The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1565 Cooperative Planting Plan

Chapter 1565 Cooperative Planting Plan
After all the magic weapons were sacrificed and refined, Qin Lang did not continue to practice, nor did he do anything else, but went out of the room directly to find Fatty Zuo Lao.

However, Fatty Zuo has not returned after the auction, and he is probably still staying in the base camp of the Zuo family in the city. After all, Fatty Zuo has been promoted to the Nascent Soul stage, and he is considered a moderate figure in the family. His status is quite different from before, and now he is in the base camp in the city, so he has some right to speak, and he will be allowed to participate in the internal family meetings after a while.

Zuo Tao's status in the family has improved, which is a good thing for him, a collateral clan member. Compared with the past, the benefits he can enjoy now are like heaven and earth.

I heard that Zuo Tao has now been proposed by the family to be the director of more than [-] elixir gardens outside the city, a proper pace of promotion, although the director of more than [-] elixir gardens is only an official the size of a sesame mung bean to the family, But that was real power, and if it was managed well, it would be more profitable than the elixir garden he owned alone.

After all, the elixir garden has plenty of oil and water, and each of the more than [-] elixir gardens deducted a little bit, adding up to a very considerable amount.

Qin Lang has nothing to say about this, he can only wish the old fat man a promotion and a fortune.

Qin Lang transferred to the elixir garden for a while and saw that Wanxin was still busy in the elixir garden. I have to say that the little money fan really worked hard with the high salary given by Qin Lang. The piece spent on taking care of Qin Lang in the elixir garden, now makes Qin Lang feel that the money is worth it, and feels that his boss is a little too stingy, should he give this hardworking employee a little bit more salary?
Seeing Qin Lang come to inspect the garden, Wanxin greeted happily: "Brother Qin Lang!"

"Well, it's hard work, but don't tire yourself out! It's not easy to take care of this piece of land, so let's start your salary this month...or no, your daily salary will start to rise to [-] Lingshi one day."

Qin Lang almost slipped the tongue. There is no such thing as wages in the cultivation world of Qinghe mainland. Now he really regards Wanxin as an employee working for him, just like an enterprise on earth.

But now the land of the elixir garden is leased, and Qin Lang rented a piece of land in the old fat man's elixir garden, which is like renting a shop on the earth to operate independently. This is indeed a very interesting thing.

However, Wanxin, as an employee, works for both herself and the landlord at the same time, which is completely unfeasible on earth. If a boss knows that his employees are doing this, he will definitely think that the employee broke his leg by eating inside and outside.

It's just that this is the world of comprehension after all, and at the same time as there are two wonderful bosses like the old landlord and Qin Lang, there are also strange and wonderful employees like Wan Xin.

And when Qin Lang was thinking wildly, he suddenly thought that because the ruins of Wushuang City were about to be opened, a large number of casual cultivators from the Western Desert poured in here from everywhere, which also caused the short-term prosperity and popularity of the entire Wushuang City. Take advantage of it and make a fortune!

Thinking of this, Qin Lang's eyes lit up, and he came up with a good idea at this time. This idea needs to be discussed with the old fat man to see if the other party agrees. Will refuse it!After all, you can't get along with anyone, and you can't get along with money. This is the same in the world of comprehension.

And Qin Lang's idea is to take advantage of the old fat man's current position, and the two will start a short-term elixir planting cooperation and sales, then Qin Lang will be in charge of alchemy, and the old fat man will be in charge of sales, and strive to sell as many as possible before the opening of the Wushuang ruins. Drop the pill on hand.

This time it was not a small matter, and even Wan Xin, a wood-type female cultivator, didn't play a big role in it. After all, it seems very reluctant for Wan Xin to take care of an elixir garden, let alone take care of other elixir. It's too late, it is estimated that the distance between this round trip alone can make the little girl break her legs.

Qin Lang planned to discuss the specific plan after Zuo Shou returned to the mansion outside the city. The more Qin Lang thought about this plan, the more excited he became. If it can be carried out, maybe both he and the old fat man will get rich, and it will not be a small fortune.

However, if this plan is carried out, Qin Lang may not have much time for cultivation in the next month, and he must be busy with alchemy all day long. However, compared to the large amount of wealth that may be obtained soon , this month's pay is definitely worth it.

If the plan is successful, Qin Lang will definitely become the richest man among the cultivators of the Nascent Soul Stage in Qinghe Continent, and earn several times more spiritual stones than he is now. It is very likely that he will no longer have to worry about the cultivation resources before he ascends to the Transformation Stage .

Around very late, Fatty Zuo staggered back to his old house, humming a little tune as he walked, this guy obviously drank too much, his face was flushed, he looked very proud, it seems that now After the family status has improved, there are more people who fawn on them.

Beside the old house, Zuo Lao Fatty urinated in a daze, then yawned, and walked up the stairs. This big house had a second floor, and the old fat man lived on the upper floor.

