The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1559 Black Bone Flywheel

Chapter 1559 Black Bone Flywheel
At the same time that the Demon Girl with Thousand Faces sensed Qin Lang, Qin Lang also realized that something was wrong. Why did she suddenly forget this? Now that Demon Girl with Thousand Faces has locked her approximate position, it is probably much easier to find herself.

How to solve this crisis next?Qin Lang thought about it now.

He wasn't worried that his matter would affect Zuo Tao and Wanxin. Zuo Tao, as one of the collateral clansmen of the Zuo family, should have some scruples about the group of ghost cultivators who want to touch Lao Pang, after all, the Zuo family is One of the three major families in Wushuang City, the family has more than a dozen monks above the Nascent Soul stage, and there are also monks from the late Nascent Soul stage, which is almost the same as some big sects in the cultivation world.

But Wanxin's words, to that group of ghost cultivators, are just a casual cultivator in the middle stage of alchemy, an even more insignificant little girl's film.

Therefore, the group of ghost cultivators like Qianmian Yaoji should not trouble the two of them, but Qin Lang, who is the target, will be very concerned. Now that the target is locked, other methods will emerge in endlessly. It is probably impossible to practice with peace of mind outside the city.

In fact, after this period of recuperation, Qin Lang's cultivation has now returned to the peak in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and he is not as afraid of the powerful ghost cultivators like Liao Hua, the Ghost Hand, and Kong Li, the Thousand-Faced Fairy, as before. Face-to-face with the group of ghost cultivators like Demon Girl with Thousand Faces, fight with swords and guns, and find out each other's background.

This time, the Demon Girl with Thousand Faces chased after Wushuang City. I don't know if Liao Hua, the ghost hand, came.

If he hadn't come, Qin Lang felt that it would be even better if he could kill Kong Li, the demon princess with thousands of faces, or a few of her ghost cultivator disciples.

After another calculation by the brain super system, the transformation method on the fourth floor was re-deduced and improved by Qin Lang.

With this improvement, Qin Lang felt that he should be able to try to become a bird and fly.

Qin Lang left the residence at this time, transformed into a flower-headed parrot again, tried to fly crookedly, and began to fly away from Wushuang City to the depths of the Western Desert.

"It hurts... It's too tense to become a bird. Even if I fly, I can't fly very far and need to rest. I'd better transform back!"

Qin Lang had only been flying for less than 5 minutes and couldn't reach it. The exercise that he had revised just now was still not perfect, so he had to land again and change his body.

After moving his body for a while, Qin Lang started running to the desert where there was no one, and there was already a breath chasing here from a distance behind him, and there were a few much weaker breaths beside this breath, which should be the thousand Face enchantress Kong Li and her disciples.

After the empty desert, Qin Lang suddenly stopped running with a laugh, but turned around and stood on the spot to welcome the visitor. Now his chest is full of fighting spirit, and it has been more than half a year since he came to the western desert. Injured and needing to recuperate, he has always shrunk himself uselessly, and now he can finally fight with others with pride.

At this time, nine small black dots appeared in the distance, at least ten miles away from Qin Lang.

At first glance, it was just a small dot not much bigger than an ant, but as those chasing soldiers continued to run, now they are getting closer to Qin Lang, and the shadow is getting bigger and bigger.

closer, closer...

Qin Lang has gradually been able to see those figures clearly. It really is the demon girl with thousands of faces and her eight ghost cultivator disciples. Fortunately, the ghost hand Liao Hua, a powerful ghost cultivator in the late Yuanying stage, did not come. Otherwise, Qin Lang would first consider What should be how to retreat.

After all, Liao Hua, the ghost hand, is the top among the monks in the late stage of the Nascent Soul. At the beginning, even the ancestor of the Qiao family, who was in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, was injured by this person's big handprint of the ghost, so Qin Lang felt that he was temporarily injured. He has not yet challenged this guy's confidence, and his current ability is at best to be able to draw with the ghost hand Liao Hua. This kind of victory is already worth laughing at.

"Brother, let's meet again, do you know how hard it is for my sister to find you..."

Before the person approached, Kong Li's coquettish voice had already appeared. If this extremely charming female ghost Xiu was not Qin Lang's enemy, Qin Lang would really be happy to slap this woman on the buttocks and flirt.

However, this is completely impossible. The positions of both parties are doomed. Even if Kong Li puts herself upside down, Qin Lang will remain indifferent. Don't share the hatred of the sky, don't look at this woman making fun of each other now, she must really want to eat her own flesh and blood in her heart.

Can you not hate each other like this?Let's do the math, Kong Li, the enchantress with thousands of faces, held Qin Lang hostage and threatened her with her life, which is why Qin Lang hated her.

The reason why Kong Li hates Qin Lang is that apart from not being able to get the psychedelic fog heart that the ancestor confessed that she must get, there are two other reasons:

One point is that Qin Lang cheated her of the first three levels of the ancient Taoist transformation technique. Although the technique was a wrong technique that she deliberately leaked in order to gain Qin Lang's trust, Qin Lang still succeeded in practicing it after all. This is something she cannot tolerate of;

Another point is that when Qin Lang escaped in the desert tent, he killed Kong Li one point. Although Kong Li lost only a second soul avatar at that time, it was not easy to refine this avatar. Kong Li I have always regarded it as my second life.

