The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1552 Special Business

Chapter 1552 Special Business

After listening, Qin Lang also nodded, and said: "Just have a plate like the tiger horse meat and red chime meat, and let's have two special side dishes!"

Thinking that I have been eating pills for food these days, and my mouth is full of birds, Qin Lang really wants to have a big meal now.


The chubby shopkeeper's eyes lit up. Although Qin Lang only ordered two main dishes and two side dishes, these two main dishes are all high-grade ingredients, and the total income is [-] to [-] spirit stones.

After the shopkeeper turned and left in the future, Qin Lang stopped him again: "Wait!"

"What else do you want from the customer?" The fat shopkeeper still turned around and asked flatteringly.

At this time, Qin Lang asked the real question: "By the way, I am very interested in the raw materials of elixir that are used as ingredients. I wonder what raw materials of elixir are stored in your store?"

"Well, there are about a dozen raw materials for elixir, including Hot Star, Chaoxianjiao, Shuangjiaocao, Bailiancao, Leaf Lingju, Purple Lingju, Blood Ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum, Tai Sui, Xianxianqiu, Buried Sea Flower Wait, why are you asking this?"

"There are really more than a dozen kinds..." Qin Lang touched it and asked, "Can you sell me some of these types, such as Bailiancao, Taisui, Xianxianqiu, and Buried Seaflower? I will be of great use."

"Guests want to buy ingredients? It's not like this has never happened before. Last year, an alchemist came to buy some. Why... customers are also interested in alchemy? If you need raw materials for elixir, you can go to those shops in Fangshi Look for it, if you come to my food shop to buy it, the price may be very high."

The fat shopkeeper smiled and said.

"It's okay, you can quote a price for these raw materials of the elixir!"

Qin Lang showed a look of indifference. In fact, among the four raw materials of the elixir he reported, Bai Liancao should be taken no matter how high the price is. Although the remaining few are not high-end materials, they are relatively rare. You have to be lucky to buy it in Fangshi.

"Well, if you buy ingredients from me, they will be twice as high as the market price. A plant of Bailiancao has [-] spirit stones, Tai Sui [-] spirit stones a catty, a fairy ball with [-] spirit stones, and sea flower five Ten spirit stones, one."

The shopkeeper smiled and said, since they are all low-grade panacea, even if the price he quoted is twice the market price, it is actually not too high.

"Well, I want all these four kinds of elixir. How many do you have in the restaurant?"

After Qin Lang heard it, he decided to take them all.

When the fat shopkeeper heard this, he frowned and said: "I'm afraid it won't work. If we sell all the four ingredients of our restaurant to you, some signature dishes will not be able to make special features, so we won't be able to help you... So, Each kind of elixir can be sold to you at most half."

"Half?" Qin Lang nodded after hearing it: "Half is half, about how much..."

"Thirty plants of white grass, forty catties of Tai Sui, twenty balls of eating celestial beings, and three thousand flowers of burial sea flowers." The fat shopkeeper did the math: "A total of 61 spirit stones."

"Okay, after I have eaten, pack everything I want." Qin Lang said with a smile.

"Okay!" The shopkeeper went as ordered. He didn't care much about what Qin Lang wanted these elixir raw materials for. Since Qin Lang was willing to buy it, it didn't matter if he sold some of the raw materials. Purchase back.

After the important matter on his mind was implemented, Qin Lang also breathed a sigh of relief, and then quietly waited for the food.

The food came up quickly, and the tiger horse meat and the red chili meat were both large portions. Each plate contained at least four or five catties of ingredients, and there were also several ingredients made of elixir. The other two side dishes were water celery and Although the wild yam egg is not a spiritual food, it is a free gift from the food shop.

Tiger and horse meat is a fifth-grade monster meat that looks like a tiger and a horse. The meat of this monster is very tender and sweet. It is also a popular high-end ingredient in the restaurant, suitable for steaming.

To put it bluntly, the Chichi is a kind of red snake that is about to turn into a dragon. It belongs to the category of sixth-order monsters. The meat is more robust and suitable for stir-frying.

The steamed tiger and horse meat is added with three ingredients: purple chrysanthemum, ganoderma lucidum, and burial sea flower, which also makes this dish more high-end and elegant, and at the same time more fragrant and attractive.

Stir-fried red chili is made by cutting red chili into strips as thin as cicada's wings, and stir-frying with some spiritual materials such as Chaoxian pepper and blood ginseng. After the whole plate of food is finished, Chaoxian pepper will continue to spread around The unique spicy taste made Qin Lang think of the peppers on the earth.

Speaking of which, Chaoxianjiao has some similarities with chili peppers, but the spiritual power contained in this kind of spiritual material is more than a thousand times stronger than that of chili peppers.

However, peppers on the earth do not actually have much spiritual power, so low-grade spiritual materials such as Chaoxian peppers are not even considered as panacea in the cultivation world. It is used as seasoning in the workshop.

He is very particular about eating Qin Lang. He is a gourmet. He used to do it himself when he was in the wild, and he always prepared various seasonings.

