The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1564 Refining 5 magic weapons

Chapter 1564 Refining five magic weapons
"Fortunately, there are no monks above the middle stage of Nascent Soul, otherwise, some people will definitely find something abnormal about this piece of dead wood."

Qin Lang thought to himself, the vitality of this piece of dead wood is too weak, even if he uses the consciousness of the peak of the middle stage of Yuanying to sense it, he can barely sense it. It can be said that in the eyes of all the monks on the scene, this piece of dead wood is dead, but in his eyes The dead wood here may still come alive.

"When I go back to plant this dead wood to plant the elixir garden, I will ask Wanxin, a female cultivator of the wood department, to do some work to see if I can bring this dead tree back to life."

Qin Lang actually reported the idea of ​​giving it a try, to see if he could revive this piece of dead wood, and if he restored it into a spiritual plant Wangyou tree, he would make a lot of money.

The Wangyou Tree... You must know that this is a treasure tree that only monks above the stage of transformation can have. Spiritual plants cannot be owned by monks below the stage of transformation.

I heard that Lingzhi can even be raised as a pet and used to fill the cave, which is equivalent to a guardian in the transformation stage, very awesome.

Of course, if this piece of dead wood really survives, then Qin Lang will be lucky. However, even if he survives, it may take a lot of time to grow from a piece of dead wood into a mature Wangyou tree. To what extent can Wanxin's elixir ripening ability be powerful?

After photographing this piece of dead wood, Qin Lang also encountered a few exciting items, but because the on-site auction was too popular, every time he felt that it was not worth spending too much to bid, so give up.

In this case, Qin Lang's total harvest at the auction would be five magic weapons and a piece of dead wood. In addition, all the pills put on the auction were sold at a good price, which made Qin Lang pay a good fortune.

Now Qin Lang has 500 million spirit stones alone, and 500 million of them from the auction house have been exchanged for high-grade spirit stones. According to the market price, about 2000 yuan has been exchanged for [-] yuan high-grade spirit stones. .

The reason why this part of the spirit stones were replaced with top-grade spirit stones was because Qin Lang considered that after he entered the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, he could already try to use top-grade spirit stones for cultivation. One hundred times as much as a spirit stone, in this case, a piece of high-grade spirit stone is more than enough to sustain one day of cultivation, and there is no need to grab a large number of middle-grade spirit stones every time you practice like before.

More importantly, it is much faster to absorb the spiritual energy in the top-grade spirit stones than the middle-grade spirit stones in the current cultivation process. After all, the spiritual energy in the top-grade spirit stones is more compact and pure, and I can also use my future practice. Save a lot of training time.

In this case, after the calculation, although it seems that it is more expensive to use high-grade spirit stones to practice, but the cultivation progress is several times faster. For Qin Lang, it is important to improve himself as soon as possible. Spirit stones are all things outside the body, so When necessary, spend what should be spent, and never begrudge this little money.

Of course, you can’t spend it when it’s not necessary. Qin Lang is not a master of extravagance and waste, so he was more cautious in the previous Zuo’s auction. He didn’t blindly follow some auctions, but chose some relative ones. Valuable affordable lots to compete.

When he returned to the outside of the city, Qin Lang went directly to the Spirit Medicine Garden to harvest the last batch of sunflowers in his land, there were about 300 of them.

The 300 sunflower seeds purchased so far have all been planted and matured. The previous sunflowers have been alchemy, and most of them have been sold. The remaining [-] sunflowers are ready for alchemy and kept for his own use. Prepare.

And after harvesting the elixir that matured quickly under Wanxin's birth, Qin Lang planted all the elixir seeds that had matured for a long time at this time, and planted the dead wood of the Wangyou tree, and then told Wanxin to take care of it. Fortunately, these seeds, especially the dead wood of the Wangyou tree, should be taken special care of. Every day, the spiritual rain technique should be circled several times, and the natural supernatural powers born should also be used several times.

The money-obsessed little nun now relies entirely on Qin Lang to support her. Naturally, she knows that the daily salary of [-] spirit stones has passed for more than a month, and her purse has gradually bulged up. She is no longer as tight as she used to be. , Now even the spiritual food that I am reluctant to buy on weekdays, I occasionally go to the food shop to buy a few toothpaste offerings.

After explaining what Wanxin should do, Qin Lang went back to his room and began to refine the five newly obtained magic weapons.

This time Qin Lang photographed five magic weapons, three attack pieces, and two defense pieces. Although only the Xiansuo is a top-grade magic weapon, the others are all low-level magic weapons that are not eye-catching to Nascent Soul mid-stage cultivators, but they are superior in attributes and Qin Lang is more suitable, so it can still be used.

Needless to say, the middle-grade flying sword, Qin Lang has been a sword repairer for a while, and he is very good at using the Sansheng Sword Art. It is a baby-level sword art, so it is no problem to use it until the advanced stage of transforming gods.

