The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1561 Run away the enemy

Chapter 1561 Run away the enemy (thank you Shiguo for the reward)

However, Qin Lang didn't care. Now after taking Wangyou Pill, he felt that his whole body was full of strength, and he didn't spare his strength to keep punching or throwing magic weapons.

Now the fire of the magic treasure house's fire-bathed black lotus has been extinguished by Qin Lang's fist strength, and for some reason, the surface of the magic treasure house will no longer condense on the surface of the magic treasure house.

This may also be the biggest flaw of this dilapidated Magic Treasure House. Now that the Fire-Burning Black Lotus has been scattered once, it is not enough for a short time to condense the Fire-Burning Black Lotus again.

In this case, the defense ability of the Black Bone Flywheel of the Magic Treasure House and the threat to Qin Lang have dropped by a notch, so Qin Lang, who has improved his cultivation base, has actually fought a tie with Kong Li, the thousand-faced enchantress who manipulates the Magic Treasure House.

Moreover, Qin Lang seems to have the upper hand during this battle. After all, Qin Lang has been fighting against the opponent's magic house all the time. However, the effect of the battle is not very good. After manipulating it himself, he didn't even hit the opponent's magic house once.

"There is no way to go on like this!"

After fighting for a quarter of an hour, Qin Lang found that he couldn't touch the opponent, and he was also very distressed. Now he has a lot of brute force, but his physical flexibility is not as good as the magic weapon house flying in the air. If he persists for too long , the one who suffers is himself.

After all, although the Wangyou Pill can increase one's combat effectiveness by [-]%, this kind of pill is also time-sensitive, and can only last for half an hour. After half an hour, after the effect of the pill disappears, he will Soft as noodles.

Although there won't be too many side effects after the effect of the elixir disappears, but when the true energy is exhausted, what can I use to fight this female ghost cultivator who has a magic house in front of me!

The self at that time... I am afraid that it will become a slow-moving target, which is not the result Qin Lang wants.

In fact, after Qin Lang took the Wangyou Pill and broke out, the thousand-faced enchantress Kong Li was surprised that Qin Lang was strong after the outbreak, but also knew that as long as she procrastinated, until the power of the pill ended, there must be a way to solve the problem in front of her. boy.

She undoubtedly made a smart choice, but will Qin Lang let herself fall into this unfavorable situation?At this time, Qin Lang yelled "Phantom Shock!"

He also summoned the Gu formation.

After the illusory impact of the Gu array has been strengthened and improved, now the psychedelic fog heart is the core, which greatly strengthens the confusing ability of the entire Gu array. road.

After Qin Lang used the ultimate move of the Gu array, he immediately enveloped the surrounding space. In the colorful clouds, Kong Li, who was in the house of magic weapons, could no longer see the surrounding environment clearly, so he could only manipulate the surrounding space. The Magic Treasure House ran wild.

Due to the particularity of the magic house, Qin Lang's Gu formation can only temporarily trap the opponent, but if the opponent rushes around like this, it probably won't last long, and Kong Li, the enchantress with thousands of faces, will manipulate the magic house to rush out of the Gu formation again. surrounded.

And after the Gu array was cast, Qin Lang also began to seize the opportunity and frantically attacked the broken magic house of the black bone flywheel. A few not so obvious cracks are used as breakthroughs, which is the defect of the black bone flywheel.

Boom boom boom!Boom boom boom!Every bombardment hit this flaw accurately. What he has to do now is to increase the damage of the cracks in the black bone flywheel, making this magic house even more dilapidated.

Zila, Zila, the continuous punching bombarded the relatively weak position of the magic house, even if the black bone flywheel was the magic house, it couldn't hold on. After all, the fire-bathed black lotus protecting the body has disappeared now, which also makes the black The defense ability of the bone flywheel has been greatly reduced.

If this is the case, in just three to five seconds, Qin Lang blasted dozens of punches, which almost doubled the crack at the broken part of the black bone flywheel. Seeing that this magic house is about to collapse.

And Qin Lang was even more excited when he saw this, and he was going to make persistent efforts to completely destroy this magic house.The Demon Girl with Thousand Faces did not know how to break through and put more effort into it, so that the Magic Treasure House rushed out of the encirclement of the Gu formation.

After rushing out of the encirclement, the Thousand-faced Bewitching Fairy turned around in the air with a gloomy face, preparing to turn around again and destroy the Gu formation that had been clearly seen in front of her.

But at this time, Qin Lang's Thunder God Ruler brought a lot of thunder light and smashed directly towards the magic treasure house. When it was right, it hit a defect in the magic treasure house. With a click, that part of the magic treasure house actually split open. Fragments fell into the dust.

One piece of the magic house was broken, although it was only a small piece, but Kong Li, the enchantress with thousands of faces inside the magic house, felt that the magic house was on the verge of collapse, so she had to turn around and manipulate the magic house, which seemed about to disintegrate, to leave here.

