The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1555 Refining Shenxue Pill

Chapter 1555 Refining Shenxue Pill

The speed of practice is so much faster, it can be said that Ronghuo Jue has helped Qin Lang a lot, and this can be regarded as an unexpected gain after treating Zuo Tao's narcolepsy this time.

In the next few days, Zuo Tao's physical condition became better and better, and he gradually recovered the demeanor that a Dzogchen monk in the late stage of alchemy should have.

With Qin Lang's improved version of Fuhuojue Kung Fu, the old fat man no longer has to worry about his cultivation, and now the narcolepsy has gone away from Zuo Tao, so he is now preparing to hit the Nascent Soul stage.

On this day Zuo Tao knocked on the door of Qin Lang's room.

"Come in!" Qin Lang just finished training, and with a glance of his spiritual sense, he knew that it was Zuo Lao Fatty who had come.

After opening the door, Zuo Tao rubbed his hands and said in embarrassment: "Fellow Daoist Qin Lang, I have one more thing I want to trouble you for once. Look... the elixir that I planted in the elixir garden was originally for curing diseases and breaking through barriers." Yes, although the old man is in good health now, I still want to refine those elixirs into pills, so..."

"Looking for me to make alchemy?" Qin Lang asked, "What kind of elixir?"

"Well, this time we are still refining Shenxue Pill and Shenjing Pill. All the elixir in the elixir garden can be picked and used, and all the alchemy is [-], oh no, [-]% of get [-]% of it, Daoist friend, and the old man takes it. Seventy percent."

Zuo Tao also went all out, and in order to go to Qin Lang to make alchemy for himself, he offered a price that no one could refuse.

Xin Dao, this old fat man is really willing, there are quite a lot of pills made from the elixir in this garden, Qin Lang nodded at this moment: "No problem."

"That's good."

Seeing that Qin Lang agreed, Zuo Tao also laughed. The old fat man asked Qin Lang to make alchemy and gave him such a generous treatment. In fact, it was more to make up for and repay Qin Lang's previous help to him.

Next, the entire elixir garden began to be harvested, and seven or eight blood ginseng plants over 3000 years old in that small plot of land were harvested for the next alchemy.

And the Zhiren Zhima in the elixir garden has also taken shape, but it is too wasteful to dig out the whole of Zhiren Zhima as the top treasure of heaven and earth, so Zuo Lao Fatty is going to use a needle-like thing to extract it from the body of the elixir. A part of the elixir sesame liquid is used for alchemy.

Zhiren Zhima began to run around the garden very spiritually after taking shape, but there is a ban in the elixir garden, which prevents this baby from running out.

Seeing Fatty Zuo come to catch him, this Zhiman Zhima is also very smart, and has been avoiding Fatty Zuo's clutches, while escaping, he yelled softly: "It's not good! It's not good, the baby is going to be killed!" have eaten!"

"Little guy, don't run away, it's just taking part of the ginseng liquid in your body, if you run again, you will be steamed!"

Fatty Zuo frightened the spirit creature while chasing it back, scaring the little guy to run away even more happily.

There was no way, he couldn't catch Zhiren Zhima running around in the garden, Zuo Lao Fatty started to use his unique skills, hit a series of restraints on Zhiren Zhima, and finally caught this little guy.

"It's over! It's over! The baby is going to be steamed, the baby is going to be steamed..."

After being caught, Zhima, who was held in the palm of the old fat man, writhed and struggled hard, but was already trapped by the restraint and couldn't escape even if he wanted to escape.

At this time, Zuo Tao began to stab the little guy hard with the tip of the needle, and began to extract its initial body fluids, and Zhima, who felt a lot of energy in his body, was even more frightened, and shouted, "I'm going to die!" It's time to die!"

At first the little guy was still screaming loudly, but after half of the sesame fluid in his body was extracted, he became very sluggish, shrugging into a half-dead look.

"Go! I don't want your life..."

After Zuo Tao extracted half of the sesame liquid, he knew that it would be useless to pump any more, so he released the Zhiman Zhima.

After landing, the nearly collapsed Zhiren Zhima directly took root and turned into a elixir, without the vitality after transformation. It is estimated that it will take at least half a year to recuperate in its current state. recover.

Picked seven or eight 3000-year-old blood ginseng, extracted half of the sesame juice from Zhiren Zhima's body, and then Zuo Tao harvested a pair of auxiliary medicinal materials for refining Shenxue Dan and Zhijing Dan in the Lingyao Garden, about an hour Twenty styles.

These twenty kinds of medicinal materials include purple spirit chrysanthemum, which is actually a key ingredient of Shenxue Dan. There are about seven or eight hundred purple spirit chrysanthemums in the one acre of land in front of us, but all of them have been harvested.

Purple spirit chrysanthemum is a medium-grade elixir with a short growth cycle. Under Wanxin's care, it can mature in three days and bear fruit in five days. Therefore, I don't know how many batches of purple spirit chrysanthemum have been harvested in the past 20 years in the elixir garden. , the fruit of the purple chrysanthemum is the seed, and Zuo Tao has a lot of them, so he immediately sprinkled the seeds of the purple chrysanthemum on the open space again.

After all the elixirs for refining Shenxue Dan and Zhijing Dan were sent to the room by Zuo Tao, Qin Lang began to impose restrictions in the room and started alchemy.

