The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1550 Eliminate the Focus

Chapter 1550 Eliminate the Focus
Zuo Tao's elixir was delivered soon. The old fat man asked Qin Lang to refine two kinds of elixir, one was Shenxue elixir, and the other was Zhijing elixir.

"Zhiren Zhima will be able to transform in a week at most. Fellow Daoist Qin Lang, you can wait until Zhiren Zhima transforms to refine these two pills together." Zuo Tao is standing in Qin Lang's room at the moment, stretching his waist Looking around, he said, "I can't see that Fellow Daoists like to be clean."

"Ha ha."

Qin Lang smiled and asked: "Zuo Tao Daoist wants me to refine Zhijing Pill and Shenxue Pill on his behalf, and I guess he also wants to use these two kinds of pills to break through the barrier, and then use the rush to break the body's entrapment Right? However, I don’t think it’s a good way to solve your body’s problems blindly with the power of elixir, and you have to prescribe the right medicine to cure the disease.”

"Oh, what do you say?"

Zuo Tao squinted his fat eyes, looking at Qin Lang with a trace of doubt.

"Hehe, if you can believe it... I can show you the condition of your body! Besides being good at alchemy, I am also a doctor myself."

Qin Lang chuckled.

Later, when he told Zuo Tao about his background in the Heavenly Medicine School, Zuo Tao was immediately in awe, the Heavenly Medicine School!This is the top alchemy sect in Qinghe Continent, and all the disciples from the Heavenly Medicine Sect are not bad in medical skills. Maybe Qin Lang can really cure his hidden diseases.

After Zuo Tao knew that Qin Lang was born in the Heavenly Medicine School, he cheered up. He lost his previous lazy look. He began to tell Qin Lang some of his physical conditions, and then obediently asked Qin Lang to take his pulse. Carry out the diagnostic process of looking, smelling, asking, and feeling.

Qin Lang had judged for the first time before that the main cause of Zuo Tao's narcolepsy was that there was a problem with his cultivation skills. Years of practice had damaged some of the body's meridians, resulting in impediments, which made the old fat man's narcolepsy more and more serious , 30 days a month, now it is estimated that 28 days are spent in bed.

And after taking Zuo Tao's pulse, Qin Lang couldn't help but frowned slightly. Zuo Tao's physical condition is very bad now. Although he is currently at the Dzogchen cultivation level in the late stage of alchemy, his body is suffering from imprisoned diseases due to his practice of problematic skills all year round. The site has become a large lesion.

This lesion needs full treatment, and Zuo Tao should stop practicing in the next few days, instead of going further and further down the wrong path. The idea of ​​confinement is completely unworkable.

If he did this, not only would it be impossible for Zuo Tao to break through the Dzogchen checkpoint in the later stage of the formation of the alchemy, but it would be very likely that he would go crazy during the process of breaking through the checkpoint, even if he had Zhijingdan body protection, it would be useless.

"Fellow Daoist Zuo Tao, you have a big lesion on your body, which needs to be dealt with now..."

Afterwards, Qin Lang stated the content of his diagnosis and told the old fat man his judgment.

And the old fat man knew that his idea of ​​relying on pills to break through the barriers to solve the body's illness was a big mistake, and he couldn't help but feel a little ashamed. His fat face shook slightly and said: "Since fellow Daoist Qin Lang has excellent medical skills, this old man 200 I will give you all the catties, please do whatever you want, Fellow Daoist."

"Hehe, it's not that serious."

Qin Lang smiled slightly and said: "First of all, you have to stop practicing these days. This lesion needs to be treated with acupuncture. At the same time, I will prescribe some medicine for you to take, so as to heal your injury as soon as possible."

"However, these are only temporary solutions, not the root cause. The key reason for your narcolepsy is that there is a problem with the exercises you practiced. Even after you recover from your illness, you can no longer practice the problematic exercises. I suggest you change them at that time. A practice method to practice."

Qin Lang pondered for a while, and then mentioned the biggest problem with Zuo Tao.

"The kung fu I practiced is about to be discarded. This... how is it possible? I have already reached the Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy by relying on this kung fu. Now I have to change the kung fu, but I don't have to!"

Zuo Tao said depressingly, it is true that he is from the Zuo family, a big family in Wushuang City, but as a collateral clan member, the resources given to him by the family have already been fixed, and now even if he wants to change his cultivation method, It is also difficult to do.

After all, kung fu is the foundation of a monk's cultivation. Zuo Tao is a fire-type cultivator. What he practices is the family's melting fire art. .

The clansmen of the Zuo family also have most of the owners of the fire-type spiritual roots practicing this fusion art, but none of these clansmen have developed lethargy. , and Zuo Tao, as a collateral member of the family, naturally does not receive the family's key attention, so he doesn't even know if he has practiced the exercises.

Accumulated for nearly a hundred years, the wrong Fuhuo Jue has hurt the foundation of Zuo Tao's cultivation, and Zuo Tao also felt more and more uncomfortable with his body as his cultivation level deepened. The first 50 years of his own cultivation were fairly smooth sailing, but the next three years For 40 years, because of narcolepsy, he has been unable to improve his cultivation.

