Chapter 1547 Spirit Rain

After successfully cultivating the first two layers of the Dao of Transformation, Qin Lang can now freely change his body shape into any kind of appearance, and his body can also be adjusted in a small range. Wonders are much more powerful.

However, this is far from the limit of Qin Lang's practice of this technique. I heard that after practicing the third level of the Changdao technique, Qin Lang can not only disguise himself as other monks, but also enlarge or shrink his body by more than ten times to disguise himself as some animals. .In this case, the self-changing ability will go one step further.

The third layer of Changing Tao Kung Fu is different from the first two layers. It is actually a very clever body training technique. After practice, it can strengthen one's own blood, bones, and tendons in a large arc, allowing one's body to expand or contract at will. Make all kinds of more subtle changes.

After Qin Lang performed the exercises, the Qi and blood in his whole body were quickly mobilized. After passing through all the Qi and blood in the third layer of the transformation path, Qin Lang began to strengthen the whole body.

Qin Lang's physical fitness is very good. After this period of transformation, he is not much worse than the same level of physical training. Therefore, it is very difficult for other monks to practice body training on the third level of the transformation path. It may not be possible to see the effect, but Qin Lang succeeded in cultivating it in just one stick of incense.

The third floor of Changing Road is completed!

Qin Lang opened his eyes at this time, and after shaking his body, a burst of white mist enveloped him, and after the mist dissipated, a big black cat weighing more than 20 kilograms appeared on the spot.

The big black cat wandered around the room, then jumped onto the bed directly, as if a human was sitting cross-legged.After the black cat sat down, he said, "That's right. Although I feel that my body is tense after the change, it's not much different from a real black cat in every respect. I'm just like a cat. It is estimated that those cats will also treat themselves as the same kind!"

In fact, Qin Lang didn't know that it was true. After completing the third level of the Dao of Transformation, his attainments in the Dao of Transformation have far surpassed that of Kong Li, the Demon Girl with Thousand Faces.

After all, the big mouse that Kong Li changed in Green Willow City was not like a mouse. It dragged a body weighing dozens of kilograms, which was probably bigger than the black cat that Qin Lang changed now. It was too conspicuous. It looks like an ordinary black cat. If it mixes with cats, I believe those ordinary cats will accept this kind of cat.

The reason why Qin Lang's accomplishments in the Dao of Transformation surpassed that of Kong Li, the Bewitched Fairy with Thousand Faces after completing the third layer of Dao of Change, is that Qin Lang's physical fitness is much stronger than that of Kong Li. Stronger than the original version.

It took almost a whole day to practice this time, Qin Lang opened the door of the room at this time and was ready to take a breath, the elixir garden was next to the mansion, he was going to take a look at the elixir garden.

Zuo Tao's elixir garden was about five acres in size, and it wasn't the largest among the dozen or so elixir gardens outside Wushuang City, but it was the one that was taken care of the most.

For no other reason, Xiu Wanxin, a woman from the wood department, takes care of this elixir garden meticulously every day, so it is impossible for the elixir in the garden to grow badly.

Qin Lang entered the elixir garden and took a look. He was shocked. There were a bunch of low-grade elixir that was more than thousands of years old, and a small part of middle-grade and high-grade elixir, all of which were aged.

It was only then that Qin Lang remembered that Wanxin came to work in this elixir garden ten years ago, so it is understandable that this elixir garden can grow like this after more than ten years of ripening.

And there is a vacant part of the elixir garden, which should have been dug up by Wanxin before and sent to the market to sell.

At this moment, Wanxin was watering the elixir in the elixir garden, and she cast a Rain Transformation Technique, which formed a small area of ​​spiritual rain over the elixir garden.

Rain Transformation Art is not a profound art, it is a basic art that can be mastered by both water and wood monks, but when Wanxin, a wood monk in the middle of alchemy, casts it, the aura in the rain is undoubtedly stronger than other magic arts. The monks of the same department are much stronger.

Fully nourished by the spiritual rain, the elixir on the ground of the garden spread out to its fullest, and the leaves became more luxuriant.

After Wan Xin used Hua Yu Jue, the area was about half an mu of land, so it would take at least half an hour to water all the five mu of land in the elixir garden, which was not easy.

Seeing Qin Lang walking into the elixir garden, Wanxin was also surprised: "Brother Qin Lang, how did you come in? It seems like Wanxin hasn't told you how to enter the elixir garden..."

It turns out that this elixir garden is surrounded by restrictions. Ordinary people can't enter the elixir garden if they don't know the correct way. This is also some simple protection made by the owner of the garden, Zuo Tao, for the elixir garden to prevent some monks with bad intentions. Enter the Elixir Garden to steal the Elixir.

But at this time Qin Lang smiled slightly and said: "Brother, I am a formation mage, and the restriction of this elixir garden is not difficult for me."

"Oh, like this."

Wan Xin nodded, relieved, if Brother Qin Lang was a formation master, it would be normal for him to be able to freely enter the elixir garden.

However, what she didn't expect was that the restriction of this elixir garden was based on Zuo Tao's family secret method. Even ordinary formation masters may not be easy to break it. Qin Lang also has amazing computing power with the assistance of the super system , the ability is infinitely close to the formation master, and only then can these restrictions set by Zuo Tao be easily broken.

