Chapter 1537 Trap
Pain, headache.

His eyelids were heavy, and he smelled a special fragrance from his nose. Qin Lang finally woke up and found himself in a tent.

where is this place?What's wrong with me……

After thinking about it for a long time, the memory just flooded into his head that seemed to have turned into elm wood. After regaining consciousness, he felt that he was muddled, as if his head had moved with his body.

This is a common symptom after waking up again after taking a strong drug.

Qin Lang touched his body. Although his body had been touched, the things in the storage bag were not taken away. The Thousand Fantasy Demon Girl was not interested in the belongings on his body, and only wanted to get his psychedelic mist heart.

He tried to mobilize his vitality, but found that not only his spiritual consciousness, but also his true energy had been sealed by the Thousand Faces Demon Girl using the forbidden method, and his body was stronger than an ordinary person at best.

"This ghost cultivator is really cautious, not only sealed his own consciousness, but even sealed his true energy."

Qin Lang tried it, with a wry smile on his face, the divine sense and true energy could not be undone at all, no wonder the woman dared to let herself stay in the tent alone, and was not afraid of running away by herself.

When he got out of the tent, he faced the big desert. Qin Lang saw an extremely charming woman standing in the yellow sand. Any woman who has been there is good-looking, and there is a very familiar feeling in my mind, just like first love.

However, although Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness and true energy were sealed, he was an extremely firm person, and he soon woke up. The familiar feeling of first love.

Biting the tip of his tongue, Qin Lang made himself more sober. At this time, he looked at the beauty in front of him with a sneer, but he was thinking in his heart: "Don't look at this old woman as delicate and beautiful, it seems that she has already lived two or three thousand years ago. You old godmother! You are not qualified to confuse me!"

Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness and will are very strong. He is a person who pursues the road to longevity. Of course, he will not be fooled by beauty. This is the real reason why he will not fall for the opponent's charm.

And at this time, seeing Qin Lang coming out of the tent, a charming voice came from the mouth of the Thousand-faced Demon Fairy: "Oh, my little darling, you finally woke up, you don't know that I am here during this time But after thinking about it, I can't make a cruel move!"

"Oh, then I would like to thank you for not killing me." Qin Lang cupped his hands in a playful voice.

"Huh..." Seeing that Qin Lang is not being seduced by her, Kong Li, the enchantress with thousands of faces, is also very puzzled. Ordinary men don't even need to use seductive skills in front of her, they will obediently dedicate everything to her, but the casual cultivator in front of her is not very strong , but this willpower is indeed surprisingly terrifying.

This also made Kong Li a little more interested in the young casual cultivator in front of her, but when she thought of her mission, she still lowered her face and said: "Hand over the psychedelic mist heart obediently, sister, I am extra merciful, forgive me How about you this time?"

Kong Li also took great pains for the psychedelic misty heart, and her address has changed from old lady to slave, and then to sister.

"Not much..." Qin Lang still sneered and shook his head.Just kidding, making a deal with the female devil is undoubtedly seeking skin from a tiger, he cannot be trusted.

Now the psychedelic fog heart should be that she is the big bargaining chip. The reason why the thousand-faced enchantress Kong Li didn't kill herself when she was unconscious was because she couldn't get that thing and had to compromise. She wanted to find other ways to get rid of her This treasure is set out.

Kong Li frowned: "Why? Can't you trust my sister? My sister always keeps her word... You see, there are no restrictions on your actions now."

"Hehe." Regarding this, Qin Lang could only chuckle, open his eyes and talk nonsense, even his divine sense and true energy have been banned, what kind of tricks can such a situation play under the nose of the female devil... If you want to escape, you will probably be caught and tortured to death within a short time!
"Uh, let's do this! Elder sister can swear to her own demons, as long as younger brother handed over that thing, how about she will absolutely spare you?" Kong Li made a plan, patted her chest and promised.

"Big... so big..." Qin Lang suddenly made a strange voice.

"What's so big?" Kong Li asked strangely, then seeing Qin Lang's expression staring at her breasts, she suddenly smiled, shaking her breasts and seductively said: "How about it! As long as the younger brother gives the thing to the older sister, the older sister's whole body Anyone can give you..."

"This, I'll think about it carefully!" Qin Lang closed his eyes at this moment, and suddenly walked back into the tent. In fact, he was not fascinated by the beauty just now.

"Hmph! Kid, you can't escape my old lady's palm." Seeing this stunned young man who didn't know how to praise him, Kong Li stomped her feet and held back the anger in her heart.

She had no other choice, she still decided to show respect first and then fight again. If she really couldn't catch the loose cultivator in front of her, she didn't mind using harsh tricks to torture him to death, the difference was that she had to work a little harder.

After Qin Lang returned to the tent, he closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep. He had been secretly meditating on martial arts, and did not give up the idea of ​​breaking through the restrictions on his body.

At this time, the Jiuchongyulou Contemplation idea was activated by him. Suddenly, Qin Lang felt a slight loosening of the sealed primordial spirit.

