The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1535 Changing Dao Cultivation Technique

Chapter 1535 Changing Dao Cultivation Technique

"Hee hee... The people from the five major families in the city are really fun. Now that I am so organized by my old lady, they are about to line up hand in hand to prevent my old lady. But it is still useless, let's continue to watch my old lady's performance. !"

The next moment, a black mist billowed up, and the yellow-faced mortal old man who had been hiding in the dark had disappeared, and a huge squeaking mouse kept jumping up and down on the ground. Depending on the situation, the mouse was probably worse than a cat. It needs to be big, at least thirty or forty catties.

"Oh, it hurts me so much, I have only practiced to the third stage of the Dao-changing technique, which is far from the ninth level of the smaller the thing, the harder it is to change it. If you become a mouse, if you turn into a jiaozi, I guess my old lady will blew herself up and died directly."

After moving a few times, the big mouse began to look very stiff, as if it didn't adapt to this body, and it felt very inflexible.

However, the big, spirited mouse soon became active, and started to run towards the patrolling people on the street while taking advantage of the darkness.

"My old lady only cultivated to the third floor when she transformed into a dao, so she can't fight directly after turning into a mouse, but what does it's up to me."

The huge rat came to a tea shop in the city in the dark, and then slipped into the tea shop, and then there was a shout in the tea shop for a long time: "Dead! Someone died..."

A Shuoshu flew out of the tea shop, and the tea shop was already in chaos. The ten-member team of the four major families who were going to take a break and drink a big bowl of tea and continued patrolling were directly poisoned to death. The one who is poisonous is naturally Kong Li, the enchantress with thousands of faces.

After Shuoshu ran out of the tea shop, he stayed in the alley for half a stick of incense, and then after a burst of black smoke, he turned into a demon girl again. This girl is eighteen years old, and she looks unparalleled. I'm afraid I can't find another such handsome girl in the whole Green Willow City.

"Hee hee... After half an hour, I can finally change back to its original appearance! The third level of the Dao of Transformation technique can be changed every half an hour. I have taken turns to play these days. Now it is estimated that people from the five major families in the city It's almost done! Tomorrow, my mother will contact Senior Brother Guishou and forcefully wipe out these families in the city..."

The Demon Girl with Thousand Faces, a seemingly delicate person, speaks in such a vicious manner at this moment that it makes people shiver with chills.

In the secret realm of Huangsha, Qiao Zhimo, the Patriarch of the Qiao family, received the news in the past two days, and couldn't help feeling even more frightened for the four major families in the city.

In just five or six days, more than 1000 people from the four major families in the city have been ambushed and killed. It is estimated that they are comparable to the losses during the previous gang wars. I believe that every family is very distressed by such losses.

But until now, the sneak attacker hidden in the dark has not been found out. Is this a group of sneak raiders or a single sneak attack... No one knows, the four major families have not found a trace of clues so far.

In Luliu City, members of the four major families were killed in different ways. Some patrollers were beheaded for no reason while walking on the road; a whole team died in a big tea shop; others died in shops and homes. Wait, the causes of death include massacre, poisoning, and many other strange causes of death.

There was even one who fell into the latrine and drowned alive. When he was taken out, his whole body was swollen and covered in maggots.

The assassins hidden in the Green Willow City are also weird. People from the four major families are all targeted regardless of their level of cultivation. Even the low-level disciples in the Qi refining period cannot escape, and they are assassinated one by one.

"It's so arrogant!"

After the ancestor of the Qiao family got the news, he slapped the table angrily, and the carved solid wood table in front of him suddenly fell apart.

After resting for almost a week, now Qiao Tianxing has fully recovered. After receiving the information in Green Willow City, he is also very angry at the sneak attacker hiding in the dark. Killing people is for fun, no matter how high or low the members of the four major families are, they basically sneak up on the opportunity, which is simply too hateful.

He decided to coerce the raiders hiding in the dark, and then unite with the other four families in Green Willow City to destroy the raiders. After a little preparation, the ancestor of the Qiao family came out of the Yellow Sand Secret Realm.

"Old Ancestor, be careful all the way!"

Qiao Zhimo reminded behind him that the strength of the attackers in Green Willow City is unknown, maybe they were led by the ghost hand Liao Hua. If it was the ghost hand Liao Hua, I am afraid that even the ancestors of the Qiao family would have no chance of winning if they met head-on.

"Okay, I will unite the four major families in the city to act together. Everyone will work together. Even if Liao Hua, the ghost hand, is here, he will not be without strength." The ancestor of the Qiao family waved his hand and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Behind him, Qin Lang including Qiao Zhimo and other members of the Qiao family looked forward to the safe return of the ancestor of the Qiao family, hoping that the ancestor would bring good news next time.

