The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1542 Poison Smoke Pill

Chapter 1542 Poison Smoke Pill

"How about it? Have you thought about it? Brothers don't have eyes in their fists when they move their hands. Don't ask for trouble!"

The burly man squeezed his fist and threatened, this guy should be a self-cultivator. When he squeezed his fist, it exploded like firecrackers, and his whole fist became bigger and tighter. It seems that he does have some strength.

However, Qin Lang seemed to be itchy, and still didn't buy it: "I don't have any money, but I have one, unfortunately, you are not qualified!"

"Really? Then try."

The burly man was overjoyed, and shook his head at the brothers around him, and they attacked Qin Lang together.

Although this group of casual cultivators look down on Qin Lang, who is alone, they always fight together and never follow any rules, so they all fight together at this time.

They decided to beat Qin Lang violently first, then embezzle all his belongings, and then whether to kill and throw the body, or let him go depends entirely on his mood.

However, Qin Lang can judge from the viciousness in the eyes of these five people that it is true that he was killed and thrown away after being robbed. The five casual cultivators in front of him are obviously not good people.

After moving his body, Qin Lang used Phantom Wind Walk. It felt like a small boat in the wind and rain. It might capsize at any time, but it just didn't capsize.

This is because Qin Lang has not fought for a long time, so he decided to play with these guys in front of him first, otherwise, it would have been over long ago to make a few killing moves.

But the five rogue cultivators in front of them are ignorant of current affairs, and they can't even touch Qin Lang's clothes during the battle, but they are shouting: "Okay! It turns out that this kid is so fearless by relying on a set of body skills. Brothers work harder, we will win when this kid gets tired."

It's a pity that when Qin Lang was not tired, after fighting continuously for one, two, and 10 minutes, Qin Lang still maintained the same fighting rhythm as before. On the contrary, the weakest casual cultivator in the early stage of the five casual cultivators was already panting, and the others Friends are not feeling well either.

"Damn, is this guy a cow? It lasts so long, I'm about to die!" Xiao Wu, who was in the early stage of alchemy, was already panting like a bellows, and now his movements have begun to be seriously out of touch.

"Yeah, it's too grueling! Grandma's brothers back off, I'm going to use a trick... Overlord Impact!"

The burly man yelled, and his muscles swelled a circle. The speed of the Dzogchen's physical training in the late stage of alchemy suddenly accelerated. At this time, he punched Qin Lang with his huge fist.

However, he was still in vain, and at the same time heard a screaming sound beside him, which seemed to be from Xiao Wu... Yes, it was Xiao Wu's voice.

"Ah, Little Five!"

A few casual cultivators nearby all exclaimed, it turned out that just at that moment, Qin Lang avoided the attack of the burly man at an incredible angle, and then stretched out his hand to press the head of the already exhausted fellow Xiao Wu, See Xiao Wu's whole head burst like a watermelon.

Xiao Wu died, and the weakest guy in the team died, five beat one, and not only did they not take advantage, they actually lost one!
It's incredible!At this time, the other four casual cultivators all took a deep breath. Before, they thought this casual cultivator was talking big, but they didn't know that the other party really had the right to play tricks.

After the accomplice Xiao Wang died, the remaining four casual cultivators did not give up. They thought that Xiao Wu's death just now was just too careless on their side, so they became much more cautious in their next actions.

At this time, the four casual cultivators formed a very simple attack formation, and they cooperated with each other more closely, not as scattered as before.

This set of formations is also the formation that they usually put out after they face powerful enemies or monsters. Now they are used to deal with Qin Lang. It has undoubtedly been admitted that Qin Lang is indeed very powerful, so they can't help but pay attention to it.

"Dragon Elephant Fist!" Qin Lang spoke directly with his fist strength. Although he is not a physical cultivator, his current fist strength is more than 300 tons. If these casual cultivators who have not yet reached the Nascent Soul stage in front of them, if they get hit , You will be seriously injured if you don't die.

Feeling the power of Qin Lang's fist, the four casual cultivators in front of them, including the burly man, avoided the front and did not dare to fight Qin Lang. Xiu secretly groaned, they probably hit the iron plate.

The opponent is definitely not as simple as a casual cultivator in the mid-stage of alchemy, and a casual cultivator in the mid-stage of alchemy cannot be so powerful!Fighting till now, the four casual cultivators have already had such a clear understanding in their hearts.

At this time, four loose cultivators and magic weapons came out together, but there was nothing they could do to Qin Lang at all. At this time, six firebird-like magic weapons appeared on Qin Lang's body to protect his body. The firebirds flew around his body, killing all All attacks were blocked.

Six-fire copper mirror, although this magic weapon is an ancient treasure that consumes a lot of real energy, and the grade is not very high, but after unfolding, it can transform into six firebirds and swallows to guard the surroundings, which can increase the number of fire-type cultivators to six. Double defense ability.