Under the impact of the cultivation method, the forbidden chains that banned Qin Lang Yuanshen in the sea of ​​consciousness were shaken endlessly, and under the illumination of the bright moonlight of the sea of ​​consciousness, they gradually melted, as if they were melting away like iron juice.

As soon as the restraining chain was loosened, Qin Lang's Yuanshen directly pushed the door and broke the window and entered the Jade Pavilion cross-legged, and the third floor of the Nine Layers Jade Tower began to run endlessly, and Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness was completely free at this time .

After the spiritual consciousness was lifted, Qin Lang did not use the spiritual consciousness to directly break the ban on the true energy. Although he had mastered many methods in his mind to use the spiritual consciousness to lift the ban, the true energy was not as secret as the divine consciousness. Once the ban is broken, it is easy for the woman outside the tent to see the flaws. Another reason is that the Thousand Imaginary Fairy has already entered the tent.

After entering the tent, Kong Li saw that Qin Lang was sleeping with his eyes closed, knowing that this guy was pretending to be asleep, she couldn't help but giggled, leaning against Qin Lang and asked, "Why are you hiding from my sister? Is it scary? Have you thought about it, my sister will definitely keep her word."

"This... just handing things over to you like that, I feel very disadvantaged." Qin Lang with his eyes closed sighed.

"Uh, brother, you really don't have the awareness of being a prisoner." Kong Li gave Qin Lang a white look, and said, "If you have any other requests, please tell them. As long as it is reasonable, my sister can consider agreeing to you."

"I'm really curious about the exercises that my sister practiced. I don't know if this can be counted as part of the transaction." Qin Lang began to have a problem.

Kong Li smiled without even thinking about it; "What kind of cultivation method? Do you really want to be a junior apprentice for your sister... There is no problem, my master and his old people always accept apprentices. No matter what your background is, you are welcome You can bring art into it."

"No, no, I don't want to be a ghost cultivator, but I am very interested in my sister's Dao Transformation technique. I don't know if my sister is willing to part with it!"

Qin Lang asked for prices all over the place. Anyway, he knew that the ability to change the Tao was Kong Li's top skill, so it was impossible for the other party to agree to his request.

However, Qin Lang guessed wrong, Kong Li nodded and said: "Okay! Then I will teach you, and after you finish learning, you can give it to me as promised!"

Hearing such an abnormal answer from the Demon Girl with Thousand Faces, Qin Lang became terrified. Changing Dao Kung Fu is a top-notch skill in ancient times. Is it possible that the subject is willing to teach him this?

Now that the Demon Girl with Thousand Faces agrees so readily to herself, she is willing to hand over the means of suppressing the bottom of the box to herself. I am afraid she has already regarded herself as a dead person... This is definitely the prelude to destroying the corpse after a proper transaction.

Because only the dead can let the living not mind all these unreasonable things.

For a moment, although Qin Lang closed his eyes, his eyeballs were twitching, and he knew that his heart was not at peace.

But Kong Li who was next to him smiled when she saw it. At this time, she patted Qin Lang with her hand, whispered into Qin Lang's ear and said, "Don't worry! Brother, as long as you keep your word, sister will definitely keep your word too... "

"Keep your word, keep your big head! Is it possible for you to keep your word..."

Qin Lang was full of slander in his heart, and from the other party's behavior, he knew that this matter was impossible.However, he couldn't show it on his face, instead he pretended to be deceived: "Then... that seems to be okay, I'll think about it again."

"What else are you thinking about? How about this, my sister will tell you the first three levels of the Dao of Transformation Kung Fu, you listen carefully, this kung fu is only practiced to the third level, and I will leave it to you without reservation .”

At this time, Kong Li had already started to recite the oral art of the first three layers of the Transformation Dao. After teaching it, she smiled and said, "Hee hee, my brother is really a clever ghost! My sister didn't lie to you, how about it?"

And Qin Lang kept his eyes closed, and heard the first three levels of oral art taught by the Demon Fairy with Thousand Faces. Intuitively, the oral art taught to him by this woman was plausible, so he ran the super system analysis and concluded that there were at least five errors and omissions. six places.

"Sure enough, you are fooling me!"

Qin Lang sneered in his heart. He never believed in the kindness of this woman. If he practiced according to what the other party said, he would definitely end up in a miserable end. It is estimated that it is easy to go crazy, and it is very possible for a bad person to blew himself up to death.

"Sister, this exercise is so profound, I'm afraid I won't be able to remember it! Besides, I always feel that this exercise is awkward?"

Qin Lang opened his eyes at this time, he had actually deduced the correct exercise, but he said this on purpose.

"This exercise is indeed a bit profound, but you can practice it slowly, don't worry! The older sister who doesn't understand may continue to teach you. Now you should hand over what the older sister wants. Look, the older sister is waiting impatiently. Woolen cloth!"

Kong Li, the demon girl with thousands of faces who was talking nonsense with her eyes open, looked at Qin Lang pretending to be clear.

(End of this chapter)

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