The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1556 Collection of Zhijingdan

Chapter 1556 Collection of Zhijingdan

This is estimated to be due to the fact that the medicinal power of the two blood ginsengs over 3000 years old is far more than that of 3000 years old. Otherwise, no matter how exquisite Qin Lang's alchemy skills are, it would be impossible to conjure so many.

You know, even if ordinary alchemists use the same materials as Qin Lang to make alchemy, they should be laughing if they can make 180 pills in this furnace. Ordinary alchemists don’t have Qin Lang’s exquisite control ability. inevitable.

And Qin Lang is now using his alchemy master's ability, it is impossible to produce waste pills when refining middle and low-grade elixir, and he can even guarantee that each of the alchemy pills will reach the perfect level.

Among the few alchemy masters in Qinghe Continent, Qin Lang's ability is probably the top one.

In fact, Qin Lang's alchemy proficiency and micro-operation ability are already very powerful, and now he has a perverted super system to assist calculations. In fact, even if he is refining a top-grade elixir, it is impossible for him to waste the alchemy.

The super system of the S mutant is now like a plug-in for Qin Lang's brain. This is Qin Lang's discovery of the greater use of the S mutant outside of combat. It analyzes skills, assists in alchemy, and assists in calculating a series of parameters to reduce the load on the brain. , so that Qin Lang's current brain computing power has reached a terrifying level.

It is estimated that in the entire comprehension world, the only ones who can compare with Qin Lang in terms of brain computing power are monks above the stage of transforming gods.

This has also become Qin Lang's biggest advantage. The auxiliary computing power of the super system also makes him at least twice as easy in the alchemy process as before. Even in the entire alchemy process just now, he was able to distract himself from thinking about other issues.

After refining 250 elixirs, Qin Lang directly put them into a low-grade storage bag. There are too many elixirs, and he does not have a suitable container to store them now.

However, this perfect level of elixir is spiritually introverted, and there is no need to worry that the elixir will lose its power when exposed to the air, so it is not a big problem for Qin Lang to seal the elixir without a container.

After refining the first batch of Shenxue Dan, Qin Lang felt that his true energy was not consumed much, so he continued to refine the second batch of pill without stopping.

Shenxue Dan needs to be refined in four furnaces, the second furnace and the third furnace are all refined in one go, Qin Lang stopped only before refining the fourth furnace, knocked a few Yiyuan Dan and Xueyuan Dan , to restore the consumption of one's own consciousness and true energy.

Four furnaces of blood pills were refined, and Qin Lang harvested a total of [-] pills, all of which were of a perfect level, and they were piled up into a small mountain bag in the storage bag.

After refining the Shenxue Pill, Qin Lang meditated again and recovered for a short while before preparing to refine the more advanced Zhijing Pill.

The Zhiren Zhima after the transformation is an elixir with a lifespan of more than 5000 years, and it is also one of the top heaven and earth treasures in the cultivation world of the Qinghe Continent. one.

It is not easy to cultivate a Zhiren Zhima, so the old fatty Zuo Tao is also smart, but he just extracted half of the spiritual fluid in the baby's body, and then let it continue to recuperate. In this way, it is much easier than re-cultivating a Zhiren Zhima.

After all, Zhiren Zhima is not a radish and cabbage that can be found all over the street. This kind of elixir is also very rare. It is not easy for Zuo Tao to get one. After all, if the whole Zhiren Zhima is used to refine Medicine, then it will be gone after using it.

Now he owns a Zhiren Zhima, so of course he will pay great attention to the breeding of this elixir.

The base liquid used in the refining of Zhijing Dan is a lot more particular. It is the juice that is made from the crushed low-grade elixir, and a small half of it has accumulated in the elixir furnace.

The low-grade elixir used in this process is estimated to be in the form of one or two hundred plants. After the base liquid is prepared, the entire refining process is actually similar to Shenxue Dan.

However, the order of adding the ingredients in the refining process of Zhijingdan has undergone some changes. The spirit liquid of the main drug Zhirenzhima is not added at the beginning, but used at the end.

At the beginning, there were about a dozen different kinds of auxiliary elixir, all of which were strictly matched according to the ruler, minister, assistant, and genus.

When the liquid surface of the pill furnace boiled, Qin Lang added Zhiren Zhima's spiritual liquid into the pill furnace, and mixed it with the previous medicinal material spiritual liquid.

For the refining of Zhijing Dan, the main material is not only the bodily fluids of Zhiren Zhima, but also another thing, which is Lei Gong Shi, which is a kind of wild spiritual material in heavy rain. grown out.

The Leigong feces in the elixir garden were obtained by Zuo Tao a long time ago, and they have been cultivating in imitation of the wild environment. The ground is assisted by the feces of Feitian Leixi.

The feces of Feitian Leixi are actually not smelly. On the contrary, as a high-level monster, Feitian Leixi is very picky about eating. This kind of high-level monster can only be seen in the depths of several forbidden places in the mainland. Spiritual matter, and Thunder Shit likes to grow in such a fecal environment.

