The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1554 The First Harvest of the Spirit Medicine Garden

Chapter 1554 The First Harvest of the Spirit Medicine Garden

In the next few days, Qin Lang paid attention to Zuo Lao Fatty's physical condition while cultivating, and would give Zuo Tao acupuncture and acupoint dredging for the lesion once a day.

And Zuo Tao's physical condition is also getting better day by day. Because of Bai Lian Dan, the qi and blood of his whole body are also recovering day by day, and he no longer has the feeling of weak qi and blood before.

Although Zuo Tao's body is still fat, he has gradually changed from puffiness to solid fat, the skin on the surface of his body has become smooth, and his face has the blood that a normal person should have, instead of the swollen paleness .

Zuo Tao's body began to gradually recover from the spirit, energy and spirit. This is a good situation when the narcolepsy has begun to be completely cured. In the past few days, the old man has also begun to recover mentally. , no longer have to sleep all day long like before.

And on the fifth day of the treatment, the land that Qin Lang rented in the elixir garden was also harvesting. This time, the two hundred sunflowers and the three forget-worried grasses had fully matured, and they were directly picked and harvested by Qin Lang. .

"Here, Wanxin, this is your salary for five days."

Qin Lang threw out a small bag, which contained [-] spirit stones.

And Xiu Wanxin, a little money fanatic who got such a large salary, also narrowed her eyes with a smile, and kept laughing happily. Brother Qin Lang is so refreshing, the baby will have meat to eat!She was still worried that Brother Qin Lang was just joking, and the wages would not be so much!

Therefore, Qin Lang bought the little girl's heart with 5 yuan of spirit stones, so that Wan Xin could continue to work for herself with all her heart.

After harvesting the first batch of elixir, Qin Lang continued to plant the second batch of elixir with a fast growth cycle. This time, he planted [-] sunflowers.

At the beginning, he received a thousand sunflower seeds in Fangshi. Now he has harvested them once and planted them again. It seems that he can plant them again in the future.

There is no need for Qin Lang to worry about cultivating the elixir. Now that the little girl is very motivated after getting the sweetness, it is estimated that in the next few days, she will not be as concerned about taking care of Qin Lang in the entire elixir garden.

And after Qin Lang abandoned the cultivation of elixir, he refined the sunflowers and forget you grass into elixirs.The two hundred sunflowers turned into four hundred Fushen Pills, and the three Wangyoucao turned into six Wangyou Pills.

Wangyou Pill is a middle-grade elixir, but it needs high-grade elixir to be refined. This kind of elixir is naturally very extraordinary.This is a special elixir. After taking it, the monks will not feel any physical pain, and they will be able to use [-]% of their fighting power.

Wangyou Pill is almost an upgraded version of Baoyuan Pill, with very very small side effects, and the effect of improving combat power is very good, it is simply a magic pill for combat.

How should I put it, the battle process can increase the combat power by [-]%, and it lasts for half an hour. Although the medicine will be a little weak, the monk can take a lot of medicine to restore himself.

"Hey... not bad, it's definitely a pill of the god level."

Now that Qin Lang finally obtained this kind of elixir as he wished, these six elixirs will also become one of Qin Lang's means of suppressing the bottom of the box. If he encounters difficult battles in the future, he can consider whether he needs to take this kind of elixir to temporarily improve himself combat effectiveness.

In fact, Wangyou Pill is not for sale in Qinghe Continent. Even if an alchemist refines it, it is estimated that they will not sell it to others, but keep it for their own future use.

After all, it is not easy to find the raw materials for this kind of alchemy used in battle. It is also a kind of luck for Qin Lang to get three seeds of Wangyoucao this time. If he looks for it next time, he may not be so lucky to meet Wangyoucao again. seed.

After getting these six Wangyou Pills, Qin Lang suddenly felt that the deal between himself and Zuo Lao Fatty was not so disadvantageous. Youdao is a disadvantage or a blessing, and he can suffer a small loss in exchange for a piece of spiritual land in the medicine garden. Yu Zuzhong, in exchange for Wanxin, a female cultivator with special talents and supernatural powers, to ripen the elixir for him, what else is there to be dissatisfied with?

Of course, suffering a loss is a blessing... Kidney deficiency is definitely a curse.When he was happy, Qin Lang couldn't help but think of a well-known kidney-tonifying advertisement on the earth.

Next, Qin Lang gritted his teeth and persisted for another two days. The acupuncture treatment for Zuo Lao Fatty for seven consecutive days was finally over. Now Zuo Tao's narcolepsy has completely improved, and he can only sleep for four or five hours a day at most.

Four to five hours is normal for ordinary people, but it's still too much for monks, but it doesn't matter, Zuo Tao just needs to continue taking Bai Lian Dan, and he can fully recover after ten days and a half months.

After Zuo Tao was almost cured of his illness, he also input the Rong Huo Jue, his cultivation method, into a Jade Jian Tong and handed it to Qin Lang.

Jade Jiantong is a jade block used to store skills and spells in the cultivation world. Although it is not as good as the natural treasure like Huiyin snail, it is a common thing in the cultivation world.

