The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1567 Entering the Peerless Ruins

Chapter 1567 Entering the Peerless Ruins
"Friend Qin Lang!"

In the team, Zuo Tao began to hold Qin Lang and said: "When you enter the ruins later, you should be with our family's exploration team. In this way, everyone can take care of each other. After all, there are some monks who entered the ruins this time. There are more than 3 people, it is very chaotic, and it is inevitable to fight with each other for treasures..."

"You know, if there is a fight, the family forces in Wushuang City may still maintain a little demeanor, and those casual cultivators who entered the ruins are very mixed, but it's hard to say, they are all 'one person, one egg' A desperado, he has no scruples in acting, and when the time comes, he may use any despicable means of coveting other people's property, which makes people hard to guard against."

"Let's talk later!"

Qin Lang couldn't deny it, although Zuo Tao had good intentions in persuading him to mix with the Zuo family team, but he was still ready to see the situation before making a decision.

Inside the Peerless Ruins, it is said that since a small world, it is very vast, much larger than all the secret places Qin Lang has seen before.

The entire ruins are tens of thousands of miles long, and they are divided into five areas, east, west, north, south, and middle. After entering, these monks will teleport randomly. However, the local forces in Wushuang City have a history of tens of thousands of years exploring the ruins, and they are also veterans. Every family has some secret methods, so that after the family members are teleported at the entrance, they can still get together when they reach the end.
After entering the enchantment barrier, the group of two or three Baizuo family members seemed to walk through a long corridor of blue light belt, and when they passed the end point, the team suddenly stopped.

At the beginning, the middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivator took out a blue-gray disk. Qin Lang had sharp eyes and saw that there should be a forbidden magic circle fixed inside this disk.

The monk of the Zuo family in the mid-Yuanying period immediately opened the forbidden magic circle of the formation disk, covering nearly [-] people of the Zuo family, including Qin Lang, in the pale white halo of the forbidden circle, and then everyone came out of this enchantment The end point of the barrier channel.

Whoosh... the teleportation started.

Everyone was teleported to a place together. This array prevents everyone from being scattered throughout the ruins. It is also the way the Zuo family responded to the random transmission of the Wushuang ruins. Now it seems that the effect is really good. .

When everyone landed on the ground, their originally blurred vision gradually became clear, and they could see the surrounding environment clearly.Qin Lang looked around, and the surrounding area was completely black and swampy. The soil even exuded a very special stench, and this smell was also poisonous. Feel dizzy, and in severe cases, you may even fall directly into the muddy mud, and be slowly swallowed by the mud.

"Be careful, this is the edge of the quagmire area in the northern district, there may be monsters in the pond..."

The Wushuang ruins have been explored by countless monks for tens of thousands of years, and after spending a lot of bones, although less than one tenth of the place has been explored so far, the muddy quagmire in front of me happens to be an area known to have been explored.

Since it is a familiar area, it is much easier to handle. After all, many monks who entered the Wushuang Ruins died in the unknown exploration process, and the familiar land naturally has a way to deal with it, and the death rate is naturally greatly reduced.

When everyone walked carefully for a certain distance, suddenly a large number of mud bubbles spit out from a muddy swamp in front of them, "Be careful! There are monsters!"

The head monk of the Zuo family in the mid-Yuanying period hurriedly reminded everyone to avoid this area.

Sure enough, after the bubbles in the swamp were vomited, a huge black tail with a length of three feet was thrown out of the swamp in that area, twitched in the air, and fell down again. It seemed that there should be a huge crocodile-like tail lurking there. monster.

"That's a swamp crocodile. It's also a common monster in the quagmire area. There are a lot of them. Although the level is only the fifth level, but the thick skin and thick flesh are in this swamp area, so it is more difficult to deal with than some sixth-level monsters."

Said the leader of the Nascent Soul mid-stage Zuo family leader.

In the realm of self-cultivation, the strength of fifth-order monsters is roughly equivalent to that of the Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy, while the strength of sixth-order monsters is basically the same as that of monks in the Nascent Soul stage, or even surpassed.

This quagmire area is full of these swamp crocodiles whose strength is close to that of the Nascent Soul stage. Ordinary monks in the middle and late stages of alchemy who come here for the first time will definitely be trapped miserably if they are not familiar with them, and they may even lose their lives.

Of course, the quagmire area is not limited to fifth-level monsters such as the swamp crocodile. I heard that there are even sixth- and seventh-level monsters in the depths. However, each group of monsters has its own sphere of influence, so the Zuo family For the time being, these clansmen are not worried about higher level monsters breaking into the territory of the swamp crocodile.

Therefore, there is only one kind of monster that everyone should pay attention to at present, and that is the mire crocodile that is trapped on the edge of the quagmire.

And just when the people of the Zuo family entered the ruins and carefully passed through the edge of the quagmire, at the entrance of the ruins, a very special group of casual cultivators entered at this time. There are more than 50 people.