If it were an ordinary formation mage, they would not be able to do this at all. Otherwise, if it was so easy to enter here, the elixir in the elixir garden would have been stolen by others.

At this time, all the elixir in the garden had been watered enough, Wanxin used the spirit stone to restore her true vitality, and then continued to take care of the elixir.


She is now starting to cast her innate spells to give some elixir to the garden to promote growth.Ordinary growth-promoting spells can speed up the growth of plants by about ten times, but Wanxin's spells have perfectly matched their own attributes and become something similar to natural supernatural powers, so after casting the spells, the original ten-fold speed can be directly increased. It has become a growth rate of two hundred times.

How miraculous is the [-] times growth rate?Qin Lang is fully aware of it now.

I saw a juvenile purple spirit chrysanthemum straighten up from a seedling, and slowly grow bigger like a child stretching. When it stood up, it soon grew about half a meter taller, only short of The buds are gone.

The elixir of purple spirit chrysanthemum takes three years to mature. If it grows buds and blooms, it will be almost mature. If it bears fruit, it will reach the late stage of maturity, at least five years.

But Zilingju doesn't take that much time to mature under Wanxin's care. With a growth rate two hundred times faster, one day's care can be equivalent to one and a half years of growth, and Zilingju basically takes three days. It can mature and bear fruit in five days.

There are about seven or eight hundred purple chrysanthemums in front of me, occupying more than an acre of land in the elixir garden. This kind of middle-grade elixir is relatively rare, and it is basically due to Wanxin's planting in the elixir garden. take care of.

Purple spirit chrysanthemum can be regarded as a medium-grade elixir with a relatively fast growth cycle. In addition, Qin Lang also saw another medium-grade elixir, blood ginseng. There are about seven or eight plants of this medium-grade elixir in the entire garden.

For blood ginseng, Qin Lang is still very familiar with it. Ordinary blood ginseng is not very valuable, but if it grows to more than 100 years, its medicinal properties will be strengthened, and it will be able to refine a kind of medicine that replenishes qi and blood that is more powerful than Xueyuan Dan. Ginseng blood pill.

Ordinary 100-year-old blood ginseng, on average, can be refined into two Shenxue pills.

And the seven or eight strains of blood in front of me are even more rare and valuable because their growth age has reached at least 3000 years.With such abundant medicinal power, it is estimated that at least one hundred Shenxue pills can be refined from each plant.

When he saw these seven or eight blood ginsengs, Qin Lang was obviously jealous, but he also knew that the whole garden was owned by the old man Zuo Tao, and Zuo Tao asked the little girl to take care of these blood ginsengs in the garden for ten years. Letting it be dug out, I am afraid it is also for my own use in the future.

If this is the case, it is basically impossible for Qin Lang to obtain these seven or eight full-year elixir and spiritual materials.

In addition to the blood ginseng, the most diligent care of Wan Xin in the garden is a Zhirenzhima that is about to transform into a shape. This is a top-grade elixir, and it is planted in the center of the entire elixir garden. This is also the center of the entire elixir garden. Where the air is most intense.

Zhiren Zhima, who is about to transform into form, is at least an elixir with a lifespan of more than 5000 years. A casual bite of this thing can improve several realms of cultivation, even for Nascent Soul cultivators.

If a cultivator in the early stage of Yuanying eats this Zhiren Zhima, it is estimated that he will rush directly from the early stage of Yuanying to the middle stage of Yuanying, and the upgrade process is very balanced without any risk.

However, the biggest use of Zhiren Zhima is to use it for alchemy. If the formation of Zhiren Zhima is successful, some body fluids can be taken from it to refine Zhijing Dan. After crossing the catastrophe, one can directly become a Nascent Soul Stage cultivator.

Nascent Soul stage cultivators... You know, it is not easy for a Dzogchen monk in the late stage of alchemy to become a Nascent Soul stage cultivator.

Basically, most of the monks may be stuck in this state after they are promoted to the Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy, unable to make progress until they die of old age.

To be able to pass this level as lucky as Qin Lang at the beginning, there may not be one out of a hundred monks.

Therefore, crossing from the Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy to the early stage of Nascent Soul is the biggest hurdle for a high-level monk in his life. If he passes this hurdle, he can transform into a dragon and become a Nascent Soul monk who has passed thousands of years of life. , From now on, the sea and the sky will be brighter.

And if you can't overcome this hurdle, I'm sorry, you can only die of old age. You must know that the lifespan of a monk in the alchemy period is only about 500 to 800 years. It's nothing.

This Zhijing Pill is undoubtedly a god pill of the same level as the Creation Pill, and the transformed Zhiren Zhima is the most important raw material for alchemy. It is unexpected that there is such a raw material for the elixir in this elixir garden.

This thing is more advanced than the "Yingying Pill" refined by Qin Lang at the beginning. It is also a top-grade elixir. However, Zhijing Dan directly allows monks who are in the late stage of Dzogchen formation to go through the entire infant formation process directly. It can be seen directly whether it is good or bad.

Therefore, Zhiren Zhima is definitely a treasure in the cultivation world, and it is very high-grade among top-grade elixir.

(End of this chapter)

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