I heard that the special soil that grows thunder cockroaches in the elixir garden is not cheap. This kind of flying thunder rhinoceros excrement is hundreds of times more precious than gold. The three catties of special soil in the garden are worth at least 30 spirit stones.

The appearance of Lei Gongshi is actually like a miniature version of fungus, and the whole body is green. The Leigong Shi provided by Zuo Tao this time is about half a catty, which is the second main material for refining Zhijingdan.

At this time, Lei Gongshi was also added to the pill liquid along with Zhiren Zhima's body fluid, and then Qin Lang closed the lid of the pill furnace, and began to change the martial fire to a slow fire and cook carefully.

The refining of top-grade spirit pills takes longer than middle-grade spirit pills, because Qin Lang needs to find nearly a thousand kinds of restrictions, large and small. This is a more cumbersome process, and it is extremely labor-intensive. This process is not easy , even alchemy masters need to go all out.

Qin Lang has a super system to assist calculations, and he has a more relaxed grasp of the fire, and his brain can think about more things, so even refining high-grade panacea seems to be easy.

However, the refining of Zhijing Dan requires a little more true energy. Fortunately, with Qin Lang's current cultivation base in the middle stage of Yuanying, these problems are not very big.

Fluffy!Fluffy!White smoke came out of the pill furnace, and smoky figures appeared one by one, and pills were rampant in the pill furnace.

The top-grade elixir has been formed in the alchemy furnace, and it is very spiritual. At this time, Qin Lang also increased his attention and prepared to start collecting the alchemy.

Pills are powerful, and the higher the level, the harder it is to collect them. You must be very careful that these pills escape. Zhijing Pills are very valuable, and each one is about the same as Good Fortune Pills, so if you accidentally fly away a few of them, then Qin Lang was very depressed.

The alchemy furnace was blown away by the alchemy, and it was finally time to release the alchemy!

Puff, a puff of white smoke burst out violently, just like a small nuclear explosion inside the pill furnace just now, and taking advantage of the large amount of smoke spreading outward, all the Zhijing Dan inside the pill furnace rushed out in a swarm, flying into the air Scattered.

The whole body of these Zhijing Pills is blazing white, like little suns, and those smog squads are on every pill, which is the spirit of the pill.

If these elixirs were allowed to escape, I am afraid that the elixir of Zhijing Pill would absorb the energy of heaven and earth continuously, make oneself stronger through cultivation, and finally transform into a monster.

Although there are not many stories in this world about pills becoming demons through psychic cultivation, there are still several cases. I heard that there is a big monster equivalent to a cultivator at the stage of transformation in a secret mountain somewhere in the mainland. The body is made of a pill. It was formed by practicing for tens of thousands of years.

At this time, Qin Lang is busy collecting pills. It is much more difficult to collect these high-grade panacea with alchemy than Shenxue Dan just now. These Zhijing pills are more than ten times more spiritual than Shenxue Dan. The speed of flying in the air is also faster, and it is very cunning, knowing how to escape the capture of Qin Lang's secret method.

However, the entire room has already been sealed off, and the space is only so big, Qin Lang still subdued them one by one.

After these pills were collected, they were all banned by Qin Lang against psychic pills, and now they were like being locked in a cage and could no longer escape.

At this time, Qin Lang counted and refined twelve Zhijing Pills.Each Zhijingdan is the size of a baby's fist, and the white light of the whole body has faded after being banned, and now it looks like white pearls.

"This Zhijingdan should be about the same as a five-watt lamp. If it is at night, it can even be used for lighting... But I believe that no monk will do this. It is a divine pill of the same level as Creation Pill, if anyone owns this kind of pill, it is estimated that no one will easily reveal it for others to see."

Qin Lang feels that this Zhijing Dan is more spiritual than the Good Fortune Pill. He refined the second Good Fortune Pill before. The first time it was a semi-finished product, so I won’t say much. The fineness of Zhijing Dan is a little higher than that of Haohua Dan.

However, it seems that there are many perfect-level elixirs in the second-time refinement. For the same perfect-level elixir, I still feel that this Zhijing elixir is more spiritual.

However, thinking about Zhijing Dan, it is a pill that can allow monks to cross the realm directly from the late stage of pill formation to the stage of Nascent Soul. Of course.

From this point of view, Zhijing Dan is like a strong horse, and Good Fortune Pill is a kind of warm wine in a pot. Good Fortune Pill is a softer type among top-grade spirit pills, not so strong, so it is easy to charge a little.

The whole alchemy was almost over, and then Qin Lang collected the remaining materials, which accounted for about [-] to [-]% of the raw materials.These materials can be regarded as the alchemist's remuneration, and there is no need to return them to the client.

Because if you switch to a normal alchemist to refine alchemy, there will definitely be a loss of [-]% or [-]%, and Qin Lang directly reduces the loss of alchemy to almost nothing, so that there are a lot of materials left.

(End of this chapter)

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