The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1553 Refining Bai Lian Dan

Chapter 1553 Refining Bai Lian Dan

At this time, the Thunder God Ruler was thrown out by Qin Lang, got into the Gu formation, and fell directly on the top of the two ghost cultivator disciples again with the momentum of Mount Tai.

This time, Dongdong Erji smashed the brains of the two ghost cultivator disciples, and in order to prevent these two guys from being resurrected again, Qin Lang used his hands instead of swords to send out two sword qi to cut off their heads. , kicked away.

Then, Qin Lang swaggered away from the alley, the battle was so short, even if there were pursuers chasing after him, he probably wouldn't be able to find him.

And not far after Qin Lang left, two streams of black smoke floated out from the heads of the two ghost cultivator disciples, which were the primordial spirits of the two ghost cultivator disciples.

Because of taking black pills to improve their cultivation base, although their bodies are damaged now, their primordial spirits are still in good condition, and they can survive for a period of time out of the body, unlike the previous two companions who were so unlucky. implicate another companion.

"No. 5, your lord is bringing people here quickly, and it will take about [-] minutes."

"Yeah, let's hold on for another 5 minutes, and when the adults arrive, there will be a way to revive us."

Two black primordial spirits were talking in the sky above the alley. Because of the evil spirit escaping from the ghost's body, the whole alley now became haunted.

Five minutes later, the Demon Fairy with Thousand Faces arrived here with the remaining six ghost cultivator disciples, but she could only clean up the mess, which made her look very annoyed, and that damned Qin Lang escaped again.

With a wave of Kong Li's hand, several black rays of light were emitted into the body of the corpse on the ground, and then the two heads of the corpse on the ground rolled and rolled back to their original positions to reconnect with the body.

Then, under the cure of the evil light, the corpse quickly healed, and the two ghost cultivator disciples Yuanshen above the alley also floated back to their original bodies at this time, and burrowed in again.

"Ah! It hurts me to death..."

After the two ghost cultivator disciples were revived again, they all shouted loudly. The revived two are now extremely weak, and their cultivation level has directly dropped to the state of the early stage of alchemy, which is no longer useful.

"Say, in which direction did the kid escape?"

Qianmian Yaoji didn't care about the physical condition of the two ghost cultivator disciples, at this time she directly shouted in a cold voice, she was obviously very angry, and she couldn't catch Qin Lang who was playing hide-and-seek with her in the city.

"That...that direction."

The resurrected two disciples of ghost cultivation shrank their heads like two little quails and pointed in one direction.

Then, like a gust of wind, Kong Li, the demon girl with thousands of faces, chased in that direction with the remaining ghost cultivator disciples, but 5 minutes was a bit too long for a monk, and it was very likely that this woman could catch up to Qin Lang. slim.


After Qin Lang returned to his residence outside Wushuang City, he gathered together the materials for Bai Lian Dan and prepared to make alchemy.Bai Lian Dan is a middle-grade panacea, which is composed of more than 20 kinds of medicinal materials.

It is not difficult for Qin Lang to refine this kind of elixir. Soon thirty white grasses were put in, and a lot of miscellaneous medicinal materials were added. Finally, after an hour of refining, sixty soybeans flew out of the eight trigrams elixir furnace. The size of the pill.

With a flick of his sleeves, Qin Lang collected these pills casually.

After the elixir was baked, it was densely covered with forbidden patterns, and the whole body was transparent, like cod liver oil balls in pharmacies on earth.

However, the difference between Bai Lian Dan and Cod Liver Oil Blade is that there is a faint glow around the panacea, and the elixir has a breathing rhythm as if it has vitality, rising and shrinking like a fetus in a mother's placenta.

Pills have spirits, and there are often similar legends in this world.

I heard that some top-grade elixir can refine life, and even cultivate into a spirit like a monk, and transform into a kind of existence like a big monster.

And the fetal movement of the Bai Lian Dan refined by Qin Lang this time also shows that the alchemy is very successful, and the quality of the alchemy is very good, absolutely flawless.

Fortunately, this is only a middle-grade elixir. If it is a top-grade elixir or even an even higher-grade one, it may be more spiritual, even comparable to a baby's intelligence. After rushing out of the alchemy furnace, it will definitely try its best to fly away.

After refining Bai Lian Dan, Qin Lang took the elixir and went to the residence of the old fatty Zuotao again. After entering the room, he saw that the old fat man was still lying on the bed, but his eyes were open. After some acupuncture and dredging treatment, my physical condition is much better than yesterday.

Although Zuo Tao is weak now, he is still a little bit more energetic than the previous few days. When he saw Qin Lang enter the room at this time, the old guy showed a gleam in his eyes and said: "Daoyou's medical skills are really well-deserved. After yesterday's treatment, Although the old man is still lying on the bed today, his whole body feels different from before, and he has become much more relaxed. If it was before yesterday, when the qi and blood flowed through the stagnant parts of the body at a certain time every day, the old man would feel pain I have to die, it is more terrifying than ten thousand ants, and recently I have to use a secret method to make myself fall into a coma."

"Hehe." Qin Lang smiled, this is the real cause of the old guy's narcolepsy becoming more and more serious. In order to fight against the disease, Zuo Tao had to urge himself. It hurts to death.

