The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1533 Expelling the evil spirit

Chapter 1533 Expelling the evil spirit
And the most important point is that Qin Lang's pursuit of practice is not a strong combat power. The improvement of combat power is only to make himself stronger and remove obstacles on the road of practice. Qin Lang's real pursuit is actually longevity.

The biggest purpose of a cultivator's practice is to live forever. If you can't live forever, this kind of practice process will be meaningless. The difference from ordinary people is that you live a few more years, and you will eventually turn into a pile of loess.

For the next few days, Qin Lang continued to recuperate in his room. He was seriously injured this time. Originally, it only took two months to fully recover, but because of the serious injury this time, he had to postpone it for another two months. moon.

In other words, it may take four months for the current Qin Lang to fully recover his cultivation. Of course, the most painful thing for Qin Lang is not because of this, but because he still cannot use his true energy to refine his body in these four months. Weapons, alchemy, talisman refining and entering the battle.

This kind of restriction is too uncomfortable. Now Qin Lang needs to rely on himself to obtain the resources for his cultivation. It is conceivable that he will be more anxious in the next four months.

Fortunately, he was not without gains in this accident in Green Willow City. In fact, he made the right choice to stay in the city. Not to mention the property worth about 500 million, there are also a few good ones Magic weapons, such as the Thunder God Ruler and the three-headed ghost baby, are not for sale at the auction, and they can't be bought even if they want to.

Qin Lang was lying on the bed for three days before the bandages on his body were removed, leaving only the more serious injury on his chest, and when he saw the mottled scars on his body, he himself was shocked , how could it be so miserable.

What he didn't know was that these large and small traumas on his body were basically the traumas that shook his body when Liao Hua, the ghost hand, performed the mahamudra of the ghost way, but he was too nervous to notice at the time, and then passed out up.

Now that these traumas are basically unshackled, Qin Lang is not worried that these traumas will leave hideous scars on his body. Basically, as long as he is a cultivator above the alchemy stage, unless he deliberately wants to leave scars on his body, otherwise, all After the trauma heals, it will not leave any marks on the body.

Of course, this is also determined by the strong physique of the cultivator. Compared with the ability of the monks in the Nascent Soul stage to stay young, this kind of not leaving traumatic scars on the body is nothing at all.

After healed from the trauma, Qin Lang found that his hands and feet were able to move a little bit, but his internal injuries were still very serious. The ghost hand Liao Hua's ghost way big hand move is indeed a secret technique ultimate move, and it is not an ordinary secret technique killer move, ghost way The big handprint... As soon as the "Wanwo" came out, dozens of superimposed palmprints hurt him, and at the same time, the evil spirit left behind continued to erode his internal organs.

Therefore, Qin Lang has been practicing silently these days, trying to expel the evil spirit accumulated in the viscera. These special evil spirits are the same as the sword energy emitted by Qin Lang's previous sword art. It can even be life-threatening if removed early.

Because these yin evil spirits cannot be excreted from the body by the power of pills, Qin Lang must exercise his skills to expel them from the body, and no one can help him.

Of course, it doesn't mean that no one can help Qin Lang. If there are monks who are also at the late stage of Nascent Soul to assist Qin Lang in expelling evil spirits, then Qin Lang's recovery speed will be much faster.

It's a pity that not to mention the Qiao family, even in the entire Green Willow City, there are no monks in the late Yuanying period, and now the ancestor of the Qiao family with the highest cultivation base is also recovering from his injuries, so how can he help Qin Lang?
Expelling the evil spirit from the body may be difficult for the average monks in the middle stage of alchemy. After all, this is the evil spirit cultivated by ghosts in the late stage of Yuanying. It is too pure, and monks in the middle stage of alchemy may not be able to deal with this too The pure Yin Sha is not a problem for Qin Lang.

Qin Lang once owned a copy of the Yin Talisman Sutra of the Ghost Dao of the Nascent Soul Stage. In fact, he is more familiar with Yin Sha than most ordinary ghost cultivators. Several ghosts were kept as beasts.

The Yin evil in the body was captured by the big handprint of the ghost path, and now they are mainly concentrated in Qin Lang's viscera and main meridians, making Qin Lang feel that even the transfer of true energy has become very sluggish, but he is not in a hurry, but slowly Carry out this process of true energy operation slowly.

This time the injury is different from before, Qin Lang's cultivation level has not fallen again, and even the spiritual consciousness is still at the original Nascent Soul mid-stage level, so although the meridian in the body is more silted up now, it is very difficult to mobilize the true energy, but it can be controlled by the spiritual consciousness Within the range, fine-tuning can be carried out slowly.

Qin Lang followed the ideas provided by the Yin Fu Jing, and gradually drove the evil spirits scattered in the body from the internal organs to the meridians, and then slowly concentrated these evil spirits, staying in the middle dantian. After a while, through some special meridians and collaterals, it goes straight through the pores in the body and is discharged from the sweat pores.

flop flop...

When the evil spirit is expelled from Qin Lang's pores, it forms black light smoke, which is actually similar to the tail smoke of a car, and the whole room becomes smoky.

