The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1570 The Evil Ghost Escapes

Chapter 1570 The Evil Ghost Escapes
And Qin Lang and other outside casual cultivators who watched the excitement saw such a tragedy in front of them, they were all secretly startled, and unconsciously kept away from the battlefield one by one, for fear that the evil spirit would suddenly break out and hurt themselves.

There is no way, this seventh-level evil spirit really deserves its reputation, and it is a bit more powerful than expected.

Didn't you see that the Ma family, one of the largest family forces in Wushuang City, couldn't deal with so many casual cultivators at the scene?

There are probably more than 400 people besieging this evil ghost in front of us. The evil ghost has been fine until now, but the Ma family directly lost a few.

Fortunately, the damaged ones were all casual cultivators. Although some of the one or two hundred members of the Ma family were slightly injured, it didn't matter much, which meant that the Ma family's combat effectiveness was still there.

But at this time, seeing that the casual cultivator's formation was gradually unable to stop the evil spirit in front of him, Ma Gan shouted: "Friends of casual cultivators, hold on for a while! Our Ma family will immediately provide support..."

The roar began to arrange formations with the clansmen who had recovered for a while, and at the same time, a set of strange treasures was taken out by Ma Gan.

"It's the Magic Treasure House!"

As soon as this strange treasure was taken out, many casual cultivators in front of them all exclaimed in surprise. They never expected that the Wushuangcheng family has such a strong background, and the Ma family actually has such a treasure as the magic treasure house.

You must know that the magic treasure house is not owned by ordinary monks. Even ordinary monks in the late Nascent Soul stage have only heard about this top-quality magic weapon, but have never actually seen it. Now Ma Gan can take out a magic treasure house-level treasure. It really surprised the casual cultivators present.

And when Ma Gan took out this magic treasure, which was shaped like a ball of cow dung, he heard the exclamation of the casual cultivators present, and felt a little proud in his heart.

This magic house in the shape of cow dung is called Maji. It is an unrefined magic house, but it is not owned by Ma Gan, but it was obtained by chance by the ancestors of the Ma family in the late Yuanying period. This time, before the Ma family members entered the ruins , the ancestors lent it to Ma Gan for use.

And as soon as this magic house was released, the casual cultivators around knew why Ma Gan had the confidence to encircle and suppress the seventh-level evil spirits.

Because the magic house can greatly increase the fighting ability of the owner monk, after Ma Gan, a middle-stage Nascent Soul monk who owns the magic house, uses this magic house, his combat power can be improved by one or two realms, reaching the level of the late Nascent Soul or even Dzogchen , basically the same strength as the seventh-order ghosts in the encirclement.

In this case, relying on a large number of monks to form a formation to trap the evil ghost, Ma Gan will use the magic weapon Wu Maji to launch a sneak attack on the evil ghost at this time, and it is very likely to kill this extremely powerful evil ghost with one blow.

After all, after being besieged and killed by more than 400 monks at the scene for so long, no matter how powerful this seventh-level evil spirit is, there will always be some consumption of the body after fighting for so long, isn't it? a lot of.

And seeing Ma Gan take out such an incomplete magic house, the nearly two hundred casual cultivators who were about to be broken through by the evil ghost finally regained some energy at this time, and swept away the previous decadence and evasion. Heart, began to actively narrow the encirclement, making the loopholes in the formation smaller.

"Good job!"

Ma Gan yelled, and started to use Maji's magic weapon. Maji's cow dung-like magic weapon house was suspended in the air and became bigger and bigger, suddenly becoming the size of a small mountain.

Moreover, as the figure enlarged, countless black brown hairs began to grow from the inside of the magic treasure house, turning the magic treasure house into a mass of thorny cow dung.

"go with!"

Ma Gan waved his hand, and the magic weapon in the air directly hit the seventh-level ghost, and at the same time, a large number of black brown hairs fell from the magic weapon house, and shot at the seventh-level ghost like a rain of arrows.

Qin Lang was also surprised when he saw this. The attack method of this magic treasure room is very unique, it is actually a double form of attack, and now this magic treasure room is just an unfinished magic treasure room. If it is completely refined, it will definitely be powerful and means are more powerful.

boom!The evil ghost surrounded by the center of the formation sensed the powerful momentum of the Magic Treasure House in the air at this time, and knew that the situation was not good, but now it was trapped by the formation, basically had no way to escape, and was directly attacked The magic weapon house that came was hit hard.

And when a large number of arrow rains fell, they actually directly penetrated its defenses and pierced into its body, and even one of its eyes was shot out by the fine brown hair arrow rain.


The wounded evil ghost suddenly went berserk, and the fighting frequency became faster, and the inner formation made up of loose cultivators finally couldn't hold the pressure and collapsed. At one time, more than twenty casual cultivators sacrificed on the ground at the same time. Under the shadow of the ghost's claws.

With so many monks dying at the same time, a large amount of blood mist appeared in the area, and the seventh-level evil spirit showered in the blood mist roared again, with an expression of excitement and madness. At this time, the blood mist was sucked into the body like a long whale sucking water.

