The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1566 Grabbing Spirit Stones

Chapter 1566 Grabbing Spirit Stones
The two discussed it all night, and finally settled the matter. On the second day, Qin Lang and Zuo Tao started to implement the plan to earn Lingshi.

Now more than 30 elixir gardens of the Zuo family have been handed over to Zuo Tao, so Zuo Tao and Qin Lang went directly to these elixir gardens to pick the elixir needed for alchemy, and then the alchemy plan officially started.

In Zuo's mansion, Qin Lang is in charge of alchemy, while Zuo Tao is in charge of transporting elixir and selling the elixir that Lang made, and Wan Xin has also been raised by the two, and now it reaches [-] a day He is responsible for the birth of newly planted elixir seeds in all elixir gardens under Zuo Tao's name.

The two people's profit distribution for this short-term elixir sales cooperation is [-]-[-], and Qin Lang and Lao Fatty each take half.

And Wanxin, a money-lovers girl, is very happy knowing that she now has a high salary of [-] a day. She doesn't care that she will work hard in the next three months.

The three people have a clear division of labor. If you think about it, the work efficiency will be maximized. Now Qin Lang can basically practice pills worth 3000 million spirit stones every day. Digested through special channels.

In the evening, the fat old man Zuo Tao was so excited that his fat face was trembling when he returned. The sales of the elixir on the first day exceeded the estimate and reached 4000 million spirit stones. After deducting the cost of more than 1000 million, the two made a net profit of nearly Twenty-five million.

If it was so hot every day in the month before entering the Wushuang Ruins, I am afraid that the two of them will be able to share a huge profit of more than [-] million in the end after finishing this month.

Is this overnight wealth... more than [-] million, I am afraid that even some small and medium-sized families in the city do not have so much cash to roll.

Qin Lang was really busy the next few days, turning himself into an alchemy machine completely. However, although he was relatively busy, he delayed his practice time this month, but it was not without other benefits.

At the very least, Qin Lang can get a lot of alchemy experience when refining some top-grade alchemy medicines, and there is no need to worry about the improvement of alchemy experience with a large amount of medicinal materials. Now there is a huge experience gap between alchemy masters and alchemy masters. It filled up quickly in a month's time.

Now Qin Lang is only short of some special insights in the realm of alchemy master, and his experience has almost met the requirements for promotion.

And in this month, the sales of pills are very balanced, with a gross income of about 4000 million every day, and after deducting costs, there is a net profit of 500 million.

"When I got rich, I got rich. I didn't know how to spend it. I held a Nokia in my left hand and a Motorola in my right..."

Qin Lang is humming a little tune that is out of tune. Although the daily work is very intensive, he can earn a lot of spiritual stones every day. This kind of opportunity is rare, so he has to stick to whatever he says this month.

And the huge profits every day also made Fatty Zuo, who is used to being hard-working, so excited that he couldn't sleep every day. He almost slept in the pile of spirit stones these days.

On the last day before the opening of the Wushuang Ruins, Qin Lang finally stopped the alchemy plan. Now the two have earned a total of 7000 million spirit stones, and each can get 500 million yuan on average.

Qin Lang exchanged all his 500 million low-grade spirit stones for high-grade spirit stones. According to the ratio of 25 spirit stones for one high-grade spirit stone, he exchanged for nearly [-] high-grade spirit stones.

Such a huge amount of wealth is definitely ranked first among the monks in the Nascent Soul stage. With these spirit stones on hand, Qin Lang has no problem in cultivating to the stage of transformation.

And now that Fatty Zuo got these elixir, he is also mixed with joy and sorrow. He is happy that he has become an upstart now. I am afraid that even the headquarters of the Zuo family does not have as much cash flow as he has. What is worrying is that he sold it during this time. There are too many elixirs, and the city has gradually become rumored. Fortunately, I am more cautious every time I make a move. The Zuo family has not yet thought that the person who has caused troubles in the elixir market in Wushuang City will be me.

However, the old fat man's figure is more conspicuous. Although he covered his head and face every time he traded in the city, he still attracted the attention of some interested people after many times.

Many casual cultivators noticed this mysterious man who sold a large number of pills in the past month, and they all set their greedy eyes on this guy. However, Zuo Tao could suppress those troubles with his cultivation base in the Nascent Soul stage , and he is familiar with the terrain and lanes in the city, so he spends a lot of effort to get rid of the pursuers every time.

Qin Lang and Zuo Tao both heaved a sigh of relief when the one-month sale of elixir was over. It is not easy to earn some money!Fortunately, after getting this one, both of them have successfully become rich overnight.

This is the end of the one-month money-making plan. Qin Lang and Zuo Tao then began to prepare to enter the Wushuang Ruins, and the newly planted elixir seeds in the major elixir gardens under Zuo Tao's name were all handed over to Wan Xin. .

With a high salary of [-] a day, the little financially obsessed nun is also full of energy, busy in a certain place in the thirty elixir gardens every day.

However, there are too many lands planted with elixir seeds that need to be spawned. It may take four to five months to completely settle the thirty or so elixir gardens under Zuo Tao's name, even if Wanxin is at full power. .

