Chapter 1545 Elixir Garden
At this time, Qin Lang patted me on the head, thinking of something, and asked, "By the way, Wan Xin! You are familiar with the land of Wushuang City, so tell Da Ge Fang City which is the best rented cave?"

"Brother, are you looking for a house to live in? If that's the case, Wan Xin can give you another reference... I know there is a place outside the city, which has more aura than the caves in the city!"

Wan Xin thought for a while and replied.

"Where?" Qin Lang continued to ask.

"It's next to the Spiritual Medicine Garden. Grandpa Zuo has a big house there that is vacant. Wanxin also lives there. If Brother Qin Lang wants to rent it, Grandpa Zuo will be very happy."

"Oh... Grandpa Zuo?"

"Grandpa Zuo is the owner of the Spiritual Medicine Garden. He treats people very well... Don't worry, this matter is on Wan Xin's shoulders. The price is absolutely fair."

Wanxin patted her small chest, looking at me.

Afterwards, Qin Lang found out that Grandpa Zuo of this elixir garden actually had a lot of background. He was actually a branch of the Zuo family, one of the three major families in the city. However, he had no status in the clan and no heirs. The elixir garden and a big house on the side.

After that, the little girl took Qin Lang out of the city like a little swallow, and went directly to the direction of the elixir garden, and Qin Lang finally saw the Grandpa Zuo that Wanxin was talking about.

This is an old man in his seventies and eighties, with white hair and beard, very fat, his face is wrinkled like layers of candle grease, and his body is in the shape of a bucket.

Obesity is very rare among cultivators. According to visual inspection, Zuo Lao fat man weighs at least [-] catties. I don't know whether he lives too comfortably or eats too much.

When facing Qin Lang, Fatty Zuo lowered his eyes and kept yawning.

Qin Lang looked at it carefully, and he found that Fatty Zuo Lao should be a Dzogchen monk in the late stage of alchemy. This kind of cultivation is not low in Wushuang City, and belongs to the upper middle level.

However, if you think about it, if Fatty Zuo Lao’s cultivation base is too low, even with the support of his family, it is impossible to keep this elixir garden and mansion outside the city. After all, this property is worth seventy-eight million yuan Yes, it is inevitable not to be jealous.

After listening to Wan Xin's introduction, Fatty Zuo stretched his waist and nodded to Qin Lang: "Hello, fellow Daoist Qin Lang, this old man is Zuo Tao, the owner of the elixir garden. However, the big circle gang is not easy to mess with. Fellow Daoist, you have provoked the big circle gang, and you have to be careful of the big circle gang when you go to the city. In addition, you said that you want to rent a house to live in for a while, old man There are still a few vacant rooms in this big house next to the garden, you can choose whichever one is suitable for you!"

"OK, all right."

Qin Lang hugged Zuo Tao, and then followed the obese old man to the big house by the garden. After strolling around, he chose a relatively remote room near the corner.

The reason for choosing this one is that this one is closer to the elixir garden, and the aura of the earth veins is stronger than the other ones. Another reason is that this corner is relatively remote and a little quieter.

"Well, the room counts as your three middle-grade spirit stones for a month. I wonder how long fellow daoists choose to rent?"

The old man Zuo Tao turned his head, squinted his eyes and asked.

"Let's rent it for half a year!"

Qin Lang thought that it would take three months to open the Wushuang Ruins, so he set a lease for half a year.The three middle-grade spirit stones are more than 300 low-grade spirit stones, and Qin Lang paid for the spirit stones directly as required.

Then, the landlord handed over the key of the room to Qin Lang, and this time the renting ceremony is considered to be the completion of the handover.After the old man Zuo rented the house to Qin Lang, he seemed to be too sleepy, stretched himself, and went back to his room to sleep.

According to Wanxin, her grandpa sleeps about 30 days out of 28 days a month, so it's no wonder he's so fat.However, Qin Lang felt that there was something wrong with Zuo Tao's cultivation technique, which caused severe narcolepsy.

However, Qin Lang is also a newcomer, and it is not easy to comment on the physical condition of the old Zuo Tao. He plans to show the old guy what his body is like if he is familiar with it later.

However, it would probably be very troublesome to treat old man Zuo Tao's narcolepsy. After all, the Zuo family is a big family in Wushuang City. If Zuo Tao wants to cure his illness, he must have put in a lot of effort over the years.

However, the Zuo family possessed all kinds of resources and channels, but they couldn't do anything about Zuo Tao's narcolepsy. If Qin Lang wanted to treat this old guy, he would definitely not be able to do it like an ordinary doctor.

Opening the door of the room, Qin Lang found that the room hadn't been cleaned for a long time, and the floor was covered with a layer of dust. However, the furniture in the room was readily available, including a bed, a table, a stool, and one on the floor for cultivation. A futon for meditation.