In fact, Zuo Tao's cultivation talent is not bad, and his physical aptitude is not bad. This is how he was able to cultivate to the Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy in the first 50 years of bumps and bumps. If the cultivation talent is not good, I'm afraid this kind of mistake His skills had already caused him to blew himself up to death.

But now Zuo Tao still wants to continue to use the Melting Fire Jue to attack the Nascent Soul Stage, that is absolutely impossible. Now his body is like a time bomb installed, the powerful energy conflict when hitting the Nascent Soul Stage is absolutely impossible. It will make his whole body explode like a balloon to nothing left.

"The Fusion Art you cultivated... If possible, can I take a look at this exercise? If I can find the problem in the exercise and make some changes, it's not that I can't continue to practice."

Qin Lang pondered for a while, and expressed his thoughts, but the practice of self-cultivation is generally not passed on to the six ears, and he didn't know if Zuo Tao would have a different opinion, if so, he couldn't help it.

However, Zuo Tao didn't care: "That's great! But after you have seen the exercises practiced by the old man, you have to make an oath not to pass this exercise on. Otherwise, the family will probably punish you and me. Responsible."

"Well, no problem."

Qin Lang nodded, since Zuo Tao was only worried about the family behind him, then there is really no problem. He was born in the Heavenly Medicine Sect and had never seen any kind of exercises, so he would not leak secrets at all.

Next, Qin Lang asked Zuo Tao to return to his room, and he began to give Zuo Tao initial treatment, that is, acupuncture.

After Zuo Tao returned to his room, he took off only his underpants. Zuo Tao was not tall, but short and fat, lying on the bed like a mountain of meat.Looking at this mountain of meat, Qin Lang couldn't help shaking his head. As a cultivator, it is very rare to be so fat.

You must know that apart from some weird exercises for cultivators, most of the monks can carry the body's qi and blood, so that all the qi, blood and nutrition become balanced. In this way, the tendons, bones, and skin are evenly nourished, and the cells If you exercise, you won't get fat at all.

Qin Lang took out a set of gold needles at this time. This set of gold needles was made by S-rank mutants using metal abilities. Each needle is more than a foot long, and it is quite convenient to use.

The cause of Zuo Tao's narcolepsy is that the exercise method goes wrong, which damages the spleen meridian and kidney meridian. These two parts are also important parts for the formation of essence and blood. Because of the formation of lesions, Zuo Tao's body does not have enough essence and blood to support him now. It is getting fatter and fatter, which is a kind of puffiness.

And because of the lack of essence and blood, Zuo Tao's narcolepsy became more and more serious. After all, the human body produces essence and blood all the time, and pumps qi and blood all the time. Only less activity can reduce the amount of essence and blood. The consumption of blood, and lying motionless on the bed will undoubtedly reduce the consumption of essence and blood by a lot.

Over the years, the lack of blood supply has caused Zuo Tao serious troubles. He can't go out normally every month, and spends almost every day in the mansion as an "otaku". If Wanxin didn't take care of the elixir garden, I'm afraid he doesn't have much income to support his daily expenses.

Zuo Tao is both lucky and unlucky. The reason for the misfortune is naturally that he practiced the exercises badly and caused serious damage to his body. Fortunately, he kindly took in Wanxin more than ten years ago. Unexpectedly, the little girl turned to help her in the end. He is very busy, keeping the elixir garden running, and it is also the source of daily life for the two of them.

What is even more fortunate is that now the old fat man has finally met a nobleman. Although Qin Lang has never treated such a disease, but he was born in the heavenly medical school, and his medical skills are definitely better than most doctors in this world. Naturally, he is very confident in the cure The imprisoned illness on Zuo Tao.

The soft golden needles as thin as hair stretched straight under the force of Qin Lang's true energy. Qin Lang inserted more than twenty golden needles one by one into Zuo Tao's waist and abdomen to a depth of more than two inches.

At the same time as piercing the acupuncture points, Qin Lang also used his true energy to stimulate the acupuncture points at these lesions. Qin Lang has now mastered the current and true energy resonance treatment techniques, which is a way to continuously strengthen the acupuncture points and strengthen the body. Quality means, which can withstand scientific and theoretical demonstrations, have also been displayed at this time.

With electric current and true energy resonance treatment techniques, the effect of this golden acupuncture point is more brilliant than the set of techniques passed on by Qin Lang from Xuan Qingzi, and the treatment effect is more than four or five points stronger.

Qin Lang is now sending out micro-currents. He has the three spiritual root attributes of thunder, fire, and gold, so sending out micro-currents is not a problem at all.

Under the treatment of micro-current plus true energy resonance, Zuo Tao's body's originally dead lesions were also stimulated by the micro-current to twitch, and the injected true energy continued to vibrate at high frequency, turning the solidified lesions a little bit. Break up.

Zuo Tao's current body can be regarded as terminally ill. If the dead focus of flesh and blood is not activated and the stasis is cleared, the disease cannot be cured at all.

It took Qin Lang about three hours to treat Qin Lang before he initially opened up the acupoints of the dead focus, and he was sweating profusely from exhaustion. A very serious condition, more annoying than those patients that Qin Lang had treated in the past.

(End of this chapter)

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