Chapter 1546

The Thunder God Ruler became stronger, and Qin Lang also felt very happy.

Of course, now he has only refined the nine-level restriction of the magic weapon, which is far from enough for him.

If it can be refined to the twelfth level, this magic weapon will be considered truly perfect, but this matter seems to be more difficult now.

Qin Lang planned to earn a little more money in the future, and earn enough resources, and then opened the last three layers of restrictions on the Thunder God Ruler, so that this top-grade magic weapon can exert its greatest power, infinitely close to the top-level magic weapon.

If the last three layers of the Thunder God Ruler are fully activated, the resources needed are huge. According to Qin Lang's estimation, he may not be able to handle this magic weapon without 1000 million spirit stones.

Although he still has 1000 million spirit stones left on him, he is not going to use all the spirit stones on refining magic weapons. After all, his daily practice and expenses are very high, and it is impossible to use some spirit stones to press the bottom of the box. .

After sacrificing the Thunder God Ruler, Qin Lang then sacrificed several other magic weapons on his body, and then remembered one thing, that is the transformation method he got from the ghost cultivator Qianmian Jiaoji.

Kongli, the charming concubine with thousands of faces, has mastered the ancient art of transformation. This art is like the legendary fairy art Tiangang 36 changes and Disha 72 changes on the earth, which can change everything in the world in any way.Of course, there may be many flaws in this technique, but this secret technique of changing from the heart is also very interesting to Qin Lang.

Think about it, I can change at will, change into people, animals, stones... anything can be changed, if the enemy can't recognize it when they meet, that feeling is simply heaven-defying!The strange objects and thousands of machine masks that I have owned before can't compare with it!In fact, Kong Li relied on this special technique to disguise herself, and then carried out a sneak attack in Green Willow City, killing most of the family members in Green Willow City.

There are nine layers of Changing Dao Kung Fu in ancient times, but Qin Lang only has three of them at hand now, and these three layers of Kung Fu are all mistakes and traps, and Qin Lang needs a lot of repairs before he can practice.

"Thousand-faced Demon Fairy said that she only cultivated to the third level of this Tao-changing technique. There is no need for her to lie... Based on the first three levels of kung fu, this female ghost cultivator in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul can move freely. The fact that the entire Green Willow City has not been discovered by anyone shows how powerful this technique is.

Of course, if someone has practiced this technique to the ninth level, it is probably as powerful as the legendary immortal technique on the earth, Tiangang 36 Transformation and Disha 72 Transformation! "

"However, I don't need to think about the complete transformation method for the time being. At present, I still have to find a way to correct and complete the three-level cultivation method at hand! After all, when Kong Li traded the first three levels of the transformation method to herself , this woman is trying to cheat people, the first three levels of this exercise are actually full of traps, if you practice these three levels intact, you will definitely end up in a state of madness."

When Qin Lang thought of this, he had already connected the super system of the brain of the S-level mutant, and the calculation speed of the brain suddenly increased to more than one billion times per second. It was magnified countless times, and each one was exposed like a sieve.

There are a total of thirteen traps in the technique, four more than when Qin Lang did a rough scan. After finding out these wrong information, Qin Lang directly erased them.

Then, there was a defect in this skill. Kong Li, the demon girl with thousands of faces, is a very cunning female ghost cultivator. I guess she didn't really intend to teach Qin Lang the real skill at the beginning, so after the thirteen defects in this skill, there is no way to do it. Practice again.

However, this kind of situation is rare for other monks, but it is difficult for Qin Lang who has a super system. Under the parameter changes of the super system billions of times per second, I am afraid that even the strong man who created this technique at the beginning did not This perverted computing power.

In the process of changing the parameters of the super system more than one billion times per second, the thirteen missing points in the first three layers of the Dao of Change are being completed one by one. Of course, the version that Qin Lang appeared in the process of completing the completion is not the same. Through The calculation of the super system for nearly three hours finally yielded 650 versions.

Qin Lang selected the best from among the 650 versions, and finally decided on one of the versions. After getting this version, he was overjoyed. This version may be more reasonable and more effective than the original version of the first three levels of changes. good.

Then, Qin Lang finally started to practice the Dao of Transformation. The first level of the Dao of Transformation focuses on vibrating the blood energy of the body, using the change of the blood energy to make local adjustments, so as to change his appearance.This process was not difficult at all, and Qin Lang passed the test directly.

The first level of cultivation was successful!
The second layer of the path of change is to communicate with the aura of heaven and earth. It assimilates its own true qi attributes to undergo a deeper qualitative change, making the body more adaptable to changes from local to overall. This overall change includes skin, muscles, and bones. It is a process from the inside out. the process of.

Qin Lang's comprehension is really good, maybe he is really suitable for practicing this ancient secret skill, but in just a short moment, after the body's true energy is synchronized with the external spiritual energy, there is a sudden shock, and the second layer of the skill is also Cleared.

