The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1560: Fire of the Black Lotus

Chapter 1560: Fire of the Black Lotus
Facing the magic treasure house of Kongli, the enchantress with thousands of faces, Qin Lang also felt extremely dangerous. At this time, a light flashed on his body, and he used a large amount of real energy to display the ancient treasure of the defense category, the Six Fire Copper Mirror.

At this time, Qianmian Jiaoji raised her slender hand and drank: "Now let you taste the fire of the black lotus, brother, please enjoy it!"

While speaking, the black bone flywheel spun and smashed over.

Looking at the continuous enlargement of the sky, which has become a black bone flywheel the size of a house, and feeling the monstrous momentum rushing towards his face, Qin Lang also became a lot more cautious at this time, using the six fire bronze mirror to transform into six fire birds to protect himself , and the Thunder God Ruler also switched from offense to defense, strengthening the Thunder God Ruler's defense against thunder.

The two magic weapons are now the Thunder God Ruler, and the Six-Fire Bronze Mirror is inside. The defense ability activated at this time has reached its maximum power.

boom!The black bone flywheel in the air had already smashed over, and the Thunder God Ruler was the first to burst out with an incomparably brilliant thunder light. This top-grade magic weapon, which was close to the best, was directly smashed into the air, while the opponent's black bone flywheel stopped in the air for a while, and then continued to move forward. shock.

Another blow, the six firebirds on Qin Lang's body were smashed, and the ancient treasure six-fire copper mirror made a slight cracking sound, which should have been slightly damaged, and Qin Lang's entire body was thrown flying more than ten feet away.

After landing, Qin Lang felt that his qi and blood were a little unstable, so he quickly adjusted his breath to stabilize it.

Although he was not injured in this duel, he was at a disadvantage under the pressure of the black bone flywheel of the magic house of Kongli, the demon girl with thousands of faces.

The magic weapon house is too powerful. This kind of top-quality magic weapon that should be possessed by monks in the late Yuanying stage or even above the stage of transformation, even if it is damaged, is stronger than any magic weapon on Qin Lang.

In fact, it is precisely because the black bone flywheel is broken that Qin Lang can still be fine after a duel, otherwise, after the duel just now, even if he is not dead, he will have to shed a layer of skin.

Looking at Kong Li's playful eyes not far away, Qin Lang, who was slightly pale, took a few blood pills at this time, and then frowned, thinking about how to solve the ultimate move of Fa Baowu.

The fire-bathed black lotus burning around the black bone flywheel is very powerful, and it has a corrosive effect on the magic weapon. After the duel just now, my Thunder God Ruler was fine for the time being, but after the six-fire copper mirror appeared cracks, the fire of the black lotus has been removed from it. After being damaged, it corroded into the interior of the ancient treasure, and actually corroded a large piece of this ancient treasure from the inside.

That is to say, now this six-fire copper mirror can no longer be used, and Qin Lang's own defense ability has begun to plummet.In the next battle, he should be more careful about the erosive ability of the fire-bathed black lotus attached to the magic treasure house.

After swallowing a few blood pills to activate his true energy, Qin Lang felt that his true energy had recovered a bit again. Facing the powerful magic treasure house, his expression showed a trace of fear, but Kong Li, the enchantress with thousands of faces, wanted to use this treasure to kill herself It's not that easy, it's basically impossible without three or five rounds.

After all, he and Kong Li are both monks of the same level, and even Qin Lang, who has recovered his cultivation base, is even stronger in terms of true energy, and the fight has just begun, and Qin Lang still has some trump cards that he has not used yet, so it is not without it possibility of reversal.

Compared with the thrilling battle scene between Qin Lang and Kong Li, the battle between the two mutant clones and the eight ghost cultivators with late stage Dzogchen strength is undoubtedly much simpler. In the mid-term, the improvement in strength and cultivation is actually due to the power of Heiwan's elixir.

However, when facing an S-rank mutant clone with the strength of the late Nascent Soul stage, and an extraordinary-level mutant clone that is equivalent to the Nascent Soul stage, this battle is almost as if it will be destroyed.

The S-level mutant avatar with a large-scale metal ability imprisoned eight ghost cultivators, and then killed all eight ghost cultivators once, but the power of life connection is indeed very powerful, these eight ghost cultivators actually He was resurrected in an instant. At this time, the S-level mutant clone remembered Qin Lang's order. If the eight ghost cultivators are not resurrected, it seems that these ghost cultivators must be separated.

Once, twice, three times... the eight ghost cultivators were killed several times in a row. At the last time, the S-rank mutant avatar suddenly discovered a trick. It found that as long as the eight ghost cultivators died at the same time , the life connection between the eight ghost cultivators will completely lose its effect.

But now the eight ghost cultivators died at the same time, and the life connection immediately lost its effect... These eight disciples under the Demon Fairy with Thousand Faces could never be revived again.

Seeing that the eight ghost cultivators under him were directly killed, Kong Li, the demon princess with thousands of faces, didn't frown at this time, but restrained her expression, and began to shift the main attack of the magic house to the two mutant clones.

