The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1558 Admission Ticket to the Peerless Ruins

Chapter 1558 Admission Ticket to the Peerless Ruins

After all, Zhijingdan is very valuable, and I don’t have too many spirit stones on me now, and I will need a lot of resources to practice in the Nascent Soul stage, but he plans to give the remaining six Zhijingdan to the family in exchange for family contributions Spend.

The Zuo family's family contribution is actually similar to the role of spirit stones. However, some family secrets cannot be learned by outsiders, but members of the family can exchange for them through contribution, so Zuo Tao is going to exchange for one or two Nascent Soul Stages. The powerful secret method that can be cast, and the remaining contribution points are converted into spirit stones or elixir.

Thinking of the contribution of the family, he suddenly thought of something: "By the way, there are less than two months until the opening of the Peerless Ruins. Cultivators up to the mid-Yuanying period can enter. I was seriously ill and had limited mobility before, so I didn’t think about it, and I didn’t pay much attention to it, but now I can apply to the family to join this relic exploration.”

After thinking about this, he suddenly raised his head and asked Qin Lang: "Friend Qin Lang, I wonder if you are interested in the Wushuang Ruins in a month or two? If you are interested, I can apply to the family for an additional quota."

"The Peerless Ruins?"

Qin Lang's eyes lit up when he heard it.

In fact, he came to Wushuang City for this Wushuang ruins. However, it is not easy for casual cultivators to get tickets to enter the ruins from local forces such as Wushuang City. 50 spirit stones have been sold on the black market in the city, and there is still no market for them.

After all, although there are as many as 200 monks who can enter the ruins, Wushuang City is a big city with a population of more than one million, and the thousand-year-old ruins are about to open, which also attracts a large number of casual cultivators from the entire Western Desert. Gathering here, the estimated total population of the entire city has exceeded [-] million.

More than 200 million people... There are still one-tenth of monks above the mid-stage of alchemy in Wushuang City, so if you want to get tickets to the Wushuang Ruins from 20 competitors, each competitor will have to pay more It's not small.

However, it should be much easier for Zuo Tao to get an additional quota from within. After all, the Zuo family can be regarded as a local force, and it is a relatively powerful relic guardian family.

"Okay, then I will trouble fellow daoists."

Hearing that Zuo Tao was willing to fight for a free admission ticket to the Wushuang Ruins, Qin Lang of course nodded politely.

"Hehe." Zuo Tao smiled on the surface, but his heart was a little bit bitter. If he wanted tickets to the relics, even he would have to exchange for contribution points. With himself and Qin Lang, there are two places in total, which is almost [-] contribution points. look.

Don’t underestimate the insignificance of the [-] contribution points. Every point of the Zuo family’s contribution points can be exchanged for at least [-] spirit stones. Zuo Tao is now a hard worker who needs to exchange six Zhijing pills for contribution points. , of course there will be some heartache.

However, no matter how expensive the price is to win these two places, Zuo Tao is determined to make up his mind. He only hopes that he will have better luck in the process of exploring the interior of the ruins in a month or two, and at least be able to earn back the tickets. Of course Well, if you can encounter some treasure and make a fortune, it will be regarded as a stroke of luck.

In fact, such lucky people will meet each time after the opening of the Wushuang ruins. There are casual cultivators, and there are also children from the major families in Wushuang City. Every treasure these people get from the ruins makes others jealous , It also made the reputation of the Peerless Ruins in the West Desert more and more famous.

After chatting with Qin Lang, the newly promoted Nascent Soul stage monk Zuo Tao left the room with complicated emotions, preparing to go to the headquarters of the Wushuang City family.

Of course, Fatty Zuo’s heart must be a little more joyful. Although he is still a poor man who spends almost half of his penny, but after the family headquarters reports, with the improvement of his status, everyone The benefits that Yue can receive from the family must be much more.

In this way, the cultivation resources for the next Nascent Soul stage will almost be available, and you don't have to be hungry and full like those poorer casual practitioners, running around all day for cultivation resources.

In fact, as a member of a large family, Zuo Tao still has many advantages over casual cultivators. There is a small amount of fixed family contribution benefits every month, and it is much easier to obtain cultivation resources than casual cultivators. That's fine, you can get anything you want in exchange for enough family contribution.

Among casual cultivators, there are too few people who can compare with the children of these families, and Qin Lang is an exception. He now has many means of earning extra money, and his alchemy ability is particularly outstanding. In this way, it is relatively easy to accumulate wealth.

Zuo Tao went to Zuo's house with a complicated mood, but when he came back, his face was full of joy. After Qin Lang saw it, he knew that the old fat man had finished the report, and the family gave the Yuanying stage monks Benefits should be pretty good.