At this time, it has been seven days since the battle with the ghost hand Liao Hua outside the Green Willow City. Qin Lang's injuries from that battle have basically healed, his cultivation base has recovered to the middle stage of alchemy, and his consciousness has also returned to the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

However, this time, Qin Lang did not go to Green Willow City with the ancestor of the Qiao family. The five families have been looking for it for so long, and the enemy who has been hiding in the dark has not surfaced for so long. This is muddy water.

After all, I can't mess with my true energy yet, and it will take two or three months for my body to fully recover, so I need to rest during this period.

And after the big battle in Green Willow City, now Qin Lang is not short of spirit stones and resources, and another point is that although the phantom rushing Gu array in his hand has been upgraded, it is half-defective and needs some materials to repair, so that Gu The formation needs to be more complete.

In the battle with Liao Hua, the ghost hand, Qin Lang used the Gu array to block the killing move Ghost Dao Mahamudra. As a result, almost one-third of the spirit insects and Gu insects that made up the Gu array were damaged and needed to be replaced.

Fortunately, the drum spiders, gold and silver ribbon worms, and vitality scoops that maintain the core of the entire Gu array are still intact, so Qin Lang does not need to spend a lot of money to repair the Gu array this time.

After all, Drum Spider, Sound Ruohong Bell Gu, Gold and Silver Ribbon Worm, Seven Star Ladybug, etc. are all very rare spirit insects, much more precious than the ordinary spirit insects and Gu insects that form the basis of the Gu array.

In the past few days, after purchasing the ordinary spirit insects and Gu insects that he needs through the Qiao family, Qin Lang started the process of repairing the Gu insects.

Although the Gu formation is broken now, the eyes of the formation are combined with the psychedelic fog heart, which has the effect of truly psychedelic enemies. I am afraid that even the monks in the late Yuanying period cannot resist this powerful illusion of the Gu formation. .

The collocation of the Gu array is very particular about the primary and secondary arrangement of the spirit insects and Gu insects, just like the monarch, minister, assistant, and genus in the elixir, if the combination is not good, it will not be formed.

Generally speaking, to build a Gu formation, one or several Gu insects are the most critical as the formation eyes, and there must be some key nodes outside the formation eyes, which need the second type of Gu insects to join, and then the entire Gu formation is formed The basic Gu worm.

These three types of Gu insects also formed the structure of the entire Gu formation. After the combination is completed, the whole can be regarded as a set of relatively simple killing moves of the Gu formation.

But this time the Gu array was damaged, the third type of Gu worms needed to be added.

The entire Gu array needs many different types of spirit insects and Gu insects to join. The priority of Gu insects is very strict, and the process of matching each other is more complicated, which is also a great test for the operator's ability.

The set of Gu array that Qin Lang is going to match is inherited from Miaojiang Miao Temple, and then it has been analyzed and improved by the brain.

However, in the process of repairing the entire Gu formation, Qin Lang is still continuing to make small-scale changes, correcting some unsatisfactory areas, and making this Gu formation more perfect. Now Qin Lang wants to improve it to be even better.

It is worth mentioning that the super system has contributed a lot to Qin Lang's Gu formation changes. Qin Lang originally had some wonderful ideas in his brain, but the super system can perform data simulation analysis to make the Gu formation materialize in the brain.

It needs only a small-scale change, but it also needs to rearrange a large number of ideas. This is also an extremely complicated process. It will be more difficult to calculate with the brain alone, and the amount of calculation is too large. It cannot be completed in a short time. Task.

Fortunately, with the super system, everything is not a problem.

The super system of the mutant avatar is a very practical auxiliary calculation tool, especially the super system in the brain of an S-level mutant can perform billions of calculations per second. With the help of this system, Qin Lang only spent half an hour In less time, the entire Gu array has been modified and repaired.

The new Gu formation killing move is more perfect, so perfect that it has reached the peak of the intermediate Gu formation, almost as effective as the high-level Gu formation.

In this perfect level of intermediate-level Gu formation, the eyes of the formation have turned into a psychedelic fog center, with Drumming Spider and Sound Ruohong Bell Gu squeezed aside, and then the three vitality scoops are based on the golden ribbon worm and silver ribbon Gu. Form the inner circle of a Gu array.

Finally, the periphery is the basic Gu insects that make up the entire Gu formation. Among them, Qin Lang added more than a dozen kinds of spirit insects, large and small, into the entire Gu formation.

The coordination angles of each spirit worm and Gu worm in the Gu formation are different, and they are all the result of strict calculations.

After the formation of the Gu array ultimate move was completed, a cloud of colorful lights appeared in front of Qin Lang floating in the air. The cloud could be large or small. point.

Compared with before, the entire cloud group is more colorful, and it looks like a mass of peach blossom miasma.But different from Peach Blossom Miasma, Peach Blossom Miasma is a highly poisonous miasma, but the Gu formation in front of me is non-toxic.

After improvement and strengthening, the most powerful feature of this Gu formation is the illusion ability, which can confuse all enemies who break into the Gu formation, and the second is the sound wave and soul attack from the drum spider.

(End of this chapter)

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