The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1527 Special Life Money

Chapter 1527 Special Life Money
After Qin Lang and the others killed Guixiu Zhiduoxing, they went straight to the outside of Green Willow City again. When they saw the blood mist enchantment covering the entire city, they all had wry smiles on their faces.

"Is there a way to break this blood mist barrier?" Qiao Tianxing asked.

"I'm afraid this will be difficult."

Both Qin Lang and Qiao Zhimo are at the level of formation masters, but their specialties are different. Qiao Zhimo's strength lies in formation, while Qin Lang's strength lies in details and comprehension.

After all, in terms of some details, analysis and comprehension of the formation, the super system gave Qin Lang a lot of help, speeding up Qin Lang's calculation and analysis of some data.

Think about it, Qin Lang is good at analysis and comprehension, and with the assistance of the super system, the talent in this aspect is even more against the sky. It is estimated that even some formation masters are not as capable as Qin Lang in this aspect.

It can be said that Qin Lang is more authoritative than Qiao Zhimo in researching the ability to crack the blood fog barrier in front of him.This is also the key reason why Qin Lang was able to study the weakness of the blood fog enchantment so quickly when he was in the city.

Qiao Zhimo can actually do this, but his expertise is different. It is hard to say how long this guy needs to study the weakness of the blood fog barrier. It may be three to five days, or it may be three to five months.

In that case, it is estimated that the day lily will be cold, and even if the underground Yin Demon has not been revived, most of the people in the city will starve to death or die in confusion.

After all, there are still many disciples and mortals in the qi refining period in Green Willow City, and the living supplies in the city are still relatively scarce at present, and they must not be able to resist not eating or drinking for a few months.

"If there is a treasure like the Red Flame Cannon, it's not impossible to break the blood mist barrier. Of course, the premise is that the shells must be sufficient."

Qin Lang added at this time that when the Chiyan Cannon fires, its power is comparable to that of a cultivator in the Transformation Stage. It can break through the blood mist barrier and form cracks in the barrier. If there are enough shells, it will cover the entire city. It is not impossible for the blood mist to blow away completely.

"This is impossible." Qiao Tianxing and Qiao Zhimo shook their heads. If there were enough shells, the remaining monks in the city would have escaped long ago. Now the three of them don't have to think of a way to save them.

"Actually, the key to cracking the blood mist barrier is to consume the barrier energy of the blood mist barrier, then the entire blood fog barrier will also collapse directly due to loss of balance... If we think about it from this aspect If there is a way, there may be a way to break this enchantment in front of you."

Qin Lang pondered for a while and said.

"You mean..."

Qiao Zhimo's eyes lit up next to him. He is not as good as Qin Lang in terms of analysis and comprehension, but he is much better than Qin Lang in terms of execution ability. After all, his strength is formation.

"Indeed, if a special formation is arranged to destroy the energy of the barrier, or to guide the energy in reverse, breaking the internal energy balance of the blood mist barrier...then the composition of the blood mist barrier will be out of balance, and it may be true. collapsed, this line of thought should work.”

Qin Lang closed his eyes at this time, the arrangement and reorganization of the data had already entered in his mind, and now he calmed down and studied.

After Xu Zhimo got a new idea, he also analyzed it aside, trying hard to see if he could find a way to set up the formation.

But his ability in this aspect is indeed inferior to that of Qin Lang, who has a super system. After analyzing for about half an hour, Qin Lang has initially formed a set of formation plans in his brain.

As soon as he told Qiao Zhimo about the formation plan, Qiao Zhimo's eyes lit up immediately. This method should be feasible, and the two began to work together to implement it.

Qin Lang's plan is to set up a super magic circle outside the Green Willow City, to guide and evacuate the energy of the blood mist enchantment, and to expel all the blood mist energy in the city outside the city. In this way, the entire blood mist enchantment will not attack itself break.

Moreover, because the energy of the blood mist in the city is discharged outside the city, the underground Yin Demon cannot get the soul and blood evil energy replenishment needed for resurrection.

In that case, it is estimated that Yao Dongwen, a ghost cultivator in the transformation stage who is thousands of miles away, will be so angry that the three corpses will jump!After all, the "resurrection of the underground yin demon" in Green Willow City is related to his career plan, and it is the result of many years of arrangement by this ghost cultivator in the transformation stage, and it is simply not allowed to be destroyed by others.

In Qin Lang's plan, the one used to guide the energy of the blood mist in the Green Willow City is a super large formation, which is similar to a large spirit gathering formation, but the method of arrangement is to reverse the gathering spirit formation, which should be called the large spirit discharge formation.

There are a lot of materials needed for this Spirit Dispelling Formation, among which the top-grade spirit stones are the main ones, and the top-grade spirit stones alone need more than 1000 pieces.Based on the calculation that a piece of high-grade spirit stone is equal to 100 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones, and equal to 1 yuan of low-grade spirit stones, the spirit stones needed for the large formation of spirit leakage are worth more than 1000 million yuan.