At this time, the temperature in the whole room suddenly became freezing cold, and even a thin layer of ice formed on the doors and windows, which was formed under the action of the incomparably pure evil spirit.

Looking at the scene caused by these evil mist, Qin Lang felt a lot more relaxed in his body and sighed. This kind of pure evil mist is a good thing for ghost cultivators. With such a palm, if all the evil spirits in the body are absorbed, it may be a blessing in disguise, and now it will be directly promoted to the Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy.

If the ghosts that Qin Lang raised before, he would be very happy to meet the pure Yin Sha in the room, and absorb them as a great tonic. Unfortunately, Qin Lang doesn't have any ghosts on him now.

It's a pity that ghost cultivators and ordinary monks cultivate different aura attributes. Ghost cultivators absorb the most cloudy and turbid yin and evil spirits in the world to improve themselves, while ordinary monks improve themselves with pure and pure heaven and earth aura. It's just that these heaven and earth auras are divided into different attributes.

After Qin Lang got rid of the evil spirits in his body, the internal injuries in his viscera had been relieved a lot, and he was able to walk on the ground at this time. He directly opened the doors and windows to let the extremely cold evil spirits escape through the doors and windows.

At this time, I moved myself and my body, and felt that with the discharge of Yin evil, the blood vessels in my body became warmer and more comfortable.

"It's strange, after the Yin Sha is discharged... I feel that the injury this time is not as serious as I imagined!"

Qin Lang was puzzled at this time, and began to use his spiritual sense to check his body. After checking, he came to a conclusion that if his body fully recovered, it would not take four months at all, and it would probably take about three months at most. up.

That is to say, after the injury this time, Qin Lang only had an extra month or so of recuperation time, which made him very happy.

This is indeed something worth celebrating. So far, why the quality of the body is so much better than expected? Qin Lang attributes it to the recuperation of the body during this period, as well as the continuous use of current resonance to stimulate the vitality of the blood in the body and strengthen his own strength. constitution.

Current resonance stimulation... This is a special method to strengthen the physical strength that Qin Lang only mastered after experiencing life and death, and the process of this treatment is actually a process of stimulating the activity of the whole body cells in the body. As long as the cell activity is strengthened, plus The high-frequency vibration of the true energy in the meridians, and the combination of the two can also make Qin Lang's physical recovery speed faster.

The human body has twelve main meridians, 36 secondary meridians, and large and small branch meridians, forming an incomparably complex three-dimensional system of seven meridians and eight meridians.

Every current resonance stimulation is a process of strengthening the body. During the flow of every ounce of true energy in the body's meridians, those currents are stimulating the cells, penetrating from the cell wall into the cell body, etc., and the current is strengthening the cells. activity, making these cells stronger.

Moreover, this special stimulation and transformation can also act on the bones, penetrate deep into the bone cells, and achieve the effect of changing the bone density through continuous current stimulation attempts.

The mode of this current resonance stimulation is to transform the condensed true energy of the body into a spiral shape, like an awl, to form a high-frequency vibration state, and then add the electric current sent into the body by the help of S-level mutants. Stimulate body cells to strengthen and transform the body together.

In the process of advancing, Qin Lang can constantly slightly adjust the strength of the true energy through his spiritual consciousness, and control the intensity of the stimulation when repairing the body's blood, meridians, and bones. When it is time to slow down the speed of advancement, Qin Lang can also Never rush in, to prevent the excessively rough behavior from aggravating the internal injury again, and never procrastinate when it is time to hurry.

This is a kind of fine-tuning, which requires patience and perseverance. Qin Lang has persisted for more than two months, and now his physical fitness has been accelerated is one of the results of this period of time.

After realizing that his injury was not as serious as he had imagined, Qin Lang felt much more relaxed. At this time, he decided to go outside to get some air. Just when Qin Lang opened the door and wanted to go out, the little maid who was taking care of him hurried over. .

"Ah, big brother, why did you run out? You are still seriously injured! Come on, Xiao Lian will help you go back and lie down."

This young waitress is called Xiao Lian, who was raised by the Qiao family since she was a child. She cannot practice because she does not have spiritual roots.

Although she is a mortal, this little girl is very smart, so her status is not low among the servants of Qiao's family, and she has always been the first batch.

Now that she is arranged to take care of Qin Lang, Qin Lang doesn't treat her as a servant, and treats her directly as an equal. These few days when Qin Lang can't move, Qin Lang has been bored and flirted with her for a while, and the two of them have become acquainted.

So now the little girl waits for Jurchen to treat Qin Lang as a big brother, and she is not so cautious in addressing her. She really cares about Qin Lang. I heard from the Patriarch of the Qiao family before that Qin Lang's injury will take at least a week before he can go to the ground, but now I went to the ground early, and I was really worried that something might go wrong.

However, Qin Lang waved his hand and said: "Don't worry about me, I know my physical condition, now I have to go out for a walk to get better sooner."

"Oh, then Xiaolian will support you!"

After hearing the words, Xiao Lian didn't insist anymore. In fact, she saw that Qin Lang's complexion was much better than before, and she also knew that her big brother's body must have changed, and his physical condition was developing in a better direction.

(End of this chapter)

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