The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1549 Can Ghost Cultivator Kill?

Chapter 1549 Can Ghost Cultivator Kill?

Seeing the ghost cultivator pinching the communication talisman in his hand, Qin Lang knew something was going to go wrong. He didn't know how many ghost cultivators came to Wushuang City to look for him this time. If they were surrounded by a group of ghost cultivators, it would be very difficult. Not good.

So Qin Lang wanted to evacuate from the street. If the black-robed ghost cultivator came after him again, he planned to kill this guy. After all, this guy's strength is only in the late stage of alchemy.

Qin Lang burrowed into some remote alleys near the outer city, and the ghost cultivator in black robes caught up behind him. After his spiritual sense sensed this unyielding guy, Qin Lang smiled coldly.

Then, Qin Lang cast the Gu formation, and colorful clouds appeared in front of him, and the enhanced version of the illusion impact directly enveloped the alley.

And the black-robed ghost cultivator disciple in the alchemy period just plunged into the Gu formation and was controlled by Qin Lang.

"go to hell!"

Qin Lang summoned the Thunder God Ruler, and a ball of thunder and lightning slammed towards the guy, and then there was a scream, and the black-robed ghost cultivator fell down with his head cracked.

After killing this ghost cultivator disciple, Qin Lang smiled coldly, closed the Gu formation and was about to turn around and leave here, but there was a sudden wind behind him.

He suddenly felt a sense of crisis in his heart, and without thinking about it, he used Phantom Gale and slid sideways, and saw a large cloud of dark and gloomy ice needles passing through the position where he was standing just now.

what happened?This ghost cultivator came back from the dead...

Qin Lang turned his head, only to find that the black-robed ghost cultivator who had been killed by him just now stood up again, and the wound on his head disappeared.

Surprised, the ghost cultivator attacked Qin Lang again. He had a small Yinsha bottle in his hand, and the Yinsha ice needle inside shot at Qin Lang again.

Qin Lang is still quite afraid of this kind of extremely vicious Yin Sha Ice Needle, so he once again uses the Phantom Wind Walk to avoid it.While avoiding it, the Thunder God Ruler in Qin Lang's hand exploded with lightning, and a bolt of thunder crackled and hit the black-robed ghost cultivator again.

This is the magic attack that comes with the Thunder God Ruler, which can greatly increase the power of Qin Lang's thunder spells!
Then, Qin Lang saw that the other party was struck by lightning again in astonishment, and the whole body turned into coke.

At this time, Qin Lang repeatedly confirmed that the ghost cultivator was indeed dead, so he breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to leave.

But suddenly, the charred corpse on the ground suddenly changed again. The scorched black on the surface of the corpse was rapidly returning to normal skin color, and then the corpse moved, and the black-robed ghost cultivator who was killed by Qin Lang twice The disciple came alive again.

Immediately, ten thousand muddy horses rushed past in Qin Lang's mind. He didn't know what was going on in front of him. To be honest, he had never seen such a powerful technique in the cultivation world, which could continuously die and revive. It felt better than his own. Mutants are even better.

Although the cultivation base of this black-robed ghost cultivator in front of him is not very strong, he is already invincible with this kind of cultivation technique that can make him immortal. Depressed endlessly.

"I don't believe you are really a cat with nine lives!"

Qin Lang gritted his teeth, but also became ruthless. At this time, he sent out a sword aura with the sword, split the head of the black-robed ghost cultivator from his neck, and then kicked the black-robed ghost cultivator's head. The ball was kicked far away by him.

Let's see how you can revive without a head!

Qin Lang sneered, quietly observing the movements of the black-robed ghost cultivator who had been beheaded by him.

After losing its head, the headless corpse didn't spurt blood at the beginning of the wound. It wandered around for a while, but couldn't find its head after groping on the ground for a while, and then blood gushed out from its neck, and the corpse fell heavily on the ground. on the ground.

he died!This head lost its head, and it really can't be revived again.

And at the same time that the black-robed disciple in the late stage of alchemy really died, in a room in Wushuang City, a black-robed disciple beside Qianmian Yaoji suddenly screamed and fell straight on the ground.

This black-robed disciple seemed to have a strange illness and died without warning.

Seeing this situation, Kong Li, the demon girl with thousands of faces, also had a very ugly face, she said bitterly: "The life connection was actually broken by that kid!"

After staying for a while, she began to take out a bell from her body and shook it, and began to summon the rest of the ghost repair team members who were still alive.

After a while, all the members of the Ghost Cultivation Team came to the hut, and now only seven of the original ten members remained.

And the breath of the remaining seven team members was also very weak, as if they were all seriously ill.

"The life connection technique is the most proud technique of Master and his elders. It can connect the vitality of these ghost cultivator disciples together, but once this kind of technique is broken by someone... the power of backlash is also very strong. Terrible, that kid Qin Lang only killed one, and lost three of the ten ghost cultivator disciples I brought."


Kong Li, the demon girl with thousands of faces, clenched her fists angrily, and then said to the remaining seven disciples: "You take the black pill, and when your cultivation recovers, perform the life connection again."

"Yes, my lord."

According to the words, the seven extremely weak ghost cultivator disciples in the late stage of alchemy took out a black pill the size of a baby's fist and swallowed it directly.