"Not good! These blood mist can speed up the self-healing ability of evil spirits..."

At this time, the sharp-eyed casual cultivator saw that after the ghost sucked the blood mist, some of the injuries on his body began to recover quickly, and there was even a black mass of new flesh appearing in the eye socket that exploded. I believe that after a while It can become the eyes of the ghost again.

After the formation of casual cultivators collapsed, the members of the Ma family formed a formation to take over again, and once again surrounded the evil spirits. The Ma family members were no better than casual cultivators, and their cooperation with each other was very subtle. The entire formation was defended like an iron bucket.

At this time, Ma Gan in the center of the formation eye is manipulating the magic weapon house Maji to attack the evil spirit. The magic weapon house in his hand is an unrefined product, so it can only be used to smash people like ordinary magic weapons. It does not allow people to enter the magic house for micromanagement, so the attack effect may be a little weaker than that of ordinary magic houses.

However, with the assistance of the formation composed of members of the Arima family, the range of movement of the evil ghost is greatly restricted. In this short period of less than a stick of incense, it has been hit by the magic weapon house more than ten times in a row. The injury is also getting bigger and bigger, and it seems that it is gradually unable to hold on.

Seeing that it was about to be unable to hold on anymore, at this time the seventh-level evil spirit began to prepare to amplify its moves. It suddenly raised its head and let out a huge and powerful roar similar to the roar of a Buddhist lion.

The roar was earth-shattering and had a strong dizzying effect. The Ma family members who were in the formation were the first to bear the brunt. About half of the members of the clan with weaker cultivation bases had their eyes blank for a second, and this second of sluggishness also caused the entire Dalai Lama to panic. There was a brief stagnation.

"not good!"

Ma Ganxiu, who is in the center of the formation, is in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and is much more resistant to the dizzy effect of the roar. At this time, seeing the entire formation appear to be stagnant, he quickly exerted all his strength to manipulate the magic house to the Sha once again. The ghost launched the impact.

However, what I didn't expect was that this evil spirit didn't dodge or evade, and fought hard with serious injuries, directly killing two Ma family members with dull eyes in front of him, and then split his body into two halves, one half remained in the Within the mainland, half of them broke through through the gap in the formation.

Has the ghost escaped?
Almost all the monks present thought so, and the remaining half of the ghost's body was still surrounded by the big formation. At this time, the eyes of the Ma family members who had been dizzy just now regained their clarity, and they started to run the big formation again. Formation, shift the gap that was just exposed in time.

And the remaining half of the evil ghost's body was once again surrounded, and there was no possibility of escape. After all, the fighting power of the evil ghost with only half of its body has also dropped by half, which may only be equivalent to the level of a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul , was directly killed by Ma Gan using the magic weapon house.

After killing the evil spirit, the half-body evil spirit directly turned into a cloud of pure evil spirit and dispersed, and was absorbed most of it by the Ma family members with the ruby ​​bottle. After all, this extremely pure evil spirit Sha Qi is also a very good auxiliary material, but this thing seems to be more helpful to ghost monks.

After Ma Gan killed the evil ghost, he immediately entered the center of the formation and began to explore. He obtained a small half of the black evil core from where the evil ghost's body disappeared. Lost, the price is only the loss of half of the body and part of the evil core.

split evil core...

It seems that this evil ghost is not only cruel to the monks in front of him, but also to himself. After using the split evil core to escape this time, the evil ghost directly lost a small half of his strength. It will not take hundreds of years to fully recover. impossible.

After all, for evil spirits, evil cores are the core of their bodies. As long as the cores are present, their strength will remain unaffected.

And even why the evil ghost escaped in the form of splitting the evil core before, it is probably because he felt that he could not resist the lingering attacks of the magic house of Ma Gan, and had to cut off his wrists. Much worse.

But it can buy a few seconds of escape time for its main body. This evil spirit with a somewhat dull head... It's rare that his mind also came to light once when his life was in crisis.

The seventh-level evil ghost can be regarded as being killed by the Ma family once, or it can be said to have escaped, and the Ma family paid some price, and what they got was a small half of the evil core. The evil core of this seventh-level evil ghost is the top refining Otherwise, Ma Gan would not have paid such a high price this time, and offered a reward for the casual cultivators on the scene to join this battle.

After getting this small half of the evil core, Ma Gan's heart seemed a bit complicated. He wanted to continue chasing the evil ghost, but the evil ghost fled towards the quagmire. It doesn't have much impact, but the large number of people under his hand may not be able to pass.

After all, the crisis in the quagmire is serious. Not to mention a large number of fifth-order swamp crocodiles in the edge area, there are other powerful monsters in the center area that even they can't afford to provoke.

Therefore, the quagmire area is a death zone for the entire Ma family. Ma Gan felt that it was completely irrational for him to bring his people into the quagmire area and continue chasing the damaged ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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