"Boy, you're lucky this time... I won't let you go! Just wait! My brother will come to you soon!"

Thousand Faces Demon Fairy let out a cruel word when she left. It seems that she failed to chase Qin Lang this time, and she is ready to contact her senior brother, Ghost Hand Liao Hua, to come to Wushuang City in person, and prepare to deal with Qin Lang together.

After the battle was over, Qin Lang also took a deep breath. He knew that it was a fluke that he was able to defeat the Thousand-faced Fairy Kong Li this time. If he hadn't used some means to destroy the opponent's magic house, the opponent would not have been so fast at all. leave.

In the final analysis, this time I was able to defeat Kong Li, the demon girl with thousands of faces, because of the power of pills, and Wangyou Dan, a magic pill for battle, was indispensable.

Of course, more luck was used in this process. If the opponent's magic house is not broken, then it is Qin Lang who should run away in embarrassment this time. Even with the complete magic house chasing Qin Lang, he may even escape. If you don't drop it, that kind of fate will be very bad.

After Wangyou Pill broke out, half an hour later, Qin Lang suddenly felt a kind of power suddenly withdraw from his body, and the feeling of sudden collapse almost made him kneel directly on the sand.

Fortunately, this feeling of prostration was only caused by excessive consumption of true energy. After the power of the medicine disappeared, Qin Lang's body did not suffer any obvious side effects, so he quickly took a Shenxue Dan.

The effect of Shenxue Pill is five times better than that of Xueyuan Pill. It can quickly replenish human qi and blood and restore true energy. After Qin Lang took this pill, it immediately turned into a torrent of medicinal power. After being absorbed, most of the medicine's power has been transformed into true energy after one week.

"Shen Xue Dan is really good!"

Qin Lang was also very surprised by the effect of the Shenxue Pill. With this one pill, the depleted true energy in his body was almost replenished. Taking another pill, it can be completely replenished.

However, after feeling that the weakness of his body had disappeared, Qin Lang did not continue to take Shenxue Dan, which is a more precious elixir that supplements qi and blood, but took a little bit of blood power, after all, the alchemy material of Xueyuan Dan It is easy to find, but the alchemy of Shenxue Pill is not so easy to find.

"Wangyoudan and Shenxuedan are both good things! Especially Wangyoudan, there are almost no side effects after use, but after the power of the medicine is over, it will drain my true energy... Then, can I use it in future battles?" I will use these two pills together during the process, so I can use Wangyou Pill continuously to prolong my burst time..."

Qin Lang thought about it again, and felt that this idea was promising, and he could indeed do this if he encountered a more difficult battle in the future.But then he became distressed again, he didn't have many Wangyou Pills on him, he used up one just now, and now there are only five left on him.

There are only five Wangyou Pills left, so you have to save some of them!Basically, he will not use this kind of elixir until the most critical moment of the battle.

Through this battle, I have also tested my own abilities. Now that I encounter powerful enemies and magic weapons with the improvement of my cultivation level, my abilities in all aspects are still relatively weak!

Even this time in the battle with Kong Li, the Bewitched Girl with Thousand Faces, if he has a powerful attack weapon, he can probably keep the opponent directly; For Wangyou Pill, the support of the Battle God Pill, the result after this battle is really unimaginable.

After all, the enemy has a magic weapon house, even though it is just a dilapidated magic weapon house, it is far more than all the magic weapons that Qin Lang possesses.

Thinking of the Magic Treasure House, Qin Lang couldn't help but miss his ghost ship, which was the most powerful attack method he had back then. Unfortunately, the Magic Treasure House collapsed when he protruded through the space crack, and there was no other way get back.

As for the treasures of the highest grade of magic treasures like the Magic Treasure House, it is definitely a dream for Qin Lang to buy them at the Qinghe Continent auction. Impossible to get acquainted with.

This is the top treasure in the realm of comprehension, the top treasure whose value cannot be measured by spirit stones. Similar top treasures, in addition to the magic house for combat, also have the terrifying fighting power of the Great Wilderness Lingzhi Wangyou Tree, and the transformation stage demon. Beast alchemy and so on.

Not to mention Nascent Soul cultivators, even cultivators at the Transformation Stage might not possess these top-level treasures. It takes a lot of luck to obtain them. Even when some top-level treasures appear, it is simply a disaster for the cultivators.

In history, there was a very good example 3 years ago. A large number of monks in the cultivation world chased and killed a monster in the transformation stage. As a result, more than 100 monks in the Nascent Soul stage were directly killed, and two monks in the Transformation Stage were seriously injured. monk.

The casualties were so heavy, but there was still nothing to do with the monster in the transformation stage. Generally speaking, the weakest monsters in the transformation stage had the same strength as a monk in the transformation stage. In terms of physical ability, it is far superior to human monks, so a monster in the transformation stage has the possibility of escaping from two or three monks in the transformation stage.

(End of this chapter)

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