The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1543 Pretty Little Cultivator

Chapter 1543 Pretty Little Cultivator

When throwing this poison pill, this casual cultivator in the mid-stage of alchemy laughed loudly: "I didn't expect it! I got hit by my rotting bone poisonous smoke, but it took only half a stick of incense, even if your cultivation level Gao’s whole body will turn into pus.”

"Is it?"

Qin Lang's cold voice suddenly came from his ear, at this time Qin Lang had teleported to the casual cultivator, and then saw that the casual cultivator's big mouth could no longer close.

" are you okay..."

The casual cultivator in the mid-stage of alchemy spoke for a while, but suddenly fell silent. Qin Lang pushed lightly, and the guy fell to the ground and didn't get up again.

"Of course I'll be fine. I wanted to spare your life, but it's a pity that you don't live up to it!"

Qin Lang sighed, looking at the guy who died underground and said.

This self-righteous casual cultivator probably would never have thought that Qin Lang's body was immune to the toxins of rotting bones and smoke.Qin Lang once ate the leaves of Queen Mother Grass. This top-notch natural material and earth treasure is a holy medicine for detoxification. Even after eating, it will strengthen the body's ability to resist poison.

After all, King Poison Grass is a very rare existence. The leaves can cure all poisons, and the fruit is the material of Creation Pill.

But good fortune pills are rare in the world. Qin Lang can meet the fruit of Queen Mother Grass for the second time, which is already a very, very chance person. You must know that ordinary monks may have never seen good luck pills in their entire lives.

Even among alchemists, there are very few monks who have the opportunity to see the fruit of Queen Mother Grass. Not one out of a hundred people may have seen this top alchemy material.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that Queen Mother Grass can be regarded as a rare event in 500 years, and the reason why Qin Lang can encounter it twice is because of luck, and the other is because of Qin Lang's identity and status as a master of alchemy, he is destined to be better than Ordinary alchemists encounter more good things.

After taking care of the casual repair team who came to fight the autumn wind, Qin Lang cleaned up the battlefield with the idea that Jiaozi's legs are also meat.This group of casual cultivators whose cultivation base is the highest in the late stage of alchemy is really not very good, they searched five consecutively, and only got a total of almost 300 million spirit stones.

Of the 300 million spiritual stones, almost half of them were provided by the burly man in the late stage of Dzogchen formation, and the others were even less worth mentioning.

When holding a few storage bags, Qin Lang couldn't help shaking his head. These poor people are too poor, and they can't compare to killing a gang member casually in Green Willow City!

You know, Qin Lang killed three gang leaders in Green Willow City, and gained at least 500 million spirit stones, which is equivalent to 500 million provided by each person.

However, thinking that casual cultivators are at the bottom of the realm of comprehension, life must have been tight all the time, and it is normal to have no property on him, so Qin Lang was relieved.

After all, it is normal for a casual cultivator in the cultivation world to have less than one million property in the alchemy stage, but it is even rarer for Qin Lang to have more than 500 million in property in the alchemy stage, and there are probably not many in the entire cultivation world.

After tidying up the loot, Qin Lang dug a hole in the ruins and buried several corpses, which can be regarded as a reward for looting property.

And then, Qin Lang was about to leave the ruins. He looked ahead and murmured, "Wu Shuang City!"

That's right, he was going to go to Wushuang City. The news given to him by the last casual cultivator just now should be true. He had an impression of the Wushuang Ruins, and Xuan Qingzi also mentioned it in his memory.

This should be a relatively famous relic in the Western Desert. It was only opened once in 2000, and it was opened for half a month at a time. However, only cultivators above the alchemy stage can enter it. I heard that this relic is very large and can accommodate up to [-] people. There are also many opportunities in people... Cultivation techniques, magic weapons, rare elixir fruits, etc. may be encountered, but only when encountering great opportunities.

Because if there is no opportunity, entering the ruins is likely to be nothing.Moreover, there are various organs and dangers in the ruins, and if you are not lucky, you may die.

In addition to organs and dangers, the biggest danger actually comes from people, from other monks who enter the ruins. Basically, the monks who enter the ruins form a team to take risks, and the teams are very careful. If good things are encountered in the ruins, it is normal for teams to have disputes.

Now there are still three months before the opening of the ruins, Qin Lang is not in a hurry, he is going to go to Wushuang City to rest for a while, and then find a place to retreat for a while, and then leave when the ruins are about to open.

Two days later, Qin Lang had already appeared on the streets of Wushuang City.

This is a relatively famous continent in the Western Desert, called Jinshazhou, and Wushuang City is a large city built on Jinshazhou with a history of 5000 years.

It is said that 5000 years ago, Wushuang City was not very famous, and even the name of the city was not Wushuang City, but Jinsha City.But with the appearance of the Wushuang ruins, scattered cultivators flocked from all walks of life in the western desert, which led to today's prosperity, and even the city was renamed "Wushuang City".

Today's Wushuang City has a population of about 200 million, of which 80.00% are casual cultivators. It is estimated that this is also the city with the largest concentration of casual cultivators in the entire Western Desert.

