The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1541 Robbing the Wrong Object

Chapter 1541 Robbing the Wrong Object
The blood pills are as big as pigeon eggs, round and covered with forbidden patterns on the surface, it looks like an incomparably exquisite carving.

More than 300 round blood pills were directly piled up in the storage ring to form a small hill.

Back then, Qin Lang spent almost 32 spirit stones in order to obtain five bottles of Blood Yuan Pills at the Qiao Family Auction. The five bottles of Blood Yuan Pills were all packed in a bottle of ten pills, which means that each Blood Yuan Pill was worth at least six yuan. Qian Lingshi.

Now Qin Lang has refined more than 500 blood pills with more than 300 million materials, and the value has increased by almost 300 million, and the effective value has increased by more than half.

Of course, this is also the reason why Xue Yuan Pill is a middle-grade panacea, but it is too common for Nascent Soul cultivators, so the value space is not greatly improved. If what Qin Lang just refined is not this commonly used cultivation auxiliary pill , the profit margin will be considerable.

However, for a cultivator at the Nascent Soul level, the daily consumption of blood pills is essential. Qin Lang is no longer in the same physical condition as a few months ago, and he doesn't need too much blood pills to assist his daily practice .

Now he has completely recovered his mid-Yuanying cultivation. During his daily practice, the demand for blood essence pills is also increasing. If the efficiency of cultivation is raised to the fastest, it is estimated that it is impossible not to consume a dozen or so pills every day.

So these more than 300 elixirs don't look like a lot, in fact, they are only needed to maintain Qin Lang's four or five months of cultivation. After four or five months, Qin Lang will need to refine alchemy again.

After refining the Blood Essence Pill, Qin Lang then refined some Yiyuan Pills for restoring spiritual consciousness, Fushen Pills, Yijing Pills for expulsing erysipelas from the body, and Xiaohuan Pills for healing. There are hundreds of them in total.

After that, it was time to refine the medium-grade healing elixir "Shengji Huoxue Ointment". Although the Shengji Huoxue Ointment was not as good as the life-dead, flesh-and-white bone healing God Pill, it was also top-notch in the middle-grade elixir.

The most important thing is that the blood-eating worms, the main alchemy material of "Shengji Huoxue Paste", are rare for others, but Qin Lang has cultivated a small batch after more than half a year of cultivation, which can be used for alchemy.

In the pet bag, the three mature hemophagocytic worms plus dozens of eggs, large and small, are constantly going through the process of chicken laying eggs and eggs laying chickens.

Mature hemophagocytic worms are red worms that are a little smaller than earthworms, and look similar to red worms used for fishing.

The eggs are black and about the size of a sesame seed.

Although blood-eating insects are not ranked high on the list of strange insects in the cultivation world, they cannot enter the top ten, but this kind of spirit insects has very good reproductive ability and death regeneration ability. After more than half a year, more than 20 mature blood-eating insects have been cultivated. There are more than 300 worms and eggs.

This is because Qin Lang spared no effort to purchase the flesh and blood of monsters for cultivation, so that he can achieve the current results. Half a year ago in Green Willow City, Qin Lang almost spent nearly 100 million spirit stones on purchasing the flesh and blood of monsters, which is not a small investment.

Twenty or twenty mature blood-eating worms can all be used for alchemy now. Before alchemy, Qin Lang put the base liquid of alchemy "Thousand Years Ice" into the Bagua furnace.

"Thousand Years Ice" is the ice that has not melted for thousands of years on the height of the snow peak. It is impossible to produce it in the environment of the Western Desert, but the value is still not high. Basically, it can be bought in every city with green willows.

After all, "Thousand Years of Ice" is estimated to be the lowest grade in Tiancaidibao, even the low-grade panacea Millennium Ginseng, Polygonatum, and Wannian Shouwu can't compare.

In fact, the entire Qinghe Continent, no matter whether it is the southern border, the northern plains, or the East China Sea, has a large amount of "thousand-year ice" produced.

Apart from being used for alchemy, "Thousand Years Ice" has another purpose in this western desert, which is to freeze some vegetables and fruits to keep food fresh.

Although the temperature in the Western Desert is not as hot as imagined, the products are all carried out by long-distance transportation, so the large amount of fresh food transported from the outer domains will inevitably use "Thousand Years of Ice".

After a large piece of Qianzaihan was not added to the gossip pill furnace, it was instantly boiled by Qin Lang with Kanli's fire, which melted into a pool of bright and clear boiling liquid. After that, Qin Lang changed the martial fire to a slow fire, and kept boiling on a small fire It took half an hour to add more than a dozen alchemy auxiliary materials.

At this time, with the continuous addition of auxiliary materials, the bright and clear base liquid in the alchemy furnace has become turbid, like a big bubble of urine.

Perhaps Qin Lang had anticipated the arrival of this day long ago, so the alchemy materials in the storage bag were well prepared, and there was no shortage of that item.

When the materials were all incorporated into the base liquid, Qin Lang began to use his true energy to stir the inside of the alchemy furnace, adding the key material "blood-eating worms" while stirring. Once these red worms were thrown into the base liquid of the alchemy furnace, Just struggling and bouncing endlessly, showing amazing vitality.