After seeing Qin Lang, Zuo Tao threw a jade card to Qin Lang: "Fellow Daoist Qin Lang, this is a pass to enter the Wushuang Ruins, here it is. In addition, the Zuo family's auction will be at the beginning of next month, so you haven't been able to get it for the time being." The money from the pill auction."


Qin Lang took the jade tablet and said lightly.This piece of jade tablet is exquisite in workmanship, and it is covered with fine prohibition patterns, which should be related to the opening of the Wushuang ruins.

Taking this access token worth 50 spirit stones for a while, Qin Lang then stuffed it into the storage ring. After having this token, he will be qualified to enter the Peerless Ruins two months later. Now there is no need to worry about the Wushuang Footsteps admission ticket as before.

And Zuo Tao then bid farewell to Qin Lang, and returned to his room, saying that he was going to consolidate his cultivation realm. After all, a newly promoted monk in the early stage of Yuanying is not very stable in terms of cultivation base or spiritual consciousness, and needs to Only by constantly practicing and strengthening can it be stabilized.

And for the next few days, Qin Lang, like Fatty Zuo, practiced in closed doors in the mansion. Apart from the growth of the medicine seeds, there are basically no other activities.

With Wanxin's care, in fact, all kinds of elixir in the elixir garden are growing very well, and the nun who is a financial fan is especially concerned about Qin Lang's land, so after a few days, Qin Lang's second batch of sunflowers is about to grow again. It's time to harvest.

In addition to practicing these days, Qin Lang also occasionally pushes the changes of the Dao of Transformation in his mind during his free time. This Dao of Transformation is extensive and profound, and it is definitely not easy to create this ancient power. Qin Lang Now, the more I study, the more I feel that this technique is exquisite.

Can it be subtle?Although this technique is a secret technique of external skills, in addition to being able to change everything in the world, it also has a powerful effect of body training, and even Qin Lang faintly feels that the effect of this body training is better than that of the body training that specializes in body training. .

At the beginning, the first three layers of the Dao of Transformation method were obtained from the hands of the Thousand Faces Demon Girl, but they were wrong exercises, and after deduction and improvement, Qin Lang has completely recovered these three layers and turned them into correct exercises.

However, after breaking through the third layer of kung fu practice, Qin Lang felt that there was always something unfinished. He felt that with the assistance of the super system, he should be able to improve this kung fu without knowing the next secret. Once, stronger.

In other words, directly deduce and improve this exercise into the fourth-level exercise of Changing Dao. However, there must be differences between the deduced fourth-level exercise and the original version, and it is hard to say which one is better at that time.

"How to improve this technique..."

Qin Lang thought about it, and suddenly thought of the special body training method he had mastered after he first came to the West Desert, the electric current stimulates resonance and the true energy spiral force promotes the cultivation mode.

The electric current stimulates resonance, which resonates the qi and blood of the body, which is very powerful.

And the spiral propulsion method of true energy is as unfavorable as drilling the right one, but it does not damage one's own meridians, and the effect produced in the process of cultivation is very amazing.

Then, can the propulsion mode of the spiral energy of true energy be applied to the method of change, and the mode of movement of energy follows the method of spiral energy?If it can be done, I will have more control over my true energy after performing the Dao of Transformation Kung Fu, and maybe I can overcome the problem of not being able to change my heart after becoming an animal.

The fourth level of the Dao of Transformation. After Qin Lang used the transformation to become an animal, he could only transform into something smaller than his own volume. He could become a cat weighing [-] to [-] catties, but he could not become smaller. For example, it is impossible to become a mouse weighing half a catty.

Because the technique of Changing Dao is very delicate, it took Qin Lang almost a week to complete the intermittent deduction this time, and then he barely completed the fourth layer of Changing Dao's deduction.

After the completion of the fourth layer of Changing Dao, Qin Lang couldn't wait to try it out, "Change!"

After a puff of smoke, a bouncing parrot came out of the room. While jumping, the parrot yelled: "It's done! It's done!"

"However, after turning into a bird, my body is too stretched, and I still feel uncomfortable, and I can't move. It seems that the exercises need to be improved. If the improvement is successful, maybe I can use my wings to fly directly. Woolen cloth……"

All of a sudden, Qin Lang took back the exercise and changed back to his original appearance. This time, the attempt to change the fourth layer of the Dao exercise was considered a success. Next, he needs to continue to practice and improve this exercise.

And at the same time when Qin Lang performed the Dao of Transformation technique, the induction between him and Kong Li, a thousand-faced beauty in Wushuang City, was also connected, and both sides knew the approximate location of the other party.

After getting the approximate location of Qin Lang, Kong Li, the enchantress with thousands of faces, did not hesitate at all, and rushed towards the area outside Qin Lang's city with a few disciples.

(End of this chapter)

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