As for the world's top spiritual food, Qin Lang does not reject it, as long as it is a variety of delicacies that can release his taste buds, he welcomes it. With a big mouthful of spiritual food, the spiritual energy of the food spreads in the stomach, and the whole The pores of the whole body are also relaxed.

"It's so cool!" Qin Lang praised it, it was obvious that such delicious food, so he called Xiaoer: "What wine is there in the shop?"

Xiao Er bowed his head and replied: "Guest, there are three kinds of fine wines in our restaurant, one is Immortal Drunk, one is Green Leaf Wine, and the other is Baili Piaoxiang. These three are all spirit wines, among which Immortal Drunk The highest price is [-] spirit stones for an altar."

"Just let that fairy get drunk!" Qin Lang waved his hand.

The Immortal Drunk came up quickly. It was packed in a jar of ten catties, and after being patted open, the rich aroma of the wine escaped, and Qin Lang was also surprised. Judging by his professional sense of smell, the purity of the wine had reached more than [-]% .

"Immortal Drunk is brewed from Donghai Spirit Rice as the main ingredient. I heard that even monks in the Nascent Soul Stage can drink it down. Guests, please use it slowly." Xiaoer withdrew after serving the wine.

"Ninety degrees...hehe, let me, who claims to be drunk for a thousand cups, come and taste the taste of being drunk once!" Qin Lang smiled in his heart, and didn't think that a pot of immortal drunk could drink himself down.

This meal was very refreshing. When Qin Lang swept away the spiritual food and drank all the fine wine, his mind really felt gradually warming up, and he became slightly drunk.

"Immortal Drunk really deserves its reputation, but I can't drink one jar of good wine. I guess I can drink three jars of this high-level spiritual wine." Qin Lang, whose face was slightly flushed, ordered a drink, and began to call Xiao Er to pay the bill. .

The raw materials of the elixir that Qin Lang needed before were also sent over, plus the price of the meal, Xiaoer reported: "Guest, a total of 65 spirit stones, thank you for your patronage."

"Okay." Qin Lang nodded, threw 66 directly, and said, "Here is 66, and the extra [-] is a reward for you."

"Thank you, thank you!" The waiter in the shop was startled, then ecstatic, such a big red envelope is a huge sum of money for a third-level Qi Refining Handyman.

So next, the little girl invited Qin Lang even more. After Qin Lang settled the bill, he personally helped to carry the big bag full of medicinal materials to the gate of the food workshop. The things were delivered to the door of Qin Lang's house.

As soon as Qin Lang walked out of the restaurant, he saw two familiar guys, both disciples of the black-robed ghost cultivator.

"These black-robed ghost cultivators are really reluctant to give up. They are still searching the streets at this late hour. However, I am in a good mood today, so I won't bother you."

Qin Lang frowned, he is now dressed as a man in a bamboo hat, and he is not afraid that the other party will recognize him at a glance.

Turning around, Qin Lang went straight into an alley on the side of the restaurant.

And at this moment, the two black-robed ghost cultivator disciples happened to see the background of Qin Lang turning around. Both guys felt a little familiar, and it was somewhat similar to the target image provided by Master Kong Li, the enchantress with thousands of faces, so they nodded at each other. I caught up with him and chased after him.

Two black-robed disciples also entered the alley, and one of them made a hoarse voice: "Fellow Daoist ahead, wait a minute."

"Damn, are these two guys hunting dogs? I can still find me even if I pretend to be like this."

Qin Lang was speechless. The two black-robed ghost cultivator disciples behind him were gradually approaching, but he still didn't look back.

"Fellow Daoist, please turn around."

The two ghost cultivator disciples ran closer and closer, and now they are less than ten meters away from Qin Lang.

At this time, Qin Lang finally couldn't bear it anymore, and with a wave of his hand, a group of colorful clouds emerged from his consciousness, instantly zooming in and covering the entire alley.

Qin Lang came out of the Gu formation and activated the ultimate move, Illusion Impact. Now the two ghost cultivator disciples were trapped in the Gu formation, trapped by the illusion.

" really is the target we are looking for, please send a message to your lord."

One of the black-robed ghost cultivator couldn't keep his composure, and there was a trace of panic in his cry.

After all, the target has a mid-Yuanying cultivation base. Even if the black-robed ghost cultivator disciples performed the secret life connection with each other and swallowed the black pill, they are only a little better than the monks who formed the alchemy Dzogchen, and they still have no match against Qin Lang Odds and grasp.

The biggest function of these ghost cultivator disciples brought to Wushuang City by Kong Li is actually used as eyeliner. Now that they found Qin Lang, the two ghost cultivator disciples immediately crushed the communication talisman in their hands.

And Qin Lang, whose face gradually became gloomy, didn't want to get entangled with these two guys, so he directly sacrificed the Thunder God Ruler and sent two lightning shots to hit the two guys, but found that one shot of lightning couldn't kill the two guys at all. The guy doesn't know what secret method to use to raise his cultivation base from the middle stage of alchemy to the level of Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy.

"Hehe, the blood skin of these rookies has become thicker. Since one lightning strike can't kill you, then I'll do a few more!" Qin Lang didn't care if he moved a little more.

(End of this chapter)

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