The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1568 The Undead Grass

Chapter 1568 The Undead Grass

Suddenly, there was a huge noise in front of him, as if a group of loose cultivators were fighting for something.

The leader of the Zuo family's eyes lit up, he waved his hand and said, "Let's go and have a look."

The nearly [-] people from Zuo's family rushed to the gathering place of casual cultivators where there was a huge noise.

Seeing the two or three hundred people from Zuo's family rushing over, many casual cultivators in that area immediately felt bitter. These casual cultivators could not offend the large group of family monks in front of them, so they all evacuated from this place.

At this time, the center of the battle was exposed. It was a dozen casual cultivators in the late stage of alchemy who were fighting for a green spiritual grass.

"Immortal Grass!"

The leader of the Zuo family exclaimed, even a monk in the middle stage of Yuanying couldn't help the excitement in his heart at this moment.Although Undying Grass is only a middle-grade spiritual material, this kind of middle-grade spiritual material is almost more attractive to many monks than some high-grade spiritual materials.

Why do you say that?
Because Immortal Grass is the main material for refining a kind of elixir that can increase longevity, "Shouyuan Pill". The yuan is not much, about three to five years, but for those monks whose lifespan is approaching, this is undoubtedly a very good means of prolonging life.

Think about it, if a monk feels that his lifespan is approaching, but his cultivation still cannot suddenly reach a higher level, then it is very necessary to use some means of prolonging his lifespan.

A panacea that can increase lifespan like "Shouyuan Pill" is a good choice. Although a pill can only prolong life for three to five years, if within these three to five years, if the cultivation level If there is a sudden breakthrough, then the benefits are simply unimaginable.

What's more, one Undying Grass can refine about two Shouyuan Pills, which is six to ten years of lifespan. This is really attractive to most of the monks present. I am afraid that even if it is a top-grade magic weapon In front of the Undead Grass, it was nothing more than that, so could it be that these casual cultivators were fighting endlessly for the Undying Grass just now.

At this time, the leader of the Zuo family's Yuanying middle stage has already surrounded the whole scene by the clansmen. The leader named Zuo Tianqi is an old man with gray hair and beard, and he looks like his life is coming to an end.

In the realm of comprehension, the lifespan of a cultivator in the foundation-building stage is generally three to 500 years, the lifespan of a cultivator in the foundation stage is about 800 to 1000 years, and the lifespan of a cultivator in the Yuanying stage is generally no more than two to 3000 years. The old guy also felt jealous of the spirit grass that increased his lifespan.

Although refining this plant of immortal grass into Shouyuan Pill will add ten years of life span at most, for Zuo Tianqi, an old guy who has lived for more than 2000 years, it is also a chicken rib like mosquito meat, but he can live for ten more years. No one will easily give up the rare opportunity in front of them.

Basically, the desire for longevity is also human nature, and most monks persevere in cultivation with only one make themselves live longer.

Therefore, in the eyes of Zuo Tianqi, the undead grass in front of him is definitely in the pocket of the Zuo family. He has led the Zuo family to surround the group of more than a dozen fighting casual cultivators in front of him. In terms of numbers or strength, they absolutely beat the casual cultivators in front of them.

In fact, the same is true. After being surrounded by the Zuo family, the group of casual cultivators in front of them all gave up and continued to fight. Now the fight is completely meaningless, so everyone dispersed.

Fortunately, although the Zuo family acted very strong and arrogant, they were upright and did not have the habit of beheading the people in front of them. Therefore, the Zuo family's goal was only the undead grass. Tian Qi didn't care at all.

And at this time, the casual cultivator who was in the late stage of alchemy had no choice but to compromise under the strong pressure of the Zuo family, and carefully approached Zuo Tianqi with the immortal grass: "This... this..."

This casual cultivator seemed a little reconciled when he thought that he had to hand over such natural and earthly treasures, but the situation in front of him forced him to bow his head.

"Here you are, the Zuo family bought this immortal grass."

Zuo Tianqi tossed a money bag, which looked like about [-] to [-] spirit stones. Although the spirit stones were used to buy the elixir of undead grass, it seemed a little less, but after the casual cultivator received the money bag, The ugly look on the face is obviously much better.

After all, it is a family power, even if it wants to swallow the good things in the hands of casual cultivators, the food will not be too ugly. If it is a casual cultivator encountering a battle between casual cultivators, I am afraid that I will not encounter such a good thing at all. Even if you lose your life, you may not be able to keep the treasure.

In the final analysis, the arrival of people from the Zuo family actually helped this casual cultivator out of the siege. After all, he was surrounded by more than a dozen casual cultivators of the same cultivation level, and he couldn't escape at all. In such a situation, he would definitely not be able to protect himself The "Immortal Grass" just obtained.