Sensing Zuo Tao's return, Qin Lang also left the room at this time: "Hey, old fat man, I want to talk to you!"

"What... what's the matter? Say no tomorrow... can't you?"

Zuo Tao, the old fat man, drank too much, his brain is a little confused now, and his tongue is rolling when he speaks.

Although he felt that Zuo Tao was out of shape now, Qin Lang still told him what he thought in his heart in order to make money, "Old fat man, I want to cooperate with you in the short-term development of the elixir garden."

"Open... develop this elixir garden, this elixir garden is empty now, you, you can do whatever you want..."

The old fat man replied in a daze that since his elixir garden was harvested, there were actually not many elixir in the garden, and the seeds were not even half full.

"No, I'm not talking about this garden...I mean, I want to cooperate with you to develop all the gardens under your name."

Qin Lang loudly stated his purpose at this time.

"All... all? Me, where am I all..."

Zuo Lao Fatty couldn't react for a while, and he hadn't replaced himself as the acting director of all the elixir gardens outside Zuo's city in a state of drunkenness.


Qin Lang was a little dumbfounded, talking to a drunk is really hard, there is no way, for my own money-making plan... I endured it.

Next, Qin Lang patiently leaned into Zuo Tao's ear, pulled the old fat man's ear and repeated the words three times.

At this time, Zuo Tao finally figured out the meaning of Qin Lang's words, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, and most of the wine was sober: "You want to buy all the elixir in the Zuojia Spiritual Medicine Garden... Is it appropriate to do this? You know The elixir of the Zuo family’s elixir garden is basically never sold outside, if the number of elixir is found to be wrong during the quarterly handover and review, not only will I not be able to be the supervisor, but I will also become the laughingstock of the family.”

"It's okay, listen to me..."

Qin Lang waved his hand and analyzed to the old fat man: "Look, what we want to do is a short-term profiteering business, using this month's time to make a lot of money... After all, now a large number of casual cultivators from the Western Desert are coming to Wushuang City. You know how hot the market is."

"As for the elixir in all the elixir gardens of the Zuo family managed under your name, we only need to pick the elixir with a short growth cycle to refine and sell. In this case, even if we have finished picking the elixir, we can make up for it later. The seeds of the elixir make them grow back to their original shape...and didn't you say that old fat man just now?"

"Your family will only send someone to review the Spiritual Medicine Garden once a quarter. In this way, we will have enough time to operate it! Of course, Wanxin, a wood-type female cultivator, is a very important part of our plan. The elixir birth plan will mostly rely on her help. In addition, the price of medicinal materials in the elixir raw material market will definitely drop again, and we can also purchase medicinal materials from the market again to make soft adjustments to the elixir garden, which is equivalent to a two-pronged approach."


Fatty Zuo held his fat cheeks, squinted his eyes and thought for a while. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this method was feasible. Then he thought that if he did what Qin Lang said, he and Qin Lang might make money in just one month. I may not be able to earn wealth in the next ten years, so I can't help but get excited.

"Okay, let's do it! However, after we enter the Peerless Ruins in a month, we will probably stay in the ruins for more than half a month, and when we come out of the ruins, our real operating time may be less than one and a half months."

"It's okay, didn't this little girl Wanxin not participate in the exploration of the Peerless Ruins? We told her the planting plan of the Spirit Medicine Garden in advance, and let her know how to do it even if we are not here, that's enough!"

Qin Lang is also a bold person, but at the same time he is bold and considers carefully, which makes this matter more and more possible.

"Go, follow me back to the room first."

Zuo Tao greeted them, and now the two of them talked for most of the day and were still outside the house, which is not a good place to talk.

After returning to the room, the old fat man brewed a pot of animal blood tea for himself and Qin Lang to refresh himself. In fact, he woke up early after talking with Qin Lang for such a round of wine. He was more excited and excited just now. .

You must know that although he is from a big family, his status in the family as a collateral clan member was not very good before. May not be moved.

Drinking tea can really calm one's mind. After the beast blood tea was brewed, Zuo Tao began to sip it one mouthful at a time, trying to restore his mood. It is indeed a big deal to use the resources of the family to exchange resources. It can be regarded as a side-ball of family property. Although there is no loss to the family, it is not a good thing to be discovered.

However, wealth and wealth are sought in insurance, not to mention that the risk of this transaction is not very high, as long as the time difference of these three months can be safely passed, then Zuo Tao will have solidly owned a large amount of wealth It is used to maintain the cultivation expenses of the Nascent Soul stage.

Although his current status in the family has improved and he has a lot of resources for cultivation, to be honest, although the monthly welfare income is very attractive to casual cultivators, in Zuo Tao's eyes It still feels a bit insufficient.

If you want to improve your strength faster and better, the more spiritual stones and resource wealth you will earn next, the better.

(End of this chapter)

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