The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1563 The explosion before the opening of the ruins

Chapter 1563 The explosion before the opening of the ruins

As the opening of the ruins draws closer, the population of Peerless City continues to grow. Now the population has exceeded 200 million and is gradually approaching 300 million.

And what followed was that the city was crowded, and there were bustling people everywhere, and the whole city gradually felt that it could not accommodate so many people.

However, the casual cultivators who came here for the sake of the Wushuang ruins didn't care much. Since there was no residence in the city, they settled outside the city.

As a result, large rolling tents appeared in the yellow sand outside the city. These tents surrounded the entire city in one piece, a bit like a "yurt" in the desert.

The rapid increase in population has also brought about the prosperity of trade. In recent days, the transaction volume of various shops and stalls in Wushuang City has increased several times, and the direct result is a sharp rise in prices.

Now, whether it is the transaction of elixir, magic weapon, magic weapon, or the prices of sundries and raw materials of medicinal materials have increased by more than several percent. Although the prices of these items have risen, they still cannot stop the buying enthusiasm of those monks who came from afar.

In order to increase their bargaining chips for entering the Peerless Relics, these monks basically regard the purchase of combat equipment as an investment. Only if they are willing to invest in advance, can they gain a lot after entering the relics, right?

And taking advantage of this shareholder style, Qin Lang also began to buy some medicinal materials wantonly in the city, started alchemy, and prepared to resell them.Although the raw materials of medicinal materials are rising rapidly, the sales of elixirs are also more popular now, and he can earn more from the early stage of opening the Wushuang Ruins this time.

Qin Lang invested about a thousand spirit stones to buy medicinal materials, and all of them were refined into pills. Except for a batch of more precious pills that were going to be listed in the Zuojia auction through Zuo Tao's relationship, the rest were more common. The elixir is sold directly at the stalls in the square market.

Just setting up a stall in Fangshi to sell common pills, Qin Lang has already invested 1000 million spirit stones back to the original cost, and this pill that was sent to the Zuojia auction last time, according to Qin Lang's estimation, can sell at least 1000 million yuan. The price above Lingshi.

Only one month before the opening of the Wushuang Ruins, the auction of the Zuo family was held as scheduled. This time, more than 1 monks participated in the auction, and Qin Lang was directly invited by Zuo Tao to participate in the auction because he provided a large number of pills. VIP seats at the auction.

The person who presided over the Zuojia auction was a big auctioneer, who, like Zuo Lao Fatty, was an early Yuanying monk. I heard that there were at least a dozen such early Yuanying monks in the Zuo family.

As soon as the auction started, it entered a hot state, so hot that people couldn't imagine it.Can it be hot?Now there is only one month before the opening of the Peerless Ruins. A large number of monks in the city and casual cultivators from far away are preparing to enter the ruins, looking for ways to buy the war equipment they need.

In the first [-] rounds of this auction, it is not that Qin Lang did not find his favorite item, but the auction item was so popular that the price far exceeded his expectations before he even made a move. In the end, he He had to directly give up the idea of ​​competing with these crazy monks.

Speaking of which, Bang Lang is really a reasonable person. He was really moved by that lot, but later saw that the premium was more than two or three times the estimated value.

After all, he didn't feel that this item was absolutely necessary. If it was absolutely necessary, he would really fight with these blind bidders in front of him.

Qin Lang could only sigh about this, and then smiled helplessly. Up to now, even some things that are not considered high-quality goods in this auction can be sold at a price far exceeding the estimated price. He wanted to make money from the Zuojia auction before. One or two good things, huh, huh, now it seems unrealistic.

However, when the next round of auctions came to the stage, his eyes lit up, and the first round of auction "Zhi Jing Dan" he consigned was up for auction.

"The price is higher! Everyone grab it, grab it all..."

Qin Lang had great expectations in his heart. Now that this auction is so popular, his Zhijingdan may be able to fetch a higher price.

The three Zhijing Pills are packaged for sale. Even Fatty Zuo Lao used only two Zhijing Pills to upgrade to the Nascent Soul Realm. These three pills will definitely raise a monk who has formed a pill to the initial stage of the Nascent Soul. right.

The auction officially started. When it was heard that there was a elixir that would directly improve the cultivation level of the monks who formed the alchemy Dzogchen, the whole scene really exploded. Basically, the eyes of all the monks who formed the alchemy stage were present.


By the time of 150 million, the price of the three Zhijingdans had reached Qin Lang's previous expectations for the auction, but the entire competition scene was still extremely hot.

This time, because of the Wushuang Ruins, the entire venue was packed with people who came from afar, and each one was more aggressive than the other, and each of them was afraid that the spirit stones in their pockets would not be spent.


"400 million!"