Honestly handed in the "undead grass", this rogue cultivator was about to leave with his money bag, but Zuo Tianqi stopped him: "By the way, this swamp area does not seem to be an environment for growing undead grass, your immortal plant Where did the grass come from?"


The casual cultivator seemed very hesitant, obviously not wanting to disclose the specific address where he picked the undead grass.

"Tell me, there will be rewards in the future."

Zuo Tianqi saw the hesitation of Sanxiu, so he continued.

"There is a valley about a dozen miles away from this swamp area. After I picked the undead grass, I was chased and killed by that group of casual cultivators just now, and I fled here all the way."

Thinking of the situation of being chased and killed just now, this casual cultivator couldn't help but look a little depressed. If it wasn't like this, this immortal grass would have been in his pocket long ago.

Fortunately, I didn't get this thing now, and the group of casual cultivators who chased me didn't get it either. Instead, they were taken advantage of by the Zuo family who welcomed me. It can be regarded as explaining the past.

"A valley? Where exactly..."

Zuo Tianqi seemed very eager to know the place where the "immortal grass" grew. After all, if he knew the location, he would lead his tribe to search, and it was very likely that he would find a new "immortal grass" again.


The casual cultivator pointed to the direction, then drew a picture on the ground, and gave the specific coordinates of the valley where the undead grass was found to the Zuo family.

After saying this, the casual cultivator did not leave, but waited impatiently for the reward that Zuo Tianqi promised just now, but Zuo Tianqi was in a good mood, but this time he only threw [-] spirit stones to the Sanxiu: "Go away! These are your rewards."

The news that [-] spirit stones were sold, even this casual cultivator felt that the reward was a bit low, this... the leader of the Zuo family in front of him is too stingy.

However, although he was full of slander in his heart, there was no dissatisfaction on his face, because he knew that in the eyes of the leader of the Zuo family in front of him, he was just an inconspicuous existence, and it was because he didn't threaten the other party that he let him go easily. If it made Zuo Tianqi unhappy, maybe he would be hacked by someone at that time, and he would have no place to reason.

After dismissing the rogue cultivator, Zuo Tianqi decided to lead his tribe to the valley where the undead grass was said to grow, to see if he could get another one or two by chance.

Although the undead grass is a kind of spiritual grass that depends entirely on luck, but now that the Zuo family knows the exact location where the undead grass grows, Zuo Tianqi will not be reconciled if he doesn't go and look for it. of.

This is not dead grass!
The rarity of this kind of elixir is not much higher than that of some high-grade elixir, and it is usually not seen in auctions. No matter which monk gets this kind of treasure, it will be kept for himself. Only a fool would put it up for auction.

Therefore, after Zuo Tianqi, who was near his birthday, got the news of the undead grass, he had already put the valley where the undead grass grew in the first place in front of him, and he no longer had the heart to search for treasures in other places.

And just when the Zuo family decided to go to the valley where the undead grass grew, Qin Lang also bid farewell to Zuo Tao at this time. Although Qin Lang was somewhat interested in the undead grass, he was not urgent. A monk who is close to Yuan.

What's more, if you go to the valley where the undead grass grows to collect the undead grass, you will not get any benefits if you follow it. Even if you pick the undead grass, it is estimated that the jealous Zuo Tianqi will try his best to snatch it. Although the appearance is not ugly, Corresponding rewards will be given, but now Qin Lang is not very interested in Lingshi.

Therefore, Qin Lang decided to go it alone recently, so he bid farewell to the exploration team of the Zuo family.

After Zuo Tao got the news that Qin Lang wanted to leave, he also expressed regret, but there was nothing he could do. After all, although he had a certain status in the team of the Zuo family, in fact Zuo Tianqi had the strongest voice. If Qin Lang Continuing to stay in Zuo's team, he actually didn't get much benefit for Qin Lang.

"Fellow Daoist Qin Lang, you need to be more careful when searching for the ruins alone. After all, the danger in the ruins comes not only from the ruins themselves, but also from a large number of casual cultivators who are jealous of treasures."

When Qin Lang was about to leave, Zuo Tao reminded him in a low voice.

"Well, I know, I wish you to find more treasures."

Qin Lang cupped his hands and said goodbye.

As for Qin Lang's departure from the Zuo family, it seems undeniable. Although Qin Lang seems to be a monk in the mid-Yuanying period, there are currently two or three hundred people from the Zuo family who have entered the ruins, and seven of them are above the Yuanying period.

The leader Zuo Tianqi himself is in the middle stage of Yuanying, and this kind of power is enough to sweep away most of the troubles encountered in the ruins, so the clansmen of the Zuo family in the ruins don't care about Qin Lang's combat power.

Qin Lang stopped and watched the Zuo family members heading towards the valley where the undead grass grew, but after he laughed, he changed the direction and left here in the opposite direction.

(End of this chapter)

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