This kind of pain can be compared to cancer patients on the earth. In order to resist the pain of cancer cell proliferation, those cancer patients have to rely on powerful tranquilizers such as pethidine to relieve pain. You must know that those are anesthetics with strong toxic side effects, or Say it's drugs.

"You'll be getting more and more relaxed these days!"

At this time, Qin Lang took out a white pill and put it into the old fat man's mouth: "Swallow it! This pill can speed up the flow of qi and blood in the lesions of your waist and kidneys, and strengthen the qi and blood. Swallow it once a day in the morning and evening, once a day. One." After swallowing the elixir into the other party's mouth, Qin Lang put the blood jade bottle containing the whole bottle of Bai Lian elixir on Zuo Tao's bedside.

Then, he said again; "One of the medicinal herbs for refining Bai Lian Dan is really hard to find. I ran around Wushuang City for a whole day and couldn't find it in a store. Recently, I found it in a restaurant. It's really dramatic. "

"Thank you, thank you."

Fatty Zuo on the bed was so moved that he didn't know what to do.

"Okay! Since there is a deal between us, then I will naturally do my best to help you cure the disease... Now, while the medicinal power of Bai Lian Dan is spreading, let's carry out the second acupuncture treatment."

Qin Lang waved his hand and asked Zuo Tao to take off his clothes, leaving only the big underpants as yesterday, and lay down on the bed.

Zuo Tao, who was lying on the bed like a meat mountain, looked rather funny. After knowing that there was hope of recovery, this guy swept away the decadence in the past, his small eyes on his fat face were widened as much as possible, and he turned his head to see Qin Lang clearly the entire treatment process.

"Be honest, lie on your stomach in the most comfortable position, and try to relax your body so that the meridians inside your body can relax as much as possible." Qin Lang patted Zuo Lao Fatty on the head, which also frustrated Zuo Lao Fatty's hope.

Then the treatment started. Qin Lang took out the golden needle, roasted it to disinfect it, and then continued to insert the needle into Zuo Tao's lesion.

The real cause of Zuo Tao's narcolepsy is that the exercises went wrong, which hurt the spleen meridian and kidney meridian. These two parts are also the main parts of essence and blood formation. Because of the formation of lesions, the essence and blood of Zuo Tao's body now Insufficient nutrition will make you fatter and fatter, which is a kind of puffiness.

After a round of treatment, although the dead flesh and blood at the lesion were scattered, there are still three meridians that are relatively sticky. Now Qin Lang needs to use the medicinal properties of Bai Lian Dan in the old fat man's body to keep these three meridians alive, so that the three meridians can slowly recover normal status.

Under the force of Qin Lang's true energy, the soft gold needles as thin as a hair and as long as one foot were brushed and stretched straight. Qin Lang inserted more than twenty gold needles into Zuo Tao's big acupoint on the waist and abdomen one by one. Inches.

After more than 20 golden needles were all submerged, the lesion in the waist and abdomen of the old fat man had turned into a hedgehog.

At this time, Qin Lang sent out his true energy to guide the medicinal power of the white alchemy in Zuo Tao's body, and the true energy acted on the old guy's lesion with the method of electric resonance stimulation, and the white alchemy flower power in the old guy's body had already melted. It was brought to the lesion by the spiral true energy, and these adhesions were washed away bit by bit in a spiral manner.

It has to be said that the spiral movement of true energy is the most effective treatment method that will least damage the meridians of the lesion. You must know that the three meridians in Zuo Tao's waist have been adhered for many years and are already fragile. If the treatment method is not thoughtful, There is a good chance it will break.

Although those words have no effect on life, it is undoubtedly more troublesome to recover from the enlarged lesion.

The treatment method of resonance between electric current and true energy has now become Qin Lang's unique symbol. This method is definitely several times better than ordinary acupuncture methods. The medical industry is the first to be the ancestor.

What's even better is that Qin Lang's true energy also brought a little bit of micro-current while stabbing the acupoints, which made the cells of the old guy's newly recovered lesions more active under the stimulation of micro-current, and also made a lot of Bai Lian Dan The pharmacokinetic factors in the elixir rapidly exchange micromolecules with the cells at the lesion site.

The original Zuo Tao can be said to be terminally ill, almost curable, but after Qin Lang's second treatment, the situation is better than the first time, especially the appearance of Bai Alchemy, which makes Zuo Tao, who is lying on the bed, almost exudes extreme joy moans.

"Comfortable... It's so comfortable... I haven't been so comfortable in the past few decades. I'm so comfortable that I'm going to die. I'm as happy as in a dream..."

Although Zuo Tao is just a superficial narcolepsy, in fact, he has been tossed by love and illness for decades. His physical condition in the past two days is too dreamy.

The second treatment also took Qin Lang three hours. The effect of this treatment is more obvious than the first time. Not only the dead flesh and blood of the old guy's body are fully activated, but also the three sticky meridians have been dredged once.

This process was not easy. After the treatment, Qin Lang was also sweating profusely from exhaustion. Thinking that he would have to perform this kind of golden treatment five times, he couldn't help but sigh: "I feel that the deal with Zuo Lao Fatty this time, I seem to have suffered a little bit!"

However, Qin Lang is a very honest and trustworthy person. Even if he feels that the whole treatment process is very hard now, he will stick to it carefully until Zuo Tao's illness is completely cured.

Perhaps this is also where Qin Lang's personal charm lies. He can be careless or play tricks, but he still pays more attention to the things he promises.

(End of this chapter)

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