The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1539 Complete recovery of cultivation base

Chapter 1539 Complete recovery of cultivation base
Outside Green Willow City, there is a secret place of yellow sand.

When the ancestor of the Qiao family returned from Green Willow City this time, he discovered that the entire Yellow Sand Secret Realm had been put under martial law. Even if he needed to enter the secret realm, he had to go through repeated confirmation from his clan before he was allowed to go.

After questioning, Qiao Tianxing found out that someone pretended to be himself and sneaked into the Yellow Sand Secret Realm two days ago, killed eight members of the Qiao family, and kidnapped the VIP of the Qiao Family, Qin Lang, out of the Yellow Sand Secret Realm. Where did you go.

Such a situation also made Qiao Tianxing dumbfounded, but now a major change has taken place in Luliu City. Even the Bai family, which was originally ranked first in strength, has been defeated. It also gave Qiao Tianxing the idea to lead the tribe to retreat from the entire Green Willow Island and give up the Yellow Sand Secret Realm.

Can't wait to stay in this place!

Because now not only Luliuzhou, but even the Yellow Sand Secret Realm is not safe. The enemy already knows the exact location of the Yellow Sand Secret Realm, and maybe they will sneak in under another name to destroy it next time.

As for where to migrate after leaving Lvliuzhou, in fact, the ancestors of the Qiao family had already planned in their minds.

This time, with the successive changes in Green Willow City, basically every family lost more than half of their manpower, and all of them were seriously injured.

The Qiao family in Green Willow City is of the same origin as a big family in an oasis five thousand miles away, and they are related by marriage. Therefore, after the Green Willow City seemed destined to be destroyed, the ancestor of the Qiao family planned to take the entire family to join this family. In-law family.

This in-law family is much stronger than the Qiao family, and there are only two cultivators in the late Yuanying period.

"After defecting to the in-laws, the Qiao family may also become a subsidiary family of the in-laws' family, and there will be no such scenery as the Green Willow City... At that time, the family's resources will be limited, the business routes will also need to be re-opened, and the new relationship network will also need to be re-established. Wake up, alas, none of this is easy!"

"However, as long as the clansmen can get through this calamity safely, what's the point! It's a big deal to start all over again!"

Qiao Tianxing sighed, what happened in Green Willow City is out of control, staying here is not only bad for himself but also for the clansmen, so now the whole family has to relocate.

After making the plan, Qiao Tianxing immediately asked his grandson, Qiao Zhimo, the actual leader of the family, to implement all of this. It only took half a day for the entire Qiao Family Yellow Sand Secret Realm to be emptied.

Since then, the Qiao family has embarked on a long-distance journey to seek relatives, and each of the Qiao family has made preparations for the in-laws to become subsidiary families.

As for Qin Lang, who was kidnapped by Kong Li, the demon girl with thousands of faces, in the secret realm of Huangsha, Qiao Tianxing and Qiao Zhimo could only sigh helplessly. There is no time to take care of this little fellow Taoist anymore.

I hope that Daoist Qin Lang will be able to escape this catastrophe!But this hope is very slim, with the cruelty of that group of ghost cultivators, I am afraid that fellow Taoist Qin Lang has already fallen by now.

Now, two of the original six major families in Green Willow City have perished, and the remaining three families are similar to the Qiao family. They chose to migrate to far away places to survive again and spread their branches and leaves.

And those casual cultivators scattered to different oases to prepare to survive again. Natural selection is especially cruel in this western desert.

At this moment, outside the Green Willow City, Liao Hua, the ghost hand, watched the formation of the blood mist enchantment covering the whole city again, and his eyes showed a light of thought: "Now the magic blood fog in the Green Willow City has formed again, but it lacks a key key." , psychedelic fog heart. Therefore, this time, the task assigned to us by Master is only half completed."

"And now, junior sister has disguised herself as the ancestor of the Qiao family and entered the secret realm of yellow sand outside the city of Qiao's for the purpose of psychedelic Wuxin. She went to find that casual cultivator and snatched the treasure. She must have succeeded by now!"

When the ghost hand Liao Hua said this, he seemed to have already known the second residence of the Qiao family outside the Green Willow City, but he didn't know why it took so long to attack and uproot the entire Qiao family.

However, I'm afraid he could never have imagined that the series of changes that his junior sister Qianmian Yaoji would encounter next would end up in vain.

At this moment, in an unknown place in the desert, Qianmian Jiaoji had just expelled the ghost curse from her body, she looked a little embarrassed now, and cursed like a woman: "Damn it! Not only what you want I didn't get the things, and this kid ruined my second soul, which I cultivated so hard, I must avenge this hatred, and I will never die!"

"Wait! My demon girl with thousands of faces swears to the sky, this time I will completely carry on with you boy, even if I chase you to the ends of the earth, I will chase you, so that you can't survive... I want to die cannot!"

Following this burst of curses, Kong Li's pretty face turned upside down, and she clenched her fists as if venting her anger, making a series of crisp sounds from her knuckles.