The two Daoists, a man and a woman, could be recognized at a glance if Qin Lang was there. These two casual cultivators are Liao Hua, the ghost hand, and Kong Li, the enchantress with thousands of faces.

This team of more than 50 casual cultivators are all ghost cultivators!However, their auras have been disguised, and now the surrounding monks can't detect the evil spirit on them at all.

"Senior brother, it has been confirmed that the kid has entered this Wushuang ruins. I just saw it secretly. This kid has mixed into the team of the Zuo family, a local power in Wushuang city."

At this time, the Bewitched Girl with Thousand Faces in the team reported to Liao Huahui, the ghost hand.

"It doesn't matter, this time I came here to catch this kid. It is a good opportunity to enter the Wushuang Ruins... Now I use the secret method to suppress my cultivation to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, so I should be able to enter the Wushuang Ruins! But after entering the ruins, I can't It is not a small restriction to use the strength beyond the middle stage of Nascent Soul. But even so, it will be easy to take down that kid by then."

Liao Hua, the ghost hand in the late Yuanying period, actually had a way to enter the Wushuang ruins, that is, to use secret techniques to suppress his own cultivation and limit his cultivation to the level of the mid-Yuanying period, so that he could enter through the barrier of the Wushuang ruins.

It seemed that the group of ghost cultivators in front of them had also made up their minds to take down Qin Lang, and they did not hesitate to spend a lot of energy and cost to chase into the Wushuang ruins.

"This time everyone's mission is to search for our mission target, that rogue cultivator kid Qin Lang is the main...Of course, if we encounter any treasures or lone cultivators who are alone in the process of searching the ruins, we must not let them go! Otherwise, I'm sorry for the huge entrance fee of more than 1000 million spirit stones. After all, our organization's financial resources are limited, and now that we have entered the venue, we must at least recover the funds invested."

"Hmph... there is a senior brother coming out this time, my mother will see how that kid can escape!"

Thousand Faces Bewitching Fairy was deflated several times in Qin Lang's hands, and now she has serious resentment. She vowed that if she caught Qin Lang, she would torture this little enemy to death.

Needless to say, after that, under the leadership of the ghost hand Liao Hua, this group of more than 50 ghost cultivators also entered the enchantment barrier of the Wushuang Ruins. They were scattered all over the ruins in the southeast, northwest, and did not gather together.

After all, this group of ghost cultivators were not as prepared as the local forces in Wushuang City.

However, this is actually the intention of Liao Hua, the ghost hand. Only when his subordinates are dispersed can he search the location of the mission target at the fastest speed. After all, the biggest purpose of this group of ghost cultivators entering the ruins is for Qin Lang come.

Only by catching this kid, killing this kid, and getting the psychedelic mist heart from this kid, can this group of ghost cultivators troubled for more than half a year to solve a major event, which is to resurrect the Yin Demon and let the underground Yin Demon Completely lifted the ban from the underground of Green Willow City and came back to see the light of day again.

The resurrection of the underground yin demon is also the most important part of a series of subversive plans by Yao Dongwen, the largest boss of the Western Desert Ghost Cultivation Organization. However, this old ghost was seriously injured many years ago and has been staying in a secret place to recuperate. Otherwise, he might come out to deal with this in person. One more thing.

Qin Lang doesn't know about the fact that the ghost cultivator forces headed by the ghost hand Liao Hua entered the ruins to track him, but even if he knew about it, he would still enter the Wushuang ruins. After all, the opening of the Wushuang ruins is a once-in-a-thousand-year event in the Western Desert. , there is a saying that people die for money, and birds die for food. If Qin Lang can get some good things from the ruins, then Qin Lang will not be in vain.

After all, the Wushuang ruins are more high-end than any ruins that Qin Lang has explored before. Since the remains of monks in the transformation stage have been found here, there are likely to be a large number of higher-level treasures, let alone the unknown treasures. In the stage of cultivation, I am afraid that even the cultivators in the stage of transforming gods may be tempted.

However, the upper limit of access to this ruins is the mid-Yuanying monks, otherwise, at this moment, even the few old monsters in the Qinghe Continent who have not been seen for thousands of years may have come to get involved.

At this moment, Qin Lang followed the Zuo family's team and passed through the edge of the quagmire with difficulty. Why is it difficult to pass?Because during this process, in addition to the team of the Zuo family, many rogue cultivators also teleported to this area. Occasionally, a rogue cultivator accidentally stepped on a "land mine" and was attacked by a swamp crocodile, which caused local riots. You must know that this scene During the turmoil, not only the casual cultivator himself was harmed, but even other cultivators around him might be affected.

That situation is no different from a rat droppings spoiling a pot of soup. The swamp crocodile itself is a monster with a strong sense of territory. If it detects that a monk is invading its territory, it will basically be in a situation of endless death.

And the monks fighting with the swamp crocodile in this quagmire will definitely be tied up in all aspects. Even the leaders of the Zuo family in the mid-Yuanying period will feel headaches, not to mention that most of these casual cultivators who are alone are likely to capsize directly.

(End of this chapter)

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