Chapter 1569
At this time, there was a huge roar in the distance, which also aroused Qin Lang's curiosity, not knowing what happened in front of him.

At this time, Qin Lang leaned over to take a look, and there were four or five hundred casual cultivators gathered in this dark area, no... not all casual cultivators, one or two hundred, I don't know if it is the family power in Wushuang City, which is currently surrounding the center Formed a formation.

"Could it be that the monks of this family discovered some treasure this time, and instead they were surrounded by a large number of casual cultivators?"

Just when Qin Lang was thinking about it, he suddenly felt something was wrong. He got closer at this time, and finally saw clearly that the one or two hundred members of the family power were not surrounded by casual cultivators, but trapped in a formation a huge object.

This object was trapped in the very center, about two or three feet high, covered with incomparably pure evil spirit, like a huge black giant... This is actually a ghost!And it's a high-level ghost!
Shagui is also the collective name for ghosts above the Nascent Soul stage. After a high-level ghost has developed a spiritual intelligence, it is almost possible to become a ghost king... The ghost king in the cultivation world is very powerful, and there is another name for that thing, Yin Demon.

That's right, the ghost king is a yin demon, equivalent to the existence of a human monk above the stage of transformation into a god!
However, the evil ghost in front of me is not a ghost king, but an incomplete ghost king. Its strength is about the seventh level, which is about the same as a Dzogchen monk in the late stage of alchemy, and may even be a little stronger.

The number [-] family monks in front of me are very powerful. Although the number is not as large as that of the Zuo family, there are actually nine Nascent Soul stage and above, which is more than the Nascent Soul stage strongmen who entered the secret realm of the Zuo family. It is also a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Qin Lang got closer at this time, and found that the casual cultivators on the periphery were talking a lot. It turned out that the Ma family, another one of the three major families in Wushuang City, formed an formation in the center to surround the evil spirit.

"Friends passing by, please help us deal with this seventh-level evil ghost... As long as the Ma family successfully solves this evil ghost and obtains the evil core, the Ma family will reward all casual cultivators who have made a move at the scene, and Ma Gan promises that everyone will guarantee At least 100 spirit stones, the more you contribute, the more rewards, if you can work together to kill the evil spirits, the few who contribute the most with [-] million spirit stones will be fine."

The leader of the Ma family standing at the eye of the formation shouted.

After listening to Ma Gan's promise, Qin Lang also knew why there were so many rogue cultivators around here. A large number of rogue cultivators were gathered under the generous reward offered by the Ma family. what?You know, this is equivalent to the existence of Dzogchen in the late Nascent Soul.

The evil ghost in front of him has not yet fully achieved the body of a ghost king, so his intelligence is a little confused, and he is not as good as a normal human monk of the same level. at a disadvantage.

And the formation formed by the Ma family members is also very delicate, it should be a very good middle-level formation, but the disadvantage is that the defense is sufficient, but the attack ability is slightly insufficient, so after fighting for so long, they have been suppressing the seven Tier Shagui, but was unable to kill it in one fell swoop.

However, although the attack power of the Ma family formation is insufficient, they have prepared a lot of explosives similar to Tianleizi, which are very powerful.

The thunderous explosions that Qin Lang heard in the distance just now were caused by the constant throwing of such explosives similar to thunderbolts by the Ma family members.

The Ma family members have been forming an formation to attack the seventh-level evil spirits for a while, throwing at least dozens of explosives similar to Tianleizi, but the seventh-level evil spirits in front of them are too strong, almost only a short distance away from the stage of Huashen First line, so this large amount of explosives exploded on the body, but it was no different from setting off firecrackers.

After so many attacks on the evil ghost, the body's evil energy was only slightly dispersed, and not a single hair was injured.

However, it is not easy for this seventh-level evil spirit to break out of the encirclement.

Originally, its strength far exceeds that of all the monks in front of it. If it is sane, it can break through the encirclement with its own strength as long as it accepts a single point in the attack formation. It is a ghost, so whichever side attacks it the most, it will turn to bite whichever side.

This kind of aimless attack also made this seventh-level evil spirit always in the center of the Ma family's formation and became a target.

However, under this series of attacks, the Ma family members also felt quite exhausted, and gradually felt that they were a little powerless against this fierce guy who was surrounded, so they also had the idea of ​​recruiting casual cultivators who came from nearby to help out.

At this time, several members of the Ma family broke away from the formation at the center. These were all at the Nascent Soul stage. The Ma family who have fought for so long.

The members of the Nascent Soul Stage Ma family chose all casual cultivators who were onlookers and above the late stage of alchemy. While guiding these casual cultivators to set up the formation, they promised: "The casual cultivators who participate in the formation, regardless of whether they succeed or not this time, will do so afterwards. Everyone can get a reward of 20. Of course, if the Ma family finally kills the evil ghost and gets the evil core, all rewards will be doubled!"