This female ghost cultivator who has mastered the supernatural power of transformation has never suffered such a big loss since she practiced. This time she simply hated Qin Lang to the core. After making such a demonic oath, Qin Lang will become a demonic obstacle in her cultivation path , if it is not cleared as soon as possible, her cultivation base will not increase again.

Just when Liao Hua, the ghostly hand, and Kong Li, the enchantress with thousands of faces, were about to search for people all over the world, Qin Lang still stayed alone in the ruins of the city two thousand miles away, practicing in seclusion and recuperating himself.

After swallowing a large amount of elixir and recuperating for four or five days, Qin Lang's injuries finally stopped getting worse, and all aspects began to recover bit by bit.

When the consciousness and cultivation base gradually returned to the level of a week ago during the recovery process of the power of the elixir, Qin Lang found that there was a dull pain in his body. This was a side effect after swallowing too much elixir, and the accumulation of erysipelas was too deep.

But this time, Qin Lang did not have Yijing Pill, a drug that expels erysipelas from the body, so he frowned on this situation. If the erysipelas could not be removed as soon as possible, the next practice would be meaningless, and the body would accumulate deeper and deeper The erysipelas will affect the recovery of the body.

As a last resort, Qin Lang could only adopt a stupid method, using the characteristics of the spiral-shaped true qi resonance, to eliminate erysipelas and impurities in the body bit by bit.

This new method of purifying the body and changing the physique is also Qin Lang's biggest gain after coming to the West Desert. During this period of time, he has been using this method to continuously strengthen himself, and the effect is very good.

But this process... is indeed very slow...

It took Qin Lang about ten days to completely expel the erysipelas in his body. The speed of this expulsion of erysipelas was as slow as a snail. If there was a Yijing Pill, Qin Lang might be able to get rid of it in three hours.

There is no way, there is only such a condition now, Qin Lang can completely expel the erysipelas in the body without the special elixir, which is already very good.

After the erysipelas was expelled, Qin Lang's healing speed increased a lot.

Although the process of expelling erysipelas in the past ten days was slow, it was not without benefits. At least now, Qin Lang's meridians have become tougher, and the amount of true energy that can be received is greater.

In this case, Qin Lang continued to take a lot of medicine. The five bottles of blood pills were not used much in the previous battles, but now they are rapidly decreasing bottle by bottle, and soon the nearly fifty blood pills are all consumed. .

After the Blood Yuan Pill is consumed, Qin Lang still has a large amount of Jing Yuan Pill and some supplementary vitality pills from the corpses of several high-level monks. These are necessary for him to practice and heal his injuries. It is estimated that It's not a problem to use it for four or five months.

Time passes day by day.

When the mainland's calendar was almost half turned, five months later, not only Qin Lang's cultivation of spiritual consciousness, but also his true energy had reached the peak of the mid-Yuanying period.

At this time, he had completely recovered to his former peak state, and his injuries had completely healed, without any sequelae left.

"Finally recovered! Haha! Finally recovered! Haha, the past six months have been really difficult..."

At this time, Qin Lang couldn't help but raised his head and laughed endlessly. It has been more than seven months since he came to the Western Desert from the earth, and his physical condition has always been poor. It was not until today that he finally completely lost his worries.

It's not easy!It's really not easy.

After his body fully recovered, Qin Lang did not end this retreat, but excitedly took out an item "Bagua Pill Stove".

That's right, he is ready to make alchemy!The elixir on his body is almost used up now, and it needs to be replenished urgently.

As a master of alchemy, Qin Lang has been waiting since he was injured, and he has been waiting for this day for too long.

The gossip pill furnace was bought by Qin Lang at the auction of Qiao's house in Green Willow City. At that time, he spent 25 low-grade spirit stones. This pill furnace is actually an ancient treasure, and its attributes are similar to ordinary low-grade magic weapons. It may be better than Qin Lang used before The Ziyun Pill Furnace is better, that is to say, the yield rate of alchemy will be about 20.00% higher, but the corresponding ancient treasures have certain shortcomings. The shortcoming of the Bafeng Pill Furnace is that the consumption of true energy is relatively large during the alchemy process. .

This ancient treasure-level gossip alchemy furnace consumes about 60.00% more true energy than ordinary lower-grade alchemy furnaces during the alchemy process, so ordinary alchemists can't play it at all. If you don't have enough strength, you might end up practicing a batch of useless pills.

An auxiliary magic weapon like a pill furnace is even rarer than a defensive magic weapon, because even an ordinary pill furnace needs a master refiner to refine it, so even a low-grade pill furnace is not easy to find.

After Qin Lang lost the Purple Cloud Pill Stove, it didn't take long for him to encounter an auction of an ancient treasure-level Pill Stove at the Qiao Family Auction. Naturally, he took the auction without even thinking about it.

Now, this pill furnace can finally come in handy!This time, Qin Lang not only wanted to make alchemy, but also to make alchemy in large quantities. There were varieties of alchemy that supplemented the cultivation base of vitality and blood, Yiyuan pill that restored spiritual consciousness, recovery pill, and some healing medicines, such as muscle-regenerating and bone plaster.

(End of this chapter)

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