Just when Qin Lang was about to clean it himself, Wan Xin came over with a bucket: "Brother Qin Lang, the room must be dirty, let me clean it for you."

"Okay! Thank you."

Qin Lang smiled slightly, and with the joint efforts of the two of them, the room was cleaned in less than 10 minutes.

Of course, the reason why the cleaning can be completed so quickly is also because the two used some small spells in the process of tidying up, so they don't need to wipe it with a rag like ordinary people.

After tidying up, the room is now bright and bright, looking at his new home, Qin Lang's mood has also improved a lot, it seems that he has lived here for a while.

"Okay, the cleaning is over. See you again, Brother Qin Lang. Wanxin has to go to the other end to tidy up the elixir garden."

Wanxin bounced and left the room, while Qin Lang looked at the back of this newly serious and lively little sister, and smiled for a while.

This little sister is really cute. Although she was born as an orphan, she has been supporting herself all these years, which is really not easy.

Of course, the landlord, Mr. Zuo Tao, should have contributed a lot, otherwise the little sister's childhood experience might have been much more miserable, and she might not have such a positive and optimistic attitude now.

For having such two good neighbors by his side, Qin Lang is undoubtedly happy, and the feeling of loneliness after coming to another world has also been diluted a lot.

After tidying up the room, Qin Lang began to place some restrictions in the room. Most of these restrictions were used to warn and confuse and obstruct, which is also Qin Lang's old habit.

After arranging all this, Qin Lang closed the door of the room, took three Blood Yuan Pills, and started his daily practice with a large number of middle-grade spirit stones in his hand.

After the three blood essence pills entered the abdomen, they turned into an incomparably mighty torrent of spiritual energy, directly rushed into the dantian from the inner abdomen, and then slowly circulated in the meridians, performing a cycle of big and small.

After about three or five weeks, these external spiritual powers of pills and spiritual energy in the spirit stones will be transformed into the purest true energy and become part of Qin Lang's body.

When he came to the realm of comprehension again, Qin Lang felt that he was actually more happy. There were sufficient resources and a cultivation environment here. During the cultivation process, there was no need to pick and choose, which was much better than the earth.

You have to know that in order to find resources for cultivation on the earth, I lost my old man's nose. From the Middle East to China, and then to America, I almost crossed half of the earth. It's not easy.

And now, after only half a year in West Desert, I have changed from having nothing to having a net worth of 2000 million. The speed of earning spirit stones and resources is as fast as riding a rocket.

Of course, as a monk in the mid-Yuanying period, he gets a lot and spends a lot. If he wants to improve his cultivation, the resources and spirit stones in front of him are really not enough to spend at all. Time will run out.

But today is different from the past, I have already recovered my cultivation base, even if I stay in Wushuang City, I can still rely on my alchemy master's ability to continue alchemy, and earn the difference in exchange for enough cultivation needs.

It's just that if you do this every day, the process will still be quite laborious, and it will take up a lot of your practice time, so if Qin Lang is not particularly short of Lingshi flowers, he will not do this at all.

Cultivators should constantly strive for self-improvement. For the goal of longevity, Qin Lang must of course strive for that ray of possibility for himself.

After refining ten blood essence pills and adding a lot of middle-grade spirit stones, Qin Lang finished his day's practice. In fact, the accumulation of cultivation base has a certain amount every day. The degree of saturation of the meridians in one's body also determines the length of practice time.

After coming to the West Desert, Qin Lang felt that the results of one day's practice can at least compare with ten days on the earth. The effect of the blood essence pill is really good. If it is the previous Jingyuan pill, Qin Lang would eat two hundred pills a day. It may not be able to achieve the current cultivation effect.

After the daily practice, Qin Lang began to prepare to sacrifice some of the magic weapons on his body. Many of the magic weapons on his body had not fully recovered before, so the number of sacrifices was not high. For example, the Thunder God Ruler only sacrificed the first three layers.

Next, Qin Lang thoroughly sacrificed the Thunder God Ruler. Due to the limited resources on his body, this time he only sacrificed the [-]th level of the Thunder God Ruler to the ninth level. After that, there will be no more resources to squander.

And even so, after the activation of the ninth layer of prohibition, the Thunder God Ruler is almost equivalent to the top-grade magic weapon Lie Yan Yuanyang Ruler owned by Qin Lang before. After all, the attack of the Thunder attribute is the strongest among the five attributes, followed by the Fire attribute. .

After the Thunder God Ruler was sacrificed, Qin Lang wiped off his sweat, sacrificed the other magic weapons, and then swallowed three Blood Yuan Pills again to recover the true energy he had consumed.

Qin Lang laughed when he opened his eyes again. After the magic weapon has been completely sacrificed, the current self can be regarded as truly possessing the powerful background of a mid-Yuanying mid-stage cultivator, and the previous self still lacked a little bit.

(End of this chapter)

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