This time, one of the elixirs is the top-grade middle-grade elixir, and the other is a top-grade elixir. Qin Lang has never refined it before, and there are many materials, which are also very helpful for Qin Lang to improve his proficiency in alchemy.

You know, when Qin Lang is refining alchemy now, those low-grade alchemy pills don’t have much proficiency for alchemy masters, and only by refining a large number of high-level alchemy pills can there be more proficiency improvements. A rare opportunity.

After all, Qin Lang has a higher goal in terms of alchemy ability, which is to promote himself from alchemy master to alchemy master, and become another legend in the cultivation world of the entire Qinghe continent tens of thousands of years later.

However, the alchemy proficiency needed to be promoted from alchemy master to alchemy master is very large. For the time being, Qin Lang can only use continuous alchemy to accumulate the proficiency he needs little by little.

Qin Lang took out the bulky Eight Diagrams Pill Stove from the storage bag, and used his true energy to hold the Pill Stove in the air, and then the Kanli Fire floated out from the Sea of ​​Consciousness and burned directly at the bottom of the Bagua Pill Stove.

After warming up, Qin Lang started alchemy. The first thing he refined was Shenxue Dan, which was relatively easy.

Now the entire house is basically filled with elixir, and the seven or eight blood ginseng directly occupy a small pile. Each of these 3000-year-old blood ginseng looks like an adult's arm, even thicker than an adult's arm. Be a little thicker.

The whole body of blood ginseng is blood red, and its texture is hard and brittle. If ordinary people take a bite of this elixir, their nosebleeds will come out immediately. The medicine is so powerful that ordinary people cannot try it.

With so many elixirs, it is obvious that Shenxue Dan cannot be refined in one furnace, at least three or four furnaces are needed.

At this time, Qin Lang poured the Wannian Ice into the Bagua Pill Furnace as the base liquid for alchemy. Although the Wannian Ice is not very precious, it can be used in many elixir alchemy, so it is very popular in the cultivation world. universal.

The fire of Kanli was pushed to the maximum by Qin Lang, and the fire burned the bottom of the alchemy furnace, directly melting the ten-thousand-year-old ice into half-boiling clear water.

At this time, Qin Lang took two thick 3000-year-old blood ginseng, smashed them into dozens of segments with the power of true energy, and sprinkled them into the boiling base liquid of the alchemy furnace.

Under the powerful firepower at the bottom of the pill furnace, the blood ginseng fragments in the base liquid began to be boiled little by little, and the blood-red juice began to spread around, and soon the entire liquid surface of the pill liquid turned bright red.

At this time, Qin Lang began to sprinkle seven or eight kinds of auxiliary elixir materials one after another, among which was the purple spirit chrysanthemum.

Purple chrysanthemum is actually only one inch high, a bit like the miniature ornamental chrysanthemums on the earth, but the mature purple chrysanthemum has double flowers, the flowers are slightly purple, horn-like, like needle points.

As soon as the purple spirit chrysanthemum was sprinkled, the red elixir boiled to the extreme, and the bottom of the elixir continued to spit bubbles upwards, and a large amount of medicinal gas began to escape upwards, but when it was about to escape, it was restrained by the entire elixir furnace. Blocked in the pill furnace.

Qin Lang was busy, alchemy is now at its most critical moment, he has played more than 200 restraining moves, and there are still more than 200 restraining moves to be played, this process has not been sloppy.

Although it is the first time to refine Shenxue Dan, a top-level middle-grade panacea, but the alchemy master's meridians and eyesight make his entire operation perfect, and the calm and leisurely smile on his face also proves that Refining this kind of elixir is absolutely easy for him.

3000-year-old blood ginseng has strong medicinal properties. For ordinary blood ginseng, one 100-year-old plant can produce about two Shenxue pills.

And this kind of blood ginseng that is more than 3000 years old can produce at least one hundred ginseng pills from each plant, and if the 20.00% success rate of the Bagua pill furnace attribute is added, it should be able to reach more than 120. .

When more than 400 techniques were banned, the lid of the entire alchemy furnace had been closed by Qin Lang. At this time, an hour had passed, and the fierce fire at the bottom of the alchemy furnace had been replaced with a simmering fire, and the process of boiling pills began slowly.

It takes about half an hour to boil the alchemy. At this time, Qin Lang seemed a little more relaxed, and his spiritual consciousness began to slowly penetrate into the alchemy furnace, carefully observing the whole process of the pill liquid turning into a paste and gradually solidifying.

When all the pill liquid turned into a paste, Qin Lang began to use the power of true energy to shake the inside of the pill furnace, shake the pill, and shake the paste into pills.

Nourishing, nourishing, nourishing, the five colors inside the entire alchemy furnace are constantly changing. In fact, the restrictions that Qin Lang played before were actually preserved by the alchemy furnace, and he started an internal formation. At this moment, under an inexplicable power of the alchemy furnace, one by one brought Shenxue Dan with forbidden patterns is forming.

"Okay! The alchemy is successful, you can collect the alchemy."

The furnace cover of the pill furnace roared, and Qin Lang knew it was time to release the pill, so he quickly used the method of collecting pills. The bullet-like pills are all ingested with special techniques.

Qin Lang took a look at it at this time, the refined Shenxue Dan was about the size of a walnut, and each one was like a dark red amber. The forbidden pattern on the outside was like a light veil covering the amber. arrive.


Qin Lang counted and found that 250 Shenxue pills were refined in this furnace, ten more than expected.

(End of this chapter)

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