The second layer of Dao of Change has been cultivated successfully!

And just when Qin Lang practiced the Dao of Changing Kung Fu to the second level, a strong qi induction radiated thousands of miles away, and the ghost cultivator in Green Willow City suddenly sensed that he was practicing the Dao of Changing Kung Fu of Qin Lang.

"What's going on...someone is practicing my secret art of transformation? And it's successful! Is it that casual cultivator? How is it possible? You need to know the first three levels of transformation that I gave to Qin Lang at that time The methods are all wrong, how could the other party succeed in cultivation!"

Kong Li, the bewitching girl with thousands of faces, felt a little unbelievable, then closed her eyes and sensed carefully, but confirmed that her feeling was not wrong, and that the other party had indeed succeeded in cultivation!
"Damn it! This kid doesn't know what method he used, but he actually managed to cultivate the Dao of Transformation!" Kong Li gritted her teeth and said, the Dao of Transformation technique was a prison in her heart, and she would not allow such a situation to happen. "It just so happens that the psychedelic fog heart is also on this kid. I will rush to the place where the kid is right now, and fetch both the exercise and the psychedelic fog heart."

Kong Li directly sentenced Qin Lang to death in her heart, and was about to go to Wushuang City to chase and kill Qin Lang across five thousand miles. At this time, she did not leave directly, but rang a communication bell at hand.

Then, a man in black robe appeared beside Kong Li. This man in black robe was also a ghost cultivator, but it was not the ghost hand Liao Hua, but a ghost cultivator in the late stage of alchemy.

"No. [-], take your team and go with me to the location of Peerless City. I sense that the target we are looking for is there." Kong Li said lightly.

"Yes, my lord."

The ghost cultivator complied, and then began to gather members of his team, preparing to set off for Wushuang City with the Demon Girl with Thousand Faces.

There are a total of ten ghost cultivators in front of us, all of whom are in the late stage of alchemy. In fact, they are all the disciples and grandchildren of Yao Dongwen, a ghost cultivator in the transformation stage of the ghost cultivator forces in the Western Desert, who are a generation lower than Kong Li. They are all here for the task of resurrecting the yin demon, and the ten guys in front of them are currently under the command of Kong Li, the enchantress with thousands of faces.

Before setting off, ten ghost cultivators in the late stage of alchemy used a special ghost practice to connect their lives. This special technique can superimpose the vitality of ghost cultivators and realize the sharing of vitality. Guarantee for the survival of Xiu disciples.

Outside Wushuang City, the Mansion of Spirit Medicine Garden.

Qin Lang broke through the second layer of the kung fu, and at the same time that the thousand-faced demon girl who was five thousand miles away sensed himself, he also sensed the existence of the other party. There will be a special induction, even if the distance is far away, they can lock each other's positions.

The current Qin Lang is not very worried about the Demon Girl with Thousand Faces discovering himself. Now that he has recovered his cultivation base, everyone is a mid-Yuanying monk, and the difference in strength is not big.

However, thinking that Qianmian Yaoji is not alone, she represents a powerful ghost cultivator force in West Desert, although Qin Lang is not worried, he also decided to keep a low profile in Wushuang City from now on.

This is also something that can't be helped. Among the powerful ghost cultivators, the only ones who show up now are Kong Li, the thousand-faced enchantress in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and Liao Hua, the ghost hand in the late stage of the Nascent Soul.

In the mid-Yuan Ying period, Kong Li, Qin Lang, the demon girl with thousands of faces, felt that he could still deal with it, and had a great chance of winning, but Liao Hua, the ghost hand, was different.

The Ghost Hand Liao Hua is really too strong!This guy's strength should surpass that of the ordinary late Nascent Soul. In Green Willow City, even the ancestor of the Qiao family, who had temporarily reached the late Nascent Soul, was severely injured by his palm.

Thinking of the battle situation at that time, Qin Lang couldn't help but smile bitterly. If he hadn't relied on the S-level transfiguration clone with the strength of the late Nascent Soul to entangle the opponent until the blood mist barrier was broken, maybe at that time Qiao Tianxing, Qiao Zhimo and He fell directly outside the Green Willow City.

You must know that Liao Hua, the ghost hand at that time, was not repulsed by his own people, but was scared away by a large number of monks pouring out of the city after the blood mist barrier was broken. That time, Qin Lang and the three survived , more depends on luck.

Therefore, even the current Qin Lang feels very afraid of this unbelievably powerful ghost cultivator in the late stage of Nascent Soul. He can not be afraid of Kong Li, the demon girl with thousands of faces, but he has to be wary of the ghost hand Liao Hua who also came to Wushuang City.

However, these are all things that Qin Lang needs to think about in the next few days. At present, he is still preparing to practice the Dao of Changing Kung Fu, and he will also complete the third layer of the Dao of Changing Kung Fu.

(End of this chapter)

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