The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1540 Opening of Eight Diagrams Pill Furnace

Chapter 1540 Opening the Bagua Pill Furnace

As an ancient treasure-level alchemy furnace, once the Bagua Dan furnace is turned on, the consumption of true energy is also very terrifying, almost twice as much as the Ziyun Dan furnace that Qin Lang used before.

Fortunately, Qin Lang is also different today, and his cultivation base has returned to the peak of the mid-Yuanying period, so it is not a big problem to use it.

Before the gossip pill furnace is opened, some special rituals need to be performed. This ancient treasure has not been used for a long time, so Qin Lang needs to perform a blood sacrifice on the pill furnace. Go out and complete the sacrifice once.

In this way, it can also strengthen the individual's control over the entire alchemy furnace. After all, alchemy is a very delicate job, which is much more cumbersome than manipulating magic weapons to fight, and there is no room for sloppy work.

Next, under the action of Qin Lang's true energy, the huge gossip pill furnace has been suspended in mid-air. With the continuous input of his true energy, the prohibition pattern on the entire surface of the pill furnace has appeared misty.

While Qin Lang was inputting his true energy, he also bit his middle finger and spilled his own blood on the alchemy furnace.


Qin Lang circled out of the sacrificial refining method and poured the blood essence into the alchemy furnace.


The whole alchemy furnace vibrated, and with the process of blood essence refining, Qin Lang's grasp of this alchemy furnace became deeper and deeper, and slowly reached the level of mastering Ziyun Dan furnace before.

In this case, it also represents the complete success of the entire blood essence sacrifice.

After removing the essence and blood sacrifices, the dusty Eight Diagrams Pill Stove has been completely removed, and the surface is spotless, not even a single trace of copper rust has come out. It looks like a very delicate and simple Great Pill Stove.

It's a pity that this ancient treasure-level Eight Diagrams Pill Stove cannot be freely changed in size like the Ziyun Pill Stove. The Ziyun Pill Stove can be large or small, so don't expect it to appear on the Bagua Pill Stove.

This is also the biggest difference between ancient treasures and today's magic treasures, so the bulky Eight Diagrams Pill Stove in front of me, which seems to be one or two tons, needs to take up a lot of storage space for Qin Lang.

But there is no way to do it. Who made Qin Lang an alchemist? The alchemy furnace is the guy who eats. No matter how bulky it is, it takes up storage space.

Fortunately, the Eight Diagrams Pill Stove is indeed worth what you pay for, and the yield rate of alchemy is much higher than that of the Ziyun Pill Stove. This is also a small comfort in Qin Lang's heart!
Alchemy has finally begun!

The first thing Qin Lang refined was the Blood Yuan Pill, which was a elixir that was always prepared by the monks in the Nascent Soul Stage to supplement Qi, blood and vitality. The efficacy of one Blood Yuan Pill was almost as good as twenty Jing Yuan Pills. Very good.

At this time, Qin Lang took out all the materials needed to refine the "Blood Yuan Pill".

The "monster inner alchemy" is the main material, and it needs a monster inner alchemy that has reached at least the fifth rank or higher.

If the level of the monster inner alchemy is low, it needs to be processed and refined to improve the quality of the inner alchemy. Just like the fourth-level monster inner alchemy, it takes three or four to condense into a fifth-level one. .

There are a batch of monster beast inner alchemy Qin Lang's storage bags, worth more than 500 million. They are basically spoils from the Green Willow City. There are second, third, fourth, and fifth ranks, which are very messy.

However, Qin Lang is not afraid of trouble, and is going to process and refine all the monster meat pills below the fourth level.

In addition, there are more than a dozen other auxiliary materials, which are also needed in the process of refining the blood essence pill. Among these auxiliary materials, the most important one is the blood essence of monsters. The essence blood of monster beasts is also the basis of alchemy. Also the higher the better.

The first is the processing and refining of the monster inner alchemy of the blood yuan pill. Qin Lang has raised the fire of Kanli, which has surfaced at the bottom of the eight trigrams pill furnace, and calcined this newly acquired ancient treasure-level pill furnace a little bit.

And all the monster inner pills whose quality has not reached the fourth level are now put into eight small grids in the pill furnace evenly by him. This gossip pill furnace is based on the innate gossip. Different hexagram positions require different flame temperatures.

In this case, Qin Lang needs to have a finer fire control ability than manipulating the Ziyun Pill Furnace. Fortunately, Qin Lang is an advantage in this area, and the cultivation base of Yuan Ying in the middle stage is enough to support the current level of alchemy, so there is no Big problem.

After putting all the monster inner alchemy into the gossip alchemy furnace, Qin Lang closed the lid of the alchemy furnace, increased the firepower and entered the calcination. The condensing of the monster inner alchemy requires fierce fire, only in this way can it be burned quickly The impurities in the inner alchemy make the inner alchemy more pure.

Under the control of Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness, all the processes are proceeding in an orderly manner, but during the process of alchemy, this alchemy furnace is full of precious energy, and the sound is loud, which is unexpected by Qin Lang.

When using Ziyun pill furnace to make alchemy before, there was no such huge movement at all. The precious light that spread out from the pill furnace almost moved Qin Lang's surrounding restrictions. If Qin Lang hadn't placed restrictions around, it is estimated that Baoguang can soar into the sky and can be sensed within hundreds of miles.