Therefore, in the follow-up, Qin Lang and Zuo Tao will definitely need to purchase some mature elixir from the market to make up the difference in the more than [-] elixir gardens. Zuo Tao is responsible for this matter, so the money for the purchase of materials is all in the hands of the old fat man.

However, purchasing elixir from the market to make up for it can only be done after the two return from exploring the Wushuang ruins, so Zuo Tao just told Wanxin to work hard to give birth to the elixir, and the rest will wait for half a month Then he came back from the ruins again.

Next, Qin Lang and Zuo Tao made another big purchase in Fang City, buying some miscellaneous items to make sufficient preparations for entering the ruins.

After finishing all this, the two went out of the city together to the entrance of the Wushuang Ruins, which is more than 300 miles away. The place was completely blocked by the official forces of Wushuang City, and a super-large magic circle was set up to restrict it. Now the ruins are open. Afterwards, it is basically only possible to enter the interior with a pass token.

The tokens in the hands of Qin Lang and Zuo Tao have been prepared long ago. These two copper pass tokens are worth 50 spirit stones in the black market of Wushuang City, and they may not be available if they want to buy them.

And the old fat man, because he is a member of the Zuo family, just spent [-] contribution points in exchange for [-] yuan.

When he arrived at the entrance of the Wushuang Ruins, Qin Lang found that it was a valley in the desert, and in front of him was a super huge enchantment barrier shining with blue light, which was the entrance to the ruins.

There are at least 10,000+ monks gathered in the valley, and now the monks who have access tokens are being inspected one by one by the official stationed personnel, and they are released one by one, so that monks with access tokens can enter the space channel formed by the enchantment barrier through the magic circle, and enter Inside the ruins.

The officials of Wushuang City have done a very thorough job in the management and defense of the entrance of the relic passage, so although more than [-] monks came this time, those monks who failed to get the pass token of the relic wanted to enter the relic, but there was no way. Blocked by the huge prohibition circle, it is impossible for them to break through.

"Fellow Daoist Qin Lang, that's our Zuo family's team, let's go there!"

Zuo Tao pointed to the area in front of which there were about [-] to [-] people from the Zuo family who were carrying out the Wushuang ruins this time.

The lowest cultivation level in this group is naturally the middle stage of forming alchemy, and the highest cultivation level is actually the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and there are six family monks above the Nascent Soul stage, which shows that the Zuo family is very interested in this trip to explore the unparalleled ruins It is also very important.

Of course, if Zuo Tao was added, there would be seven monks above the Nascent Soul stage that Zuo Tao dispatched this time.

In fact, the Wushuang ruins are only opened once every 2000 years, so these powerful forces in Wushuang City have to ignore it. The major family forces in the city send elite forces.

For example, the Zuo family in front of us... If it weren't for the restriction of the ruins in front of us that restricted the highest cultivation level of the entrants, and restricted the entrants' cultivation base to no more than the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, I am afraid that the two ancestors of the late Nascent Soul of the Zuo family would personally lead the team.

After all, the Peerless Ruins is one of the most famous ruins in the entire Western Desert. It is the place where the monks of the Transformation Stage had been found. There are various treasures inside that may even move the hearts of the Stage Transformation cultivators.

Qin Lang has no opinion on Zuo Tao's plan to meet his clansmen, but after entering the ruins, he still plans to act alone. After all, if he mixes with Zuo Tao's clansmen, any treasures found during the exploration process are not good. Assignment, Qin Lang is too lazy to argue with Zuo Tao's tribe.

Qin Lang is now a monk who is about to enter the threshold of the late Nascent Soul in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. Among the [-] monks who entered the ruins, his spiritual consciousness and true energy are estimated to be the top. After all, this ruin restricts the upper limit of access. .

So he also has enough confidence to find some good things in the ruins, and he also has the confidence to repel those guys who plot against him.

He looked around. This time, most of the monks who entered the Wushuang Ruins were monks below the Nascent Soul stage, and the monks at the beginning and middle stages of the Nascent Soul stage accounted for at most two thousandths. There are only sixty monks above.

Moreover, more than half of the [-] monks above the Nascent Soul stage are monks from the Wushuang City family and belong to the local forces, and only a dozen or [-] are casual cultivators from outside.

The order in which the relics were carried out was that the members of the three major families came first. At this moment, Qin Lang, who was in the team of the Zuo family, also got some credit, becoming one of the first monks to enter the Wushuang relics.

Qin Lang, who was mixed in the team of the Zuo family members, seemed taciturn because he only had friendship with the old fat man. Although the surrounding Zuo family members saw this strange face, they knew that it was Zuo Tao, the new Yuanying monk of the family, in exchange for his contribution. After the quota, he also nodded and said nothing more.

The current Zuo Tao is no better than before, the strength of the Nascent Soul stage is already worthy of the family's win over, the old fat man's current status is very different from that of the Dzogchen Jiedan, so these clansmen don't care about the old fat man bringing a friend to join the family's exploration team be opposed to.

What's more, Qin Lang is worth Zuo Tao's big price to exchange his own contribution for the entry quota, so he must be a monk with a very good cultivation background.

You must know that the contribution of the fifty families of the Zuo family is equivalent to 50 spirit stones, and the monthly benefits of the Nascent Soul cultivators of the family may not be so much!

(End of this chapter)

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