The return of 20 spirit stones is still very attractive to these casual cultivators in the late stage of alchemy. If they are outside the Wushuang Ruins, these casual cultivators may not be able to earn so much in a few months Lingshi, and now it only takes one shot to get such a generous return, it feels very good.

Of course, if they could kill the evil ghost, then those formations would be able to get 40 spirit stones in return.

After all, these casual cultivators are not like Qin Lang. Each of them has a strong ability to refine alchemy and can earn extra money. Usually, some ordinary jobs do not earn many spirit stones, but those who can earn a lot of spirit stones Opportunities, however, require certain risks. For example, this adventure into the Peerless Ruins is also a risk and an opportunity for these casual cultivators in front of them.

Several members of the Nascent Soul stage Ma family selected more than 200 loose cultivators in the late stage of alchemy as the skeleton of the new formation, and at this time, the number of casual cultivators who came to this area one after another has reached almost [-].

When a member of the Ma family in the Nascent Soul stage was choosing a scattered formation, he suddenly noticed Qin Lang, and his eyes lit up: "This fellow Taoist, I don't know whether his cultivation is in the early or middle stage of the Nascent Soul, please help me to be the formation of this formation." Let's see! How about the Ma family's promise to give fellow Taoists 100 million spirit stones in return?"

It turned out that the Ma family saw that the aura of Qin Lang's force field did not seem to be at the alchemy stage at all, so he immediately judged that Qin Lang was a casual cultivator above the Nascent Soul stage, so he immediately wooed him.

"No, thank you fellow daoist for your kindness, I just came to watch the excitement."

Qin Lang talked and responded, his figure floated, and he was a little further away from the newly arranged continent in front of him.

Seeing Qin Lang's refusal, this member of the Nascent Soul Stage Ma family showed a gleam of anger in his eyes, but immediately concealed it very well. At this time, he saw a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage in the loose cultivator team, so he turned to He went to recruit another Nascent Soul stage casual cultivator.

And that casual cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage couldn't resist the amount of reward given by the Ma family members, and became the centerpiece of this large formation completely newly arranged by casual cultivators.


After the new formation was set up, the horse Gan in the eyes of the formation formation of the Ma family members yelled, and led the clansmen to get out, letting these casual cultivators continue to suppress the evil spirit in front of them.

At this time, the pressure was relieved, and the horse tribe began to take pills one after another, and carried out intense breath adjustment and recovery, because there was still a more intense battle waiting for them.


At this moment, the evil ghost went crazy for some reason. After being surrounded by the formation of loose cultivators, the strength and frequency of his attacks suddenly increased. Several black claw shadows directly penetrated the chest and tore it in half.

And when this casual cultivator died in the late stage of alchemy, a piece of the entire formation was suddenly missing. The evil ghost seemed to have become smarter at this time, and he has been launching a fierce offensive towards this gap. The big formation was suddenly in jeopardy.

"Not good! The big formation formed by scattered cultivators looks like it's about to collapse!"

Ma Gan, the leader of the Ma family, exclaimed. He also didn't expect that these casual cultivators would not be able to stand up to one round if they didn't help. In terms of mutual cooperation, they are completely different from the Ma family members.

However, it's no wonder that although the strength and cultivation base of these casual cultivators in front of them are not much weaker than those of the Ma family, they have always been individuals who are used to being alone, and their teamwork with each other is really not as good as these family cultivators. Therefore, after a gap appeared in the formation formed by casual cultivators, the other casual cultivators who formed the formation didn't know how to adapt, and moved from the gap to other places, so they fell into such a predicament.

"Ah ah ah..."

At this time, there were three consecutive beeps, and three more casual cultivators who formed a formation fell. Under the shadow of the evil ghost's claws, which is equivalent to the Great Perfection in the late Yuanying period, basically no monk can survive a blow.

In fact, if the formation in front of him was not still in operation, the evil ghost could almost explode all the casual cultivators that formed the large formation.

Three rogue cultivators fell one after another, and all the rogue cultivators who had set up the formation became flustered.

It is true that the Ma family offered a high reward for killing the evil ghost, but they also had to live to get the money. It would not be worth it to lose their lives for hundreds of thousands of spirit stones.

When Ma Gan saw this, he also sighed helplessly: After all, he is a casual cultivator, and he cannot compare to the concerted efforts of his own people.

With the current situation, it seems that the possibility of his Ma family being able to kill the evil ghost has dropped to less than [-]%. If he didn't have a powerful trump card in hand, he would almost give up this seemingly impossible task. .

(End of this chapter)

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