In the entire city, there are more than [-] families, large and small. Almost every one of these [-] families can be compared with the Qiao family in Green Willow City. The weakest families are all middle-level families. As for the strongest The three of them are large families with a population of more than [-].

The law and order in Wushuang City is also jointly managed by the family forces and the Loose Cultivator Alliance. There are a total of five monks in the Late Nascent Soul on the official surface, and one of them is the Dzogchen in the Late Nascent Soul.

It is precisely because of the existence of these monks in the late stage of Nascent Soul that the officials of the entire Wushuang City appear to be relatively strong. Basically, no casual cultivator dares to make trouble in the city.

However, I heard that the officials of Wushuang City are not monolithic. For resources, market shares of their stores, welfare distribution, etc., the internal competition among more than 35 families is very fierce. For [-] seats, the clans were fighting each other even more fiercely.

Regarding the specific distribution of the 35 seats, in principle, each of the more than 20 families gets one basic seat, the three big families fix two seats, the casual repair alliance fixes three seats, and the remaining four or five seats are allocated by the family forces. compete.

In fact, among the more than 20 family forces, the most powerful contenders for the four or five seats are the three major families.

Among the three largest families, the Ma family and the Dongfang family are almost at the same level, and they look down on each other. Every time there is a general election, the two families will go to the martial arts stage in the city to fight for an extra seat.

Because for every additional seat in the official alliance of the Peerless City, the family will be able to get an extra profit when the next new policy of the Peerless City is voted on, and this profit is really quite a lot.

Because of the competition for seats, the official forces of Wushuang City have actually been directly divided into four groups. The Sanxiu Alliance has a separate group, and each of the three big families occupies a group. in the camp.

These different faction alliances constitute the intricate interests of the entire Wushuang City, and in addition to these, there are a large number of casual cultivators and underground forces living in the city, so the entire Wushuang City is in good order on the surface, but the inside is actually There are already signs of confusion.

However, the officials of Wushuang City are also very good at dealing with law and order. They have always adopted the strategy of "catch the big ones and let the small ones go" for the entire city. Generally, no one cares about petty thefts that happen in the city. Large-scale battle patrols will appear in time.


Qin Lang went shopping in the city for a while, and found that the whole city was extremely popular, the streets were full of traffic, not only casual practitioners but also a large number of mortals walked through it, it felt like returning to the vegetable market on earth.

The square market in Wushuang City is very large, and there are more than 500 shops in it, and besides these shops, there are also a large number of scattered repairs concentrated in the center of the city to set up stalls.

After a while, Qin Lang saw that there were several precious elixir herbs in the stall area ahead, such as sunflowers, star needle grass, golden spirit grass, etc., as well as some ordinary low-grade elixir.

Seeing this, Qin Lang's eyes lit up. Now that he has recovered his cultivation base, he can make alchemy at any time. The rare medicinal materials in front of him are treasures to him. If they are all refined into elixirs and resold, they can at least earn one or two times the profit, and The process is still easy.

"How do you sell these medicinal materials?"

Qin Lang pointed to the pile of rare medicinal herbs on the ground.

"Five thousand spirit stones for a sun flower, [-] spirit stones for a star needle grass, [-] spirit stones for a golden spirit grass! [-] ordinary low-grade spirit medicines!"

The stall owner is a female cultivator who looks seventeen or eighteen years old. She looks very cute and ridiculous, but her cultivation has already reached the middle stage of alchemy.

Qin Lang took a look. There were a total of [-] sunflowers on the booth, three or four star needles, two golden spirit grass, and twenty common low-grade elixir. It is really rare to encounter rare herbs of this size. Didn't this female nun get it wholesale from somewhere?
However, Qin Lang doesn't care about the source of the elixir herbs. He only needs to buy these now: "Well, yes, I want them all! A total of 86 low-grade spirit stones, right..."

After finishing speaking, Qin Lang readily paid for the Lingshi, and packed all the elixir and herbs on the booth into his storage bag. Anyway, this little money is nothing to him, a middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivator. , in front of the alchemy monks, it is completely possible to pretend to be rich and powerful.

"Thank you, thank you!"

After receiving a low-grade storage bag containing 86 spirit stones thrown by Qin Lang, this delicate female cultivator was so excited that she didn't know what to say, and just as soon as she set up a stall, she met a big benefactor. The world is as beautiful as a pie.

You know, in the old days, none of the elixir at this stall could not be sold for three to five days, and those casual cultivators would spend a long time negotiating a price, so how could Qin Lang be so generous? readily.

While the charming female cultivator was excited, she also pinched her fingers, and kept calculating in her heart how much profit she could make from this transaction. In fact, these elixir were sold on her behalf, and then earned some intermediate price difference, but this time Qin Lang did not bargain directly. If she buys it, she will also earn a considerable profit. It is estimated that she can directly earn more than 20 spirit stones.

More than 20... For a casual cultivator in the mid-stage of alchemy, that's quite a lot!

"Oh, by the way, sister, do you know where there is a monster inner alchemy for sale?"

Qin Lang chuckled, and asked the female cultivator at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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