The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1548 Elixir Planting Plan

Chapter 1548 Elixir Planting Plan
It has to be said that Xiu Wanxin, a wood-type girl, is really a treasure. Even Qin Lang feels very moved now, and now has the idea of ​​abducting this little girl.

Of course, he wanted to abduct Wanxin for only one purpose, which was to plant elixir for himself. He is a master of alchemy, and he just needs a lot of elixir for alchemy to increase his proficiency. If he can break through from alchemy master to grand master It is estimated that Qinghe Continent has been No. 1 for thousands of years.

After all, there has not been such an existence as an alchemy master in the Qinghe Continent for ten thousand years, but there were several alchemy masters ten thousand years ago, and each of these alchemy masters has left a strong pen and ink in the history of the cultivation world.


At this time, Qin Lang spoke, "The elixir garden seems to be vacant now, see if I can discuss it with your grandfather... rent that piece of land, plant some elixir seeds, and then hire you to help ripen these seeds .”

"Uh! Brother Qin Lang, which piece of land do you want to rent?"

Wan Xin blinked her big eyes, she felt very curious.

"Is such that……"

Qin Lang thought about it and said: "I'm an alchemist, and I happen to be short of some medicinal materials for alchemy. If I can rent that small piece of open space, I can hire you to ripen some of the elixir seeds I need, and get my own medicine. The desired elixir raw materials are used for alchemy."

"This...Brother Qin Lang, Wanxin doesn't know if Grandpa Zuo will agree, so Wanxin will help you to ask Grandpa Zuo!" Zuo Xin thought for a while and replied, the little girl decided to help her after finishing her work. Qin Lang asked.

"Thank you then!"

Qin Lang smiled and said, now he likes this little girl more and more, what a treasure!
After returning to the room, Qin Lang continued alchemy again. This time he refined a total of [-] Yijing Pills, [-] Blood Yuan Pills, [-] Fushen Pills, [-] Golden Spirit Pills, and [-] bottles One hundred grains of Jingyuan Dan.

All the materials were purchased by Qin Lang in Wushuang City before, among them, Star Needle Grass is the main material of Yijing Pill, Sun Flower is the main material of Fushen Pill, and the fifth-order monster inner pill is the main material of Blood Yuan Pill. The Golden Spirit Flower is the main material of the Golden Spirit Pill, while those Jingyuan Pills are refined with low-grade spirit stones.

Among them, the most precious ones are Jinling Pill, Yijing Pill, and Fushen Pill. These three kinds of panacea can be regarded as middle-grade and high-grade panacea. Spirit root aptitude, it is estimated that it would be no problem to sell [-] spirit stones on the market.

And Yijing Dan can eliminate the erysipelas in the body of a cultivator, and it is also very popular in the market.

After all, erysipelas has always been an unsolvable headache in the world of comprehension, because diseases come from the mouth, and disasters come from the mouth. No matter what elixirs a cultivator takes, there is more or less a little erysipelas.

And the elixir that can expel erysipelas is definitely the best magic elixir to purify the body for monks in the cultivation world who often feed on elixir.

After all, medicine is three-point poison. If you take too much erysipelas and other items, your body will accumulate a lot of erysipelas, and you will develop drug resistance, which will affect your speed of cultivation.

Therefore, if the erysipelas in the body is not purified, the future cultivation of monks will be hindered.So the selling price of [-] spirit stones for each of these fifty Yijing pills should not be a problem.

Not to mention the recovery pill, the best panacea used by cultivators to restore their consciousness, is well-known in the comprehension world, and almost everyone knows it.

After refining these pills, except for the Blood Yuan Pill, he planned to set up a street stall in Wushuang City to sell them to earn some spirit stones for himself.

After refining the elixir, Qin Lang refined some spells, such as Soul Fire Talisman, Baili Escape Talisman, Wind Escape Talisman, Invisibility Talisman, etc., and consumed all the talisman papers he had purchased before.

At this time, Qin Lang's spiritual power was basically exhausted after finishing everything, so he swallowed a few blood essence pills and entered into meditation, and began to recover the exhausted true energy with the middle-grade spirit stone.

"Brother Qin Lang, are you there?" Wan Xin's voice came from outside the window at this moment.

And Qin Lang got up at this time, opened the restriction of the room, and saw the little sister smiling like a flower.After hopping into the room, Wan Xin sized it up and said, "Huh? Why do I feel that the concentration of aura in this room is the same as that in the elixir garden."

"Hehe." Qin Lang smiled and didn't speak. He arranged a spirit-gathering formation in the ground when he was practicing, and moved some of the aura of the earth veins to cause this, but there is no need to say these words.

"By the way, Brother Qin Lang, I told Grandpa Zuo that you want to rent the open space in the Spirit Medicine Garden!"

Wanxin said at this time.

"Why... did your grandfather agree to come down?" Qin Lang asked at this time.

"Agreed! However, Grandpa Zuo heard that you are an alchemist, so he decided not to charge your rent, but wants you to help him refine several kinds of elixir in exchange." Wan Xin stated Zuo Tao's conditions .