In the world of comprehension, sword repair and body repair can be said to have gone to two extremes. Sword repair has the strongest attack power, and body repair has the strongest physical defense ability. In fact, there are similarities between the two, that is, sword repair He and the body repairer don't pay much attention to other miscellaneous studies, and only specialize in one practice method.

Therefore, sword cultivators and body cultivators possessed the fewest weapons and magic weapons among comprehension practitioners of the same level, and most of them were pills for cultivation.

This kind of specialization in one cultivation method has disadvantages, but there are more advantages. Specialization means that sword repair and physical cultivation have worked harder in their respective cultivation methods, and it is easier to advance than other practitioners.

Basically, sword repair and body repair are also the two fastest-growing professions in the comprehension world, so it is easier to pursue the Tao of Longevity.

After all, the more complicated the learning, the more energy it takes, which is not a good thing for a cultivator.

Of course, these are just digressions and have little to do with Qin Lang.Although Qin Lang's learning is relatively complicated, his advantage is that he has the memory of Xuan Qingzi, a doctor of heaven.

This is also Qin Lang's biggest golden finger. After being promoted to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, this golden finger became weaker. After all, Xuan Qingzi is only a mid-stage Golden Core figure.

However, although Qin Lang's previous golden finger has become weaker, the super system of the S-level mutant has become a heaven-defying thing that replaces the previous golden finger. The powerful computing power of the super system can help Qin Lang today. When it gets bigger, it is estimated that even after Qin Lang is promoted to the stage of transforming gods, the super system will not be eliminated.

Next, Qin Lang began to refine the magic weapon, first of all, the middle-grade flying sword.This flying sword is fiery red all over. It is a flying sword of the fire system. A lot of fire crystals should be added to the blade to make it look like this.

However, the shape of this flying sword is quite satisfactory and there is nothing new, and there is no special attribute bonus. If it is not in line with Qin Lang's attributes, he really has no interest in taking pictures of this flying sword.

At this time, Qin Lang injected real energy into the flying sword, and refined the flying sword very easily. This middle-grade flying sword has a total of four layers of restrictions. Qin Lang did not spend a lot of materials to lift the restrictions. After activation, when Qin Lang's true energy was injected into it, the sword body of Feijian burned with layers of flames, which made Feijian much more beautiful.

However, Qin Lang immediately frowned. He found that he could only inject [-]% of his true energy into the flying sword at most. If more than [-]% of his true energy was injected for a long time, the flying sword would probably explode. .

Originally, the endurance of the middle-grade magic weapon could not be so fragile. This is also because the energy return structure inside the flying sword is flawed and cannot be changed. This makes Qin Lang feel a little annoyed. If you want to modify it, it is equivalent to refining a new one. Take the flying sword.

"Is this a blind eye..."

If Qin Lang knew the situation of this flying sword, he might not have been interested in photographing it at that time.

As for re-refining a middle-grade flying sword, it is not impossible for Qin Lang to be a refiner, but he does not have a professional refining furnace. After all, a professional refining furnace has several million spirit stones. Er didn't have the time and energy to spend on such a middle-grade flying sword, and felt that the gain outweighed the loss.

So, he thought for a while, alas, since he can only inject [-]% of his true energy... let's just use it!He didn't even bother to name Fei Jian again.

Anyway, with my current strength at the peak of the mid-stage Nascent Soul, using [-]% of the true energy to inject into the flying sword to fight is no weaker than the average mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, and you can even use sword energy to suppress several of them during the battle. opponent.

After all, a sword cultivator can be a stronger fighter than a fire-type cultivator or a thunder-type cultivator.

After thinking about it, Qin Lang began to refine other magic weapons, and the second thing to be refined was still the flame whip.The Flame Whip is also a medium-grade attack magic weapon of the fire system. Compared with the flying sword, this flame whip has no flaws, but Qin Lang is not very good at using long whip magic weapons.

The third magic weapon is the Binding Xiansuo. Although this magic weapon is an attack magic weapon, it is a strange thing.Its function is to bind the enemy in battle and make the enemy lose combat effectiveness.

If this magic weapon is used well, the effect is still quite powerful, but if the opponent is strong and guarded, the effect of combat power is not as good as directly attacking the opponent. After all, the opponent has avoided it. Bind the enemy.

After refining three attack magic weapons, Qin Lang then refined two defensive magic weapons. These two defensive magic weapons, one of medium-grade and one of low-grade, are all temporary substitutes brought by Qin Lang, and the defense effect is even better than There are no ancient treasures, such as the Six-Fire Bronze Mirror, so I won’t describe it much.

In general, Qin Lang's auction at the Qiao family did yield some gains, but the gains did not exceed expectations. Now that Qin Lang's cultivation has improved, his vision has naturally become much higher. The treasures in the eyes of ordinary low-level cultivators are in the Naturally, it was not a good thing in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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