So now Qin Lang only needs to use this magic weapon on his body, which is enough to block the attacks of everyone in the casual repair team. When the magic weapon of everyone in the casual repair team attacked, they were blocked by six flying firebirds.

bang bang bang!bang bang bang!bang bang bang!The four rogue cultivators used all their means at this moment, and summoned a total of ten magic weapons and magic weapons to attack Qin Lang. The battle scene was very grand.

However, Qin Lang, who possesses the six-fire copper mirror, is like wearing a layer of tortoise shell. No matter how hard the four casual cultivators try, there is no way to break the defense of the opponent's body.

"Damn, this kid is really tough! Brothers, the wind is tight!"

At this point in the battle, the four casual cultivators knew that they could no longer deal with this guy in front of them, and they all began to retreat one by one.The burly man shouted, first retreated from the battle group, and prepared to escape.

"Want to escape? Did you ask me..."

Qin Lang's joking voice suddenly came from his ear, and when he turned his head, he found that this kid had come to him for some reason.

Qin Lang directly slapped the talisman away from the burly man's hand, it was a Baili escape talisman, this guy was about to use the talisman to escape!

Then, he punched out again, directly hitting the burly man's chest, and saw the burly man fly away dozens of feet away with a scream, and was motionless when he landed again.

After solving the most powerful enemy in the team, Qin Lang turned his head with a sneer. At this time, the remaining three casual cultivators who were besieging Qin Lang were already shocked and didn't know what to do. Now even the boss of the team was defeated by Qin Lang. Killed, they are not opponents.

At this time, the three casual cultivators trembled for a while, and the next three reacted differently. Two turned around and fled, while the last one kowtowed on the ground. Needless to say, this guy was so scared that he couldn't even run away dare not try.

As for the escapers, needless to say, Qin Lang would not let any one go. He directly used his hand instead of the sword to send out a few sword auras, and instantly caught up with the two guys who wanted to escape. The sword aura directly pierced the two scattered Repair the back.

"Ah!" "Ah!" After two screams, the sword energy pierced through the hearts of two casual cultivators in the mid-stage of alchemy. Qin Lang used his hands instead of swords to send out sword energy, although it was not as good as using a flying sword directly. But the penetrating power of the focused sword qi is extremely powerful, so a direct hit will kill.

And then, Qin Lang began to sneer and approach the casual cultivator who was kneeling on the ground begging for mercy. The frightened casual cultivator felt that Qin Lang was approaching him like a god, and his teeth trembled in fright: "Forgive...forgive me, sir , I, I really didn't mean to offend!"

"Didn't you mean to risk me?"

Qin Lang snorted and said: "If my cultivation is not as good as yours, I'm afraid the ending of this story will be me lying on the ground!" After finishing speaking, he must continue to attack.

"Don't...don't kill me, me, I have a big secret to tell you."

The rogue cultivator, who was so frightened, suddenly became eloquent at the critical moment of his life.

"Oh, what's the secret? Tell me quickly." Qin Lang paused upon hearing this.

"T-Treasures of the Ruins, our team came out this time for the treasures of the Ruins..."

The timid Sanxiu hurriedly said.Next, he explained clearly the ins and outs of his team's preparation to explore the treasure of the ruins.

It turns out that the Wushuang ruins thousands of miles away are about to be opened. The ruins are opened about once every 2000 years. During the previous openings in history, casual cultivators who were lucky even found the remains of a cultivator at the stage of transformation in the ruins. , so made a fortune.

Therefore, after getting the news, the casual repair team in front of us is also planning to come to Wushuang City, which is relatively close to the Wushuang Ruins, to settle down, and then wait until the day when the ruins are opened, and enter the ruins to try their luck.

"In the ruins, there are actually the wreckage of a cultivator in the stage of transformation, which sounds pretty good."

Qin Lang felt that this news was of some value. Now that his cultivation had returned to the original level, he could make a breakthrough if he had the chance.

After all, if there are any treasures in the ruins, with his own cultivation base and the ability of mechanism and formation masters, the probability of obtaining these treasures is much higher than most casual cultivators.

Just when Qin Lang was thinking, he suddenly noticed the movement of the casual cultivator on the ground out of the corner of his eye. The nervous cultivator just pretended to be nervous. At this time, he directly threw a few black balls at Qin Lang.


Qin Lang saw that this thing was similar to the Tianleizi he had obtained before, so he didn't dare to be careless. If it was Tianleizi, even monks in the Yuanying stage would suffer, so he quickly dodged.

Flutter, the black ball exploded, and a pungent thick smoke filled the surroundings immediately. Qin Lang smelled it and felt a little tingling in his nerves. He immediately knew that it was poisonous smoke. It turned out that the black ball just now was just It looks like Tianleizi, but it is actually a poison pill.

Qin Lang's body had eaten Queen Mother Grass leaves before, so his body has a strong resistance to toxins. This poisonous pill that can emit poisonous smoke did not actually hurt him.

(End of this chapter)

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