At this moment, she increased the attack power of the black bone flywheel, and the attack speed of this magic house suddenly doubled, almost forming an afterimage when it moved quickly in the air.

It seems that this woman is really serious. When she fought against Qin Lang's body just now, she was just playing for fun, and she didn't use her full strength to fight.

Qin Lang raised his vigilance, but he was not afraid because of this.No matter what, at least he can survive in the fight with this woman.

Of course, Qin Lang wanted to kill the opponent with all his strength.

Fluffy!The extraordinary-level mutant avatar was directly knocked into the air, and its body was folded into an unimaginable angle in the air, and it flew tens of feet away.

And the S-level mutant clone was not much better. Although it had the strength equivalent to that of a late Nascent Soul cultivator, after evading it several times in a row, it was still attacked by the Magic Treasure House.

Although the impact of the Black Bone Flywheel in the Magic Treasure House did not have much effect on it, the burning of the Black Lotus in the Fire did injure the body. Mutant genetic warriors have extremely powerful self-healing abilities, but they have a fatal flaw, that is, they are afraid of fire .

Of course, this is afraid of fire... It doesn't mean that mutant genetic fighters are afraid of ordinary flames, they are afraid of the most special flames in this world, and the fire of the black lotus bathed in fire happens to be not ordinary flames, but evil fires It was condensed, so the damage to the bodies of the two mutants was very serious.

Seeing this, Qin Lang quickly took the two mutant clones, and used the forbidden law to prevent the fire of the black lotus from spreading in the mutant body. It's useless.

"Hee hee, brother, those two should be your second soul body? Unexpectedly, they were restrained by the fire-bathed black lotus in my magic house, my sister. Now you are even more unbearable without the auxiliary combat power of the two avatars. From now on, my sister will see how you can escape the attack of the Magic Treasure House!"

Kong Li's voice sounded. At this time, she actually saw through the characteristics of Qin Lang's two avatars who were afraid of flames, and she was even more proud. This time, she must kill the nasty boy in front of her.No!You have to toss the opponent hard first.

Thinking of how many times she had stumbled against this kid before, Qianmian Yaoji felt a pang of anger in her heart. You must know that she had never been so humiliated in her life.

Thinking of this, Kong Li, the bewitching girl with thousands of faces, let out a smirk, urging evil spirits to inject into the black bone flywheel of the magic treasure house, so the flames of the black bone flywheel in the magic treasure house burned even more vigorously, and she began to let the magic treasure house slow Pushed toward Qin Lang.

She wants to create a powerful coercion, and she wants to see with her own eyes the fear that this nasty boy in front of him has nowhere to hide when he faces death!

Qin Lang really felt a strong crisis, and he didn't hesitate any more at this time, and directly used his new hole card, which was "Wangyou Pill".

A fist-sized white pill was stuffed into Qin Lang's mouth, and the pill melted as soon as it entered, forming a violent torrent of aura that rushed into Qin Lang's body and into the meridians.

Wangyou Dan is a middle-grade panacea, but it is better than some high-level panaceas. It is a magic pill for combat.

This elixir is an upgraded version of Baoyuan Pill, which can exert [-]% of a monk's combat effectiveness, and has very little side effects.

Qin Lang has six Wangyou Pills in his hand, and this is the first time he has used this miraculous pill. After taking the pill directly, the powerful torrent of spiritual energy has already filled his body, and his blood has also increased... Nascent Soul Late Stage... Nascent Soul Late Stage Dzogchen...

After taking the elixir, Qin Lang felt that his whole body was full of inexhaustible power. Now he is infinitely close to the stage of transformation, and even now he feels that he has the power to fight against the monks of the stage of transformation.

"bring it on!"

After taking Wangyou Pill, Qin Lang couldn't feel the pain caused by the surging power of the pill. He felt as comfortable as if he was about to fly. He raised his fist and blasted it in the direction of the black bone flywheel in front of him. A note.

"Dragon elephant yin and yang broken!"

Dacheng's Dragon Elephant Fist was displayed in the current state of Qin Lang's explosion, forming a golden dragon elephant phantom, and smashed towards the magic house in the air.

The force of the fist collided with the Magic Treasure House, and the broken Magic Treasure House actually swayed three times in the air, and the fire-bathed black lotuses around were smashed apart, revealing the dark body of the Magic Treasure House.

Well done!Qin Lang blasted out several times again, and at the same time, the thunder light of Thunder God Ruler was also pushed to the maximum, bringing a cloud of thunder light to the magic treasure house to bombard.

Boom boom boom, under Qin Lang's counterattack, all the black lotuses in the Magic Treasure House were wiped out at this moment, and Kong Li, the demon girl with thousands of faces on the opposite side, couldn't help but change her face when she saw Qin Lang showing off her power. At this time, she withdrew the Magic Treasure House, With a flash of her figure, she directly entered the black bone flywheel of the magic weapon house.

After Kong Li, the enchantress with thousands of faces, entered the magic house, the black bone flywheel became more dexterous in the air, as slippery as a swimming fish. It was impossible for Qin Lang to hit the body of the magic house as easily as before.

(End of this chapter)

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