The Ronghuojue that Zuo Tao handed to Qin Lang was not the original version of the Ronghuojue. It added a lot of his own comprehension. Unfortunately, this kind of comprehension was wrong. Own.

Now that the old fat man has recovered from his narcolepsy, he dare not continue to practice without saying anything. He is going to wait for Qin Lang, a medical master, to give him the palm of his hand to see what are the flaws in the exercises and what kind of changes are needed, so that he will not In the next practice process, I hurt my body again.

As a knowledgeable and talented cultivator in the mid-Yuanying period, Qin Lang's cultivation and knowledge... I am afraid that even the family forces behind Zuo Tao can't compare with it, so Qin Lang naturally has the defect of giving Zuo Tao's staff, The ability to modify exercises.

With a sweep of consciousness, Qin Lang completely scanned the Ronghuojue in the jade slip pupils. It has to be said that Ronghuojue, as one of the unique skills of a big family like the Ximozuo family, is indeed somewhat unique Yes, although Zuo Tao's cultivation method is biased, but Qin Lang's eyesight is still rare to see that this is a relatively superior fire cultivation method.

To be honest, Qin Lang's cultivation method of heavenly medicine is not as good as this fire system cultivation method!

After getting the Melting Fire Art, Qin Lang began to use the super system of the S-level mutant brain to assist himself in data calculations, analyze the improper exercise route of the entire Melting Fire Art, and through the analysis, optimize the Melting Fire Art in the human meridian. Appropriate running route.

The super system is one of the highest black technological achievements on the earth, even in the world of comprehension, it is a remarkable existence, and with the help of the computing power of the super system, Qin Lang analyzed Zuo Tao's personal version of the melting fire sword in less than 5 minutes. The improper operation of the exercises has been optimized and improved.

The next moment, a set of optimized exercise routes appeared in Qin Lang's brain. I don't know if the optimized exercise routes are the same as Zuo's original exercises. Although I don't know if they are the same, but if Zuo's Tao was able to practice according to his improved exercises, and there will never be any deviations in his exercises from now on.

"Here, according to the law, the current melting fire is definitely not the version of the exercise method to practice, and your situation will only get better and better in the future."

At this time, Qin Lang handed the modified Yujian Tong to Zuo Tao.

"So fast?" Zuo Tao was surprised.

It took Qin Lang less than 10 minutes to take Yu Jiantong, and then handed it back again. Zuo Tao thought that Qin Lang didn't change his skills much, but after taking Yu Jiantong and scanning it with his consciousness , but felt a little unexpected.

In less than 10 minutes, Qin Lang handed back the Jade Slips to him, and the Huo Huo Jue technique has changed a lot.

Moreover, Zuo Tao is a man of knowledge. After careful consideration, he knew that if he practiced according to the new exercise route, the problems encountered in the previous cultivation process would indeed be eliminated. He felt that it was three points better than the original version cultivated by the family members.

Could it be that the Zuo family's family practice Rong Huojue is not the original version... and now that Qin Lang has seen the original version of the exercise, is it the real original version of the exercise that is handed over to him now?
For a moment, Zuo Tao had such an illusion in his heart, and he was especially grateful for Qin Lang's selflessness.

After all, in the cultivation world, which family and which sect can't use their own cultivation techniques as the foundation of their foothold?These sects and these families regard the foundation of their foothold as more important than anything else!

But now, after Qin Lang saw his wrong Fusion Art, he actually gave him a better and more powerful cultivation method. This kind of selfless spirit is estimated to be rare in the entire cultivation world.

"Well, that's all for now! I'm going back to my room."

Qin Lang has been giving Zuo Lao Fatty acupuncture points these few hours, and is revising the Rong Huo Jue technique, and he feels that his body is exhausted in all aspects, so he is going to go back to his room to practice.

"Thank you."

When Qin Lang left, Zuo Tao was so grateful that he didn't know what to say. This thank you said lightly and affectionately. He knew that he owed Qin Lang a huge favor this time, and this favor could not be measured by material things. of.

In fact, Qin Lang didn't care about Zuo Tao's current thoughts. After returning to the room, he began to meditate and practice. In the process of cultivation, he used the improved Ronghuo Jue just now, and his body's true energy began to slow down. Slowly changed the original running route and embarked on the running track of Ronghuo Jue.

Speaking of which, Qin Lang obtained from Xuan Qingzi's memory the Heavenly Medicine Cultivation Technique can only be regarded as a middle-grade technique, and it didn't help Qin Lang a lot in the cultivation of true energy, if it wasn't for Qin Lang's own strong alchemy ability , I am afraid that he will not be able to cultivate to the level he is today.

And after the Fuhuo Jue is running in the body, the effect of this superior effect will be seen immediately, the body's true energy is more active driven by the fire energy, and the speed of absorbing the spiritual power in the pill and spirit stone becomes faster. Faster, in this case, Qin Lang's cultivation speed is at least one-third faster than before.

(End of this chapter)

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