"Oh, alchemy." Qin Lang heard that this request is not too much.

He knew that there must be alchemists in the Zuo family in Wushuang City, a large family with [-] people, but as a member of Zuo Tao's collateral clan, he would have to pay a certain price to apply for alchemists in the family to help alchemy. Now that Qin Lang knew If it is an alchemist, it is natural to think that it is more appropriate to make a deal with Qin Lang.

There is no rush to help Zuo Tao in alchemy. Fatty Zuo Lao has been sleepy for the past few days. Just use it inside, no need to buy it.

And Qin Lang was also very happy after Zuo Tao agreed to let him rent a piece of land in the elixir garden, and decided to go to the city to purchase a batch of elixir seeds.

When he came to Wushuang City, Qin Lang did not go directly to the shops in the city to purchase the elixir seeds, but set up a stall in the city to sell a batch of elixir and talismans that were recently refined.

These elixirs and charms caused a sensation as soon as they were put out. Spiritual talismans are nothing more than magic pills. Generally, panacea are only sold in shops in the city, and there are very few monks selling panacea in the market. After all, these panacea are only for alchemy. Only teachers can practice it.

The price of the elixir sold by Qin Lang is basically [-]% lower than that of the store in Fangshi, which naturally attracted a large number of monks who are sensitive to the price of elixirs.

"How do you sell Jingyuan Pill?" A monk asked.

"A pack of [-] capsules of Jingyuan Pill, and a bottle of [-] spirit stones." Qin Lang replied.

"How do you sell Yijing Pill?" Another monk asked.

"There are [-] spirit stones for Yijing Pill, and now there are [-] of them in total. There are not many of them, please buy them quickly." Qin Lang replied.

"How do you sell the Golden Spirit Pill?" The eyes of a casual cultivator in the foundation period who didn't seem to have a good spiritual root aptitude, almost thought he was wrong, and the alchemist in front of him actually had this kind of low-level magic pill for sale.

For low-level monks, the golden spirit pill, which can change the aptitude of spiritual roots, is a magic pill, and it is even more attractive to them than pills such as good luck pills.

"One fifty thousand spirit stone, now there are six." Qin Lang replied.

"How do you sell the Fushen Pill?" Many casual cultivators above the alchemy stage showed anticipation. The Fushen Pill has been out of stock for a long time even in the shops in the city. It is really a blessing to meet them now.

"Thirty thousand one piece, no bargaining, I have a total of one hundred pieces." Qin Lang said.

"I'll buy Jingyuan Pill, five bottles..."

"I'll buy Yijing Pill, ten pills!"

"I'm buying a golden panacea, here's one!"

"I bought Fushen Pill, and I've covered it all! Hey, why do you look at me so strangely? Then, well, I'll only buy fifty pills, and I'll leave some for everyone..."


The sales of elixir were very hot. Qin Lang quickly sold out all the elixirs on hand, and returned more than 500 million yuan of funds. After deducting expenses, the net profit was about 300 million yuan.

The sudden income of more than 300 million also made Qin Lang pay more attention to the method of alchemy to make money. However, it is not easy to purchase a batch of suitable elixir raw materials now. There are too few stalls selling raw materials in the whole market. The whole purchase is estimated to be less than half of the one a few days ago.

Next, Qin Lang also sold a batch of the charms in hand, and once again earned about 20 yuan, but these spirit stones are really inferior to the previous sales of pills, so Qin Lang quickly closed the stall, Not going to waste any more time here.

He is now going to purchase all the elixir raw materials from the stalls on the market, and then go to the shops in the city to see if he can purchase the elixir seeds he needs. The piece of land just borrowed can start work.

After all, sister Xiu Wanxin, a wood-type girl, is an expert at planting elixir, and Qin Lang is still waiting for her to plant the elixir seeds for himself!
There are a thousand large and small shops in Wushuang City, so it is not easy for Qin Lang to visit all of them. In the whole day in the city, Qin Lang spent a whole day looking for elixir seeds.

And Qin Lang's harvest is not too small. There are almost 20 kinds of low-grade elixir seeds, five or six kinds of middle-grade elixir seeds, and two kinds of top-grade elixir seeds.

Among them, the most valuable ones should be the sunflower seeds. Qin Lang got 300 seeds directly, and he spent about [-] million to buy these seeds. If these seeds are planted, at least [-] sunflower seeds can be refined after maturity. Fushen Pill, the value is astonishing.

The growth cycle of sunflowers is not too long, and they are about five years old, so Qin Lang really made a lot of money getting these seeds.As long as Little Sister Wan Xin gives the elixir a boost, Qin Lang will be able to harvest a small batch of new sunflowers for alchemy after five days.

However, there is no queen mother grass in these elixir seeds. Qin Lang has been looking for this kind of main material for refining and making pills, but unfortunately he can't find it.

After finishing these, Qin Lang ran into a man in black robe when he came out of a shop, both of them were startled, each felt a familiar atmosphere.

"Is it ghost repair?"

Qin Lang sensed the evil spirit on the opponent.

"Target found!"

The man in the black robe was also overjoyed, and crushed the communication talisman in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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