matter how somersaulting Monkey King can do, he will not be able to escape the palm of the Tathagata Buddha.

After a long time, the three of Qin Lang finally caught up with Zhi Duoxing, and they saw a very embarrassed figure in the desert from a distance.The current ghost cultivator is covered in tattered clothes, and he doesn't know whether he became like this after the previous battle or during his escape.

Seeing that Qin Lang and the others were catching up, Guixiu Zhiduoxing stopped instead, Jie Jie laughed for a while, and then said: "This time I'm the one who fell! But don't be complacent, my master will come over soon to help you I took revenge!"

After finishing speaking, the ghost cultivator slapped his palm on Tianling Gai, and after a black light, Zhi Duoxing had killed himself, and his body fell limply.

With a bang, the yellow sand on the ground was splashed up, and when the dust fell, it covered the ghost cultivator's body with a thin layer.

At this point, the ghost cultivator Zhi Duoxing in the mid-Yuanying period finally fell.

After seeing Zhi Duoxing's self-finishing, Qin Lang and the others all looked expressionless. They stayed in place for a while, and seemed to be thinking about something.

"This guy killed himself so easily. Thinking about it, it's really surprising! I don't know what the power behind this ghost cultivator is. It must be very difficult for a mid-Yuanying cultivator to work so hard, even at the expense of his life." not simple."

"However, if you think about the big things that this organization is going to do, you will know how terrible it is, instigating the two forces of the Green Willow City to fight against each other, and secretly trying to revive the underground demons... These are simply not something ordinary monks can accomplish."

"Fortunately, now that Ghost Cultivator Zhi Duo Xing has been killed, this is considered a victory... Next, let's see if there is any chance to remedy the crisis in Green Willow City. If not, we can only watch the whole Green Willow City has become a ghost town."

After discussing on the spot for a while, the three of Qin Lang headed straight to the direction of Green Willow City. Now they are going to see what Green Willow City has become after a day of developments.


At the same time when Qin Lang and the others killed the ghost cultivator Zhi Duoxing in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, thousands of miles away, in a secret room, a skinny ghost in black robe suddenly opened his eyes.

"What's going on, my apprentice Zhi Duoxing also died, it shouldn't be! Two days ago we sent thousands of miles, and this guy also informed me that the development of the situation in Green Willow City was as expected, and it was all under control among."

"If there is any variable, it is the key to revive the dark devils in the Green Willow City... that psychedelic mist heart is not in my hand, but was taken away by a casual cultivator in the middle stage of alchemy, and I must find a way to get it back. "

"Damn it, the situation has changed now. Not only has the psychedelic fog heart not been found, but even Zhi Duoxing has been killed. Doesn't that mean that my hard work of more than 20 years has been reduced to ashes!"

"I'm not reconciled. Why are there so many situations at this juncture? Do you want me to go to Green Willow City to see and kill those spoilers... Unfortunately, I am in a critical period of cultivation and cannot leave here."

Long green flames suddenly spewed out from the two deep-set eye sockets, and the breath of this powerful and incomparable ghost cultivator burst out. A thick layer of dust.

It can be seen that this powerful ghost cultivator has been cultivating in this secret room for a long time, and the overall strength is not obvious, but what is certain is that the mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator is far from his opponent.

In other words, this powerful ghost cultivator is an existence in the late Nascent Soul and even the transformation stage, and is also one of the top powerhouses in the world of comprehension.

At this time, a black light flashed, but it was a Yuanshen imprint that he had left in his apprentice Zhi Duoxing's body and flew back. After getting the news from this Yuanshen imprint, the powerful ghost cultivator closed his eyes for a while.

After a long while, the mighty Ghost Restoration opened his eyes again, and his blood-red pupils erupted with a strange light: "Qiao family, there is another casual cultivator who looks like he is in the middle stage of alchemy, are you the ones who ruined my plan?" ? Wait, I'll send someone to find you right away."

The powerful ghost cultivator began to send messages from thousands of miles away: "Ghost Hand Liao Hua, Thousand Faced Fairy Kong Li, you two go to Green Willow City! The task is to destroy the few remaining families in Green Willow City and find the psychedelic fog heart for me!"

"It is worth mentioning that among the few remaining families in Green Willow City, the Qiao family that caused your junior brother Zhi Duoxing to perish should not be let go. In addition, the casual cultivator with the psychedelic fog heart is also in the Qiao family. The name of the casual cultivator It's called Qin Lang."

After about half an hour, there were voice transmissions from two directions: "Yes, Master."

After receiving the reply, the powerful ghost cultivator murmured: "Both of my apprentices are above the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and Liao Hua, the ghost hand, is at the late stage of the Soul Soul, and the Thousand-faced Demon Fairy is good at confusing and hiding the enemy. Much better than the fallen disciple Zhi Duoxing! Now that there are two people working together, I believe this time the matter will be settled."


What Qin Lang didn't know was that after he, Qiao Tianxing, and Qiao Zhimo killed Duoxing, a ghost cultivator in the middle stage of Yuanying, he also angered a big boss hidden in the dark.

This more powerful ghost cultivator is also the master of Zhi Duoxing, the creator of the haunted house in Luliuzhou 20 years ago, and also the main planner of the resurrection of the underground demon in Luliucheng.

This old devil once caused a bloody storm in the cultivation world, causing boundless killings.

The name of this powerful ghost cultivator is Yao Dongwen. He used to be the previous guardian elder of the Yin Ghost Sect, the strongest in the sect. bit.

However, after being injured and lurking, he was expelled from the school by the Yin Guizong, and then fled to the West Desert. He has been lurking for more than 500 years. During these 500 years, this old guy has been healing his injuries, and at the same time secretly cultivated a force , after 500 years of development, this force is now stronger than any family in the West Desert.

Can it be strong?The three apprentices of this powerful ghost cultivator Yao Dongwen in the stage of transforming gods are all above the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and Liao Hua, the master brother, is even in the late stage of the Nascent Soul.

Although Zhi Duoxing, the weakest of the three apprentices, had died, there were still two other apprentices, and with the thousands of disciples and grandchildren under his control, Yao Dongwen was not worried that no one would be available.

Yao Dongfang's move has already formed a ghost cultivator sect in the dark in the west desert, and this power is not much weaker than the ghost sect he once stayed in.

(End of this chapter)

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