Chapter 1538

"This... ok!"

Qin Lang knew that he couldn't escape, so he sighed at this moment: "But that treasure has been refined by me, and it's not easy to take it out now, after all, my cultivation has been banned by you!"

"Hee hee, then I will unblock you, but brother, don't play tricks! Otherwise, sister will be really rude..."

Kong Li, the demon girl with thousands of faces, said with a smile, in fact, she didn't think that Qin Lang, who was in the middle stage of alchemy, could threaten her.

At this time, Kong Li slender hands hit a few spells, and several evil spirits entered Qin Lang's body, which directly resolved the restriction of Qin Lang's body cultivation, and Qin Lang's cultivation finally recovered.

And Qin Lang, who had recovered his cultivation, directly summoned the Gu formation. Seeing that Kong Li became cautious, he said seriously: "The psychedelic fog heart has been integrated into the Gu formation by me, so if you want to get the fog heart, you must It depends on the fact that I have to summon the Gu formation first."

However, this is completely a delay, Qin Lang is not ready to hand over the core of the Gu formation.

As soon as the Gu formation unfolded, colorful clouds spread around the tent, covering the vision of the two of them.

At this time, Qin Lang suddenly launched his ultimate move, and as soon as the psychedelic fog heart's Gu array was activated, an enhanced version of the illusion was automatically generated immediately, producing a strong hallucinogenic effect.At this time, the Thousand Faces Demon Fairy quickly realized that she had been fooled, but Qin Lang could no longer be found in the gu formation.

Strange to say, this woman was trapped in the Gu formation, and the illusion formed by Qin Lang's enhanced version of the Gu formation had no effect on her, and could not affect her mind.

However, considering that this woman is already a master of deception, it is also understandable.

At this time, according to memory, Ji Qianmian Zhiji shot a few strong punches in the direction where Qin Lang was originally, and suddenly heard a muffled groan, and Qin Lang was actually hit by her.

Kong Li, the Thousand Faced Magician, was overjoyed when she saw this: "Dare to play tricks on my old lady, you're looking for death!" She rushed towards the source of the sound, but missed, and a green spell hit her body instead.

However, what she didn't expect at all was that this was Qin Lang's muffled snort on purpose, and Kong Li didn't hit him at all just now.

He did this to make the other party unprepared so that he could use his backhand.

"Ghost curse!"

The eyes of both of them were covered by the mist in the Gu formation, and at this moment Qin Lang tried to activate the Nether Ghost Curse, but by a coincidence of luck, this Ghost Ghost Curse actually penetrated into Qianmian Jiaoji's body.

"Damn it, boy, you are also a ghost cultivator!"

Kong Li's complexion changed, and as soon as the ghost curse entered her body, she felt her whole body go numb.

The Nether Ghost Curse recorded in the Yin Talisman Sutra is very powerful, and she had to deal with Qin Lang's inscription with all her strength, and now her body could not move at all.

However, she thought that Qin Lang was also a ghost cultivator, but she was completely wrong.

Qin Lang is not actually a ghost cultivator, but he has practiced the most powerful secret method in the Yinfujing of the ghost way.

"Zangyi, come out! Kill her for me!"

Qin Lang summoned the S-rank mutant clone, and as soon as the powerful super-mutant clone appeared, he rushed towards Kong Li, the girl with thousands of faces.

"Self-explosion!" Unexpectedly, Kong Li is also a fierce person, and she actually blew herself up physically, with a bang, the power of self-detonation of the ghost cultivator's body in the middle stage of Yuanying is comparable to a blow with all his strength at the stage of transforming gods. At this time, the entire Gu formation was blown through .

And Qin Lang snorted at this time, but this time he was really hurt.

"I won't let you go!"

A voice rushed out of the Gu formation and disappeared in an instant. Kong Li was not dead, and she didn't know whether it was the soul or something that escaped after she blew herself up.

After the Gu array was blown through, it dissipated directly, and was taken back into the sea of ​​consciousness by Qin Lang. At this time, he looked at the place where Kong Li was standing and found some fragmented crystal objects.

After discovering these fragmented crystalline objects, Qin Lang was stunned: "It was not the flesh body that Kong Li, the demon girl with thousands of faces, blew herself up just now, but her second soul... The fragmented crystalline objects in front of me should be pinned on the second soul." The treasure of the dual god should be a mysterious pearl."

Xuan Mizhu is a treasure of water attribute, similar to the essence of the five elements, and even more valuable.

This bead is white when it is complete, like a chicken, but it was formed in the body of an old clam that has grown in the aquatics for more than ten thousand years, so it is very difficult to get.

You must know that spirits become spirits in a thousand years and become demons in ten thousand years. The old clam that has grown for more than ten thousand years in this aquatic tribe is estimated to have the same strength as a sixth-order monster, and it is even more difficult to find the old clam hiding in the deep sea.

This ten-thousand-year clam pearl, that is, the mysterious pearl, cannot be bought with money at the mainland auction. It is worth at least 500 million spirit stones, which is almost equivalent to the net worth of some ordinary Nascent Soul stage monks.

Moreover, if it is to be refined into a second soul, it will take a lot of effort.