In the end, a bully who bid the most fiercely bought three Zhijing Pills at a price of 400 million. This price almost made Qin Lang faint from happiness. It was simply too dreamy. , he earned 150 million more.

250 million spirit stones, these spirit stones are enough to buy the life of a monk in the Nascent Soul stage. You must know that Qin Lang killed two gang bosses in Green Willow City before, and each of them accumulated wealth of only more than 500 million.

250 million spirit stones, Qin Liang may have had a long time to earn them before, but now they are all for nothing. This time the opening of the Wushuang Ruins is really a big gold mine. Qin Lang feels like he is selling it now Pickaxe merchant.

You know, what he is sending away for auction is not only three Zhijing Pills, but also pills worth 1000 million spirit stones will be up for auction one after another!
In this case, I am afraid that even if he does not enter the Peerless Ruins this time, he will be able to make a lot of money by trading in pills. The huge profits now are entirely based on the development of these adventurous monks who want to enter the Peerless Ruins. In the heart of money, this money is too easy to make.

Next, as expected, pills have always been the key item in the auction, and the pills sent by Qin Lang happened to be popular items in the eyes of many monks, so they all entered the hot mode.

In the end, Qin Lang's gift item worth 1000 million yuan was auctioned at a premium of 300 million yuan. Although it was not as high as the premium of a magic pill like Zhijingdan, it was still very good.

Cool!From this auction, Qin Lang directly earned 700 million yuan, which is equivalent to net profit, while the 1000 million yuan he earned from auctioning ordinary pills in the market before is equivalent to capital.

Including some miscellaneous items left on his body, Qin Lang now has a net worth of about 4000 million, which can be regarded as a rich man with a net worth among the monks in the Nascent Soul stage.

Now that he has a net worth, Qin Lang will be much more generous in his subsequent moves. Since he plans to enter the Wushuang Ruins in a month, then fighting in the ruins is inevitable, so some fancy items should be bid as much as possible.

Qin Lang took a total of five magic weapons, three attack magic weapons, two defense magic weapons, three attack magic weapons, two middle-grade magic weapons, a flying sword, a flame whip, and a bundle of fairy ropes which are top-grade magic weapons.The two defensive magic weapons, one medium-grade and one low-grade, are more in line with Qin Lang's attributes.

These five magic weapons cost Qin Lang a total of 500 million spirit stones, of which almost 350 million were used on the competitive binding of immortals. Although this top-grade magic weapon is an attack magic weapon, it is not particularly good, but the competition is too hot. Qin Lang had to spend double the price to take it.

However, Qin Lang should be satisfied, his current offensive and defensive methods are still too few, these few magic weapons can more or less strengthen himself, especially Bin Xiansuo is a top-grade magic weapon, it is not easy to appear in the auction , and I need to take it in the bidding of more than 1 live monks, it is normal to pay a little more.

After taking pictures of these magic weapons, Qin Lang has not bid on the magic weapon for a while. Although there are many good things that can be auctioned, there are not many high-quality goods, and it is even more difficult to match the high-quality goods with his own attributes. beg.

Although the five magic weapons I got now are not very good, only the Xiansuo is a little eye-catching, but it is very suitable to use as cannon fodder to explore the ruins a month later.

After all, if you spend 500 million spirit stones, you can still improve your background in various aspects. This is actually the purpose of Qin Lang's photographing them.

At this time, the big auctioneer who hosted the Zuojia auction introduced an item: "The next item to be auctioned is a piece of dead wood. I heard that this piece of dead wood was taken from the trunk of the Lingzhi Wangyou tree. It should have a certain value for the monks who need it. The base price of the auction is [-] spirit stones, and each increase should not be less than [-] spirit stones..."

After this auction came to the stage, there was a lot of discussion in the room. The name of the Lingzhi Wangyou tree is also very famous in the cultivation world. This is a special tree species whose strength is comparable to that of the monk who transforms the gods, and the seeds it produces can be cultivated to obtain cultivation. The Wangyoucao is used by the world's alchemists to refine the battle god Dan Wangyou Pill.

However, the monks present were obviously not very interested in this piece of dead wood. If a spiritual plant was put on stage, it really deserved their attention. After all, 90.00% of the monks present had never seen such a thing.

But what is the value of a dead piece of Wangyou tree?Although it is a short section of Lingzhi, it seems that it cannot be used for alchemy, nor can it be used for refining... It is a piece of dead wood.

In the end, there were not many bidders, and he barely raised the dead wood to [-] spirit stones... After seeing it, Qin Lang somehow sensed a faint vitality in the dead wood, so he became interested.

"Eighty thousand spirit stones!"

Qin Lang made an offer directly, and this time it was rare that no one competed with him in the whole scene, which also allowed him to successfully win the dead wood of the Wangyou tree.

(End of this chapter)

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