So, how could this woman not hate Qin Lang after so many stumbles at Qin Lang's hands in a row!You must know that a woman's heart is thinner than a needle in the sea. Since it is thinner than the tip of a needle, it is destined that the two parties will be revenged after they meet.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that I ran four or five thousand miles away, and you still came after me."

Qin Lang also sneered, looking at the ghost cultivators in front of him with his hands behind his back.

In front of this group of ghost cultivators, apart from the thousand-faced enchantress Kong Li, who is in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, the other eight ghost cultivators in black robes are probably in the late stage of alchemy, so there is nothing to worry about.

However, although the strength of these black-robed ghost cultivators is not very good, they all seem to know a special secret method of ghosts, and their vitality and recovery ability are extremely strong. other side.

Therefore, the object of Qin Lang's focus is still Kong Li, the demon girl with thousands of faces, whose strength seems to be very close to his own, but he only pays a little attention to the other ghost cultivator disciples.

At this time, he summoned his S-level mutant clones and extraordinary-level mutant clones, "Type [-], Type [-], you deal with those eight ghost cultivator disciples, cut off their heads and throw them away. Bring them back to life again."

After finishing speaking, Qin Lang put all his attention on the female ghost Xiu Kong Li, and Kong Li sneered after seeing Qin Lang's battle, "Sister will give you another chance, put the psychedelic star on your body Hand it over to Wuxin! Otherwise, this time, you will not be able to survive or die."

"Really? You have to beat whoever lives and who dies..."

Qin Lang didn't care, he let out a roar at this moment, cast out the Gu formation and began to encircle the battlefield.

"Okay, since you don't know how to praise, then let's do it! Come out! Black Bone Flywheel..."

At this time, Magic Ji of Thousand Faces summoned a black bone wheel, which was small at first, and suddenly grew to the size of a room.

"Is this a magic weapon or something... Why do I feel that this Ghost Dao magic weapon is more powerful than some high-grade magic weapons..."

Qin Lang also felt very strange. At this time, he also summoned the Thunder God Ruler. The Thunder God Ruler inspired a large group of thunder and light rays. At this time, Qin Lang manipulated it and smashed it directly at the black bone flywheel in the air.

when!After the Thunder God Ruler collided with the Black Bone Flywheel in the air, thousands of sparks exploded from the lightning, and the Thunder God Ruler was knocked back and flew back, while the Black Bone Flywheel in the air was safe and sound, still gaining momentum.

"Extreme magic weapon..."

Qin Lang's eyes widened at this time, and he could tell that the magic weapon of ghosts in front of him was definitely a top-quality magic weapon.

"That's right! This is the Black Bone Flywheel lent to me by my senior brother, it's a magical treasure house!"

The laughter of Kong Li, the demon girl with thousands of faces, was heard beside her ears. The woman looked very proud of seeing Qin Lang slumped. She didn't directly control the black bone flywheel to smash it. Instead, she laughed at Qin Lang's weak attack and introduced this powerful ghost house Ability.

And Qin Lang couldn't help but be speechless when he heard it. This Ghost Road Magic Treasure House integrates offense and defense. Although it is currently in a broken state and is not as powerful as the Magic Treasure House ghost ship he owned before, it is even better in terms of attack power.

Moreover, with Qin Lang's current ability, it is really difficult to deal with such a powerful magic house...even if it is a broken magic house. Even if this magic house is broken, it is much better than a high-grade magic weapon. Owning this thing is basically invincible.

After all, the magic weapon is a big killer that can greatly enhance the power of a monk. The female ghost Xiu Kongli in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul has this black bone flywheel. In the later stage, it is even the combat power of the Dzogchen state!

Under such circumstances, Qin Lang felt that this battle was really difficult to fight. He seemed to have two helpers, an S-level mutant and an extraordinary-level mutant, but he still had to deal with this troublesome female ghost who had a magic house. Difficult.

Fluffy... The power of the magic house of the black bone flywheel has been activated to its maximum power, and there are large black lotus-shaped flames around the flywheel. Although these black lotus-shaped flames are flames, they look very cold. The surrounding air began to be foggy and frosty, and it felt more terrifying than the evil spirit contained in the Yinsha Ice Needle.

"Hee hee, this is the unique attribute ability of the black bone flywheel, the magic house of ghosts... the fire-bathed black lotus! Be careful, brother, the black lotus has a corrosion ability that is a hundred times more harmful than the underground ghost. In this kind of flame Everything in front of you can burn, even if a monk in the Nascent Soul stage gets a little bit of it, he will not be able to escape death in the end."

Kong Li, the demon girl with thousands of faces, looks like a femme fatale, smiling and looking at Qin Lang opposite: "Look, my sister takes good care of you, and even used this method..."

(End of this chapter)

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