However, in less than 13 seconds, the internal temperature of the pill furnace, which can even melt iron liquid, deprived them of their vitality, and melted them into the base liquid bit by bit.

After the "Blood-eating Insect" melted into the base liquid, the base liquid that was originally extremely turbid began to change color like a chemical reaction, and turned into snow white. At this moment, the pill furnace was filled with the fragrance of the plaster, but The Shengji Huoxue Cream is almost finished.

Now Qin Lang only needs to boil the plaster with a slow fire until it becomes thicker and it can be removed.

It is worth mentioning that Shengjihuoxue ointment is not a granule of elixir, but a liquid ointment with a density similar to that of toothpaste. This ointment has miraculous effects in treating trauma, no matter how serious the trauma is, just one swipe of the ointment will be enough Stop the bleeding immediately.

About 20 minutes later, Qin Lang finally took out the batch of plasters and poured them all into the blood jade bottle, which looked like five large bottles.

These five large bottles of plaster are enough for Qin Lang to treat more than 100 traumas. If they are sold, it should not be a problem to sell each bottle for 50 million.

With an investment of less than 100 million, the profit of more than 150 million in half a year is already very impressive.You must know that refining Shengji Huoxue Ointment is not very difficult, as long as the materials are enough, Qin Lang can sit on the ground and make money, which is undoubtedly much more stable than those adventurers who work hard all day.


And just when Qin Lang was refining the Blood Yuan Pill, a ray of precious light leaked from the pill furnace restriction still alarmed a group of casual cultivators passing by.

This team of casual cultivators are all above the alchemy stage, there are five people in total, and the one with the highest cultivation level is a burly man with a complete alchemy. Although his face is simple and honest, his eyes reveal shrewdness.

It is not easy for the rogue cultivators in the western desert to survive, so seeing the precious light suddenly appearing in the desert, this group of rogue cultivators are also very happy. When a treasure is born.

After that, the team of casual cultivators continued to search towards the head of Baoguangyuan, and kept approaching the ruins of the city where Qin Lang was located. The Baoguang disappeared after they reached the ruins of the city, but they could be sure that the treasure must be in this area.

So, then they began to search in the ruins of the city, and when Qin Lang continued to refine alchemy, despite the restriction and blockade, there was still a trace of fluctuations in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth escaping from the restriction.

Ordinary people can't feel this trace of heaven and earth aura, even ordinary cultivators passing by unintentionally, but this small group of casual cultivators came here specially for this, and at this time, the eyes of each of them are shining... up.

Next, it goes without saying that this team of casual cultivators surrounded the area where Qin Lang had set up a ban.

Then, they felt more aura fluctuations, and combined with past experience to judge, this team of smart casual cultivators immediately knew that someone had artificially placed restrictions here, and it was likely that a lone cultivator was doing alchemy, or Refining activities.

"Which idiot dares to refine alchemy and weapons in this environment!" The five casual cultivators looked at each other, knowing that their chance had come.

Encountering single people in the depths of this sea of ​​sand called "Everyday Responsibility" and "Unresponsible Land" is no different from meeting fat sheep. They are definitely going to kill people and rob money.

"Xiao Wu, give it a try and see if you can break this restriction."

The leader of the burly man ordered, he is the leader of a group of casual cultivators, and the strength of Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy made no one dare not listen to his words.


Xiao Wu is a black and thin man. Although his cultivation is only at the early stage of alchemy, he is proficient in formations and is a junior formation mage. After receiving the order from the burly man, he cracked the prohibition formation arranged by Qin Lang.

About half an hour later, Qin Lang had almost finished refining muscle-promoting and blood-activating ointment. He suddenly sensed violent fluctuations from the restraining formation he had arranged casually, and then disappeared with a snap. build.

"Hahaha! It's finally broken. The ability of this single casual cultivator is not bad. It's almost catching up with my little five..."

After the black and thin man broke the formation, he let out a triumphant laugh.

And Qin Lang, who was scratched by someone, saw the actions of these people in front of him, and knew that the visitor was not kind, so he showed a displeased expression: "What are you doing!"


After the five casual cultivators heard this, they all laughed. The burly man at the head took a step closer and said, "What are we doing...don't you know? Now hand over all the valuable things on your body, so that I can consider Spare your life."


Qin Lang smiled coldly and said, "You seem to have found the wrong partner."

"Hey! The tone of the speech is very aggressive! It's just a casual cultivator in the middle stage of alchemy. I can kill you with one finger. Be honest!" The burly man looked at Qin Lang and sensed that Qin Lang only had a cultivation base in the middle stage of alchemy , so arrogantly exuding the aura of Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy.

"Indeed! Even the boss doesn't need to do anything, we brothers can kill you!"

Beside the burly man, the four companions also arrogantly exuded their respective auras, one of them was in the early stage of alchemy, and the other three were in the middle stage of alchemy.

"Ha ha!"

Qin Lang did indeed smile, he has concealed part of his aura now, so it seems that his cultivation base is about the same as that in the middle stage of alchemy before, no wonder the casual cultivators in front of him underestimated him.

Because from the surface, Qin Lang does not have an advantage in terms of individual combat power or the number of people. The few monks in front of him seem to be able to completely abuse themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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