Chapter 1534

Qin Lang nodded. In fact, it's okay for him to go by himself, but this little girl is very conscientious. If he objects, she probably won't let him go out.

Supported by the little waitress, Qin Lang walked out the door slowly at this time, breathing in the spiritual energy in the secret realm, feeling much better than staying in that stuffy wooden house, it really is a good idea to go out for a walk idea.

Qin Lang wandered around in the small secret realm, and it happened that the members of the Qiao family in the small secret realm were in a hurry, and they didn't know what they were busy with. After wandering around, Qin Lang decided to go to see the ancestors of the Qiao family recover now. How is it going.

After all, after the two fought together and were injured together, this friendship is not ordinary, so Qin Lang had the idea of ​​going to see the ancestor of the Qiao family as soon as his injury improved.

I heard from Qiao Zhimo that the ancestor's recovery ability is stronger than mine, but my physical fitness after electromagnetic resonance may not be worse than physical training, so it is not certain who is better than the other.

Qin Lang finally met the ancestor of the Qiao family at this time. Qiao Tianxing was injured much more seriously than Qin Lang a few days ago. At that time, he was directly hit by the ghost hand Liao Hua's big handprint, and even his sternum collapsed, and he almost died directly.

After these few days of careful recuperation, the ancestor of the Qiao family is now much better. When he saw Qin Lang coming over, he was also stunned for a while, and said: "I didn't expect you to stand up one step earlier than me, little friend. Not bad, really good."

Qin Lang's situation really surprised him. You must know that he is the most physically fit cultivator among cultivators, but judging from his recovery in the past few days, Qin Lang is undoubtedly better.

And why Qin Lang can recover better than his body repair, he is also puzzled, after much deliberation, it can only be attributed to the quality of the body, Qin Lang's physical fitness is probably not much worse than the body repair!
"Haha, luck is average, maybe the injury is a little bit lighter than yours, so I can stand up so quickly."

Qin Lang didn't tell the truth either, he didn't plan to reveal the secret of electromagnetic resonance, after all, this is also the biggest secret of his physical fitness in recent days.

Besides, which cultivator in this cultivation world doesn't have some secrets of his own, the difference is that some people have more and some people have less.

"After a few days of recuperation, I guess I can walk on the ground." Qiao Tianxing felt some injuries at this time, and began to try to walk on the ground.

However, Qiao Tianxing's situation is actually not much better than Qin Lang's, so the appearance of going down to the ground is clumsy now, and Xiao Lian on the side also took the initiative to help at this time, and Qiao Tianxing slowly stood up straight.

"Hehe, I've been lying down for a few days, and my body is a bit moldy." Qiao Tianxing joked at this time, now that he can stand up, it proves that his injuries are no longer serious. It is estimated that his powerful qualities will be fully restored.

At this time, Qiao Zhimo, the Patriarch of the Qiao Family, happened to come over to check on the situation of the old ancestor. Seeing that Qin Lang was there, and both of them had fallen to the ground with Qiao Tianxing, he couldn't help being surprised: "They all recovered very quickly!"

His surprise was not unreasonable. If the injuries of Qin Lang and the ancestor of the Qiao family were replaced by other cultivators, I am afraid that he would not want to get up for ten days and a half months. Even if the body is weaker, the time may be delayed even longer.

"Yeah, you're recovering well. By the way, Zhimo, seeing how worried you are, our Qiao family won't be facing any serious problems recently, right?" Qiao Tianxing noticed the strangeness on his grandson's face at this moment. , so he asked.

"Hey, Patriarch, and Brother Qin Lang, you have been recuperating for the past few days, so I haven't had time to inform you about the recent events in Green Willow City." Qiao Zhimo sighed and said, "In the past few days, Green Willow City has Something happened..."

It turned out that after the spirit-defying formation broke the blood mist barrier, the Green Willow City returned to its original appearance. Many monks chose to continue living in the city, and only a small number of monks left the Green Willow City to go to other oases.

Most of the monks had no choice but to stay in Green Willow City. The conditions in the Western Desert were harsh, and most of the monks had lived in Green Willow City for many years and had their own foundation.

Among them, except for those casual cultivators and mortals who are unwilling to leave, the six major families and the casual cultivator alliance will not abandon their foundations.

However, after the battle between the official forces of Green Willow City and the underground forces, the original six major families have become five major families, and the weakest one is gone.

And in the past few days, the five major families have sent people to clean up the mess in the city, and at the same time take over the territory that originally belonged to another family.

After a day or two of calm, bad news suddenly came out. A large number of people stationed in the city of the five major families were plotted to death, and the person responsible for this murder has not been found out until now.