High-profile, using this alchemy furnace to make alchemy is too high-profile, this is the only feeling in Qin Lang's heart now.

But now the arrow is on the string and has to be fired. Although Qin Lang regrets that he did not deepen the layers of the surrounding restrictions before alchemy, it is too late to regret now. I hope that Baoguang will not reveal too many restrictions that he has set up. Don't disturb those walking in the West Desert. monk.

Fortunately, the process of processing and refining the monster inner alchemy is not very long, and it has been completed in about one or two hours. Qin Lang has processed thousands of monster inner alchemy this time, but most of them are second- and third-level monsters. Beast inner alchemy, so when all the five-level monster inner alchemy were condensed, there were actually more than 200 of them.

In addition to the more than 100 fifth-order monster inner alchemy in the original storage bag, Qin Lang now has more than 300 fifth-tier monster inner alchemy in his hands.

There is no problem at all in refining a thousand blood essence pills from more than 300 fifth-order monster inner pills, and even with the 20.00% arc increase of the pill furnace, you should get more.

At this time, after Qin Lang cleaned up the impurities in the alchemy furnace, he did not immediately enter the second step, but began to strengthen the surrounding environmental restrictions.

There is no way, the movement of alchemy in the gossip alchemy furnace is too big, Qin Lang doesn't want to become well known, it will be very bad if it is discovered by passing monks.

After re-arranging, Qin Lang began to pour the blood of monsters into the pill furnace, and used the fire of Kanli to burn it fiercely, condensing it to the concentration he wanted little by little. Seeing that the base liquid in the pill furnace was boiling fiercely, this It was only then that the monster inner alchemy was added.

Then, it’s time to add other accessories.

The other dozens of materials require special techniques and order to add in. Qin Lang has already designed the order of adding materials in his brain, so everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

As the prohibition runes on the pill furnace were stimulated, they all lit up, and the entire pill furnace was surrounded by a halo of light shining with mist.

This halo does not appear simply, it is also a reflection of the alchemist's own strength, only when a high-level alchemist is refining pills, this halo will appear.

Although the Eight Diagrams Pill Stove consumes 60.00% more true energy than the ordinary Pill Stove, it is not difficult for Qin Lang, and now Qin Lang is completely at ease.

Seeing that the aperture was finally formed, Qin Lang also heaved a sigh of relief. The next thing to do was simple. It was nothing more than keeping the aperture from disappearing. He insisted on it for about half an hour until all the materials added were completely melted. That's fine.

And when the material is completely fused with the base liquid, the base liquid also changes from the original blood red to dark red, just like cinnabar, which is a sign that the base liquid is ripe.

At this time, it is time to start to remove the water in the base solution and start to shake out the pills one by one. This process is also called "shocking pills".

During this process, Qin Lang continued to play alchemy spells and restrictions, which acted on the alchemy furnace, and there were almost 5 kinds of restrictions in just three to five minutes.

This is because the level of the blood essence pill is not very high. Although the blood essence pill is a middle-grade panacea, it is also the lowest level in the middle grade.

In Qin Lang's memory, most of the high-level elixirs required cumbersome alchemy procedures, and some elixirs required more than one or two thousand alchemy prohibition techniques during the refining process.

It is the first time to operate this kind of ancient treasure-level alchemy stove. It is a lie to say that it is not hand-made. Qin Lang's forehead is already slightly sweating, and now the consumption of true energy is still second, but it is definitely a test of his own mind. huge.

Fortunately, there is nothing wrong in all aspects. Qin Lang is also an alchemy master who has experienced many alchemy tests, so he gritted his teeth and survived. Now what troubles him in alchemy is not his cultivation, but the pressure on his mind.

After all, alchemy is a complicated process. It is the first time to use a new alchemy furnace for alchemy, and it is a middle-grade panacea that has never been refined before, like the driver driving a new car. What is the performance of the car? All need to be remastered.

However, in addition to consuming more mind and cultivation, Qin Lang did not make any mistakes in the entire process of alchemy, and he persisted smoothly throughout the process, and finally the entire alchemy furnace started to vibrate again.

Inside the closed prohibition, pill explosions even appeared in the pill furnace. It can be seen that the pills are full of spiritual power.

Although the refining procedures of basic materials are complicated, and the ancient treasure-level alchemy furnace consumes a lot of energy and mind, the process is very fast, and it only takes less than half an hour.

Now, it's time to collect the pills!Peng!Peng!Peng!Peng!Peng...

The furnace lid of the Eight Diagrams Pill Stove was directly blown away, and Qin Lang also activated the Pill Collection Jue at this time, and with a big wave of his hand, he directly collected the finished medicine, the Blood Yuan Pill, that was continuously spewing out from the Pill Stove.

This time the elixirs were produced a lot, at least 300 were counted, it was not enough for Qin Lang to fill the blood jade bottle in his hand, so he decided not to use the jade bottle, and directly vacated the jade bottle, a lot Put it into the storage ring.

This is also because all the pills refined by Qin Lang reached the perfect level of quality, so he dared to expose the pills in the air.

If the elixir does not form a perfect level of quality and cannot form a forbidden pattern on the surface of the elixir, it would be foolish to do so, because the aura of the elixir will continue to escape, and eventually the entire elixir will disappear directly.

(End of this chapter)

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