As these black blades were swallowed, a large amount of highly concentrated Yin evil spirit erupted in the bodies of the seven ghost cultivator disciples in the late stage of alchemy, and the seven ghost cultivator disciples also began to work hard to get rid of the extremely pure Yin evil spirit in their bodies. The air is quickly absorbed.

After a while, the evil spirits in the black pill had been absorbed by the seven ghost cultivators, and now the seven ghost cultivator disciples had fully recovered their cultivation bases, and each of them had broken through to the state of Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy.

It turns out that this black pill is not an ordinary pill. In addition to restoring the ghost's own evil spirit power, it can also raise the ghost's cultivation base to a small level.

And after their cultivation reached a higher level, the seven ghost cultivators began to gather together, and once again performed the incomparably miraculous ghost art of life connection, the vitality of the seven guys was once again connected into one body.

"The effect of the black pill can last for about three days. During these three days, you have to work hard, and you must find out that guy who is hiding in Wushuang City!"

Kong Li, the enchantress with thousands of faces, said with a sneer.

She came prepared this time, in addition to these ghost cultivator disciples, she also brought a big killer, which can instantly increase her combat power to the late Nascent Soul.

"Yes, my lord."

The seven ghost cultivators left at this time.

After the seven ghost cultivator disciples left, Kong Li, the demon princess with thousands of faces, stayed in the room for a while, not knowing what she was thinking.It took a long time before he spoke: "I have to say, Qin Lang is really a cunning kid, and he hasn't practiced the Dao of Transformation technique again in the past few days, so I have to spend more energy to find it."

It turned out that as soon as Qin Lang practiced the Changing Dao Kung Fu, Kong Li could sense the specific location of Qin Lang, and Qin Lang probably understood that it was wrong to do so, so he didn't practice the Changing Dao Kung Fu these days , so Kong Li, the enchantress with thousands of faces, couldn't lock his specific location in Wushuang City.

After Qin Lang returned to the elixir garden, he excitedly summoned Wanxin to start planting. The vacant land in the medicine garden was not big, less than half an acre. He made a plan, and it would be easier to plant some first. Ripening elixir.

The first is the sunflower. He is going to plant [-] seeds first, which takes up almost half of the open space.

Then there is Wangyoucao, which is a top-grade elixir seed. The refined Wangyou Pill is a middle-grade elixir. This is a kind of elixir for combat. pain, and exerted [-]% of his fighting power.

Wangyou Pill is almost an upgraded version of Baoyuan Pill. However, Wangyou Pill has less side effects and has a very good effect on improving combat effectiveness. It is simply a magic pill for combat.

However, Qin Lang only got three seeds of the Forgetfulness Grass. Although this five-year-old plant can grow, it depends on the mother's body for reproduction. Therefore, these three seeds of Qin Lang can only be used for alchemy after they mature, because the mother of the Forgetfulness Grass is another A kind of spiritual plant is called Wangyou tree.

Lingzhi is a higher-level spiritual plant than the elixir spirit grass. In addition to growing and breeding, Lingzhi also has a certain fighting ability, which is comparable to monsters above the sixth level. However, most of the Lingzhi plants in the entire Qinghe Continent are distributed Among the deep mountains and old forests full of spiritual energy, the terrain is so dangerous that ordinary monks below the Nascent Soul level cannot enter at all.

There are only a few Wangyou trees in the entire continent in the East China Sea, and no other places have heard of this kind of spiritual plant.

Lingzhi can also be transplanted and cultivated, but Qin Lang can only think about Lingzhi, that thing is not something that he can get his hands on now, only monks in the transformation stage can use their strength to enter the kind of cultivation that is difficult for monks in the Nascent Soul stage. Transplant spiritual plants in extremely dangerous places.

He is already very happy to be able to get three Wangyoucao seeds now. If the three Wangyoucao seeds are planted, they can be harvested in five days with Wanxin's birth-promoting ability. At that time, he can use the mature Wangyoucao seeds Worry grass seeds are used for alchemy.

If Wangyou Pill can be refined, then Qin Lang's own combat ability can be greatly improved. I believe that it will be much easier to deal with ghost cultivators such as Kong Li, the demon girl with thousands of faces, and Liao Hua, the ghost hand.

In addition to the Forget Worry Grass, Qin Lang chose three or four other types of elixir seeds, which are basically middle-grade elixir seeds, and are easier to ripen.

Facing Wanxin in front of him, Qin Lang said with a smile: "Wanxin, you can plant these elixir seeds, the big brother who hired you these days will not treat you badly, how about giving you [-] spirit stones every day?"

"Wow! Ten thousand spirit stones..."

Wan Xin was also shocked, brother Qin Lang is really generous, you know she works in the elixir garden, and her monthly income is only [-] to [-] spirit stones!
"Hehe, work hard! Take good care of these elixir seeds, and there will be a lot of spirit stones behind!"

Qin Lang knew that the little sister who was a money fan was very eager for Lingshi, so he tempted the little hen like a weasel.

"Okay, okay, Wanxin will definitely give birth to the elixir as soon as possible!"

With the spirit stone, there is motivation, Wan Xin nods her head like a drum, her eyes are almost smiling.

Ten thousand spirit stones a day... Ten thousand spirit stones a day... Ten thousand spirit stones a day!

If I work for a few more days, I guess I can become a little rich woman!
(End of this chapter)

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