"Could it be a good thing done by the top ten gangs of the underground forces?" Qin Lang asked suddenly when he heard this.Although the battle in Green Willow City this time was a conspiracy, the ambitions of the underground forces also played a large role. Otherwise, even with the instigation of ghosts, cultivators and stars, it would not have been easy to get things done so quickly.

"It shouldn't be them."

Qiao Zhimo shook his head and said: "Although our official forces and the underground forces are already in dire straits, it was all due to a conspiracy by ghost Xiu Zhiduoxing. Now after a big battle, the vitality of both sides has been seriously injured. There is no possibility of further disputes. Moreover, we will send people to watch each other's every move. These gang members will not be the ones in charge of these assassinations, especially those high-level people who are closely watched by our people. , after all, the person who made the attack is too clever, and it is judged to be a high-ranking monk above the Nascent Soul stage."

"It's not a member of the gang, could it be the ghost hand Liao Hua again... or the accomplice of this powerful ghost cultivator." Qin Lang pondered, there are not many cultivators above the Nascent Soul Stage in Luliu City, and they can assassinate the five major cultivators within a few days. There are many people in the family. This lurker not only needs to be strong, but also has a good ability to hide and camouflage himself, otherwise he will not be able to do this.

"Very likely." Qiao Tianxing, the hometown of Qiao's family, also nodded at this time, and said: "Most ghost cultivators are good at hiding. If ghost cultivators in the late Yuanying period lurk in the city to attack and plot against others, with the current strength of the five major families in Luliu City, it is really true. There is no one who is not recruited."

"Alas." Qiao Zhimo sighed again at this time, and said: "In the past few days, not only other families, but our Qiao family has also lost at least [-] clansmen because of being plotted against, and they are all elites of the family. It was impossible to carry out the work at all, and as a last resort, I withdrew all the clansmen in the city back."

"Zhimo, you did the right thing. If you keep the clansmen in the Green Willow City, it is estimated that the hidden lurker will attack them in the next few days." The ancestor of the Qiao family comforted; After recovery, take a good look inside the city."

"En." Qiao Zhimo nodded. Compared with the other families, the situation of the Qiao family is not bad now. There is a second resident in Huangsha Secret Realm outside the city, while the other four families can only settle in the city. In a few days, the four families lost more people than the Qiao family.


At this moment, the whole city of Luliu City has been under martial law. People from the four major families patrol the streets in groups of at least ten people, and there are intervals between teams. Time is connected to each other once.

In order to guard against the secret raiders, the four major families are now taking great pains. They are really frightened by the secret raiders. In the past few days, each family has lost at least 500 people. It is estimated that even in the city of Green Willow That gang war didn't lose so many people.

But a five or sixty-year-old man with a yellow face hiding in the dark of the city, who looked like a mortal, let out a burst of crisp laughter that was not commensurate with his age, and said in a delicate voice: "Strictly guard against treating people like this!" , Is it really difficult for people to start? You must know that for Master's mission, I have worked hard these few days."

"It's a pity that the idiot in Guishou actually looked down on my old lady, saying that it's too embarrassing for her to sneak up and plot against her. I'm so angry at my old lady. Well, let this idiot pretend to be noble. The first achievement of the family must belong to the old lady."

"Hee hee hee... After destroying a few families, and then finding that casual cultivator to get the psychedelic mist heart, then the old lady's mission will be considered a Dzogchen!"

The eyes of this mortal old man seemed very agile, and the voice he uttered was actually that of a woman. Needless to say, this woman was Kong Li, one of the three major disciples of Yao Dongwen's ghost cultivator in the transformation stage.

As one of Yao Dongwen's three major disciples, Sun Li's strength in the mid-Yuanying period is to confuse and hide the enemy, especially the skill of camouflage, which is even better than Qin Lang who once had a mask of thousands of machines.

Because Sun Li has practiced a special kind of kung fu, not only good at changing faces and voices, but also the characteristics of this kung fu are said to be invariable, that is to say, as long as it is a living thing, no matter it is flying in the sky or running on the ground , She can change anyone who swims in the water.

This is almost the same as Tiangang 36 changes and Disha 72 changes in the legend of China.

Needless to say, in the past few days, many people from the four major families in the city have been plotted against by the Thousand Faces Demon Fairy. Turning into an ordinary passerby, sometimes turning into a horse, or a mule, etc., makes people hard to guard against.

So now the four major families in the entire Green Willow City have not found out who the attacker is until now, but the number of casualties has been accumulating, which is really worrying for everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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