After being trapped in the Gu formation, the thousand-faced demon girl actually blew herself up as the second soul. She must have hated Qin Lang extremely in her heart. However, she had no choice but to do so. A place to force out the green light spots in the body, I'm afraid I won't be able to help myself by then.

Therefore, this woman no longer entangled with Qin Lang after she exploded her second soul, but ran away in a hurry, which is also a very wise choice.

But now that the crisis is over, Qin Lang is very depressed, and he was injured again this time.Just now, the Demon Girl with Thousand Faces blew herself up with her second soul. The powerful explosion not only broke through the Gu formation, but also seriously injured her whole body.

What's even more unlucky is that he used too much real energy in the battle just now, which has damaged his own foundation, and now he can't move at all.

Now Qin Lang urgently needs to retreat and recuperate to recover his injuries, but the current situation does not allow him to do so. This is a good place not to heal his injuries. Although Kong Li, a thousand-faced bewitching princess, was hit by a ghost curse of himself and fled away, But maybe at some point, the curse in the body will be exorcised, and it will return again.

So Qin Lang must stay away from here completely, and find another hidden place.

As for Green Willow City and Qiao Family's Yellow Sand Secret Realm, Qin Lang no longer plans to go there. Now that Green Willow City is in troubled times, it seems to him that he should not get involved, otherwise his life will really be lost.

After pondering for a while, Qin Lang asked the S-rank mutant clone to hold him up, and galloped in one direction in the desert, running for six or seven hours before stopping.

Then, Qin Lang stopped to rest on the spot, swallowed a few pills to heal his injuries hastily, and let the S-rank mutant clone carry him on again to continue moving forward.

Running and stopping like this, Qin Lang had already left Luliuzhou for about one or two thousand miles, and unexpectedly encountered a dilapidated building complex in the desert.

This place was supposed to be an urban oasis, but unfortunately, the water source has been exhausted for many years, and the population of the entire oasis has migrated away, leaving only a dilapidated city covered by yellow sand.

This kind of situation is actually very common in the Western Desert. If the underground spiritual veins of the oasis are exhausted, the water resources will be cut off, and the entire oasis will have no living conditions, and all the human beings living in the oasis will have to migrate again. To a new oasis.

So, after a long time, the abandoned oasis turned into a dilapidated ancient building complex in the desert.

Qin Lang was going to retreat and heal his wounds in this dilapidated city building complex. He found a hidden area in the center of the building complex, and then set up a restraining formation, and began to retreat.

This time the injury was too serious, and he couldn't heal with peace of mind, so Qin Lang dragged on for four or five days in a row, and now the injury has not improved, but worsened.

Compared with five or six days ago, Qin Lang has lost a lot of weight now, and his originally fair skin has become withered and yellow. This is the result of excessive consumption of essence and blood all over his body. Due to the damaged foundation, he can be regarded as an essence now. Blood loss.

After making a solid arrangement, Qin Lang is going to retreat here until he recovers completely.

This is because Qin Lang has suffered too many setbacks during this period, so he decided to do this after learning from the pain. Otherwise, his physical injuries will continue to be bad, and his vitality will be more and more damaged. It will be troublesome when the foundation of cultivation cannot be maintained.

He is a person who is determined to seek longevity, and the foundation of cultivation is more important than anything else, so he is not going to get involved in the affairs of Luliuzhou now.

And now Qin Lang has 500 million worth of spirit stones and resources, which is enough for Qin Lang to retreat for seven or eight months. Judging from the current injuries on his body, it is estimated that this retreat will take at least five years to fully recover his body. It takes a month to get out.

After setting everything up, Qin Lang practiced honestly in the center of the ruined city. The environment of this ruined city in the desert is not very good. It is too common in the western desert, and the underground is also exhausted. If a monk passed by, he would definitely not care about such a place, so he was not worried about being discovered.


And when Qin Lang was recuperating in the ruins of a dilapidated city one or two thousand miles away to heal his wounds, the entire Green Willow City demon-eating blood mist reappeared, and the monks in the city also started a big battle before the formation of the blood mist enchantment. size migration.

The reason for this is naturally the crazy killings of the Demon Girl with Thousand Faces in the city in the past few days.

Moreover, what she told Qin Lang at the beginning was not a lie at all. Liao Hua, the ghost hand, broke into the base camp of the Bai family in the city, and killed the ancestor of the Bai family in the mid-Yuan Ying period and many clansmen.

Once again, the accumulation of a large number of monk souls and blood evil spirit is the main reason for the formation of the second demonic blood fog in Green Willow City.

In just four or five days, [-]% of the humans in the entire city disappeared, and the remaining [-]% were mostly mortals who were trapped in the blood mist barrier again in time, with a number of ten to twenty thousand.

Because of the resurgence of the demonic blood mist and the blocking of the blood mist barrier, now the entire Green Willow City will once again become a ghost town.

However, although Green Willow City has become a ghost domain, Yao Dongwen's plan for the resurrection of underground demons has not been realized. The key factor is that the key to open the gate of hell has never been found by the psychedelic fog heart.

(End of this chapter)

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