Of course, this money can't be spent in vain. The Qiao family is now planning how to get back all the investment based on the head count after saving everyone in the city, and make a small profit.

I believe that after those guys in the city are rescued, they should readily pay this small sum of money.

After all, more than 1000 million spirit stones were allocated to everyone, and each monk should not pay much. The nearly 20 monks in the city paid more than 100 yuan each.

Another way of thinking is to use more than 100 spirit stones to buy one's own life. This deal is actually very cost-effective.

This was a happy situation for everyone. Next, the ancestor of the Qiao family took out a special treasure and communicated with Hong Jin, the speaker of the Sanxiu Congmeng in the city.

This is a rare object, the Tianyin Conch. Its characteristic is that it can retain the voice of the speaker for thousands of years. It is equivalent to a recorder on the earth. This treasure is also very valuable in the cultivation world. It is very rare and has always been a family The treasure of inheritance, basically every generation of the ancestors of the Qiao family will keep their own experience and comprehension in the Tianyin snail, and leave it for the younger generations to comprehend.

And the Tianyin snail has another feature, that is, using the Tianyin snail to enter the sound transmission, the sound can penetrate the boundary wall and enter the interior, so even the blood mist barrier can't stop its sound. He told Hong Jin of his idea and asked Hong Jin in the city to help collect this "life money".

After Hong Jin got the news, he quickly rushed to carry out this incident. Now for these monks in the city, as long as they can survive, no matter how much they pay, it is worth the price. "Money" is really nothing.

After all, after the yin demon revives, the entire Green Willow City will become a ghost town, and all the monks in the city will die. It will be useless to keep more money if you don't bring it with you.

And now that he could get a chance of survival, even if the chance was slim, the monks in the city would try their best to fight for it.

After a while, through the blurred shadow of the enchantment, the two of the Qiao family received an "OK" gesture from the monks of the Loose Cultivation Alliance in the city, indicating that the "life money" plan has been carried out and everything is going well.

After receiving this exciting news, the three of Qin Lang began to be full of energy, and the reason why Qin Lang was so energetic was that after the implementation of the "life money" plan, not only the Qiao family benefited, but even Qin Lang and the Sanxiu Alliance arrived. There is always a share.

Moreover, Qin Lang, as one of the main implementers of this operation, after the implementation of the "buy life money" plan, the profit distribution obtained is not low, and one person exclusively occupies [-]%.

Regarding the profit distribution of the "life money" plan this time, Qin Lang takes [-]%, the casual repair alliance in the city takes [-]%, and the Qiao family takes [-]%.

This profit distribution plan is obviously that Qin Lang earns the most, and one person represents one force. In contrast, after the other two forces contribute their efforts and capital, it is hard work and not very profitable to be allocated to the head.

However, none of the three parties had any objections. After all, Qin Lang possessed this qualification, and the entire rescue plan to crack the "Blood Mist Barrier" was implemented only by Qin Lang.

In other words, without Qin Lang, the monks trapped in the entire Green Willow City would not be able to get out of trouble.

In this case, the Qiao family and the Sanxiu Alliance will not care about Qin Lang's income more than both of them. It is very lucky for them to be able to make friends with Qin Lang, a genius who broke the formation.

Next, Qin Lang and Qiao Zhimo started to get busy. The arrangement of this super inverse spirit formation requires a lot of resources, and the process is relatively cumbersome and laborious.

At least how hard it is... Seeing that even the ancestors of the Qiao family were commanded by the two at this time, and became coolies, one knew how difficult the process of setting up the formation was.

The entire Great Negative Spirit Formation is fully arranged and covers an area of ​​about [-] mu. Among them, the installation of the spirit stones, the veins of the formation and the cornerstones of the formation require a lot of labor.

During this process, the three of them continued to cast a small spell of "turning mud into stone" to gather the scattered sand and soil on the ground, and then directly use the spell to form large stones as the basic material of the formation.

It is worth mentioning that "Turning Mud into Stone" is indeed a small spell. Just because Qiao Tianxing, a physical trainer who doesn't usually use spells very much, can perform it, one can know how simple this spell is.

This is indeed just a basic earth spell, and most of the monks above the foundation stage in the comprehension world will use this trick.

However, this earth spell does not have any offensive power, but it is very practical. It is only used for building or something like building a cave or something.

The entire formation process was very cumbersome, and it took about a dozen or so hours to almost complete the super huge reverse spirit formation, and then after the spirit stone was placed, the entire reverse spirit formation also began to operate.

After the Negative Spirit Formation was in operation, the veins of the entire formation also became active, and the object of action happened to be the blood fog barrier covering the entire Green Willow City, constantly absorbing the energy from the blood fog barrier covering the entire city.

Before, the large array discharged the energy in the blood mist barrier to the outside of the city and dissipated it between heaven and earth. This is actually the result that Qin Lang and the other three needed. As long as the energy maintaining the entire blood mist barrier becomes weaker and weaker, the entire blood Only the structure of the fog barrier has the possibility of slowly collapsing.

(End of this chapter)

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